
Presents from Emma

Alright, the last way we did this was a bit confusing. Seems that I didn't specify the answers in email or comment format. Let's do this again and bump it up a notch, since I wan't everybody to participate without feeling like reading somebody elses answers WERE the answers. But damn, blondie kicks some ass on getting those answers in right away :)

Gotta love a girl that loves competition...

So, we're doing this over... because damn I really want everybody to have a fair shake in playing. Yes Blondie, Gigi and Eddie... you have to play again. Think of it as having a second chance or a warm up. *cheese*

Capt'n Scumbag, you pretty fairly nailed all the answers. So I had to make it more challenging for you apparently.

The EMMA X-MAS Quiz works this way:

I've decided that I want to get all of my barstool buddies gifts, but holy hell the shipping would be monsterous... futhermore, most of you would have guilt that I got you a gift.... Seriously, I can't help it... I like to give to people. It's another one of my curses.

SO, here's what we're gonna do... A TEST. LOL.

Whoever wants to play answers these questions below, if you get all of them right... you get a special Xmas gift from yours truly. Sounds fun, doesn't it? And to add to the excitement... the gift will be custom tailored to you specifically!


The answers to these questions can be either found in the blog itself (in the archives or current stuff). Those that have been reading me for a while may know the answers already, BUT this is all about competition and treasure hunting... I promise it will totally be worth it.

Email them to me. That way there will be no confusion whatsoever, and just to ensure there is no cheating... If necessary I will post your answers when I award the winner.
If there is a tie... there will be a tie-breaking round.

As a disclaimer, please do not participate unless you actually want me to have your shipping address... got it? good.

Good rhymes with hood. tee hee.

I need a good fucking here people seriously.

1. What's my birthday... and I want a year too. so the correct formula would be ___/___/19__.
2. Who was I born to?

3. It would be way too easy to ask you where I was born, so I'll ask instead this question:

Sure, I was born in the City of Angels, but there's a community/suburb of that area that begins with a 'T'... Guess that suburb and you'll have the area hospital that Emma first wailed like a champ. If you really want the prize, its not so hard to answer this question, really.

4. Which 3 dance classes did my wonderful mother enroll me in?

5. Why can't I write about ass sex during Christmas time? I want specific artists here people, not a general answer... throw in the album and you'll get a bonus.

6. If I had been born a boy, what would my name have been? And why do you think that would have been my name (hint: named after somebody)?

7. What's my favorite mud wrestling color?

8. Name three songs on my strip-set, and the one that's your favorite?

9. Which fruit is my favorite snack?

**10. BONUS Question: If you get this question, I'll double the gift and make it extra-extra special. I have a tattoo on my arm... what is it specifically?

11. In the story 'Dont Ask, Don't Tell; is the character in love with a corporal or a private?
I love privates myself... always have, always will.

12. Name my number one favorite thing to do?

13. What does the store front say that I really want to shop at?

14. How old was I when I lost my virginity?

15. What specifically do you rub on a man to give him mangasms?

16. Does Red own a BMW 6 series?

17. How many women do I think I married the last time I was in Vegas?

18. I category three types of men in my blog, what are the three classifications of men?

19. What's the date of my very first blog post ever?

***20. Bonus question (same rules as above apply) - I also have a tatto on my lower back. Can you tell me what it says?

Good Luck people! Testing will end on Monday evening. Jesse will keep tally for us and announce the winner Tuesday morning.


Blogger DZER said...

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6:35 PM, December 03, 2005  

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