Under Pressure
dum dum dum dum dada dum dum.
See, now I love that song... why did Vanilla Ice have to go and ruin it? Now I don't know whether to start with my Freddy Mercury voice or clammor 'Alright stop... collaborate and listen...'
Damn those catchy rifs.

dum dum dum dum dada dumdum.
So Im thinking Christmas shopping, dinner, music, fire, wine, strawberries.... bed. Hell, even if we don't make it to the bed I'll settle for the carpet. Mmmmm rug burns, nice!
Okay.. on to bigger and better things. I've decided that I want to get all of my barstool buddies gifts, but holy hell the shipping would be monsterous... futhermore, most of you would have guilt that I got you a gift.... Seriously, I can't help it... I like to give to people. It's another one of my curses.
SO, here's what we're gonna do... A TEST. LOL. Whoever wants to play answers these questions below, if you get all of them right... you get a special Xmas gift from yours truly. Sounds fun, doesn't it? And to add to the excitement... the gift will be custom tailored to you specifically! As a disclaimer, please do not participate unless you actually want me to have your shipping address... got it? good.
Good rhymes with hood. tee hee. I need a good fucking here people seriously.
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