TG to da FFF

So, are we all making it to Friday okay?
Some more than others?
Ask yourself, are you ready for the weekend?
Because it's upon us whether you like or not.
The weekend for me dictates Christmas shopping.
I have yet to do it...
I know, I know.
Normally I don't procrastinate this much but my 'other' workload is hefty and it feels strange to flip-flop sometimes.
What's a flip-flop?
No buttah, not the SHOE. But technically, is a flipflop really a shoe per se?
Anyway.. The Flip flopping, and what it is:
Dude, I have kids... And a normal life sometimes... Remember? LOL.
A Flip-Flop is a term alternate lifestyler's and swingers use. To do a total role reversal at the drop of a hat, no matter what. Sometimes even emotionally. Sure we're highly sexual beings, but at the same time we're respectable business people (some leaders), and mommies and daddies.
It takes some hard core practice, but those familiar speak up... Because I give you mad props... It's hard shit.
Still unsure of a Flip-Flop... hmmm.
Case in point,
and these next topics are meant to humor you... Please don't tell me I need a vacation after reading these! This is every day life for me people, so a vacation could potentially undo every brick I've worked to stonewall my sanity. LOL.
Got it? *laughing my ass off*<>
Okay, situations in which Flip-flopping ability is tested on a red-line basis:
1. Imagine writing hard core porn while listening to *Edited for EMma quiz*
2. Doing a Strap-on review and helping my kid with homework.
Stop with the thoughts that I'm wearing a strap on with a pencil clutched between my teeth, flogging my kid if he gets the wrong answer.
That's disturbing... And you need help.
Meaning: I just spent a better part of the afternoon trying on different apparatus; some I was (uhh) used to some I was not. Sure, I learn new things at my favorite little sex shops, they know me on a first name basis... Surprised? Of course not.
Sometimes when I come home after researching a certain product and I feel I just have to get it down on paper... Or lap top... My son comes over and needs help with his homework.
My kid comes first, always. always. I don't care if I have a super-awesome thought evolving in my brain... it goes on hold for my kids. Tucked away.

And try to remember how to divide fractions... While measurements and diameters of DONGS still scurry in the back of your mind...
Uhhh... No. What was the article about again???
3. Reading Bob the Builder and kisses goodnight.. But there's a review to do! Flip on the porn baby, it's gonna be a long night!
My husband is better at this than I am.

Giggling knocks 10 points off for Me because it means I've gotten the little one going all over again... And now my husband has to start over at calming him down.
I love my kids. They remind me of me. *sigh* But I digress...
After having that experience with my kids, and being Donna fucking Reed... I come in to my little bedspace and flip on 'naughty Nancy' or 'I can't believe I took the whole thing' and actually have to critique it in an adult way. The same concept for people that say 'buh-bye' to professional clientele over the phone (because you're so used to using it with your kid, right?)... K, you're laughing I know it.
Back to porn, right. Takes about 15 minutes on average for me to warm up and not feel all... Weird...

No, I wasn't really paying any attention to the movie at hand.... Bad transition, bad.
I'm still working on this skill to this day. Like I said, my husbands so much better at it... Must be a guy thing to shut off emotions and actions like a well used Zippo lighter snuffs it's flame.
Switching gears here...
So yeah, Christmas shopping this weekend. I'll try to remember not to shop for GeoTrax at Victoria Secrets. And uh, no sex toys for my in-laws.
Right so, if any of you all get a fucking fruitcake on accident, it means my grandmother received your clone-a-Willy... So sorry in advance.
Being that it's Triple FFF, and It would never be the same without some Emma facts , I'll break down some really interesting pieces mixed with just random thoughts...Deep even:
*edited out for Emma Quiz*

There's no way Matthew McConaughey is the sexiest man. I object, and wish to approach the bench on that one. I call serious bullshit as just posting this picture is making me want to play in traffic.
Sorry for those Matthew lovers. not for me.
--What really happens if you mix a silicone lubricant, with a silicone toy? Should be interesting to find out.
--Why is there a cat licking it's ass right behind my head, but yet I reflect on silicone toys and lubricants and their hazardous culmination?
Whoo hoo!
i just went xmas shoppin yesterday, surprisingly the stores werent too bad. found a store i had never been to....steve n barry's, i think i may add it to my list of favs! funny shirts, jeans, ball caps, coats all for 10 bucks or less. woohoo!!!
good luck with the flip flopping. ive always been curios about the lifestyle, u know how it works in all...i can c it now....ur writing away and little billy comes over---mommy help me with my math....ok honey! one dildo plus one dildo is???? lmao :)
Matthew McConaughey is the next Woody Harrelson.
gigi: pattens? What's that? Do you mean patents? Yeah, sorry, there I am criticizing spelling and shit again. Who knows? If you start wearing birkenstocks and white socks (that rhymes!) someone may want to fuck you!!
Emma: Sweet sweet Emma. Very interesting topic to post about. I've known the term flip/flop for many years and the wife and I dabbled in the 'lifestyle' for a year or so. It certainly was and odd transition. We couldn't even tell people what type of halloween party we attended last year! LOL
It was pretty fun though. Until my wife got too loaded and we made a quick exit. I won't talk about that though. Too personal.
Anyway, have a great weekend!!!
Gigi - After silicone to silicone research I will delve into the bastard history of panty hose. I'm certain you're right.
Oh and if it's ONLY socks and birkenstocks you're wearing, I may fuck you anyway.
Dan - :) Hooray swinga's unite... kinda... Glad you paid a visit to check out every one's grammar! LOL
just kidding--sheesh. Now talk dirty to me.
Dom - I MISSED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. How ya doing? Any luck on your task bar? You don't send me flowers anymore... and that pair of edible undies doesn't count.
Tasha - LOL. You have no idea how many times I've almost slipped... SHOPPING HOORAY!!!
hoy vey.....i dig the matthew!
I have a two nighter gig to play this weekend - an hour outta town... play for the masses both nights till 2am - come home 'round 3am .. sleep around 4am - after watching an hour of good porn and having a shot of Jack Daniels... (that's how to settle down after a good gig folks!)
So by the time Sunday rolls around, I'll be BAGGED... i'll be limited to drinking beer, playing NHL 2006 with the kid and doing a Couch Picnic with the family.. No Shopping for me!
Emma, does it count if you have to flipflop for your cat?
He has a habit of coming (yes I did say coming) between us when we want to get it on.
And yes Emma, he also likes to lick his arse in front of us, just to get us going I suppose. :(
BTW, thanks for dropping by Emma & Gigi. Always enjoy your visits. :)
The only dirty talk I could bring myself to use in the comment section is to use words like 'grease' and 'mud'. Not very arousing is it?
In private out!
Buttah - Well, you know... I like em a little not so blonde hair blue eyes... I guess it could be obvious considering I still got it for you. :)
Alsheim! HOLLA to the new guy everybody!!! Welcome! Oooh, a shot of Jack and some porn. Love it! And damn, can I get in on the NHL 2006? Please? Interested in knowing what you play as well.. :)
Suze - you know, we have the same problem with my cat. But, the ass licking doesn't do anything for me... no well, the cat ass licking that is. Hey, you know I love your place... always welcome to keep the bed sheets warm for ya.
Dan - *giggle* it is arousing... stop denying it... go with it baby.. talk to me.
Horsn - I was under age when I lived south, so no drinking (that you know of anyway).
I love the stockyards, and always return there when I visit.
Umm. But. the last time I was there I did spent a whopper of a time at Gilly's. Yes, in my cowboy hat and boots. *cheese*
Yes, I must admit I like the talk too. Usually combined in phrases like the following:
'Your nipples look a little dusty. Mind if I gently blow the dust from them before taking them in my lips?'
'You seem to have a small puddle of...mud...on the small of your back. Mind if I rub it across your back and along the top of your ass? That feels better doesn't it?'
or you can go with the straight-forward: 'I think I'ld like to grease up your ass and fill it with my cock.'
IF I was a dirty talker that is...
uh, dirty nipples... gritty mouth.
and if I do have some remaining mud on my back, it's prolly because I'm mud wrestling.. if so, save the rubbing for after in case I bruise something.
Greasing and filling...
*bites lip*
nice Dan, thanks for sponsoring the mastubation session for today.
i hate blondes....but there's something hot about a guy who plays bongo's naked and still parties like a frat boy....
and i dig the drawl. southern accents are hot.
as for x-mas shopping...i don't do it. i like it that way. i hate shopping.
i love shoes though :)
Okay buttah, you got me there... that's totally true.
And yes, southern accents are *yummy*..
Shoes! Is shoe shopping really shopping though? I always felt that shoe shopping was more a bit like pampering.
Since, I don't buy shoes that often... take me shoe shopping!!!
i'm all about the flippity-floppity ... is that the same as flip-flops?
Also ... I don't get the McConaughey either, but at least he's not Tom Cruise
silicone lubricant on a silicone sex toy = slippery fuck? an einsteinian dilemma? a constantly dropped sex toy?
it will be a question for the scholars for the ages ...
*has a southern drawl that he breaks out on occasion*
Dozr, you know what I'm talking about right? The warnings they always give you when buying lubricant? Hell, it's even posted on all the bottles in caps!!
Somehow I need to figure out why that is... but it may necessitate phone calls since I can't find shit about it... and I'm not about to guinea pig test it myself!
shoe shopping is orgasm hunting, for me...for cars and shoes are just DELISH!
i'm down for some shoe shopping..tell me when and where. there's a pair of gucci's i've been eyeballin. tee hee!!
oh..and i fake a southern accent cause it pisses off the guy i'm dating to NO END!
and that means wrestling
which means...*wink wink nudge nudge*
Aww Buttah, I would absolutely LOVE to go shoe shopping with you!!
Ater that, can we have eclairs?
YEE HAWW Y'all!!! Mud wrestling in the comments section!
what color are you Buttah?
leave it to horsn to be the sex-toy side-effect expert. saddlehorns are not just for tyin' off the calf-ropin' rope, eh, pardner? LOL
I still think it's because you'd never be able to pick up the silicone-slick dildo.
uhhhhh, black?!
it took everything in my power not to walk into the manolo blahnik store in NYC and walk out with shoes. okay...that's a took my best friend who is 6'6'' and 280lbs picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder, and walking the opposite direction from 56th on broadway...
i hate him for that!
Right Horsn, I just found the same... uh, perhaps we should meet up and co-author some work LOL
Dozr- he is a bit skilled, isn't he... makes you wonder, have I met my match???
Buttah - black is good! Work that mud wrestling bikini girl!!!
Visual of you over shoulder of big guy kicking and screaming for shoes is AWESOME!! LOL
I'm off to Murphs house.
murphy: ahhh ... but is the implant INSIDE your dick made of silicone?
LMAO Nice one Dozr!!!!
I have my moments. not bad for 325 a.m.
fuck I shouldn't have taken that nap.
back to work. shit.
ok Dzr, back to work!!!
Moments are good, go with em!!
or, errr Go with EN!!!
lol, scoot over.
LMFAO Chitty Chitty Gangbang!!!
I think I reviewed that one!!
Yes, I agree that Bert and Ernie are tossers.
And don't let that Dora the Explorer fool you... she's friends with a monkey named Boots. And well, you never know what is REALLY in her purple back pack!!
Hey sweets whassup? How's every little thing over at the 'Party?' I betta stop by.
High maintenance girl? No shit? LOL. Do they come any other way?!?!
I did, and I forwarded it to Jesse... :) I would go on about it but not here. Expect a reply this weekend when I'm not fully slamming the net and can reflect on y'all individually.
That goes for the rest of you all
waiting for an email from me too!
Again with the email comments....*sigh*
*shakes head*
Phew. Now that I've finished peeing..LOL....
I'm a wee bit giddy today. It must be because it's Friday and I get to go out for a few drinks tonight! Of course it's with other employees at my boss's house but's still a night out.
DAN! Smile for me honey!! the email that Pearl is referring to included NO PORN PICS.
Speaking of... interesting that Gigi and Suze are nowhere to be found.
I'm still missing blondie.
I know sass is working....
I think I'll drink heavily tonight... just to do it.
Pearl, you got the J right!! No worries there love... enjoy the drugs!!! Sorry you've been sick, i hope you begin to feel better soon, really :)
uh, my son does the same thing in the car!!
Emma: I know honey. I was just joking about it because of what we had discussed. Shh...enough said!!
I feel like being really goofy today for some reason!
Of course I just got out of a meeting with a beautiful woman and I always feel better when I have the undivided attention of a beautiful woman.
Damn you women and your powers!!
gigi: Don't take it personally! It's my OCD to pick out spelling and grammar mistakes. Now you know something personal about me!
And as long as you can say the words 'fuck me harder' I don't really care how you spell it!
I'm here my darlings.
Have we stopped talking about kids tv in the porn genre?
No. Oh, good.
AHA! You gals are just hanging out in the shadows then...
I see how you are... :)
Hey, I wish I was over there, I could relive the day.
That would be cool. I need a teleporter. :D
sending Suze a teleporter for Xmas.
Gigi, Dan apologized... and personally... I love the way you spell (just like me).
Dan - beautiful women and our powers... immense.
I know all about your powers...
You make things grow
you can then make them shrink
you can provide immense pleasure
you can provide immense pain
you can cause confusion
you can cause sorrow
well...the list goes on doesn't it?
Gigi: if I give you a hug and rub your secret spots will you forgive me?
I forgot to add this to the list:
you can hold on to a grudge and make a guy feel like crap
I'm outta here!
Fight? Huh?
You wanna fight Blondie?
uhhhhh. hmmmm. alright...
*trying to figure out why you asked me to fight*
Nobody shut up!!! I just thought Dan was being a little bit uptight is all...
Holy hell people come on, it's Friday!!
talk to me!
I just don't take too kindly to not having my apologies accepted...and then made fun of after.
Enough said on the topic.
wait *scrolling*
who owes who an apology?
and I never made fun of you, did I?
can't we all just get along?
I opt for no shutting up.
I'm moving on....but thank you for that blondie. I appreciate it.
So what's everyone doing this weekend? Any Christmas parties etc?
Im headed to Sou Cal, to take Blondie shopping.
No Christmas parties yet? You're kinda self-employed though right? Makes it tough to have a company Christmas party then I guess. Of course, yours would be a lot of fun!!
Really, you know.. this is so much like Cheers...
grab a bar stool everyone....
No Dan, Im not self-employed I do work for a company..but there's only 4 of us. Sort of an entourage... we will be having a dinner.. but no party.
Last years Christmas party I totally embarrassed myself though.
I think this year I'll host a passion party at my house though.
No problems man. Truth be told I should just keep my mouth shut about stuff like that. I start to feel like I'm building a raport with you people so I start to open up and *BLAMMO* I say something wrong.
Now I have to get my cheery/goofy Christmas spirit back.
Ahh...see I don't know that much about you I guess. Small companies can be tough for planning outings etc. At least you have dinner though. That's always nice.
Cheers? Yeah, I see that. All the guys 'round here have a woody!
Jeez that's funny! Thank god I'm done eating my lunch, I could have choked!
I would LOVE to choke right now.
I have something I could choke you with but it won't reach from here.
How about if I just think about it really hard?
umm....that sounded naughty too! LOL
What IS gig planning?
And why did Blondie shut up?
holy shit dude... I think Im totally being like... uhhh...
I think Gigi's plan involved a bottle....which sounds very interesting.
Perhaps Blondie is helping to empty that bottle?
I was talking about my hand. What the hell are you talking about?
Ok. I wasn't talking about my hand....
Ok. This is off topic a bit but right now I'm listening to a compilation of Christmas songs on my computer (yes, I secretly love this time of year) and the song that's playing is 'Winter Wonderland' by Jewel. (I know, I know)
I ask you, why the hell would she yodel in the middle of a Christmas carol?
That's just plain wrong...
Uhhh Gigi and Murph need to get a room apparently.
Nothing wrong with listening to Christmas Carols sweet Dan.
I'm listening to Christmas Carols too...
2 Live Crew does Santa Claus is Coming to town.
ummm. Well, maybe Murph needs to come out of the closet?
interesting, Im having trouble with the wv too!!!
You know Horsn, its just you and me... whatya say we do a round of Dan Dan Lavatory Man?
It's a song you dirty minded fuckers....
I'm not doing Dan my Man in the lavatory anyway. Unless you're into that Dan.
*waking up Dozr*
Sigh, Im bored.
Are you? Wanna play with me?
I can teach you the words to Dan Dan Lavatory Man... we can audioblog it!
Go on then teach us, I'm ready.
BTW, I will send you the "I can't wait until Christmas" version of the calendar.
LMAO Thanks Suze!!!
I think the lyrics would sound really strange coming over... but I suppose I could do it.
Depends on if it will make Blondie laugh or not.
She's way too monosyllabic today.
Alright Suze, here goes:
Dan Dan,
Lavatory Man,
He's in charge of the public can..
see, this just isn't working like I wanted.
Yep. Im pretty much talking to myself here.
But, did it blow? You said it was good!!
Jersey Boy eh? LOL.
I love the accent.
Yes, play time!
Hey Blondie
Are we stepping in to the shower with Emma?
See, now you're thinking!!! Singing Dan Dan Lavatory Man would sound so much better in the shower...
seriously. K, I'll do melody... Blondie does harmony...
and uh, Suze, you moan in the background... for effect.
Blondie - you know what? That sounds just like any other conversation you (or I or any lady) might have with a guy...
doesn't it?
Unless there competitiveness (no spelling corrections dammit) or sex involved. Then they talk for hours....
Does that mean I'm not getting any? LOL.
NO, NO... Suze, you will!!
See, a song is nothing without a background of some kind... I think that with your brittish loveliness you could moan a bar or two and give it that 'whip appeal'
Blondie - Snow all weekend.. .get the fuck up here.
Seriously. Snow men building and hot chocolate. Don't make me buy you air fare.
Suze - that goes for you too.
Hmmm. I know what Im getting you for Christmas then...
Really? You don't get any snow there... really? Honestly?
Do you want snow?
Don't forget I need one of those gortex parkas, how about you blondie? :)
Can I hitch a ride?
That's right I almost forgot about the Parka's.
Hmmm. You know, the Gortex parka's cost about as much as a plane ticket... Well, for Blondie anyway.
Suze - I thought that Alex was getting you one?
*checking airfare prices*
Holy shit, that's not a bad price!!!
How long can I keep y'all?
Just forget it, lets appeal to all those good people out there.
Get me and Emma together and we'll give you some online interaction, if you know what I mean. ;)
People go for that don't they?
I tell ya what Suze, let's get Blondie to some snow and then we'll do a paypal sponsorship to fly me to England.
That's a really good idea.
Kind of like Jerry's Kids, but really not.
Umm Blondie, don't joke. I could totally find you work here.
And the thought of keeping you in my general vicinity is just absolutely well...
*thought of you bouncing in office chair has me clicking book flight, seriously*
So do I. I'm one of the great unemployed, but I do some things so well. :(
Horsn, I can do the bounce thing too. :0
I'm also missing Gigi.
Sorry. I've been really busy this afternoon.
Emma: I'd do it with you anywhere I could. I'm sure you know that by now though!!
Horsn - If you bounce in a chair like Blondie does.. then, imagine away. Furthermore, I asked you how long I could keep you... you never answered.
Blondie - Im totally serious, see me making phone calls already?!?!?
Suze - I know you do! You do a lot of things 'so well.' LOL
Like advent calendars (still haven't gotten mine!)
Dan - you can be busy love, wanna sing Dan Dan Lavatory Man with me?
Well I DO love to sing.....
can we sing it naked in the shower together?
Dammit, is my shower big enough for all of us?
Watch out for horsn's mustache, it gets away from him.
Have you ever considered doing your own advent calendar. I think it would go down a storm. ;)
I'm off to watch some porn for a while.
There's almost enough room in mine. We've got a dual-head shower, 5 feet long, in our ensuite.
Hehe...I said 'dual-head'.
I think it would go down a storm. ;)
What does that mean?
and dammit, I want to watch porn!
Blondie- I'm workin on it, seriously. Im thinking Christmas shopping, coffee at Starbucks, snow play... *Sigh*
I've heard of 'go down IN a storm'.....
uh. 5 foot long. dual head.
A similie would probably be go down a treat.
It's porn time here in the UK, now being 22:34.
See you in a while...
She called me a kid.
Enjoy Porn Suze!!! And make some while you're at it!
Horsn... last time I checked I was still talking.
LMAO have to comment just to use this wv.
wv= drukr - drunker. which is exactly what I plan on becoming while decorating the house this weekend.
Gigi - Impress me.
Sing Dan Dan Lavatory man.
LMAO!! Good going GIG
Now sing the rest...
Gigi! I swear to GAWD you almost had it there!!!
Jesus I like your version just as much as the original!!
wait, do you know that song? Because now Im thinking you do...
I LOVE THAT SONG... no matter how many versions there are... ya just haven't lived until you sing the Dan Dan song!
Well, unless everybody is hiding.... yes. Just you and me... oh, and Castu.
Holy shit Castu, that's hilarious!! Is there an admission fee to this zoo?
You know... I just want to say that I hope everybody paid attention to the facts and random thoughts at the bottom of this post.
LOL Right.
No gigi no... LMAO
seriously ... you folks have NOTHING to do on a Friday? LOL
Apparently not. Pity us.
S'ok though Dozer, we're Blog flies... that and there isn't fuckall to do around here today.
I seem to have gone insane and it feels good.
So, do YOU know dan dan lavatory man?
In the immortal words of Andrew 'Dice' Clay:
Yea, remember mutha goose?
I fucked her.
Dzer, have you left the dog in on it's own?
I have no idea where Dozr went!!!
But now Im sad that he's gone so quickly... and without a hug.
I'm on my way home guys. Big surprise in store for you all later!!!
Your wife was suckin' my cock.
Jesus, I loved that guy.
Thanks Castu!
I owe Horsn a prize.
Gigi- no, it will be good. Shift the attitude honey.. shift IT.
I second that Shane. Seriously load me up with one, wouldja?
Fuck that, I'll come over and get one myself buddy, scoot over.
I'm the lead singer for my band, i play guitar, harmonica too..
Was a good night last night - one night down - one more to go!
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