Old school memories...

How many of you remember these wonderful Hop-a-Roo balls?
Ah the majesty of bouncing happily around your domain, irritating the hell out of your parents as you bashed against the drywall? Okay, maybe you never hit the wall... But I did.
Anyway yes, those wonderful bouncing ride-ons were the fad for us 70's kids, along with the Sit N Spin... And bean bag toss. Which bitches, I was damn good at.
Whatever happened to bean bag toss anyway? I looked every where for it this year so I could bless my son with the same coordination toss practice. Every man, big and little needs some co-ordination toss practice, right?
Hell, it was a great darts trainer... I kick ass at darts too.
That's another story for another time.
I say let's bring these Hop-A-Roo's back in our houses... They're a shitload of fun!
- Single guys should have one of these at least stashed some where in the apartment for the drunk chicks they bring home....
- Married men can use them as well to entertain the wives (this would work great when you're in the dog house). Seriously, just slip your dick through the handle, get a boner to hold ya on there and bounce wit' me. Aww man, you wanna make your wife smile... That's the way to do it. But don't bust your ass or sit on your balls... That could be painful.
*K, having a visual of my husband on one of these with a boner*
Not pretty, but fucking hilarious!!! How could anybody be angry with you after that blatant show of fucking foolery?
Okay, Okay... So you wanna get the wife or girlfriend on one of those bouncers? Color me shocked, really. What is it with you men and your breast bouncing fetish? Seriously I wonder if maybe you'll pull your balls our for us while you jump rope?
No no no... They have better ones for us older gals. We're not messing around with those juvenile Hop-A-Roo's... Oh no, we want it happy-style.

Get her one of these babies.
No joke, make her smile like she did the first time she kicked Billy's ass on the playground because he hopped away on her shit.
Please tell me every lady out there had a 'Billy' on the playground yanking on her pigtails?
Yeah Billy... Sit on this.
Is any body else noticing how large that dong is? Ummm. If you can take that baby on... You need kegels.
Wow, I've just seen another potential Christmas gift for me.
Do they come in various sizes?
No Suze, It's a one size fits all deal!!
It does look fun, doesn't it?
LMFAO. I just about died when I saw this... Im just wondering how you would hold on to it while bouncing.
I mean, you could do a reverse cowgirl and hold on to that gap where the psuedo-balls meet the ball part...
hmmm. might have to get me one of these too.
That's the clever part, you hold on to it with your pelvic muscles.
So have fun and keep that pelvic floor tight. There, two good reasons to have one. LOL.
Oh, you know what Suze... you could rock on it!
I don't think you're actually supposed to bounce around on that thing, just bounce.
I'd hate to have to explain that to my kids but it's sure funny!
Ummm. Dan, I really do understand this BUT.
We bounce on the real thing, don't we?
So, why not this then?
Emma, you would have to be careful not to get rubber burns.
Sure it sounds like fun but what if you tip over? I remember it hurting slightly on the regular ones when I was a kid but....can you imagine what the woman could hurt by using THAT one?
Of course that would make kissing it better so much more fun!
Murph, great visual there. LOL.
K, Suze... rubber burns LOL. Totally feeling that. Did you see the comment I left for Alex this morning?
I'm fucking naughty. LOVE IT.
Dan- Making you kiss it and feel better would be the intention. We never fall on accident. *snicker*
Murphy - See now, I would think you'd run right out and buy one of these for your weekend girls.
Hitting the wall and blacking out? Ummm, doesn't that mean they don't have the opportunity to say NO to you then?
and well pictures? K, those sound hawt... let's totally do it.
Emma - kissing it would make ME feel better too!
Emma, just checked mail. Wow, Alex will be excited at that prospect.
Well see Dan? There ya GO!!!
ummm, use LOTS of tongue... and maybe a finger.
Though, I really don't think I have the ability to ride a massive dildo that size.
Jesus, my pussy cringes just thinking about it.
K, Cringing designates Kissing!!
Murphy. See, now I thought we already went over this... do we need to have this discussion again?
Suze- Seriously had me all hot and bothered today.
Sweet! And I'm not just talking about the thought!!
Trust me, my technique has never failed...
Oh sweetie, I trust. I trust.
Here Dan *spreading thighs* gimme.
Emma, what he didn't remember was that for a joke I locked the car doors.
He was only stood out there for a few minutes but I nearly pissed myself laughing.
Am I cruel? :D
That's fucking awesome Suze!!! Figures he'd forget that part...
Men do that you know, forget.
Well then Gigi, run right out and get one... damn.
Either that, or take Peter for a ride on one...
Gigi, perhaps you can buy attachments for them. ;)
Gigi, I bet the exercise classes would be full.
Uh, and buy some velcro to attach it.
Murph, that duct tape could be dangerous with pubes.
Can I get some help here?
No, it's frightening. I'm afraid.
Emma - maybe you should close your legs and keep it warm for me baby. I'm a little too busy to pay you the attention you deserve! Thanks for the offer though, I enjoy a sweet little snatch...er...snack once in a while.
Velcro may not be the best idea. It can be kinda scratchy at times and you don't want to get scrathed THAT way down there!
If it's rubber on rubber you could use a suction technique perhaps.
Well, Elmers Glue is water based.
And uh, super glue could be a potentially embarrassing idea if you get on too soon after adhering it.
Thanks Dan, I'll keep it hot!
No suction cups wont work, since on the uplight I'll just pop that fucker right off.
Besides, if the cup gets wet, there will be no suction...
and it will get wet
wait, you're bending over Murphy?
Ummm, for me?
Ok. Perhaps a simply locking mechanism then? Kind of a 'snap and turn' technique to lock the attachment in place?
It would be safe and easy to replace items when you're in a hurry.
Hopefully he wasn't winking with is brown eye!
See, and I think we need some clarification on this...
Umm, because if he's winking I'm grabbing the pink jelly dong.
So is murph the kind of guy that likes having his chocolate starfish violated or are you just taking advantage of a chance to punish him?
Either way I'm pretty sure I'm going to throw up a little.
That's funny murph!
Out of respect I'm going to turn my head away.
I'd prefer not to see these cornhole capers at the moment.
Now if Emma wants to use a strap-on on Gigi, that's a different story!
let's talk about strap ons then, shall we?
Wait, duct tape
Murph being sub because it's Monday.
Yes, Gigi... I do as a matter of fact!
Wanna see it?
Emma, make sure you clean it before using it on me and Gigi. :D
I'm with Gigi on this...no pics!
Okay noted. I will not post those pics then....
Uh, why is Murphs ass getting so much attention? I mean shit if I bend over and wink at ya can we focus on mine?
I'll even add a smile to the mix!
Remember the I rule Murph.
and uh, well Im thinking that I'll just show you my ass then Gig.
I applaud you as well Suze, I have that special cleaner made for times just like this....
I must get off and fix some dinner now. See you all later.
Cya Suze, let me know what Alex thinks about my idea!!!
I do what I can Gigi, I do what I can.
Hey now! I'd love to see your ass too Emma!!
Just because I'm not letting you violate me doesn't mean I'm not worthy does it?
You know what? Fuck you buddy... you coulda had me.
OH, not you Dan.... of Gigi.
K, it's clear who really wants some of me today.
Let's do it people!!! I'm waiting for nothing and I WILL get buck ass naked right here right now.
Ummm. You're the one that stifled Murph. See, now nobody's talking!!
You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
and the park bench idea.
oh, btw... I offered the table a long time ago.
Make that two cluepons for ya.
Gigi- you will be fucked, Murph just gave up his place in line.
umm, wait.. did you say LAUNDRY?
Alright alright. Settle down now. I'd be more than happy to fuck Emma AND Gigi. Murph's on his own. Sorry man...
LMAO. See, now we went from ass fucking to confusion... isn't that how it always is?
Hmmm. I think Murph just broke up with me.
Hey, Im not all about showing you my pretty parts.
You wanna see those you can pick up a future issue of PB just like everybody else.
Totally. I'm thinking we just call hef right now... you think?
You're welcome Gigi! I thought I was ignored for my gesture and was getting a little sad.
I guess when Murph's ass is in the room all other guys get ignored. I'm not exactly sure what that means.
Stop it Dan.
I heard you, and am more than happy to go right now... you know this you sexy bitch.
and actually I was thinking about doing Gigi with my strap-on.. not Murphs ass.
We're over that...
100 BIOTCHES!! RIght on! No sending of panties today!!!
OH shit Gigi... well I didn't have your address!!!
K, do over... from now on we get prizes.
HOLY SHIT. Sug's on a roll!!
Go sug!!!
"delicious big pussy loves rock hard juicy dick"
MR Carson - That's some funny shit right there, seriously!!!
LMFAO, who'da thunk it?
Blondie - interrupt anytime... I'm bringing the ball to Vegas.
Emma - I know! I was just teasing....and I'm ready when you are. Wait, I'm still busy at work. Ok, I'm willing but not quite ready to devote the time you deserve.
I was hoping to get a few responses so I could hit the 100 comment mark but I totally missed it!
Oh well...luv ya Emma!!
Nothing wrong with Baywatch on beach balls. Would've made the show a whole lot more entertaining.
And anyway Murph, you're just jealous because we're doing Vegas... and you're totally not invited.
Wow. This conversation totally stalled after Gigi left.
What's up with that?
Ummm. No, it stalled because I realized it was time to get some work done...
But, if you wanna label Gigi the hub of the conversation that's cool.
Well you are always the hub of the conversation Emma. I thought she was the catalyst for the halting of comments.
I have work to do too so I should get to it. I just can't pull myself away from you!
Hmmm. you could be right.
Don't pull Dan, don't pull...
Always Push... and slow, deep, when I tell you to do it harder then just listen to me.
I always listen to the woman (or women)!
I would of course love to push and push although I would have to pull a little bit, just so I could push some more.
Now I'm all tingly and I have to leave my office!
gigi - feel free to discuss it if you like. I'm listening (for a while)
Yes I'll admit it. I lurk.
Usually I have the theme from JAWS running in my head while I'm lurking too!
Must mean I need to eat.....something.
Pearl - LMFAO!!!
Really? Ads for shit? Like what? Is it something you think I haven't seen? Do tell!!!
Dan- are you still lurking?
Gigi - are you bi?
Still lurking....for a little while longer. I have to head out to my bosses house to fix an email issue.
While his wife is home.....
Seriously though, nothing's happening I just thought that made me sound cool!
Well my lovelies...I would love to stay and chat but I must get some more work done!
You'll be in my lusty thoughts!
I LOVE PASSION PARTIES!! Pearl, let's have one!
Gigi - don't ever ask a man if you're bi sweetie, seriously.
Hop-a-roo? They were called Space Hoppers over here. Orange with a maniacal grinning face and devlish horns for handles.
Or was that the dream I had after that mushroom omlete we cooked as Boy Scounts?
Hiya Gigi.
Catch y'all later EN, G, I'm off to to a bit of site maintenance.
BTW, Suze is working on another wallpaper for you.
K, if there's chessy porn music playing Im all over that.
ok, i'm here now. i refused to read through all them comments. i assume we're talkin' about fucking as usual.
All the men may have gone Gigi but I'm here darling. :)
Shane, are we fucking or WHAT?
WHOA where the hell did Jay come from?!?!?
Hi Jay! Wanna join this shit or what?!?!?
wow, that was pretty forward EN.
well, would you want me any other way honey?
Emma, can I watch? (camera in hand).
Sit back,
Shane and I are throwing down!
hey wait, i never consented to anything yet! this is virtual rape!!!
K, make that Jay and Shane.
I'll take you both on.
Bridge style.
ahhh, the good ol' choke n' poke.
If there's any going down, going down, I want to be in on it. :D
K, Throw down first. Meaning, somebody's gonna have to toss me.
Salad, whatever. Just do it.
Go down after, so I can lick you clean.
Holy hell, did I just say that out loud?!?
Oy! Suze what have you been up to while I was busy?
Alex, we're having a gang bang.
Wanna join?
gee, whatta ya know. someone mentions choking on cock and here comes pearl.
btw everyone, those really are pearl's tits. ready fer a fuckin'.
LMFAO No Jay, you're absolutely right.
But, I do brush my teeth after so no worries. Unless you like a snowball... we can talk on that in private.
Shane - you started it by telling me you'd dominate me at mud wrestling.
Pearl - yeah baby, nice tits.
that's our pearl. such a trooper. now ya'll know why we love her so dearly at our blog.
Um Pearl, Im thinking that he's thinking cum shot.
Uh, Gigi... a snow ball is.. uhhh
Someone say gang bang?
K, Gigi... after a guy cums in your mouth, get up and kiss him, spitting his cum back into his mouth...
Yeah baby!
quick, someone say "olsen twins sex tape" and see how many new people come in here.
LMFAO at Scooby!
K, who let the dogs out?
Im sure if we say that, Murph will be here any minute...
pearl likes being air tight.
Only if there's hair pulling Jay.
Will you pull my hair then?
Alex, come and have your coat brushed.
BTW, you have a great tongue. :D
Gigi, Over Here! *waves paw*
Suze, put that hair brush away.
where'd you get the hand grenade pearl?
K wait, is anybody actually fucking right now?
Because damn, how am I supposed to tell who just spit on my pussy?
K, Jay is as good as fucked now.
Alex & Suze are signing off for a while, you pesky Bloggers.
who's up fer a donkey punch?
oh, my bad Jay.
Next time dont waste it.
K, who said Olsen Twins?!?!?
dirty sanchez?
Honestly it's getting hot in here, somebody hand me a water bottle and a towel please.
dont forget about Shane and I mud wrestling and Jay shooting what I thought was spit
Jay - I couldn't get into my own comments section for a moment there!!!
wtf people!! LMFAO
Murph, I'll do you.
BUT, wait until Jay and I are finished...k?
I totally got it, let's give him the ball and watch him go.
murph, you have no idea how many times pearls been told that.
Uhh, alright Jay. So what, you called it...
It was the Huckleberry thing... I admit. Im hot for that when it's spoken to me with a look of 'dare' on a mans face.
Oh shit, was my web cam on during that?
LMFAO. Jesus, Really I have to get back to work now... thanks for the lunch quickie!
Did someone say web cam?
Jesus Christ!!!
nope, wasn't me.
Well I should probably work more anyways....
thought for a sec someone got a pic of my pale belly and ...
hmmm .... that's different then ... nevermind!
Dozr, Im still waiting for naked pics in my inbox...
and there's no way in hell I'm scrolling through 250 answers ... I'll just be content to know I missed a lot of shit by going to be a little early.
why are you waiting? is someone sending you nekkid pics? LOL
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