God's work?
Since En is extremely busy this evening plotting our web page idea, I thought I would write a bit about an experience I had today that pissed me off... felt like writing about it would be good.
This afternoon I was doing some much needed Christmas shopping with a gal friend of mine. Being we are both blatently homosexual we decided to get some things for our friends and family at the local Gay and Lesbian shop in a very liberal part of town.
We were bundled up tight in our coats and scarves, clutching our bags like old ladies to purses… drinking our Starbucks eggnog lattes’. Yummy, it was so much like Christmas time and my spirits were beginning to lighten after all the turmoil I had been through in the last week trying to locate my birth mom.
After spending a pretty penny on T-shirts and paraphernalia for family and friends we bolted out of the store front with our goods. Thank god for this time of year I thought to myself , and I’m so glad for my friends, family, and the blessings I have that allow myself to live my life the way I choose to; gay.
As we left the store I noticed a very large, dyke like lesbian who had been confronted by a grotesque anti-homosexual sign tied by yarn around her neck. On this sign was listed a disease believed to be started by homosexuality, and a very large picture of a penis that had obviously been plagued by some sort of, well, it was just rude. The slogan on the sign besides the usual HIV rant said “homosexuality is the gate way to hell”.
Great, there went any happy feelings of Christmas, especially when man-kind has to project hateful ideas and beliefs onto others…
The dyke (and I mean no harm by using that verbiage) had apparently drawn offense to this sign, and the ladies choice of parking her ass in front of the most homosexual store in our beautiful city. I asked my friend to halt a minute while I check out the situation; she patiently waited against the building while I started towards the confrontation.
“Well I just think if you want to teach the word of God you’re doing it the wrong way...” the dyke said to this apparently staunchly old maid.
“I can teach the word of God however way I choose” she spat back “This is where the corruption begins right here, this is the pre-birth of evil that will lead to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
They went back and forth for awhile, and I looked on envious to find my in to this conversation. When the dyke who had noticed me waiting in the sidelines pointed to me and said “What about her? Why don’t you go over and preach the word of god to her…” and then she pointed in the direction of others “or him, or her, or them.. Don’t bias your lesson old lady... if you want to spread your word, then preach to all; straight and gay!”
The lady looked over at me and said “She’s obviously not gay, It’s you people… you people that spread disease and ruin the foundation of God.”
I held my store bag proudly, and made sure the pick triangle shown proud “Excuse me ma’am, what makes you think I’m not gay?”
“Well for starters you’re a well dressed, respectable looking woman” her answer stifled the onlookers and outraged the dyke, who was seething by this time.
What she said appauled me too, apparently lesbians aren't respectable looking? what? Or well dressed... like we all run about in flannels and 501's? uhmygod.
“So, you think she’s hetro because of her appearance?” The dyke urged “That means we’re only gay if we look gay?” She shook her head “That makes no sense old lady.”
The lady looked on to me as I summoned my beautiful gal pal and gave her a passionate kiss, thus declaring my sexuality and embarrassing the elderly staunch lady to the point of frustration.
“I’m very gay.” I stated shortly after that, and unwrapped my scarf, revealing my gold cross that my mother had given me when I was just a girl hung loosely around my neck. “And god loves me.” I then clasped the hands of my gal pal and turned to walk away, winking at my dyke friend as we left… she in turned smiled and nodded thanking me for my participation.
My point is that we should learn the preaching any word or any belief should never ever be classified to any genre or preference group, or even appearance. Hell, the crack heads 10 feet away could use the word of God more than I can… why not try them on for size?
Or the heterosexual husband who beats his wife and children.
The coniving wife that kills her husband to cure her credit card debt.
Or even the teenagers lost in peer pressure direction and not able to find a path that’s enjoyable in life.
What about the narcotic induced coma half of America sits in everyday?
Our idiot leadership plastic government that hasn't done a damn thing during GW's term but pardoned turkeys. (that one's for you Emma)
We’re gay. And as far as I know we have never hurt anybody… we have never pushed our beliefs and preferences onto your church groups. God damn that pisses me off.
As my gal pal and I headed for the parking garage I could still hear the dyke and the bible thumper on their tangent… and I decided that next week during Christmas mass I am going to don a sign around my neck of a Catholic Priest and an alter boy… and remind them that they’re all closet homo’s.
Then I’ll feel better about ignorant people like that ruining my Christmas time.
This afternoon I was doing some much needed Christmas shopping with a gal friend of mine. Being we are both blatently homosexual we decided to get some things for our friends and family at the local Gay and Lesbian shop in a very liberal part of town.
We were bundled up tight in our coats and scarves, clutching our bags like old ladies to purses… drinking our Starbucks eggnog lattes’. Yummy, it was so much like Christmas time and my spirits were beginning to lighten after all the turmoil I had been through in the last week trying to locate my birth mom.
After spending a pretty penny on T-shirts and paraphernalia for family and friends we bolted out of the store front with our goods. Thank god for this time of year I thought to myself , and I’m so glad for my friends, family, and the blessings I have that allow myself to live my life the way I choose to; gay.
As we left the store I noticed a very large, dyke like lesbian who had been confronted by a grotesque anti-homosexual sign tied by yarn around her neck. On this sign was listed a disease believed to be started by homosexuality, and a very large picture of a penis that had obviously been plagued by some sort of, well, it was just rude. The slogan on the sign besides the usual HIV rant said “homosexuality is the gate way to hell”.
Great, there went any happy feelings of Christmas, especially when man-kind has to project hateful ideas and beliefs onto others…
The dyke (and I mean no harm by using that verbiage) had apparently drawn offense to this sign, and the ladies choice of parking her ass in front of the most homosexual store in our beautiful city. I asked my friend to halt a minute while I check out the situation; she patiently waited against the building while I started towards the confrontation.
“Well I just think if you want to teach the word of God you’re doing it the wrong way...” the dyke said to this apparently staunchly old maid.
“I can teach the word of God however way I choose” she spat back “This is where the corruption begins right here, this is the pre-birth of evil that will lead to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
They went back and forth for awhile, and I looked on envious to find my in to this conversation. When the dyke who had noticed me waiting in the sidelines pointed to me and said “What about her? Why don’t you go over and preach the word of god to her…” and then she pointed in the direction of others “or him, or her, or them.. Don’t bias your lesson old lady... if you want to spread your word, then preach to all; straight and gay!”
The lady looked over at me and said “She’s obviously not gay, It’s you people… you people that spread disease and ruin the foundation of God.”
I held my store bag proudly, and made sure the pick triangle shown proud “Excuse me ma’am, what makes you think I’m not gay?”
“Well for starters you’re a well dressed, respectable looking woman” her answer stifled the onlookers and outraged the dyke, who was seething by this time.
What she said appauled me too, apparently lesbians aren't respectable looking? what? Or well dressed... like we all run about in flannels and 501's? uhmygod.
“So, you think she’s hetro because of her appearance?” The dyke urged “That means we’re only gay if we look gay?” She shook her head “That makes no sense old lady.”

“I’m very gay.” I stated shortly after that, and unwrapped my scarf, revealing my gold cross that my mother had given me when I was just a girl hung loosely around my neck. “And god loves me.” I then clasped the hands of my gal pal and turned to walk away, winking at my dyke friend as we left… she in turned smiled and nodded thanking me for my participation.
My point is that we should learn the preaching any word or any belief should never ever be classified to any genre or preference group, or even appearance. Hell, the crack heads 10 feet away could use the word of God more than I can… why not try them on for size?
Or the heterosexual husband who beats his wife and children.
The coniving wife that kills her husband to cure her credit card debt.
Or even the teenagers lost in peer pressure direction and not able to find a path that’s enjoyable in life.
What about the narcotic induced coma half of America sits in everyday?
Our idiot leadership plastic government that hasn't done a damn thing during GW's term but pardoned turkeys. (that one's for you Emma)
We’re gay. And as far as I know we have never hurt anybody… we have never pushed our beliefs and preferences onto your church groups. God damn that pisses me off.
As my gal pal and I headed for the parking garage I could still hear the dyke and the bible thumper on their tangent… and I decided that next week during Christmas mass I am going to don a sign around my neck of a Catholic Priest and an alter boy… and remind them that they’re all closet homo’s.
Then I’ll feel better about ignorant people like that ruining my Christmas time.
I love you even more today, Jesse ... even though it means one less woman who I can have sex with.
I hate bigotry and bias — especially zealous bigotry and bias — more than most anything. If these kinds of people would read their Bibles, they might see that the main message Jesus tried to teach was love and acceptance — of the leper, of the whore, of the tax collector ... so why not the gay person?
sorry you had your holiday mood smashed. but glad that you didn't just sit back, that you took it to the old lady's face.
damm jess well done. thank you for that. it's nice not to be the only one standing up on occasion and it's nice to know it's happening everywhere.
only by standing up and saying the sorts of things you said today will all people everywhere start to become equal.
i've had people assume my sexuality a lot because i'm a rather tall (5'11") inch woman with a tendency to food (god i love food) and if i have short hair and i'm a bit chubby yeah.
it's 'you like girls right?' which yeah, but not the way i like boys. i guess you shouldn't knock it til you've fully tried it and girls do kiss great and...
um anyway i'm not gay but i've been informed i was gay several times in my life. funny thing. if i let my hair *grow* and i lose a few pounds it's 'you're clearly straight'
cause why? i'm the exact same person and you can figure me out by my hair?
god that enrages me.
hrm jess pushed a button!
anyway your post made my day so -2 misery points from the old lady and +4 happy points from sass should start to redress the balance.
Jesse, bravo for standing up to her.
I would like to know what gives religious groups the right to stand up and criticise anyone.
Why is their path through life the right one?
suze: exactly
Jesse - What an amazing piece of writing. Good for you for sticking up to that lady and giving her a what for.
I feel the same way about those women that wear the nasty nasty anti-abortion signs... I mean, why?
I think God would be embarassed.
I love that you kissed your gal pal in front of her, perfect you lipstick lesbian you *beaming*
I'm so proud!
Love ya homeskillet.
yeah, i hate people that are racist and intolerant. the only thing i hate more than that is mexicans.
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