Holy shit it's Friday again (whoo hoo)
Happy Triple F People!!
Wowzers this week went hella fast (remember that word, hella? so funny).

Seems re-doing two submissions and not spending more than 5 minutes with my dear husband had gotten the best of me. I realized after I post them that they had been misconstrued and pulled them.
To replace them, I audioblogged last night at around 11 or so, but when I checked my blog this morning it wasn't here... I apologize for that. Blogger mother fuckers I tell ya, I could kick somebodies ass for that.
Furthermore, Jenn I have no idea why blogger is blocking you from commenting on my site and I think that's bullshit. Try again today if you wish and let me know. We'll go from there honey.
Blogger is pissed at me and I say fuck em. I'm looking into a www domain so we could get a chat room on, anybody interested in seeing me go World Wild and Wacky? Might be HAWT.
k... moving on.
For lack of fuckall to talk about, and a necessity to get some shit done... I'm taking on this
'Inside The Actors Studio questions' that my Big Daddy Dozer presented last week. *Smooches Dozie* love ya and your pervertedness... wouldn't have you any other way.
These are the 10 questions that James Lipton asks those he interviews on Bravo's "Inside The Actors Studio," and my answers.
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Chemistry and humor of course
What turns you off?
Deciept and distrust
What is your favorite curse word?
What sound or noise do you love?
Crickets at night... second only to my husband moaning and grunting (honey you know I like it when you call me "dirty bitch" *come on, say it*)
What sound or noise do you hate?
My children crying
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Sexual Therapy.... open 24 hours
What profession would you not like to attempt?
Proctology (no really, that's honesty right there)
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Well christ Emma, it's about time you got here."

k, this picture is fucking hilarious and rocks my day... just thought I'd share!
I love cock smoker, don't you?
It seems as though Blogger has blessed me by letting me comment today! Yay!
Cocksmoker is effing hilarious!
I think he might say christ... I mean, I use my name in veign all the time!
I mean, right?
JENN!! Holy shit you're back!!
I am, Love. In all my glory!
I wanted to let you know that I knew that you would never block me. It was those Blogger fucks!a
Emma, you definitely need to go www. We'll all follow you. Is the world ready for you though? LOL.
this has been the most confusing blog over the past 2 days. my head hurts.
WHOO HOO www, here I come!
is everyone fucking stupid today or is it just me. i'm horny.
first of all that baby shirt about being pro choice is fucking hysterical
second, no fair deleting posts when you KNOW i can't get here everyday!
third, why is blogger pissed at you?
don't get me started on the stupid, there's snow on the streets of toronto and EVERYONE is driving like there's 40 feet on the ground and they've never seen snow before!
Nono Jay, no worries about the comments section...
and really, I think I've been one of those stupid people you talked to.
Wanna just have sex and not say a damn thing?
Sass!! Hey honey! Blogger's pissed at everybody - including Jenn aparently!
It's good to see things are back to normal around here.
If you get a WWW you'd better not start charging money for access! That would freakin' suck!!
I was expecting you to make a comment after the 'two weeks' remark!
I wish I could help you honey...
How come the audio blog was there and now it's gone?
Yeah right. And I come from a land down-under.
Song quotes...gotta love 'em.
It seems like its just you and me here gigi...and I have to get back to work.
Because I originally did that bitch last night.. and blogger JUST got around to popping that shit up there.
Blogger cocksmokers!
LMAO No gig, no smoked chicken. But you know what? That's fucking hilarious right there.
Hey, did you see dozrs cock on Suzes sight?
That was hilarious too..
jesus yall are just a bunch of fucking funny ass people..
Ummm, hey pearl.. I'm going on three here. Course, it doesn't even touch Gigi's four month thing but...
Uh. sorry gigi.. really I have $600 for the escort Im sending to your place.
I didn't expect Dzer's cock to taper off to such a fine point! That looks kinda sharp...
gigi - if you're not using that pussy pic....nevermind!
Emma - good to see you around...
Thanks Dan thanks, how the hell are ya?
im good im good
I didn't get a pussy pic from Suze.
That's cool though, Im thinking about going and getting the real thing.
LMAO I totally know Gigi. and Im thinking a trip to the UK to sleep with that stuffed cat is totally worth it.
I need something to cuddle with anyway.
*giggle* that sounds like a plan Gig!
Hmmm, connecting flight maybe...
'lay over'
well something will be stuffed Im sure :)
Holy shit Jay, remind me of what I offered you...
totally forgot! It's gigi's fault for saying stuffed pussy.
They have a name for people that dress up as stuffed animals for sex don't they?
Dammit, just plain sex?
K, now that's just boring.
spice it...
Dan watches way too much CSI.
Hey Dan, did you see last nights episode... psycho bitch I swear.
I second what pearl said!!!
Dick would be nice!
I second what pearl said!
Dick would be nice!
*k, i know i already said that*
I think they are called 'Stuffies'.
I saw last night's CSI. She was loony
I have to have lunch......
Have fun everyone!
Who's sleeping with a stuffed cat? What's been going on whilst I have been away.
Stuffing stuffed animals... LOL.
Oh, I was thinking about traveling over to stuff your pussy Suze.
orr err, no.. maybe it was about a picture?
jesus, i dunno I forgot.
Jay - I've heard that joke, but it's still a goodie!
Gigi & Pearl - cya sweeties, thanks for stopping by!
Sug - JJ has been banned from bloggerdom for awhile...
Murph - So then it takes Ron Burgandy to get a rise out of you? Because so far Sug's sucking and gigi's swallowing isnt working.
I could spit spray I guess.
Gigi and Sug got to me. The spit thing doesn't work for me though.
Who banned JJ? The Blog Consortium? Or should I just shut up?
I did, because she made my freakin blog a soap opera AGAIN.
No worries, she's out looking for a job apparently.
K, no spit spray for ya then Dan... hmmmmm.
Ohhhh....so you took the reigns and hauled her in a bit? Nice.
I'd like to see that acutally. Her with a bit in her mouth, you behind her pulling in the reigns.
Ummmm.....excuse me for a minute (er 10 minutes).
Emma you can stuff and baste me any time you like. :D
Phew! That wasn't 10 minutes was it? I could have done it twice I guess.
Oh well, I got tired of hearing murph scream his own name anyways...
Nice, Murphy. Nice.
Sug - I'll respond in a minute.
Dan - you too, please do me.
i don't mean to shamelessly plug our blog, but i don't think you wanna missed out on our latest post. my life is a fucking hilarious tradgedy.
Gigi, Emma come on, forget about the guys. :)
i'm still just in complete fucking disbelief. the only thing that could top that would be pbc supporting hillary clinton fer president.
murph - I'm sure you're the best I'll NEVER have and that's just the way I like it!! LOL I'm only in to 'innies' not 'outies'.
EN - you know I'd do you!!
Suze - 'forget about the guys'? WTF? DON'T forget about me Gigi!!
Cap'n, that was absolutely hilarious. Sorry to laugh at tragedy. :D
Gigi, anything you like.
Dan, why not join in?
Don't call me Danny....seriously....I don't like it. Not even when you're standing there all pouty-lipped with your pink bra and panties, teasingly sliding your finger under you waistband and between your legs....
Umm....be right back.
suze - oh. Ok. That's fine. I could do that!
Hey Gigi hold the fort I'll be back later, got to go and do the do. :D
The name or the fingering? 'Cause I like to watch the fingering!
LOL...I know. I just wanted to here you say it.
How's your day with the kids going? Are they driving you nuts?
Damn! It sucks actually having things to do at work! I feel like I'm neglecting all of my buddies!
*HUGS & KISSES* to all
If you want more just ask... I'll be there for ya...
Gigi - I think we are in the same damn boat! 5 months just sucks!
*never runs away*
Gigi - when I'm home alone with mine they generally just drive me crazy. But I love 'em anyways.....sorry to hear about the tripod. If I was closer I'd hold the camera for you!
I find it hard to believe you can't find a guy to hold it for you....or anything else for that matter.
You're obviously living in the wrong area!
Well then shut the hell up and swallow my cock woman!! lol
(sorry, was that too much?)
So Dan needs to start talking to us like the naughty nasty bitches we are!
Is there any left for me? ;)
I second that Dan... it should be:
Fucking dirty bitches just shut up, get on your knees and swallow my fucking cock.
Am i doing that right... at least that's what i'd say
Emma, I'm loving your dominant side. *kisses*
Okay, or this:
Dirty whores, what the fuck is up with all the lip?
Just drop and take my hot dick in your mouth... and fuck you if you don't like it... you're swallowing my load.
Suze, I'll put on the strap on, grab you by the hair, and say it to ya if you want me to.
Hey Murph, if you're jealous you can have a piece of my strap on too?
Dammit, I had King Kong Dong lined up just for ya.
Murph, she just has. :D
I was trying to ease into it. I guess I should have just rammed the dirty talk in there hard and fast. It's what you nasty little whores like anyway isn't it?
Yeah, who's your daddy now!!
I think I'll just grab a handfull of your hair while you're down there. You'll like it too, because I say you will!
Emma, drive that thing home, I'm hungry for ya. ;)
Dan, you have never been so right. ;)
*chill up spine*
Damn that shit is HAWT!
Bubblegum any one?
Well like a good master I have to make sure I reel you in before I unleash the full power I posess....
It's so much more satisfying that way.
Murph, drop your trousers and get with the program. LOL.
I hope you're growling like a dog Emma 'cause that's one of my favorite positions!
Em, (yes I give in and I'm calling you Em, you hot bitch). Alex has just been growling for a different reason (can't go there now). LOL.
Dan, I couldn't agree with you more. Spanking, hair pulling etc.
Ah yes suze....I also enjoy giving a good hard squeeze on the ass/hips while I'm pounding from behind.
Lots of fun!
Dan, you're my kind of guy.
ummm. I was trying to do my dog impression... perhaps the blatent bending over in front of you wasn't enough.
Seriously people, I haven't had an orgasm in a very long time....
Getting physically sick over it even.
Em, roll over and I'll tickle your tummy. LOL.
you have no idea Suze, Emma's ripe... should only take like 5 seconds to set me off if you do that.
Well I asked if that was a dog impression but you didn't reply.
Do I have to get forceful again?
Em, come over here girl, I'll give you a little Suzing. ;)
i need a fucking beezo.
Cap'n - *snaping open beezo* here honey, take it.
Dan - Yes, I like that... it's good practice... try again.
I can't believe my word verification was just "wolf". As in growl, doggy style etc. LMFAO.
DAMMIT Suze, Im totally jealous of you in so many ways!
emma, are you laughing at the post on our blog, or shs describing the crackwhore confessions site?
Alright then Emma, my tasty little whore, I'm just going to bend you over the end of your couch and shove my cock deep inside you. You like that don't you? You can feel my desire throbbing in my cock, waiting for release can't you?
I'll just grab the back of your head with my left hand and grab your right tit with my right hand. You like it rough sometimes don't you bitch? Yeah, I thought so. Can you feel my balls slapping your clit as I pound away? I'd slow down to tease you but it's more about me now than you. I need to feel myself explode inside your wetness. Filling you up.
Here I cum baby!!
Phew. I'm spent. Get me a beer!
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Both actually Shane, though I feel much pain for you and your family... however.
At least she isn't on Jerry Springer (trying to find a positive)..
Dan, I just videoed that.
K, Dan. That was awesome honey seriously. If you could only see the big fucking smile on my face!!!
Dude, I had no idea you had it in ya... here, have a beer on me ;)
That was my left nipple, compliments of well... my left nipple.
suze - Can you send me the video? It could be like a prize for my conquest!
Emma - There's plenty more where that came from. I just like to control myself....
Then Dan, step up to the platform.
suze - if I only knew what that meant....seriously...my mind is still recovering.
I'll have to say my goodbyes (or for some of you lovelies good-bi's) soon. The days almost done for me and I have to go do the 'dad' thing before the wife and I head out to a hockey game.
FUck you guys... seriously i dont think i can take more of dans hanky panky without sitting on a schlong... seriously.
Well I've got to head out now. I hope you all have a great weekend, in case I don't get back here.
Emma - I fully expect you to visualize my comments while someone takes care of you, or you take care of yourself, and I also expect a thank you email! If you're really nice I'll email a little more! ;-)
Take care all!!
Top tip everyone. Don't pour red wine into your mouse, Suze did a wee while ago and now her mouse has stopped working.
Go figure lol.
well, my fellow sick fucks ... looks like I missed out on all the fun ...
138 comments? Good Lord. You probably won't even read this one. So I guess I'll just write to myself.
Dear me, you are sweet. I wish I was as awesome as you are. Thankfully I am. I look forward to making love to you soon with my favorite copy of teen people, you know, the one with Orlando Bloom on the cover. Not that you are gay, but let's face it, Legolas is one hot chick!
Anyway, I hope to see me soon.
Teen people is HAWT honey... HAWT
Im glad to know you stopped by, I love your blog... remind me to write to myself sometime on it!
Oh, I always read all of my comments... *smooches to the dog*
and thanks for the big balls.
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