For all intents and purposes I just want to put it out there that one go round does not satisfy me. I know it seems almost inconceivable, but really 6 orgasms and one good fucking is usually a warm up. I hope you men understand that... Because damn, apparently some of you think I am sedated after Saturday night! Uhh, listen guys... No. Just no.
So that being said, no more talk about me being mellow. I don't mellow until I walk funny, capiche?
Good, now let's get this shit on!
Alright, I'm seriously contemplating a Cock Appreciation Week.
I think maybe perhaps next week (right before Christmas) would be a good time to appreciate the male apparatus. So women, look forward to that... And men? Well men, let's just say I better have some dick picks in my email inbox. Seriously. Ya don't have to show your face or any other part of your body for chrissakes, just your dick.
And no, I'm not sharing with any body which came from who... But we can make a game out of it if you want! Match the cock to the blogger.
I love that word--- cock. cock cock .
*sigh* I love men.
Don't pussy out either, show us you have balls and just do it!!! LMFAO. Jesus.
I'm all for this, and I know the ladies are too. I mean shit, we're givers!!
Gigi puts it all out there... You've seen a whole lot of Suze. Lillith has been known to give up a nice peek... A lot. Even Buttah gives us cleavage and Sass (wonderful intellectual Canadian that you are) participated in some nice body shots.
But you guys haven't given us shit but backs and fore arms... wtf?!?!?
K, that's not true.. Horsn did some mighty fine shots that got a little close to money. And Big Daddy Dozer always entertains us with his big blue eyes.
That's NOT what we wanna see though... Pull out the gear and grab the fucking camera! We're ready for the show and it's what we want for Christmas.
For inspiration purposes I will put this picture up, tell me if it does anything for you. WAIT! Go grab your camera!
The Most Wonderful Time:
There, now I've gotten that off of my chest, let's talk about my chest shall we?
God damn I hate it.
While the men stay distracted at the picture and photography assignment, I want to rant to you ladies for a minute. about something womanly perplexing.
See, I have issues with my 'cycle.' Sure, every woman does... And my issues aren't as abundant since well, I've had some surgery in that general vicinity which no longer makes me, well. Anyway.
So, even though the physical downward symptom is inept, I still reap the enjoyment of hormones... HOORAY! GIVE IT UP FOR HORMONES LADIES!!! Fuck, I hate em and love em at the same time. I mean to say:
-- They make me feminine sometimes, which helps me to be sub when I need to.
-- They keep me soft and hairless. Gotta love estrogen for that, right?
-- They enable me to have an excuse for being a total bitch for no reason. And really sometimes the excuse doesn't work. Then you actually have to admit you are a bitch... Which, I seem to have done a lot lately for one reason or another.
But I digress...
-- They power propel my excellent sex drive. Nuff said.Anyway, so during this pseudo cycle I have my breasts expand a full cup size and it's unpredictable when exactly this will happen. So, one minute I'm good.. The next minute my cannons are packed and ready to explode right out the top of my fucking bra. And it HURTS like a son of a bitch!!! Like crying pain even.
Does any body else have this problem but me?
Furthermore I'm blessed with these weird tingles I keep getting. Seriously goose flesh material. I could be just standing there and WHOOPS I'm excited....
Okay then, more than usual for my nympette self. It's scary almost even... Instant nipple hardness, just add hormones. HORMONES HOORAY!
So I ask the good doctor today about my pseudo cycle since its causing me discomfort and he says... "Are you ready for menopause?"
menopause? Jesus, I'm thirty-one years old!
Well, apparently they give you this shot monthly which zaps the ovaries ability to work... Thus, disintegrating hormones and thrusting you abruptly into a place you really don't wanna be until you're at least 50.
This apparently is the answer to my pain. Ummm. So, being a needingly well educated woman, you ask the question(s):
What happens to me after that?
"Well, your breasts will shrink, and your vaginal secretions will dry up. You may hit a depression, we would have to counteract that side effect with prescriptions. "
Now granted, I'm mad at my boys today. But I'm not gonna let them shrivel up for christs sake! Fuck losing my vaginal secretions too. I'd rather suffer for a week then never get it wet again.
I vote hysterectomy first. That's my vote.
ANYWAY... After all that noise:
Today my appointment with my Doctor was also to discuss other health blah-blah-blahs.
-Blood pressure? Glad you asked 70/52... I'm still alive as far as I know.
-Kidneys? Yes, I have two of them.. They talk amongst each other every once in awhile and decide they want to play nice. When they're not doing that they stay at an even 35/15.
-Then we got to talk about my weight gain YES I GAINED WEIGHT!!! Think it's sarcasm? Its really not. I'm too thin for my own good and can't seem to metabolize accordingly. Like a hummingbird I am.... Oh well. But I gained nonetheless! *cheers*
It's those god damned Sara Lee Nutty Bars!!!
Can we talk about guys in cords? ... hot... does that do anything for anyone but me?
look i'm first! (well i was when i STARTED typing!)
i go up a size but not like you do not with that much pain or that much sensitivity (i'll take 10% of the sensitivity off your hands...) er boobs?
1. maybe. ;)
2. THANK YOU! mwah!
3. Thanks again! hubba-hubba! *drools*
4. poor baby
5. fuck that shit. Why rush menopause? Does this guy still recommend hystorectomies for "hysterical" women?
Em, don't get the boob discomfort, however get the increased size thing.
Confused by the menapause inducing injection. What's that all about?
Can't say that I have noticed guys in chords. Does it make their bulge look larger. LOL.
Ok. Despite the fact that my name wasn't mentioned once in this whole damn post I'm seriously considering sending in a pick. I know I'm above average but only slightly so I'm not worried about size criticism, besides the women have never complained.
It's just getting over sending a dick pick to someone I've never physically met. Apparently I have trust issues......
I'll have to get over that.
By the way, nice pics!!
someone owes me an e-mail ... *tapping foot*
dzer - good luck man! I ordered her to send me some pics yesterday and she all but ignored me.
Sass- Whoo HOO!! You're #1 baby, you're #1. But you know you're always number one in my book :)
Yes please take 10%, I'll handle the other 90% (guffaw @ 'handle')
Guys in cords? *bite lip and drool*
Just nice. Just really really nice.
Sarge- Jesus, I'm so glad nothing has happened to you. I was starting to worry. Don't worry about the pic, I'll photoshop you one. :)
Dozr - 1. COOL! 2. You're welcome 3. You're welcome again 4. I know, it sucks ass 5. No, it's completely normal for my dilemma. I trust my doctor implicitly and we have worked for three years to avoid this idea at all.
Sug - Yes the thirties have been bittersweet hormone wise. Would almost be happy just doing the twenties hormone thing for a while again. Kinda. And thanks Sug, It's good to be back :)
Suze - you're so lucky not to have the pain... sigh. The shot, the shot, I'll have to go over that some time soon. Too much to type here... ummm. Your avatar really kicks ass though, cant get over that.
Gigi - Guys in cords *drool again* Anybody got a tissue?
YES I'm totally looking forward to cock appreciation week!!! I sooooo hope we get some participation on this, I don't think the guys know how much this would be appreciated.
Dan - If I say your name would you send one? I really want you to... please? You can totally trust me, ask any body that's sent me pics in the past and you will know that's a true statement. And with that said:
dan oh dan
Dan oh god yes
Dan spank me
Hows that?
Murph - I have ordered your cords but you have to send a pic of your dick to get them.
I can pinch my nipples if I want, they're mine... you're just jealous.
Guys, there will be no critiquing of cocks. I hope you understand this. It's all about the enjoyment of your falicy...
and if us women can do it, then god damnit so can you.
Jesus, you needy email fuckers.
I just checked MY inbox and see...
So, I suggest we play a little game then.... *finger to chin*
I will send pics to whomever participates. Yes. I will.
umm ... I was told by someone that she would be e-mailing me pics to use for a graphic she wished me to build for her ... and that was friday ... I guess I kept thinking that they'd come along eventually ...
I guess the job's been given to another contractor? LOL
as to the other thing ... my cock's on the way ...
NO Dozr, it's been insane around my house lately... and I've been sick. Haven't felt like doing much of anything... I hope you can understand.
I do need your help and am sending those pics today now that I'm back on track, like I promised.
Thank you. And, I should have explained how sick I was... I apologize.
dzer....buddy....you designin' graphics just for the chicks? I'm sure I could dig up some naked lady shots to send you if you felt like makin' a graphic for my blog. Nothing cheesy or sexual, just something that fits the title of my blog.
How many pics do you charge?
Oh, and Emma, I thought you'd be more vocal than that but perhaps you're just underestimating my skills. Either way you've almost convinced me. I'll see what I can do.
Umm JAY.
First off all, are my tits not blatently displayed right here for ya buddy?
So in the privacy of email I wonder.... hmmmmmmm......
fucker I'll give you incentive, don't you worry about that. Put the pieces together and imagine if I can post my tits on display here, what could I do in the privacy of email? Huh?
I'll orgasm for ya anytime if it means you'll participate!!
Awwwww. ya big softy, come here and gimme a hug...
Jay.....she's all talk on this one! It's the thought of emailed pics that she's offering for incentive. She's a clever little vixen! I demanded similar pics with no result but I'm probably going to submit one to her regardless......
pssst...Emma....come here....shhhh....that post to jay was just in fun to throw him off the track.....don't tell anyone....
Jesus. Okay, so now I'm a liar?
WTF? Fine then, you know what guys, don't participate then.
But, Dozr has complied.. so I'm sending him a pic right now.
Jay, come on baby -- hit the tender spot.
I will be called many things... but not a liar.
Nope, and I do believe Dozrs enjoying his pics right now.
Dan - Okay honey (shhhhhh.)
LMFAO....heehee...that made me giggle.
I mean laugh. Yeah, guys laugh, they don't giggle.
For verification purposes, fellas:
Yes, I did send a pic of my cock to E.N.
I was proud to give back to her; she's give me — and all of us — so much.
and I can verify that I got not one, but TWO very, VERY hot pics in return ... *is a lucky man*
Fuck you Murph. I got your number fucker....
eat me.
Emma...you'll have to wait until tonight before I can send you a pic. It may not be cumming but it will get there!
by the way ... there's an important vote on the Diatribe ... stop on by naughty one ...
... and you other gorgeous people!
oops ... sorry ... shameless blogvertising ... and no one gets nekkid pics of me for playing either!!
which goes to show just what a good deal E.N. is offering here today men!
How much would you pay for that? Five cock pics? Four cock pics? Maybe three? NO! You only have to pay just one — ONE — cock pic and you get two — TWO — pics from E.N.
Order now! operators are waiting!
LMAO Dozr!! If I didn't have a client waiting to meet with... I'd be all over hugging you with swollen boobies too!
the old "I-have-a-client-waiting-so-I-can't-hug-you-all-over-with-my-swollen-boobies" excuse ... if I had a nickel ...
Dan - I'll wait :)
In fact, it would almost be better to receive them at night whereas I can masturbate freely. ;)
Fiesty eh? K, you have no idea.
I'll give you until my meeting over to have a pic in my inbox, AND for you to figure out HOW to eat pussy....
Perhaps thats not enough.
Umm, wait. you have eaten pussy right?
Cock cock cock
cock cock cock
I agree with Gigi
K, this sounds really cool!
Let's carol it in VS nighties Gigi!!
Just comply and smile, every body else does.
Sheesh, high maintenace fucker.
Oh sorry Jay, was I supposed to not swear today?
That's fucking bullshit.
Ummm, I would like to be a fucker and a fuckee.... but fuck if I know how to start this shit.
and I sent you nothing... you better check that email address again honey. If you get one from me, believe me, it won't look anything like Dozrs cock...
in fact, much the opposite.
I bet they do Gigi, I bet they do...
I'm all for coming over and putting some sunshine in your day...
why so sad Gigi? *hug*
Want me to warm your nipples then? I'll blow... HOT.
Why have I got all these cocks in my inbox?
Right right gigi... I'm working that way!! Really thinking that the guys giving us Christmas cheer could put a whole new 'flip' on things.
can't understand why they're so aprehensive... like we've never seen a dick before! whatever...
Suze - Ummm... WTF?!?!? SHARE!
Ok all you horny little ladies....I hate to disappoint but I have some serious work to do for the next little while. I'll check in later.
Keep yourselves warm and ready!
Scrawny Mick ass. Wow.
wv: hiwouckn "hi! wow, are you chicken?"
rub my breasts Murph... I'll feel better.
With FINGERTIPS jesus, don't fucking squeeze like that!!!
No agression.. just pain.
ur gonna have one helluva full inbox until cock week's done!!!
My thoughts exactly gigi!
And Sid, you would be right if anybody would actually PARTICIPATE!!
I'm checking email here... *waiting*
I know it Gig, huh?
Well, at least Dozrs sleeping well today... *snicker*
are those your tits in that picture.
I had a HUGE client meeting and now I'm slammed to my ass with work.... *sigh*
Yes Cap'n those are my breasts...
Sarge - Yes, I still have the address and I will comply after I am done dealing with all this shitload of actual work I have to deal with.
Murph - fuck you about the negotiation thing... we need to talk
Jay - err umm.
Sug - Same answer as Sarge, I promise I will this afternoon or evening.
Gigi- good girl!! Way to keep up the battle front while I was absent!
God I love ya.
Did I miss anyone? I'll be horribly busy, but back to check in in a little while
I think the guys are looking for something more than just tits....come on. You women think that's the only thing men like to see?
Do ya?
If I'm emailing a pic of my trouser snake I sure would like to see a treasure box or two in return.
Let's get serious here.
It's blatently obvious that men are more takers than givers.
I ask Gigi, and any other woman that now posts great breast and almost pussy shots to boycott posting any further.
I know I know.
But apparently they just don't get that we give as much as they do.
Let me know ladies if you think this is a good idea becuase I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.
nuff said. I'm boycotting until further notice. Enjoy the tits, it's the last you're gonna get until all you FUCKING MEN STOP WHINING ABOUT WHAT YOU EXPECT!!!
fuck. i feel better
K, I wasn't kidding Sarge.
Should make HNT real boring around here... don't you think?
Well shit, Sarge.
I can think of many a night I've actually given... yes, given. because lazy man ass was tired and I got mine anyway.
Gigi- good good.
Jay- I think the hostility is this. I want to appreciate your appendages just like all the other horny girls that look and read your guys blogs do.
But you guys say no no no whilst us ladies go ahead and smear T&A all over our blog.
Hmph. we feel cheated.
that's where the love went.
Hmmm. I'll believe it when I see it... seriously.
BUT. I do have lots of pics.... LOTS of pics with money... so come on fuckers... I gave you the option.
Do not disappoint.
alright muffin asses? okay?
Boycott Shmoycott.....Here's the deal.
You post pics of tits and we post pics of tits. You want us to bare our cocks (which I already said I would damnit you fuckin' whiners!) but you still think your tits are enough.
Listen, we can get pics of tits anywhere. You want us men to submit pics of our own, peronsal cocks. The HNT pics SOMETIMES have partial nudity but alas, most parts are covered up. Half the women commenting on here *ahem* post pics of their cleavage or legs or feet for cryin' out loud. Then they jump on the bandwagon of 'oh, we women bare all but the men are only takers'.
Fuck that.
I give. I'm all for giving each and every one of you women a good cock-reaming. Don't say I'm not a giver!!
Until I hear an apology I'm not sending a cock pic.
Sarge - that works... the appreciation isn't til next week.
dazzle me you military man.
Love you and that beretta.
and yes...I'm pouting!!
I totally give up on you guys.
I distinctly remember telling Sarge no problem on the waiting...
funny how that slipped right into one ear and out the other.
Gigi - you can send me your pussy shots. that would be great.
Gigi - person to person email is anonymous.
Perhaps one of us should have a pussy appreciation week and all you women can send in pics so we can try and match up pussy to woman?
THAT should be fair right?
Murph - I have to give them a little so they don't clam up competely...no pun intended. Ok, it was.
Who's got an enraged pussy?
Me me me ! *waving franticly"
Alex what are you up to? :D
Erm, nothing sweetness.
Quick Gigi, in the closet.
All right, all right, turn on the f*****g light, I can't see a damn thing.
What's that in my hand? Ooh, Gigi is that you?
Sorry to split, but we're off to erm explore a few nawty possibilities. ;)
Keep it HAWWT for us Gigi. We'll drop back in later.
i have an 8" cock. just thought i'd let ya'll know.
Cap'n, Suze says you should send a picture to her and Gigi for assessment.
Emma, I've have displayed my cock on a number of occasions. On our blog that is. And Shays blog for that matter.
So I hope you're not grouping me with the guys who don't show the goods.
BTW, a mutual aquaintance is showing a bit of skin on alexsuze.com on Thursday.
No, it's not his it's mine. *licking lips*
Gigi, do you want to share?
'ello, 'ello!!
wot's all this then?
Gigi, check your AOL email.
DZer, Suze is becoming a big fan of DZerotica. I'm starting to get suspicious.
Well from Suze and me it's G'night.
It's 23:45 and I have to be up early. Damn.
Ummm. ALEX.
Holy shit, I don't see Gigi posting about asking for pics on her blog WTF?!?!
Are you sending one to me or not?
I mean, that kinda pisses me off.... oh well.
Emma~I'm late again for the party so I'll just tidy up the room.
I was wondering about the hysterectomy. Don't you go through menopause if you have one?
As for the breasts, mine will also increase at least a cup size from a D to a DD. Yikes! Not a pleasant feeling at all. If you find a way to relieve this, let me in on it.
Jenn - No on the menapause after hysterectomy thing. And this is why... Ovaries.
This is a good blog topic, I think I'll do this!
Gigi - well shit. I'm gonna check my email and see if there's anything waiting for me.
there better be.
Thanks for the suggestion on the tea, I'll try just about anything at this point. It really owies.
Sug - Yeah, I know huh... jesus, and they say WE'RE High maintenance!
No Gigi sweets :)
Unless you have a cock you wanna share... you don't have to send me any thing.
But if you wanna say hi too, that's cool.
Thanks Castu!!!
Now where's my pic?
Hey, Emma. Check your email for an invitation to my Flickr photos. (I hope that's not too presumptuous of me.)
Take care,
yes the peicture does something for me
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