Welcome one, welcome all
Let's rock out with some cock out... Shall we?
NOUN: pl.
The male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates, homologous with the clitoris. In mammals, it also serves as the male organ of urinary excretion.
Behold the mysterious and ever-powerful fallacy that drives a man to stupidity and a woman to her knees. What is it about a hard cock that sends shivers wayyyy up my spine and back down again? I have yet to behold (or just hold) one that I didn't like, and it's proof positive for my sexuality to almost always try and have one at my disposal. Even if it is silicone for the moment.
There is so much to appreciate when it comes to the male form. For ages, the mans body was made to be shunned as ugly and unappreciated whilst the women took on the perfect nude persona... I think that's a bunch of bullshit. I think a naked man in my bed is the pertiest picture I've ever seen. And I'm glad to see that more and more, men (and the public in general) are getting more comfortable with their 'gift'. *chuckle*
Now let me get comfortable with it. please.
I worship dick.
Of course so do some religions and small villages...
buI no, i really do. The minute I come in contact with a hard-on I start praying:
"Oh god I hope I get to feel that...."
"Jesus, is that what I think it is pressing up against me?"
"Lord, the sooner I get that in my mouth the happier I'll be."
see, prayin. no lie.
So ladies, what do we know (I mean truly know) about a man's cock?
Did we really pay all that much attention in health class to the clinical dry lessons brought forth to us by stodgy old stale teachers?
NO. I passed notes in class about how much better it would be with live diagram... movie projectors bite ass.
Us ladies, we try not to know anything about a dick medically, besides blood flow... it kinda stops there for us. And we didn't catch the part where your balls come into play. As far as we're concerned they're decoration until they become a necessity.. and then we baby them. Get the pun? No? *sigh*
What we do know when the time is right is this:
-- we can see it through your pants most of the time, no matter how hard you try to disguise it.
-- If you pull it out in front of us, we'll look. It's a knee-jerk reaction.
-- If you pull it out hard in front of us, our fingers will itch to touch it (another knee jerk reaction).
-- You can do parlor tricks with yours, and frankly I'm really feeling cheated about that.
-- It makes you forget who we are as a person. Which, in most cases is borderline alright, unless it's our birthday or anniversary. In which case, you should remember who we are since we've been giving this shit up to you for the last umm-teen years.
-- It makes us forget who we area as a person. On the 'party end' of an erection I must say that I have not only forgotten my name, but my partners name too. Which leads us safely into the next one ....
-- It makes us ladies do kinda weird, strange things. Like speak in tongues. Or... even stranger than that - not speak at all.

As an end to this post, since I'm rushed and just about every woman that reads this blog is hammering my IM, Email, and Comments to see some dick...
I will leave you with these ever enlightening animal kingdom facts that Jeff Corwin and I were discussing during foreplay just last week.
. A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size.
. A blue whale lets out 400 gallons of sperm everytime it unloads. Approximately 40 gallons of this make it into the mate, leaving 360 gallons in the water. And we wonder why the ocean is so salty?
.A male flea's reproductive organ is twice as long as it's body.
.Average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour.
.Most arousing time of day/season for a man: early morning/fall.
Until I return with more tomorrow. Ciao!
NOUN: pl.
The male organ of copulation in higher vertebrates, homologous with the clitoris. In mammals, it also serves as the male organ of urinary excretion.

There is so much to appreciate when it comes to the male form. For ages, the mans body was made to be shunned as ugly and unappreciated whilst the women took on the perfect nude persona... I think that's a bunch of bullshit. I think a naked man in my bed is the pertiest picture I've ever seen. And I'm glad to see that more and more, men (and the public in general) are getting more comfortable with their 'gift'. *chuckle*
Now let me get comfortable with it. please.
I worship dick.
Of course so do some religions and small villages...
buI no, i really do. The minute I come in contact with a hard-on I start praying:
"Oh god I hope I get to feel that...."
"Jesus, is that what I think it is pressing up against me?"
"Lord, the sooner I get that in my mouth the happier I'll be."
see, prayin. no lie.

Did we really pay all that much attention in health class to the clinical dry lessons brought forth to us by stodgy old stale teachers?
NO. I passed notes in class about how much better it would be with live diagram... movie projectors bite ass.
So does listening to the teacher go "Ummm... and the uh Vas Deferens carries sperm to the uhhhhh....."
Us ladies, we try not to know anything about a dick medically, besides blood flow... it kinda stops there for us. And we didn't catch the part where your balls come into play. As far as we're concerned they're decoration until they become a necessity.. and then we baby them. Get the pun? No? *sigh*
What we do know when the time is right is this:
-- we can see it through your pants most of the time, no matter how hard you try to disguise it.
-- If you pull it out in front of us, we'll look. It's a knee-jerk reaction.
-- If you pull it out hard in front of us, our fingers will itch to touch it (another knee jerk reaction).

-- It makes you forget who we are as a person. Which, in most cases is borderline alright, unless it's our birthday or anniversary. In which case, you should remember who we are since we've been giving this shit up to you for the last umm-teen years.
-- It makes us forget who we area as a person. On the 'party end' of an erection I must say that I have not only forgotten my name, but my partners name too. Which leads us safely into the next one ....
-- It makes us ladies do kinda weird, strange things. Like speak in tongues. Or... even stranger than that - not speak at all.

As an end to this post, since I'm rushed and just about every woman that reads this blog is hammering my IM, Email, and Comments to see some dick...
I will leave you with these ever enlightening animal kingdom facts that Jeff Corwin and I were discussing during foreplay just last week.
. A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size.
. A blue whale lets out 400 gallons of sperm everytime it unloads. Approximately 40 gallons of this make it into the mate, leaving 360 gallons in the water. And we wonder why the ocean is so salty?
.A male flea's reproductive organ is twice as long as it's body.
.Average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour.
.Most arousing time of day/season for a man: early morning/fall.
Until I return with more tomorrow. Ciao!
***Really HUGE SMILEY face***
Now, if I could just get some... I'd be all good! LOL!
I've just sat down to eat lunch and now my appetite seems to have gone. It may be down to all the screen licking I've just done. LOL.
Well I may be the first man to comment on this post but what the hell, I'm secure in my masculinity.
I'm not jealous of the sizes cause I'm quite good with what I've got thankyouverymuch. Besides, I've never had a woman complain.
Why am I commenting you ask? Shameless self-promotion? Alas, no. I am jealous of the flat stomachs!
Although even if I could bend over enough to suck my own cock I'm not sure I would, let along take a picture of it! YIKES!
When's boob appreciation week?
I think Emma should dedicate one day to a pussy parade.
It only seems fair.
Perhaps just email the pics to those of us that submitted a cockshot.
Sug - oh yeah baby!!! whoo hoo!!
Tequila - I'm glad you couldn't stay away... we need you here! where's the salt? Oh, *snicker* nevermind. :)
If either of ya'll gals smiley faces match mine then we're some grinnin' mutha fucka's!
Blondie - Can I shove my hand down your panties then? That way you don't have to.
Suze - Ive got something else you can lick honey.
Gigi - tonight will be all about what we like... so drop me an email about your favorite dick thing!
Dan - and see, this is absolutely why you are gold star material. No worries... it's dick we're concentrating on, not stomachs...
in fact, were there stomachs in those pics? I didn't notice!
Pearl - Awww thanks hun :) I tried my best to make it more than just a picture show... I know, Im gonna have a HARD time getting through the day. tee hee.
Helkel - Interesting. Perhaps we should consider something along those lines... you think?
Ummmm. dan. uhhh. pussy week?
Umm. thanks to Murph for sponsoring my two-finger plunge this morning.
sausage fest
Well I can't host PAW on my blog so it will have to be done elsewhere. Although since it was my idea I do think I should get a copy of each photo......
And Emma....you've just given me material to use tonight when I stroke off. Thanks!!
howzabout anus week? that way it's open to everyone. heh
blondie ... btw ... yer linked ... again LOL
uh. dan, were you talking about the pi- nevermind.
Dozr - pancakes... mmmmmmm. LOL.
Sure Jay, how big are your fingers honey?
Suburban Dude- WELCOME!! Put down your briefcase and stay awhile! Ummm... actually wait, what's in that briefcase?
better yet, what's in your briefs?
What a fun day!
**jumping up and down**
**still smiling**
Sorry... can't contol myself.
Hold still so i can lick you and salt you up for my shot! Here... hold the lime just like that... yep that's good... hehe!
LMAO @Dozer!!!
no wait Jay... wait a second.
Dick size doesn't matter honey, but if it's fingers...?
then we need some girth or some length honey.
Hooray for boobies!
Ummm. Tequila girl wants to lick me after bouncing up and down....
I'm definetly continuing this tomorrow... but I must ask this question:
Is this too distracting and blatently pornographic for the workplace?
Perhaps we should wait on this.
Right... silly me!
hmmmm... distracting... what? where? Oh, ummmmm, work... yeah right... nope all good...
What would be distracting is if it disappeared... I'd curl up in a ball and go into a major depression... screaming "I want the cocks"
Everyone would think I'm crazy and the whole place'd be in an uproar!
How about full-frontal week? That way we can combine PAW and BAW into one week.....
Just sayin'
Hell, the women can make the rules on this as long as there are submissions. And not regurgitated HNT pics damnit!
Dan unlike your penises, us women have full frontal identifiers...
like tattoos!
no full frontal... no way.
Emma - right! Forgot about that. Okay then, two separate weeks it is then!! Bring on the boobs damnit!!
you know what though? I've shown my tits... so, then what?
I mean... nothing new there.
LMAO. Jay you are absolutely wrong and I have proof positive.
No full frontal.
Murphy, I told you I would give it up... but you resist.
Hi Horsn!!! *waiving*
wv: wbluntey - smokin' it after work thanks!
c&p that.
full frontal fuckers.
Emma - that's why I suggested a PAW instead. Some of the women on here have posted boob or cleavage shots for HNT already. For men our cocks are our most prized posessions. Women often feel free enough to bare tits but always cover up the treasure trove...
Emma - nice link but no treasure trove there either....sigh.....
Jay - WTF!?!?!
It is finger licking good though!
LOL. I hate that, nothing worse than grease splattered breasts!
wn: pents - ummm, really close to hitting a bingo there ...
horsn - snatchurally I was looking for more but yes, it's still a damn fine pic of Emma! Damn Fine!!
K, so if there's a PAW that's my opt out... right?
Emma - Your 'opt out'? Huh? I participated in your CAW.......
right dan, but I didn't see your dick on HNT either.
Hmmm. Horsn. Hmmmm.
Gigi's always getting the rise on... *sigh*
Emma - well I suppose I could tuck my dick between my legs and post that pic on HNT. That's pretty much the same thing I guess. After all, it's showing nothing but a hint of skin....
Jay, thanks for expressing what I couldn't.
Emma - That's what I was talking about...
Gigi - mmmmmmm.....goodies. Nice pic!!
Dan - tuck your dick and post it... I DARE you!
Jay - That gives me food for thought honey *lol*
and I did bear all... just because you cant see my pussy doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Further, Im not wearing any panties... so basically yeah.. that's it...
Gigi - I'll be there.
Gigi, lean towards me I think you have a little cookie dough stuck to your nipples.
Shall I lick it off?
What's that Dan are you doin a HNT?
Hi Sug, how are you doing?
Sug, I'm just wondering how he managed to get that in his mouth.
That's a talent!
Actually Jay, Im not wearing any panties.... thanks for asking! :)
Hi Suze... Hi Sug!
Hi, Em how are you doing?
I've just been having some cookies, courtesy of Gigi.
Of course you were Suze, of course you were.
Em, is Dan doing an HNT post this week?
Emma - I don't mean to start a fight here or anything so I hope you're not taking my 'gentle ribbing' that way but seriously, what would you have said if I had submitted a pic for CAW and it was tucked neatly away? I mean, just because you couldn't see my cock doesn't mean it shouldn't be appreciated...and if I was to submit a pic like that it would pretty much look exactly the pic you linked to earlier. Except of course I don't have your hot and sexy body! LOL
Hi Jay, how are you?
Dan, if you tucking your cock in looked anything remotely like that pic I linked to...we need to talk.
Further, cock appreciation week is about cock... not pubes, not balls... cock. Hence, a pick of your cock... not tucking.
make sense? PLUS. I mean, jesus apparently woman nudity dictates I blatently spread my pussy open for everybody...
i had no trouble in seeing my pussy in the pic.. is it because you can't see pubic hair that you feel cheated?
Jay, I'm fine.
What's wrong with a little DIY? LMFAO.
Stop it Gigi, if you wanna see my pussy I'll show it to ya :)
Em, me too. *jumps up and down*
Emma....sweetie...I don't feel cheated. I never said I felt cheated. I wasn't expecting pubes either....I'm just sayin' it seemed to be a bit of a double-standard. We flash our cocks for all to see but the women only want to show boobs (which is still great mind you!). I guess women feel that flashing some thigh and a hint of what's in between is good enough. Admittedly for guys it is.
I just thought it was odd....that's all. No one was asking you to spread your lips or anything.
Well, maybe Jay....LOL
needy fucking men, i tell ya.
so, nobody noticed that in those 'thank you pics for participating that there was clearly a pussy there?
fucking whiners
Emma - I emailed you a few minutes ago regarding that same thing. I was trying to 'beat around the bush' and not mention it in case I wasn't supposed to.
Fucking thoughtless women! Damn complainers the lot of them!!
Gigi - I don't know....it's been a while now. I usually get called that without flashing my cock.
Hey Gigi, I love it when you get hot and steamy!
First of all.... Gigi's right. We're sluts if we show pink.
If you show your dick, it's absolutely more acceptable.
Now, your assholes... that would be obscene.
Second Dan, I have no fear of stating the obvious... no beating around the bush. I told you guys that if you sent me pics I would in turn send you a pic of mine..
show me yours I'll show you mine.
I live up to my promises. The only people I didn't send to were...
I cant name them. But they know who they are and if they wanna see my pussy they can let me know.
There. thats all about that
Gigi, don't get angry with me. You won't like me when I'm angry. I get very profane....and demanding. In actuality if a man flashes his cock he usually gets called a pig and the women pretend to hate him. And yes, women have double standards too.
*oink oink, we'll be PIGS*
what movie is that from?
(Quick change of subject here)
Jay - if you had sent me a pic, you would have gotten one.
I would shoot one to you, but my server is tied up with the 'under desk-cam thing' i do for well..
not telling who I do it for.
Gigi. i will reciprocate... send on honey :)
Where are my pictures? *pout*
rrrrrrrrroflmao @ Jay.
Suze - no pics have been sent or unsent... no pouting.
what the fucking hell!?!
LOL@Jay...that's good!
Gigi - no fight here. Stick around will ya?
Em - movin' on sounds like a damn good idea to me! Where's that webcam address? sidenote: if Jay gets a pic for NOT submitting one then WTF?
murph - I'm glad you said something 'cause I was just about to snap!
Sarge - Hey baby... you don't happen to be stationed on the Western side of the states, would you?
Dan - RELAX. I was trying to decieve and distract Jay, henve turning his attention NOT to the pic but to the under desk cam... shhesssh.
Hi Capn - I want your dick.
Gigi-im still waiting.
ain't gotta camera that i can do that shit from.
I'll be right over Capn, let me get you drunk first though... that way you'll enjoy it more.
The pictures I mean...
matter of fact, i ain't gotta camera no more period. sumbitch shot craps a coupla months back. maybe i'll get one fer xmas.
Emma - LOL...I recall saying nothing about pics. I'm focusing on the webcam now.....
C'mon Jay, focus with me!!
uh sure. that'll go over well w/ the ol' lady. "honey, these nice ladies i met on the intarweb are here to get me liquored up and take pictures of my dong. i didn't think you'd mind."
hmmm....should I be regretting submitting my pic?
Dan - what? what the hell?
Sarge - (not like that matters to you...i know that was you watching me the other night;)
It does matter to me.. Im madly in love with my husband. Further, so what if it was me? What are YOU gonna do about it?
Okay, okay... jesus, you CAN pin me in a sleeper hold in two seconds flat *roaring applause* i succumb... and I will salute... let me know when you hit the West harbor and I'll be there.
*tossing Sug the camera* Give this to Capn and let him take a pic.. then you take a pic.. then I'll take a pic.
uh, Jay... lemme sit on your lap.
K, and just an FYI.. I was all over keeping this anonymous... but if ya'll want to just throw it out there, I'm sticking big gold lettering around each photo with the dimensions and your fucking names.
btw... tell me you guys have pet names for your peckers... come on, do it.
Ummmm...Jay? Women with big hands sometimes turn out to be men. Maybe you should check for an adams apple? Just a thought.
My grandfather always used to say 'Dan, do I know you?' We think he had alzheimers'....or he wasn't my grandfather.
Murph, I think it's the 'feeling used' without 'being used' that's getting to me.
That and the bitchiness that's been going on.
Em - I was just trying to confuse everyone so we could move on...and I know you're kidding about adding names to the pics. Retribution would come swift and painfully my friend. I like you too much to do that.
Women have such a hard time letting go.....sigh.
First of all Dan. If you think Im being bitchy... or any other woman for that matter, it's not directed at you.. it's directed with you.
If only we could all stand up and spread our vaginas in unison...
would that make you feel better?
No, seriously Dan... is it my masturbation that gives you issues? I could tell you I didn't masturbate to your pic if you want
Wait a minute. Now we're supposed to be doing full-monty HNTs? Yikes. Oh well, I got a complaint on my blog for too many photos in jeans so I just uploaded a no-jeans photoset to Flickr. It's behind their "friends" firewall but most of you are friends already and anyone else who's tired of jeans can email me.
Emma, you have my email address if you ever want to send um, recipes or anything. (Yeah, "recipes" that sounds about right. Y'know Gigi posts her recipes.
Oh yeah, and about hands? Mine are quite large though other parts are quite average.
Take care,
LOL@Jay...sorry man!
Emma - Nothing would make me happier than to know you DID masturbate to my pic! I'm a sick and perverted freak inside. And once again, for Christ's sake listen this time, I never asked for the spread lips!! Fuck, just a typical woman...listening to a man but not hearing a thing! I wasn't bitching about anything.....
Shit, now I'm all tense and aggravated! My Dom side comes out like the Incredible Hulk when I'm angry.....stand back!
NO figgy - no full monty HNT's. That would piss Osbasso off for sure... perhaps we should pic a day for buck nudity...
We need to pay homage to HNT by being atleast a little clothed. i was just doing the dare from all the guys who gave me shit about covering my nipples.
further Murph- if you touch my pussy... ill never let you leave, understand?
Sug - I will stop by....
no, you can find him in the friends flicker thingy... which is where Ive spent a little time myself... *sigh*
Well this has been somewhat fun but I think I've pissed off the ladies today so I'll take my leave for a while....I have some work to attend to anyway.
Have a good day all!!
no dan, not pissed.. just need you to relax and stop assuming.
thats all :)
Jay - k, you are fucking hilarious you know that?
Emma - I had moved on but you kept talking to me like I hadn't. I'm a forget and forget kind of guy. You tell me to drop it and it's dropped without another thought. I'm easy that way (and others).
Now I really really do need to finish up some work.
Bye DAN!
Bye JAY!
Merry Christmas!!!
Oh and Jay, taping mistle toe to my belly button will not assist in your permission to eat me out.
good try though!
Have I missed everyone?
Have a good holiday Dan & Jay - Merry Christmas to you.
Hi Blondie. Nice to hear your voice earlier, you sound cute.
No honey, Im still here admin'ing the comments section...
I did watch poor Sug get her ass handed to her at the Wedding Party site though.
I think she needs an email about that.
Em, are you going away over the holiday?
Everyone seems to be leaving town.
Nope Suze, I'll be here...
Oh there's no place like home for the holidays!!!
What's up Murph?
I was wondering if it was worth posting over Christmas.
Things are getting really quiet, except in the public domain.
Being new to this, it's our first blogging Christmas.
Was anybody else turned on by what he just said?
Murph, lean in a little my tongues not that long.
Gigi, there is a little treat in store on Friday from you know who.
BTW, drop by tomorrow for a little Christmas cheer. Yum, yum.
I was!
Murph, how come I get the ass. Uhm.
Gigi, have you turned in to the cookie monster? LOL.
See you in the morning guys, I'm off for a little action. ;)
And taking info from Murph Gig, is just plain... well,
he did call you cookie molester...
i had to laugh... sorry Gigi. It was funny and completely unnecessary for me to laugh about that... but... cute.
Now, do I agree? dunno... is it possible to molest a cookie?
Blondie - what exactly is too much info... huh?
I would like it if Blondie does not shut up, I've been waiting for you ALL DAY. I just wasn't sure what specifically it was that was TMI.. us or him...s'all. Email pls.
Gigi- ummm. put the hostility away honey.. he's gone now... I exorcized this comments section.
breathe deep. uh, you should have an email soo too gigi.
I think we need a new CAW... i will have it ready this evening PROMISE!
Gigi, you poor thing... you know, you can say ANYTHING with a smile.
you know this, right?
Blondie - and replied, thanks!
but in a good way.
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Romey - there was a quasi insult in there... and I wasn't here to administer quick enough.
repost without the first comment.
understand me? and follow the rules or I'll spank you with my ruler.
Thanks Gigi for guard dogging and all apologies to the gentleman whose feelings were jilted.
I feel bad for flushing Romey, but I'll still have his illegitimate child if he wants.
Spankings? Where does the line start? Pick me Emma! Pick me! I've been bad. Very bad!
Biker Dude
k biker... you're first. But lemme stop rubbing my legs together first honey... the friction is killing me.
*chirp chirp*
*chirp chirp*
you know what I'm talking about.
HEY were did Dozer go?
Cool! I get to be first!
And yes I do know what you are talking about, and no, you don't need to stop. Unless moving on to other things....
Biker... you're making me giggle...
LOOK! Sparks!
hey Sug, we're still appreciating cock here honey... STILL!
oh I see how it is... dlete my ass huh
*runs around room carrying scissors*
Bite me... I dont play by the rules!!!
Breakin da Law Breakiin da Law
now exsqueeze me but I just ate 28 minutes ago and Im going swiming
dont hang me wid your rules
Romey <~~~ rebel / not wearing clean underwear and looking to get into an accident
Romey, you KNOW i love your danish rule breaking ass.
dammit. I don't appreciate the dirty underwear comment tho.
Sug - k, here... hold the band-aids for me honey :)
Wow this is still going? I thought you would have posted more by now. Judging on how excited you ladies were earlier today that is...
At least I get to look at your sexy avatars while you comment!!
Dan im at work. hence, no dick pic posting... my poor boss would just die.
LOL...I don't doubt that!! No problem. I can obviously wait until tomorrow to see the new pics. If I see them at all!! (sorry, I'm just not into the dicks...)
here dan.... look at my thighs.
Well I was just killing a few minutes (and maybe kittens!) but now it's time to wrap a few presents for my wife while she's out of the house.
For those of you who may just be getting up for the day, Good morning. And if I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
Yes, I watched The Truman Show last night...
I look at your thighs all day Emma! All day long....
Wow, things got kinda wild in here today! I'm sorry I missed it.
Emma, thanks for the CAW pics. You made my day!
oh ... and DZER went to work ... bleah
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