
Damn. I'm telling ya, I need a shower... a nice cold shower. SO I'm off to do that and there's potential that after finishing up this story I could be all over myself for quite some time. So here... *smirk*
Here is the finalization of the "Spank my ass and conference call me..."
Part one
Part duex
Enjoy, I will be...
until Paris ;)
what part of "blondie" dont we all get here LOL
gawd I heart that girl
That was amazing!
yeah T... ur in a perpetual state of "FupedDuckness"... must be the brain cells ur killing with alcohol... but I still heart ya... come back to me (wow... that sounded just like Titantic... come back to me... now why do I think of Titantic when i think of you... hmmmm very Freudian cough*boobs*cough)
sugah smacks and that irish babe are hawt
Is it ok if I picture blondie in the role of Terri? That just makes it hotter!
Oh, and too late, I already pictured it!!
the guy always stinking up the bathroom at the keggers...
she felt great to me...
Im not showing my cock picture till Thursday but be fore warned... steo back from your monitor and I'd suggest protective glasses... do NOT... I repeat... DO NOT look directly at the Jensen Johnson... I suggest one of those shoe boxes with a pin hole like they use to observe total eclipses of the sun
and T... nothing... some girls just dont know how to take a compliment
So is Thursday guess the cock day?
Gigi I bet you can tell which one belongs to Alex.
because I'm not sure if this got read being way down there, I shall repeat it here, re: Part 2 ...
if for nothing else (and that WASN'T the case), this would have been worth reading JUST for the line: "as my tongue plays devils advocate to her clit."
*softly applauds*
Wow, first time here but I am into your blog. Love it!
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