Spank my ass and conference call me...
It’s a busy Monday at work, and I’m knee deep in my taskbar when my boss announces in on my phone “Emma, could you come in here for a moment… and grab your note pad please.”
“Yes sir, I’ll be there in just a minute.” I finish up what I was doing, stuff my pencil behind my ear and head into his office with note pad ready.
He looks at me through steepled fingers and begins “Alright so I’m having an old friend and business person fly in this morning for a meeting. It is essential that we make him feel very much at home since it’s been years since I have seen him and if we can make this deal it will mean large contracts for us.”
Then he leans up in his chair and motions for me to take notes.
“He will arrive at the airport around 10:30, take a cab straight to the office and we will have the meeting. Your job is to book the hotel accommodations and restaurant reservations for dinner this evening. Reservations will be for four, around 7:00pm, please make sure we have the best table.”
I scrawl the times and agenda down on my pad. He then continues “Make certain we have proper presentation material and financials in order as soon as you can.”
“Yes sir, I’ll do that right now.” I still scribble and underline financials… I despise pulling financials. No reason for it besides the reminder that soooo many people make soooo much more money than I do. *sigh*
“And if you could call that one company to deliver a fresh lunch please…”
My boss surmises in groups of thoughts, and he always makes sure the bases are covered when conducting business. “Tee time at 3pm before dinner, that will give him plenty of time to get back to the hotel for dinner….” He hesitates and scratches his head “Yeah, I think that’s all for now.”
I smile, reminding him of that one company’s name and assuring him that all will be done and to his satisfaction. I then return to my office and release a large ball of excitement I had kept inside when he told me I could do scheduling all morning.
I love that shit seriously.
Nothing like calling a 5 star hotel, restaurant, and priority tee time at the golf course. Must be nice to be rich and famous… must be real nice.
So, I got to play a little and holy shit that was more exciting than paperwork… which came soon after as I prepared the financials and gathered the company presentations.
Two hours later I was called by the receptionists’ desk; our client had arrived so it was time to put on my game face and go out to meet my boss’s comrade. I made my way out into the lobby and immediately pinpointed the tall well dressed Italian suit wearer. Yep, that was him for sure. I shook his hand and greeted him warmly, introducing myself as “The Assistant”. He in turn introduced himself as Thomas and extended his arm to a young woman on his right. She couldn’t have been more than 23 or 24 years old. She wore a tailored business suit that fit her curves perfectly, and the lacey camisole underneath her suit jacket exposed itself a bit, giving her a very feminine touch. Her blonde hair was loosely held in a French twist atop her head; and she wore glasses similar to mine. In her arms were clutched magazines and a portfolio case which bore the initial T. “Hi, my name is Terri, I’m Thomas’s personal assistant”
We shook hands, I noticed her hands were extremely soft… her nails were manicured unlike mine which looked hurried and tired. “It’s nice to meet you Terri, I’m Emma.”
Her bright smile amplified and contrasted through her painted glossy lips as we exchanged pleasantries. She rubbed her thumb a little as the hand exchange ended; though I swore it was my imagination. I led them back to the conference room, offered them drinks, and hurried back to inform my boss.
“Sir, Thomas and his assistant are here. I made them comfortable in the conference room.”
My boss looked excited “Great great! Alright, grab your notebook for meeting notes, the lunches and join us in the conference room.” He straightens his tie and grabs the items I had prepared earlier “We’ll have a nice lunch meeting.”
Damn, I like lunch meetings. Especially the ones with assorted platters of fruits, mini sandwiches, and veggies, it’s heaven I tell ya.
Lunch was delicious, and the small talk was excellent. Thomas runs a large company in California looking to expand his business venture to other areas. My boss owns most of the area, and is more than happy to sell or lease it out with a contract in our benefit. Even more so to a good old Italian friend. I got to hear about California business and regulations (which to me is fascinating, our states are so similar now), and how the weather has been warm down there. I find myself envious to hear that, as they complained they would never see a white Christmas in California. The horror.
But my attention had grown fixated on Thomas’s beautiful assistant most of the time. I found myself thinking about what it could be like to have this meeting just her and I… and then of course I had to stifle and keep from sticking to the chair as I could feel myself beginning to moisten a bit. “Ever been to California Emma?” Thomas breaks my fixation.
“Oh yes, many times… I love the weather down there actually. I’m quite jealous.” I chuckle a bit and adjust my glasses. “I could use some warm Santa Anna winds right now.”
“Well you come down any time Emma, we’ll take good care of you.” Terri grinned and evil sort of sexy teasing grin. But then, I think it was just my imagination? I became a bit flustered at this proposal so I shifted, but the rubbing of my thighs together only made me more excited.
“Thank you Terri, I appreciate the invitation. I imagine you would be very hospitable if I did.” Okay so I was reaching there, but mostly for reaction. Sometimes it works and I’ll be god damned if I’m not gonna find out whether this hot thing digs me like I dig her.
She smirked and blushed behind her glasses “Yes, I believe I would.”
Holy Shit.
We stared across from each other almost daringly, with a glimmer of tease making it’s self more prominent as we both smiled and took note of what the other may be thinking. My nipples hardened a bit as my temperature rose from the excitement taking over my body… at the thought of tasting her.
She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and changed her look to one of confidence as she rubbed her pencil eraser across her bottom lip a bit. This is not my imagination… no way. I’ve done that same thing a hundred times and I know it’s a come on. It has to be a come on.
“Alright, so let’s begin the not-so-fun stuff, shall we?” My boss beams as he pushes his plate to the side and pulls out the presentations. I sigh and put my excitement to the wayside for the moment; barely. I attend to moving the lunch mess out of the way, then return to assist with notes for the meeting. But I’ll be dammed if I wasn’t distracted.
Aside from the peeking up from notepad exchange I was having with Terri, the meeting seemed to take forever. It now being two hours after we had eaten; we were all kinda dazed from the combination of turkey mini sandwiches and overload of legal and regulatory information; we ready for a ‘gear switch.’
I reminded the men of their 3pm tee-time, and dinner at 7pm…. Trying to entice them into leaving; perhaps even persuading Terri to allow me to show her to the hotel.
“Well, let’s just finish this up over a round then.” Thomas sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Which round old friend?” My boss teased and laughed “The golf kind or the drink kind?... Or both maybe?”
“I say a little of both.” Thomas chuckled back and rose from his chair. Terri followed suit as she gathered her materials into her portfolio and zipped it tightly. She then stretched…. Yes, she did… it was nice (understating there).
I rose now as well and gathered the lunch mess, and heading off towards the kitchen area. Terri followed to assist me, clutching her portfolio under her arm and manning two large pitchers of water. Her suit button popped open as she juggled her load exposing more of the camisole she wore underneath and the crests of her two very pert breasts “Damnit, It always does that.” As she looks down her glasses slide a bit, she then peeks around the hallway to ensure nobody else is around to se “Oh well, I don’t have free hand to fix it right now so I hope nobody sees.” She giggles. I giggle. We do our kitchen thing and she fixes her button. “So, you’re staying at the Four Seasons, I hope that’s okay.. though I only booked one room so I’ll have to go in and fix that.”
“No problem, I need to reorganize these papers anyway so if I could use your office for just a few minutes I would really appreciate it.”
“Absolutely you can use my office; I’ll let you sit at my desk while I call the hotel.”
Terri and I make our way down the hallway to my office, I got to walk behind her for a moment and took note of the way her suit complimented her curves. Damn, she is really good looking, and normally I’m not into blondes… what the hell? I think to myself. Perhaps it’s the tanned skin, the bright smile, the great cleavage.
Then I had to call myself on the fact that I was thinking way too much like a man, and I stifled.
Once inside my office, I make her comfortable at my desk and watch her begin to sprawl her papers about and re-file them. I sit across from her and make her reservation, requesting fresh flowers in her room when she arrives. She giggles and smirks as I make the request… then she blushes. “Emma, you don’t have to do that.”
I cover the phone with my hand “Nonsense, every beautiful woman should have fresh flowers in her room. I wouldn’t have it any other way, why should you?”
She laughs, realizing that I had turned the blatant hit-on tactic into an egotistical thing instead. “Okay now that’s funny.”
Thomas and my boss appear in the doorway and announce that they are leaving for tee-time. I inform them that Terri and I would be more than happy to take his luggage to the hotel for him and check him in. They oblige and leave almost immediately, waving quickly as they shuffle out. We follow them down the hallway and into the lobby, saying our farewells as they disappear down the avenue.
We stand in the empty hallway, then Terri asks the inevitable question “So Emma, should we get some stuff done around here, or should we just check in now?”
I lean into her and say “we could just go check in, but that wouldn’t be any fun now would it?”
She giggled, and that was when I knew she felt the same way I did… horny as hell. Her fingers came up to remove her glasses, and I knew I was in for an experience of a lifetime as I leaned in to kiss her.
to be continued....
“Yes sir, I’ll be there in just a minute.” I finish up what I was doing, stuff my pencil behind my ear and head into his office with note pad ready.
He looks at me through steepled fingers and begins “Alright so I’m having an old friend and business person fly in this morning for a meeting. It is essential that we make him feel very much at home since it’s been years since I have seen him and if we can make this deal it will mean large contracts for us.”
Then he leans up in his chair and motions for me to take notes.
“He will arrive at the airport around 10:30, take a cab straight to the office and we will have the meeting. Your job is to book the hotel accommodations and restaurant reservations for dinner this evening. Reservations will be for four, around 7:00pm, please make sure we have the best table.”
I scrawl the times and agenda down on my pad. He then continues “Make certain we have proper presentation material and financials in order as soon as you can.”
“Yes sir, I’ll do that right now.” I still scribble and underline financials… I despise pulling financials. No reason for it besides the reminder that soooo many people make soooo much more money than I do. *sigh*
“And if you could call that one company to deliver a fresh lunch please…”
My boss surmises in groups of thoughts, and he always makes sure the bases are covered when conducting business. “Tee time at 3pm before dinner, that will give him plenty of time to get back to the hotel for dinner….” He hesitates and scratches his head “Yeah, I think that’s all for now.”
I smile, reminding him of that one company’s name and assuring him that all will be done and to his satisfaction. I then return to my office and release a large ball of excitement I had kept inside when he told me I could do scheduling all morning.
I love that shit seriously.
Nothing like calling a 5 star hotel, restaurant, and priority tee time at the golf course. Must be nice to be rich and famous… must be real nice.
So, I got to play a little and holy shit that was more exciting than paperwork… which came soon after as I prepared the financials and gathered the company presentations.
Two hours later I was called by the receptionists’ desk; our client had arrived so it was time to put on my game face and go out to meet my boss’s comrade. I made my way out into the lobby and immediately pinpointed the tall well dressed Italian suit wearer. Yep, that was him for sure. I shook his hand and greeted him warmly, introducing myself as “The Assistant”. He in turn introduced himself as Thomas and extended his arm to a young woman on his right. She couldn’t have been more than 23 or 24 years old. She wore a tailored business suit that fit her curves perfectly, and the lacey camisole underneath her suit jacket exposed itself a bit, giving her a very feminine touch. Her blonde hair was loosely held in a French twist atop her head; and she wore glasses similar to mine. In her arms were clutched magazines and a portfolio case which bore the initial T. “Hi, my name is Terri, I’m Thomas’s personal assistant”
We shook hands, I noticed her hands were extremely soft… her nails were manicured unlike mine which looked hurried and tired. “It’s nice to meet you Terri, I’m Emma.”
Her bright smile amplified and contrasted through her painted glossy lips as we exchanged pleasantries. She rubbed her thumb a little as the hand exchange ended; though I swore it was my imagination. I led them back to the conference room, offered them drinks, and hurried back to inform my boss.
“Sir, Thomas and his assistant are here. I made them comfortable in the conference room.”
My boss looked excited “Great great! Alright, grab your notebook for meeting notes, the lunches and join us in the conference room.” He straightens his tie and grabs the items I had prepared earlier “We’ll have a nice lunch meeting.”
Damn, I like lunch meetings. Especially the ones with assorted platters of fruits, mini sandwiches, and veggies, it’s heaven I tell ya.
Lunch was delicious, and the small talk was excellent. Thomas runs a large company in California looking to expand his business venture to other areas. My boss owns most of the area, and is more than happy to sell or lease it out with a contract in our benefit. Even more so to a good old Italian friend. I got to hear about California business and regulations (which to me is fascinating, our states are so similar now), and how the weather has been warm down there. I find myself envious to hear that, as they complained they would never see a white Christmas in California. The horror.
But my attention had grown fixated on Thomas’s beautiful assistant most of the time. I found myself thinking about what it could be like to have this meeting just her and I… and then of course I had to stifle and keep from sticking to the chair as I could feel myself beginning to moisten a bit. “Ever been to California Emma?” Thomas breaks my fixation.
“Oh yes, many times… I love the weather down there actually. I’m quite jealous.” I chuckle a bit and adjust my glasses. “I could use some warm Santa Anna winds right now.”
“Well you come down any time Emma, we’ll take good care of you.” Terri grinned and evil sort of sexy teasing grin. But then, I think it was just my imagination? I became a bit flustered at this proposal so I shifted, but the rubbing of my thighs together only made me more excited.
“Thank you Terri, I appreciate the invitation. I imagine you would be very hospitable if I did.” Okay so I was reaching there, but mostly for reaction. Sometimes it works and I’ll be god damned if I’m not gonna find out whether this hot thing digs me like I dig her.
She smirked and blushed behind her glasses “Yes, I believe I would.”
Holy Shit.
We stared across from each other almost daringly, with a glimmer of tease making it’s self more prominent as we both smiled and took note of what the other may be thinking. My nipples hardened a bit as my temperature rose from the excitement taking over my body… at the thought of tasting her.
She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and changed her look to one of confidence as she rubbed her pencil eraser across her bottom lip a bit. This is not my imagination… no way. I’ve done that same thing a hundred times and I know it’s a come on. It has to be a come on.
“Alright, so let’s begin the not-so-fun stuff, shall we?” My boss beams as he pushes his plate to the side and pulls out the presentations. I sigh and put my excitement to the wayside for the moment; barely. I attend to moving the lunch mess out of the way, then return to assist with notes for the meeting. But I’ll be dammed if I wasn’t distracted.
Aside from the peeking up from notepad exchange I was having with Terri, the meeting seemed to take forever. It now being two hours after we had eaten; we were all kinda dazed from the combination of turkey mini sandwiches and overload of legal and regulatory information; we ready for a ‘gear switch.’
I reminded the men of their 3pm tee-time, and dinner at 7pm…. Trying to entice them into leaving; perhaps even persuading Terri to allow me to show her to the hotel.
“Well, let’s just finish this up over a round then.” Thomas sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Which round old friend?” My boss teased and laughed “The golf kind or the drink kind?... Or both maybe?”
“I say a little of both.” Thomas chuckled back and rose from his chair. Terri followed suit as she gathered her materials into her portfolio and zipped it tightly. She then stretched…. Yes, she did… it was nice (understating there).
I rose now as well and gathered the lunch mess, and heading off towards the kitchen area. Terri followed to assist me, clutching her portfolio under her arm and manning two large pitchers of water. Her suit button popped open as she juggled her load exposing more of the camisole she wore underneath and the crests of her two very pert breasts “Damnit, It always does that.” As she looks down her glasses slide a bit, she then peeks around the hallway to ensure nobody else is around to se “Oh well, I don’t have free hand to fix it right now so I hope nobody sees.” She giggles. I giggle. We do our kitchen thing and she fixes her button. “So, you’re staying at the Four Seasons, I hope that’s okay.. though I only booked one room so I’ll have to go in and fix that.”
“No problem, I need to reorganize these papers anyway so if I could use your office for just a few minutes I would really appreciate it.”
“Absolutely you can use my office; I’ll let you sit at my desk while I call the hotel.”
Terri and I make our way down the hallway to my office, I got to walk behind her for a moment and took note of the way her suit complimented her curves. Damn, she is really good looking, and normally I’m not into blondes… what the hell? I think to myself. Perhaps it’s the tanned skin, the bright smile, the great cleavage.
Then I had to call myself on the fact that I was thinking way too much like a man, and I stifled.

I cover the phone with my hand “Nonsense, every beautiful woman should have fresh flowers in her room. I wouldn’t have it any other way, why should you?”
She laughs, realizing that I had turned the blatant hit-on tactic into an egotistical thing instead. “Okay now that’s funny.”
Thomas and my boss appear in the doorway and announce that they are leaving for tee-time. I inform them that Terri and I would be more than happy to take his luggage to the hotel for him and check him in. They oblige and leave almost immediately, waving quickly as they shuffle out. We follow them down the hallway and into the lobby, saying our farewells as they disappear down the avenue.
We stand in the empty hallway, then Terri asks the inevitable question “So Emma, should we get some stuff done around here, or should we just check in now?”
I lean into her and say “we could just go check in, but that wouldn’t be any fun now would it?”
She giggled, and that was when I knew she felt the same way I did… horny as hell. Her fingers came up to remove her glasses, and I knew I was in for an experience of a lifetime as I leaned in to kiss her.
to be continued....
is this a TRUE story? and take that goddamn word verification off. as long as ya don't allow anonymous comments, the spammers will leave ya alone.
scumbag: bullshit, i kill about 5 a day on my blog.
anyway as for terri... i swear part one is always the hottest part of the story. everything is up to your imagination at this point. well except for what the people look like that is :)
okay... Im off to kill some kittens... nice job em... if a pissed off tabby shows up at your door tomorrow... you'll have nobody to blame but yourself and this post... well after I embellish it with the hawt danish ups driver making a delivery and catching you two in the act and you and terri inviting me to get my freak on... on the conference table... damn... I used my last rubber on Thursday... well your mouths cant get pregnant now can they?
...and we learn in a follow-up entry that Terri used to be "Terrance" and has an 8-inch cock AND 36DDs.
oh well played, my dear, well played ...
wait a minute... if teri is a terrence and used to have a... pogo poker... the deal is oft...
O-F-T Oft!!!
When I said I was bi I meant I speak Danish... not Sausage!
however I am still intrigued by the 36 DD's
no... sorry
maybe i could just do her/him's top half and you could have the bot...
no... no...
she-male... deal breaker... no can do'able
Em, I hope you made her take everything down. :)
Holy shit people!
Sug - I like sucking on Mondays.
Shane - Not yet. But it will be... oh, and the wv... i might disable we'll see. I find it irritating when I have to type lkjaqxfbjklzwgb fifteen times because I screwed up the first time.
Sass - I know huh? I love building up to the second part... sometimes even wondering if I even should? NAW I've done enough suspense around here.
Romey - If you did sent a hot danish UPS driver over, T and I.. I mean terri and emma would gladly conference table you, with or without the kitten.
Dom - LMAO. No Dom LOL no. But nice plot twist there actually...hmmm.
Murph - it prolly wouldnt, unless her chest was hairy and she had huge balls... that may be a problem.
Suze - oh you bet, EVERYTHING. ;)
EN, we're in the hell are you from anyways? and that word verification thing is hell if yer drunk.
I'm glad this story isn't real. For a minute I thought it was Monday and I was late for work. Then again if it was Monday that would mean you're half-way around the world.
I don't think I could handle knowing you were THAT far away from me....
*waves to blondie*
to be continued............Damn! I can't wait!
LMAO at Shane typing wv drunk!
Wow, EM can really write some smut!
okay... sumbody dune nominated my arse for some hawtie of the year award... which one of ya did it... fess up... or go here and vote for my ass LOL
the dudes pic on there looks like a rather nice set of 6 1/2 pack abs... prolly worth the visit for u girls... ummm guys u can hit me up too cause theres a babe or two nominated i wouldnt kick out for eating doritos... course id be eating a taco so kay sir effin raw!
now dern it vote!!!
oh and it was u wansnt it T... u nominated my ass
nothing for the self-esteem like being the only one in a block of people skipped over and ignored ... LOL
looking forward to part 2 ...
Yep, seems Ive felt the same way more than once on your comments and blog before Dozr....
tho I must admit I didn't mean to skip you.
Shane - orig. from CA, then TX.. then I seem to have lost conciousness and now I have no idea where the hell Im from....
will ponder the wv disable, for you.
Dan - Im right next door actually, and I've been watching you.
Blondie - *giggle* right and now Im thinking perhaps the title is giving it all away. :)
Sass - *waiving over Romey who is campaigning heavily*
Jenn - HI!!! Hey baby, what's your sign? *sigh* so unoriginal...
Eddie - Thanks!
Sarge - The Braids did the remix. and :) hi! Happy Monday!
Romey - what? You mean you actually want my vote? I vote that T nominated you.
Gigi - that's not true about the smelly garbage... I think Murph bathes.
Sug - hey peeper, hows it?
k. back to housework... luvums!
oh... Gigilicious is drunk... here's my chance!!!
let's play "the contessa and the naughty pool boy" again... but this time... I wanna be the pool boy!!!
how about three times?
third times the charm!
i'm drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you damn right woman!
fuck i dunno. just get naked.
good. but i'm gonna need photographic evidence. i likes me some hot naked womens.
a purdy lil' gal and some cold beezos. en!!!!!!!!!!!!1 take off this fukcing word veruifcation.
26 gigi. what who siad? wtf.
i've seen EN naked pic. yer next.
it's on my profile. but fer the rest of ya, it's
hmmmm..........i'll figure somethin out.
woman i ain't no goddamn liar! i just love me sum nakedness. you'll get yer goddamn cock pic soon as i can gets me a new digital camera. you have noticed the lack of personal pics on our blog haven't ya? we're runnin' real low.
bullshitski!!!! well, just talk all dirty and shit then. fuckin' hell......
automatic link to the wedding party. i apologize.
wait gigi has nekkie pics??? I want in on this
judging by the pics gig, i'm gonna say fuck no. you're awesome.
Awesome story! Impatiently waiting part 2
... and cracking up over all of Gigi's drunken comments. Since you're sending out nekkies, you have my addy.
gigi's my n-word.
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