
Waving a sorrowful good bye in Ot-Six?

As I perused the last couple of days I had missed on your blogs, I find myself knee deep in verbose thoughts you've spewed across your pages about yourselves, your lives, your feelings... And how these apply to not only your life... But your psyche.

I find that similarities exists amongst us all... But more so today. We're all deep thinkers every once and awhile (some more than others), but this seems to ring true more so this last day of 2005.
I was all ajar with thoughts of posting a continuation the to below short story... Instead I will now commence with doing what I should have done a long time ago, when the thought of saying such things first popped into my head.

I thank the ones who inspired me to chuck the lobe of my brain that initiates sexually oriented material for today and just be down to earth for once. Thanks.
I hope that this post serves not to piss anybody off in any way, but to make things a little clearer as far as my motives and agenda.

k. Good... With that said... I bring you my deep thoughts.

In the last 6 or so months I have been blogging I have been called many things; an attention whore, a chicken for my anonymity, a slut, a waste of space... A competitor in relation to the other sites of the same genre. I have even gotten some bad reviews, or no reviews at all when implied that they were doing one.

When I was writing in other formats, I never received this kind of feedback.

As a side note: I have also gotten good feedback, happy readers, reviews that meant a lot to me and were a perspective on a way of looking into my blog that I never expected.

pros. cons. pros. cons.

I became a little skewed perhaps in the drama of bloggerdom:

For a short time I did find myself wondering how I could increase traffic, please my readers, try and be fair but still be a top blogger. I remember being a little disappointed at my site hits and thinking that perhaps I should delete this space I call my closet. I also recall being a bit pissy that I had no comments at one time or another, or at least no comments from who I would expect to comment... Yes, surprising I know.

But here is where the plot turns and the cocoon morphs into the butterfly people, so listen close.

So what?
My original intent was to write for my readers. The ones who never commented before anyway... The silent back row people that requested kindly that I find a new forum to share my stories, knowledge and experience. I did this for them.

This is not a popularity contest, it's a forum in which to expel thoughts and ideas- to share that vital piece of oneself... Whether it's tailored to a specific audience or not. And I realize that instead of doing this page for the reasons above, I did it for other reasons instead. So as that jealousy twinge of "how in the world can I make this better to get more feedback", I lost a part of myself and I hated that. I'm doing this...

Not to make friends.
Not to spark with anybody in particular.
Not to hope that your comments come streaming in like wildfire once I hit publish.
Not to wish my site counter would hit 1000 just once.
Not to be the best.

But some of these things, if not all... Happened anyway. Beyond my control completely. And yet as I contemplate closing the door on this forum to pursue bigger and better things with my time...

I find I can't.
The delete option doesn't work for me... I've committed myself to those that were able to reach out and ask to follow me here. And though sometimes the politics of keeping this blog make me hesistate, I remember the ones that don't speak out... Don't IM me.... Don't comment. But enjoy.

I also do it for the friends I've made here, the commenters.. The bloggers that stumbled across my page here and said "Wow, I really dig this..." Apparently I have a mind for communicating some things and a lot of you have picked up on the fact that I am not a slut, a ditz, or a waste of type. Thanks for seeing that I am more than a journal entry.

If I did away with this blog today, the only enjoyment left for those who 'need' the Bubblegum fix would be in a bi-quarterly print format, or a couple of websites in which you would have to pay subscription fees.

Good for me, yes. Because I get a cut (sorta) of the profits you reap.
Good for you? No. Because nobody should have to pay for advice, review, erotica, or fun. In a free society we thrive on those things that do not cost us too much time or money... And I truly believe in that.

I guess where I'm going with this is simple.
I lay waste to the thoughts that I should break 1000 hits daily, or that I am not achieving in the blogger popularity contest in which many of us strive for.

--I write for me, for you, and for your neighbor who loves to be fucked with a strap on. I write for your enjoyment solely.. And not mine.
--I choose to be anonymous still because I have a family in which to protect and a mirrored reflection of the real me that I front everyday. I wouldn't be me without the eclipse, and I choose not to hamper the 50/50 split.

I am only ever the mother of two and the good wife.
I am only ever the starved nymphomaniac getting back in touch with the perverted little girl I was so many moons ago.
I am only ever the bi-sexual deity that reaps reward from those who touch me and say "Thanks Emma for helping me to be comfortable with my own closeted sexuality. I can't tell you how nice it feels to relate to your point of view without feeling trashy."

Will I keep this blog in 06? Yes, I will. But things will be a'changing here at Bubblegum I'm afraid. For the better or worse remains to be seen, in fact a lot of you wont be able to tell a difference and that is good as well.

I hope that in retrospect of reading this post, the point comes across that I appreciate every single one of you that read me. I also hope that you've gathered that I am pretty much visiting your sites everyday (or every other), not necessarily commenting but keeping in touch with you and who you are.

I also hope that you read into the fact that perhaps this evolvement will be a good one and that If my entries become few and far between it is not out of abandon, but out of pursuit of life...

I have a handful of people that inspire me, that set my heart ablaze and keep me semi-stable in this world... Mostly, I want them to know that even though we're distanced, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you (umm dirty or not).

Tonight, as that extra one second passes and we welcome in ot-six.. I want you to share that New Years kiss with somebody special... And then kiss them again.

For Emma.

Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you the best in 2006.


Blogger section306g said...

Rock on, Emma!

I may not comment that often but I read EVERY DAY! I am one of the people you wrote about. Don't do it for us but do it for yourself. We'll enjoy it anyway!

Here's a big kiss, a hug and some touches in all the right places!

Happy New Year!

11:26 AM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger SignGurl said...

I think this is the most of yourself (mentally) you have shared since I have been reading. Thanks for that!

I read you every day but don't always comment. Usually by the time I get here there are 300 comments not necessarily pertaining to the blog topic and I just don't have any input worth repeating.

Know that you are appreciated for the time and effort it takes to keep something like this up.

Happy New Year, Emma!!!!

12:13 PM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger Scumbag said...

awwww, an entire blog post dedicated to ME! thanks EN! you shouldn't have. god i'm hilarious.

1:14 PM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger Thomcat said...

Emma -

I am glad that I discovered the little online piece of you. This blog is such a beautiful and exciting place to be, which must reflect off of the author. Please continue to do what makes you happy as well.

Happy new years to you


3:22 PM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger Doublebogie said...

Thanks for that post and all the other ones I read everyday.
I'll keep cumming back everyday if you keep blogging.
Happy New year to you!

Oh, and thanks for the big sloppy kiss!

9:27 PM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger sassinak said...

hey bubbles happy new year.

this is a great post, nice and self reflective and lets us see what you're thinking.

god help me my new upstairs neighbours are loud!

anyway, i'll kiss a cat or two for you but that's about it kiss wise ... pretend i planted one on you, how's that?

11:54 PM, December 31, 2005  
Blogger Suze said...

Em, this sounds a little cleche but be true to to yourself.

It's the only way to be truely happy.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

*hugs & kisses*

8:25 AM, January 01, 2006  

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