Alright, so

Vegas. Vegas Rocked.
I will now try to give you the distilled version as the lengthy version needs to stay in Vegas. *ha*
Try and keep up people, and if there's HUGE chunks of data missing... use your imagination.
Thursday morning I as I checked in my e-ticket the monitor confirmed my flight and flashed this grossely red strobe message on the terminal. Then prompted me to speak with a Delta clerk, so I did that.
Apparently this message was a "connection warning" and I was not privy enough to remember the time zone change that would occur once I landed in Utah. GO ME!
That 1 hr 22 min lay-over just turned into a 22 minute lay-over.
"No worries though" the nice apparently single Delta rep. assured me "I've ran through Utah before."
So then I had to be tarty and repugnant "Did you make it by the skin of your teeth or what?"
Security sucked, I almost missed my flight out of errr, the local airport.. I was the second to last one to board. And through all this I had to ditch my boss so I wouldn't get fired.
uh, that's a story for another time tho.
I love observing the people I sit next to when I fly... The flight from home to Utah it was a sammich between a nice older gentleman who loves his mother and an obvious 19 year old mormon coming home to ma and pops... He slept the whole time. So definitely college.
Where were we? Utah... right.
Dunno much about Utah because I ran through it like a champ carrying two pieces of luggage at about 20 pounds each (shoes). I rocked Utah I think.
ONE THING that amazed me about Salt Lake City were the pretty men at the airport.. There were lots!!!
Of course I was moving fast. As I found out much later on my flight back.
From Salt Lake to Vegas I sat next to a southern lady from jesus I can't remember the name of the town, but she was Texas and her husband cowboyed and they were on their way to Vegas for the cousins wedding... I don't think she owned a toothbrush... But, I forgive her because she had a 23 year old, and a 14 year old. Now THAT's a spread.

Thursday Night - Ghost bar. Good times, pretty men... Lot's of catty women around. Good music, good vibe, great view. Ghost bar was awesome... Until the Australians invaded.
Now stop. I love Australians. Many of them have been good friends and I know that I have a large group of Aussie readers... I wish no ill will. Every country has it's Leisuresuit Larry after all, right?
Dudes came on strong and before we knew it they were buying a whole bottle of vodka at $324 a pop and expecting us to share it with them. T and I kinda gave each other that panic look as it seemed we were sucked into a booth-like thing with the Aussies on the outside almost compressing us, like trapped rats.
Aussies have game this way you understand.
I had to do something or else we were destined to either get nasty bitchy on these gentleman or we could pussy-out and take advantage of their pleasantry... but these were nice guys, and well, I have a heart... So I opted the covert route.
I spotted a pretty guy. And 'excused' myself to the bathroom for release.
Pretty guy comes over and pretends like he knows T from back in high school... He quickly whisks us away to catch up on old times as the Australians search for the next two victims.
Thank you Kentucky pretty guy. You're a hero to some. And why don't you just admit you farted in the cab?
EARLY friday morning T gets a great and unexpected phone call. There were birds.
I wish I could get a phone call like that.

Friday Morning. Hang over.
<<-- Look Scumbag! Even big cement fountain mother fuckers can catch dem fish!!! What were you saying about Jack Shit? Oh yeah.. my bad.
Friday Afternoon we went to Sephora to sniff memories. We went to Starbucks and had tiramisu dammit. We bought souveniers for my kids.
THEN we shopped at the Deja Vu Adult Superstore which didn't turn out to be as big and kinky as I hoped, but they had some great stuff there that we don't keep in stock here locally.
T if you remember any of that stuff I got all excited about, would you please put it out there so I can drop the dime to my friendly local store owners? *big smile *
I bought a couple of tank tops.
T bought pasties.
You know, I really do love you T.
Then we went back to the room and got in the mode to go out for the evening.
We watched FAUST. Not for long, I had trouble with my concentration tactics.
While discussing with T the best way to 'test' a sex toy for "kicks" before you buy it, I displayed proper technique by touching my iegg to my nose.

TIP: When deciding which sex toy to purchase, most store owners will put batteries in it so you may see if the toy is right for you.
If you're shopping for a clitoral stimulant, the best way to know if it will 'do it for you' is to place it on the tip of your nose. The tip of your nose is the second most sensitive spot on a woman, and is simulates the same feeling as you would feel 'down there.'
So yeah. Ummm.
Friday night we opted out of the night club scene and decided to lay low a bit. We got food, we gambled. Fun times.... Then we decided to walk the strip a bit (which is where the wonderful audio blogs you people witnessed came from).
Then, we gambled more. T took a picture to demonstrate how THAT went...

For now, that's all that sums the gambling up... and I'm sleepy. There's more I'd like to write but dammit I just can't tackle that tonight so I'll reflect on it for tomorrow.
For now I'll leave you with my absolute favorite picture from the trip, and hope that you have a great hump day. All goes well I can tell you about Saturday and my trek back home (which should really be a post in itself).

I'm first on Emma's Blog!!!!
I'm first on Emma's Blog!!!!
Great last pic.........gorgeous ladies, very gorgeous
LOL! Thanks Kristen :)
Gold star!!! Dammit you need to check me for typo's though!
*sigh* too tired for typo tracking...
Well Well it does sound like you had a great time!! I can't wait to read about your trip back home :))
I also do the same thing when I am on an airplane but it doesn't last long. For some reason the minute airplane is off the ground, I am passed out :)
Anyways that is an awesome last pic of you two :)
nice... way to drop hints like blood spatter and then leave us at gambling.
nice pic of t's finger though :)
like a rhinestoneeeeee cowboy!!
Hot babes in a hot city. Sorry I missed it ;-)
why do cool hats make chicks doubly hot?
*longing sigh*
dzer i didn't know that was true...
sass: it's SOOOO true ... ask guys about chicks wearing baseball caps with the ponytail coming out the little hole in the back! *swoon*
I can rock the baseball hat or the cool cowboy hat.
I rock the little house on the praire bonnet though!!!
Glad you had a great time and I think we need to see the pasties on T!
fuck that statue.
what part of shut the fuck up didn't we understand pm?
that statue is even say "Wooooo heee" just look at the mouth.... either that or its trying to drink the water the fish is spitting out.
so.... who broke down and called 702-425-2525
OMG Johnny I had no idea you were an ass sex hotline regular?
Is it saved in your voice dial?
Did anybody else notice I fucked up my days.... there's two fridays in there and no thursday.
Fuck that shit.
stay off the reefer then hippie.
Cute fucking picture of you two.
look christina is a nice girl and just doing this to get through college.... in ve...gas.??... hmmm she must mean UNLV .. her feelings for me are genuine and so is the wad a blew in the towel....
slots?? was this the only form of gambling done in vegas?
Catch a fish then hayseed.
Thanks Helskel.
Slider - I can't sleep on a plane for some reason. But I do listen to music and look out the window at the patchwork that IS america. :) Oh, and I offer a shoulder to sleepy dudes as long as they brushed their teeth!
Sass- I will explain the blood spatter... but uh, for now.. let's just say it rhymes with pancake batter.
T - What no good phone call? Really? hmmm....
I still love that hat. My purse still smells like uhhhh.
by the way, I almost forgot the 'r' in purse and wen't directly to puse. er.
Buttah - YEEEHAWWW!!!
Jon - We invited you!!! What the fuck?!? Making the ladies wait at the bar with a video poker/blackjack machine and no play?
D- Is that true? because I wear baseball caps every weekend. I use it as an excuse for laziness, but now that I know its 'swoon' material... hmmmm.
MX - Im sure you rock just about everything... let's see you do your next HNT in a bonnet and we'll go from there.
Pm - Thanks :) It was good times if you don't count the pretty parade of freshly graduated not legal but looking older than I do teenagers that are out to impress absolutely nobody walking painfully in 4 inch heels and leaning on their girlfriends to aid their blisters.
bubbleheaded idiots. wow, that was quite the rant now, wasn't it?
No Johnny... There's all sorts of gambling. But T and I were so 'tied-up' in other things that offered more physical activity and importance that we merely had enough time to slip a quarter in the slots.
And Christina can kiss my ass. I don't bother with the towel.. I blow my load wherever I want.
quit calling me hayseed.
quit calling me hippie.
a'ksdfgnr 8095!!! motherfucks!!!
I've been known too, yeah.
Mothers need love to you know. Sheesh.
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i'm blogging.
hey blondie, nice tits!
i eat pussy.
They are nice, aren't they?
You shoulda seen that shirt... it was smokin.
I was smokin.
I need to smoke just thinking about it.
There WILL be a next time... which will thwart this last time for certain.
I kick my own ass.
Transformers robots in disguise... transformers more than meets the eye!!!
I think I owned a whole bunch of those..
wait, you were two?
makes ya feel old doesn't it grandma?
damn youngins..........
i like fat bitches...and i like 'em slim...i take a bitch...and stick my dick right in her big fat ass......
Now take my bitch, she don't complain about shit cause she's my ho, she don't belong to a trick...
Christina can kiss your ass and more but only on Tuesday and Thursday nights between 9pm-1am
My son is short. I'll bet he'll need those platform shoes.
Poor thing. The girls tease him.
short people are silly.
That's right Johnny, because that's Happy Crack Hour(s).
Did you find the hidden message yet?
so when you fuck her, and give her all your cash I get PAID... I put a foot in your ass.
She's a stragler, struggler, straight salami smuggler everytime I see the bitch... she's getting uglier...
she's a punk ass bitch, ho tramp and a slut....took to the hotel just to fuck last night...she licked all on my balls...pussy got wet like niagara falls......
Last night she sucked my dick
Now she's kissing little man
Mouli suck my dick and let's cut out the middle man....
And if you haven't heard of me, you's a bitch... It ain't but a word to me.
look i would love to help you with your watching me fuck christina as cash sprinkles over you while you shove your foot up my ass but... that's what credit cards are for its like i'm getting it for free and then getting a weird bill for $456.78 the next month.
So that's happened to you before then Johnny?
OMG! Id watch you fuck Christina. But I'd be masturbating in the corner so stay focused.
corner behind me.. corner in front of me.. in my peripheral vision
really says a lot about you on what corner you pick
peripheral, always.
I need to see your face but I can't be your focus.
It has to be a dark corner too... What does that tell you?
it tells me what i need to know
which is?
The pic of you two is absolutely SMOKIN'! Rock ON witcha bad selves!!!! Can't wait to read more!
always peripheral?
ok... i'll call christina when i get a new credit card.
i think i've got this thing decoded
Thanks Andy!!!
SUG!! Thanks honey, boobie nuzzles back to you... Like the cowboy hat though? I was representing the south on that.
Johnny - Mostly peripheral, depends on the show.
Yes, visa platinum or amex!! What's your assesment of the decoding? Do tell!
y'all crack me up
*waves and wanders off*
well obviously the highlighted words and words in all CAPS are in play
and then the phone number is in play to... but i'm working on that
and the phone number words
there's defintaly a message there... thank you... an No i'm not John Nash.
or the phone number words are
(Love fast huge connection in morning)
(one thing amazed, go me before then kinky)
(i love fast i love course)
ok........... you need to work on your hidden messages. that barely makes sense.
Dude. You're good.
No, reallllll good...
I tell you what, you've almost hit the nail on the head there Johnny, you should have it all figured out by tomorrow for certain!
While you're at it, let's play scrabble.
T - Yes, he's his own puzzle bank of knowledge... I've lost my stalker. That was secret code for you know what.
Is any of this shit making sense?
I owe Sass blood spatter, I don't want her to wander too far.
Gawd you're a hottie, Em! Glad to hear you had fun. Sounded like you deserved it too :) Cheers to ya & make sure the next time you go you have enough fun for me too!
I bet Vegas is still recovering from your visit! I like that pic of you and T too. You both look hot.
And I can't believe you commented on my's been so long. You rock!!
I can't read the whole thing right now, but I wanted to say that I am glad you are back and I will be back after bit! Kisses!
what the hell?
Hubris honey - You're enough fun in yourself!!! But you know what, I think I will create a drink in vegas and name it after you, then subsequently drink one after the other until I feel like a defecting boyfriend.... :)
You know, I envy your almost-canadianess.
Dan - WHAT!?!? Of course Id comment on your blog. I haven't missed a post yet have I? Dammit you're supposed to spank me when I do that.
Weed- I know, you're preparing to bolt for a fun weekend with the KS crew.. you dirty bitch. My jealousy knows no bounds but I have a big heart-on for you.
Scum - WHAT?!?!?!?!
yes please.
I'm so glad you had fun, sweety. And that last picture - gorgeous! What sweet smiles!
Thanks Matt... we're sum awesome bitches :)
I was hoping you'd ask for a just made me twitch!
Thanks Mimi :)
Dan- Im hoping it was a vertical one!! HA!
Oh it was! It was!
Right on baby... work those hydraulics!! Okay shit I have to go now but I have BIG LOVEUMS.
don't tell anybody though, k? Im trying to keep up this cumdumpster-like reputation!
Okey dokey...
Sure wish I could make a deposit...
Can you get any cuter, E?
Just glad you're feeling better.
(yes, I am fucking sap)
geek in the house ... voltron ≠ transformers
just sayin' ...
Vegas always rocks.
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