
About a week ago, when I had scratched the surface of the darkest place known to my soul, I was speaking with T about how to pull my head out of my ass about things and get back to normalcy after the last month.
"You have a voucher you obviously can't use if your business trip was cancelled."
"Yeah, and I already took the time off of work too."
"So, meet me in Vegas?"
Yeah, I'm a tough sale, I know.
BUT what does one do when they have an airfare voucher and a need to wreak total havoc on society by means of taunting, ass shaking, and ultimately bringing any innocent victim they can find to fuck with to their knees?
Well. They go...
They... They...
They go to Vegas of course... DUH. Sin City my peeps. That's where I'm bound for.
Why? Because it's a 24 hour party... It's my special place. It's my PLAY GROUND.
To make it even more golden, my lovely friend Teresa Naomi will be driving East to join me for this fun filled weekend :)
Any body remembered what happened the LAST time T and I met in Vegas?
No, not THAT.
But the next best thing! I think I was screaming something about the ass sex hotline into the phone and she was trying to keep me from my drunk hand stand attempts on the bed.
Good times.
I had this coming to me people, and dammit I earned it. I've been through enough torture and open ends to twist my panties just tight enough that I could be socially dangerous in every way. And why not?
Unfortunately for me this trip was extremely last minute and spontaneous so we're planning on just chilling by the pool in the daytime, maybe doing some shopping, gambling...etc.
Once the sun goes down it's trouble time people. And I admit and promise there will most likely be an audioblog... So stay tuned for that.
Only problem is, since I HAD to fly Delta, I get the scenic route into Utah. My lay-over is short enough for me to attack a needy mormon in the airport bar and bounce onto my flight. I should be in beautiful Nevada by 11am.
*big long happy dance with lots of smiles and holy shits this is totally the light at the end of the tunnel for me*
I will party.
I will be naughty.
I will be sexy as hell.
She will be wearing that god damn black number and the pouty lip.
She will be sexy.
She will party.
We will be two sexy bitches with poor ass attitudes with no other agenda than to ruin your lives... Or make them. Which, if you're wearing a baseball cap when you approach me... your odds are good.
Make a note. Don't know why I like the baseball caps.... it's a weakness like kryptonite.
Shake it off Em.Okay anyway, since it will be in the 100's there I haven't packed much. Heh.
I know, I know the casino's are air conditioned but who has time for that crap? If I want to rock the bikini top and shorts inside I can, so fuck off.... or buy me a drink.
Alright you sexy gents and bitches. I get on a plane at 6am which means my lucky ass gets to spend Wednesday and Wednesday night pedicuring and packing. So that means that you either get to wait until Thursday night for a drunk blog, or Shawn entertains you... Which without me being here to babysit is kinda scary :)
I'll see you in the casino.
I'll be the sexy bitch hammering the gasoline and coke.
Kinda still in the air over whether thery'll be an HNT or not. If so it may be an archive dive.... Either that or Shawn can sponsor HNT again!!!!
Have fun in Disneyland (for adults) and tell T the Mr. Mahnamahna still thinks about her from time to time to time.
Call me if y'all need a chaperon (I don't ever expect to get that call)
good call dude
have a fucking blast
i have vegas envy but the pride parade is in less than two weeks and with that i console myself.
oh have fun DO!
Have yourself a wonderful time!
HNT--do what you can...
Last time I flew on Delta, I swear the service was so stripped back the flight attendants walked the aisles asking if people wanted to have a lick off of the same popsicle.
you and T have fun darlin' ... decompress
and make sure what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas ;)
Damn I am Fing jealous......Vegas is one of the town I haven't had the chance to get to visit and I WANT to.
Have a frikkin great time you definitely deserve it!!
Have a great trip!!! Can't wait to hear about it when you sexy asses get back
Vegas is the cure for many an issue ...
Enjoy hun definitely earned this one ..
My therapist always sends me to Vegas ...never sure why
why do i have a feeling i'll be getting drunk dialed?
Did anyone else see the title and think that this was going to be a post about inserting vegatbles into one's orifices?
Just me then.
Have a wonderful time in Vegas!!
Damn..maybe that's where I should head...:)
*actually looks at title*
*laughs hysterically*
How about an HNT of you AND T at Vegas?
Damnit! I've earned that!
madame x: yes ... just you, darlin'
Have a blast, Em!
Tell us all the tales when you return.
Thanks everyone! I hope to keep you entertained as much as possible in my drunken stooper.
I'd would love to say more but somehow somebody would mis-construe it so I'll just say... TTFN!!
jealous jealous jealous.
Are you coming in September?
Say you are. OR I'll stalk you and kill you.
Is everything okay, Emma?? I saw your comment at Kristen's and wondered.
is who coming in september?
You should be coming in September too dammint.
Im already stalking you though Sass *g*
April - Yes Im okay. :)
I was just trying to get across that Kristens struggle is just as big as every one elses.
And unfortunately my comment to goose was misconstrued as a 'dig', which in fact I was just referencing his conversation in his post.
It's kinda unfortunate for people to think that just because I'm not within driving distance that I can't care or wonder about how somebody feels or is doing....
I can be a friend too.
I wanna come in Sept.!
Everyone's invited in September!!
It's a blog party!! WOOT!
k...just making sure, Emma
I've had problems with people taking things I say the wrong way, too.
We all definitely struggle in some way or another. It's our friends that help us through...when we let them.
:) Thanks April, here I thought I was the only one!!
*holding your hand*
Friends are understanding, they are patient, and they assess your opinion and point of view, they don't assume it.
I think that sure it's difficult to communicate in text but at the same time, if somebody says *hugs* and "I care", then it should be understood that it is in fact so.
Hugs don't have tone.
and I care doesn't insinuate anything but that I send best wishes and much love.
You're awesome and thanks for making me feel validated. We can stick together anytime.
heh. stick together.
Oh, you are definitely not the only one. And if you ever feel like it, or feel alone...come find me, k? I'm easy to find.
I'll stick with you anytime, hon...:)
Why is "I care" miscontrued so often?
In case you care, I didn't miscontrue anything..........I read your comment exactly how you meant it to be read.
just wanted you to know that
i never have problems w/ people reading my comments the wrong way. people that read things the wrong way are stupid whores.
I almost felt love in this comments section.
no ya silly little zipperhead i'm not. but scumbag's gonna revert back to his old ways. let's see how many hate posts/blogs i can get about me this time cuz it sure has been a while.
Can I just go on record for saying I don't construe any thing any body says.
I figure you say your peace and you fuck off.
Thats the right attitude right? What's the big deal anyway?
I turn my back and it goes ape shit around here.
there's that broke dick fuck. how ya doin' there shawn?
Enough with the drama.
All I was trying to say is that dammit sometimes we say things and they get misconstrued.
I never attacked you Kristen, my comment was one of support to Goose. So then you know that it was meant to reference the silliness of the conversation and not 'dig' people like your friend said.
wtf? I whine all the time... just not now. And my phone has been broken many times...
Honestly, I don't see why every body is so uptight.
And people wonder why I don't comment on their blog posts.
I'm sorry Scumbag, I misconstrued your comment to mean you love me and you want to suck my cock.
That's the right attitude, Shawn...'cause people are gonna believe what they choose to anyway. Ain't nothing we can do to change it.
silly little zipperhead...scumbag, you are too damn funny. heh
You're tight though huh Blondie. Or maybe you mean you're...
then you my friend, are a stupid whore.
Hey April, how's it shakin'?
Actually her comment was directed towards the Goose because he made fun on me in his blog.........
so I think everyone just had a bad day of misunderstanding comments and it got blown out of context
my apologies for any misunderstandings
have a safe and fantastic trip
Hey...who's scumbag callin' a stupid whore?
I may be a whore..but I ain't stupid...heh
Hiya, Shawn...always shakin' my ass over here. How you doin'?
Alright, granted Kristen but that doesn't change the fact that you're wearing clothes.
Honestly I could give a fuck what you say to me as long as you're naked.
Wait. I hope I didn't take that wrong.... She was talking to me, right?
That's not nice Teresa. Shame shame.
with Emma's permission, I'll get naked for you
she totally wants to marry you shawn. RUN!!! for the love of christ!!
What the hell do you need her permission for?
She'll get over it. Just like that one time in band camp when I stole her flute.
Wait, do you own a car Kristen? Cause that could be fucked.
Yes I have a car but I'm anti-marriage if that makes it better for you
PERFECT! I cant run worth a shit right now.
I gotta go everyone.....
no more drama, k?
Later Sexy Beoytches
Are you sucking my cock yet Scumbag?
sorry shawn, but i just wanna be friends.
You know you really want to have greasy ass sex with me.
Wait. Did Teresa say "too much trauma on my END!?!?!"
Dammit with the insinuations!
not so much.
But you admit just a little!!!
I think you misconstrued that Teresa.
okay you didn't.
Detroit rock city?
Shawn. you're an idiot of tremendous proportions.
Kristen - As long as there's no hard feelings and there's a good Chi in the air it's all good.
Scumbag, are you cheating on me?
*waving at Mimi*
*kisses to T, holding up plane ticket*
My ass looks better than yours E.
And yeah Detroit Rock City.. FUCK YOU. I have all sorts of love for Detroit.
I like you alone Teresa, make Emma go away.
Firstly. It's always a party with me, let's not forget that.
Secondly, Shawn I know better than to leave you alone with T. Well actually, you with no dick I think is safe.
Thirdly, Sugarpunk it's all good now... I think it's understood...
Friends are friends and and....
Yeah baby let it slide. Once you have it though you will want it more than once.
All of the sudden I feel like breaking into my Dionne Warwick impersination of "That's what friends are for"
For you my dick would work. In fact I'm typing with it right now.
yes. whisper.
Vegas - we're in. Name the weekend, we'll bring hot friends too. :D
I have the same ballcap fetish....weird!
I hope you have SO much fun in Vegas and release all that crazy stress!!! Let Shawn do HNT with a GRAPHic shot of you know what. Cool!
*smooch*...that's my good luck kiss to win money.
I'm not taking a picture of my dick in this condition!!!
How come I wasn't invited to Vegas?
Im not doing it. Not even for a whisper.
if shawn does hnt again i'm killing every last one of you!!!!!!
Begging will never work. Try stripping and taking a picture.
Or there's always WEB CAM.
UH. Right. now..
uh no you're doing it.
Why don't we all post an HNT?
on here that is...
Thank you :) I rock the HNT maybe. shit.
Shawns a pussy.
hehe. I so should have told him that night he had it snipped..
Damn that would have been funny to see the expression on his face.
He would be the ugliest woman EVER!
check your oil? *perk*
well it all depends on if I'll have time to check my computer tonight or not...
I have to shave my ass.
shit sorry... my legs.
I love the idea of a group blog only that Im not sure I'll have time to post.
Maybe Shawn can.
Like I said, Shawn's a pussy.
WATERMELON? What about green apple? YUM!
I heart oil.
WOOT FOR OIL! Okay I'm outta here....
later gaters... I feel an audioblog coming on!!!
No hard feelings...........
have fun babes
Only if you could have waited a few weeks. I would have worn just the ballcap :D
This is the same post as yesterday. Shawn...where the fuck are you??
are you and T nekkid yet?
your fans need to know!!
*makes note to fly to Vegas & wear a ball-cap*
Have a great time sweety. you deserve it!!
shawn, get your clothes on & get away from the window, and get in here and write sum shit!
brokedick motherfucker.
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