
Thanks you guys. A lot.

First I want to thank and hug every one of you for your wonderful comments. I read them all many times and they made me feel awesome. I have had some really bizarre family issues to attend to tonight, so in lieu of an original post I was hoping I could 'air' the original article that initiated my neat phone call I referred to yesterday.

I took out pieces in hopes to keep it somewhat anonymous via location and whatnot, so if it dips into stupidity it's because it lacks landmarks. Heh. Anyway, it appears quite long on the blog page, but not so large in print.... Go figure. Here you go :)

Taking a Swing at Misunderstood Life styles; Volume 3. Swinging.

Ever sit on the bus during five o'clock rush hour traffic and observe the people sitting with you? You know, people watch?
Scan through the crowd, pick a person, and think you can see their whole life and the person they are simply by observing them for the 30 minute ride?

I, myself, am guilty of such an indignifying and judgmental crime, I admit. Honestly, there's nothing else to do on the bus if you don't have good reading material.

I can snap a personality and home life together in five minutes if I go by the dazzling exterior of my fellow transit goers, just like the rest of you can. But I (unlike a lot of you) know I'm wrong in my home life assumption of said "Normal Joe"... Because a lot of times normalcy dictates perversion. That's right folks, they're among you, and they're hot for sex right now. Throw your spouse or yourself in their direction, see if they bite, I'll bet they do.

That Betty Crocker cookie baker at the church gallahoot wears a gag ball, did you know that? The woman standing next to her hosts the local munch chapter on Wednesdays at "The Hub."

Your trusty divorce lawyer plays the skin flute at the "Velvet Hydrant" Monday through Friday when he's not masturbating to boy porn. Bet you didn't know that either. That $1,000 retainer you paid him went towards his basement rebuild with a spin o' love and a man sized Symbian.

That dirty hippy biker down the street however, with the tattoo of the devil on his shoulder? He goes to service every Sunday with his wife and kids, been married for 25 years and intends to stay that way... Was an A student in school even, though a little quiet.

I suppose what I was reaching for by stating those shining examples was that the term "Don't judge a book by it's cover" when delving in matters of thinking you know somebody, or even an acquaintance on the bus. Is a great way to live. Especially in the sexual sense.

A lot of us do it, and shame on us because we choose to be ignorant and live with our cookie cutter stigmas. Shame shame, I know your name America!

Some of the most interesting, genuine, unexpected skins hold the most amazing realities that twist your mind a bit, but bring inspiration or acceptance and teach you a feeling you never thought you could feel. Sometimes even about yourself.

With that allusion set in stone I hereby declare that this educational corner stone is about Swingers; and I'm not talking about the ones at the play ground (unless you're into that; in which case I suggest taking it out of the park until midnight).

Swingers. swing·er

a. n. One that swings: a good swinger of baseball bats

a. A person who actively seeks excitement and moves with the latest trends.
b. A person who engages freely in promiscuous sex.
c. A member of a couple, especially a married couple, who exchanges sexual partners.

Well sure I can swing a baseball bat like a champ, but I also am a small tidbit of the slang definition before you. My husband and I exchange sexual partners, we've even engaged in promiscuous sex by goodness, and I'm not ashamed in the least bit.

The proper term would be misunderstood, never ashamed. For now I'll be the voice for the #1 lifestyle swept under the carpet for shame, but thriving and frothing as we speak - Swingers. So let's get to know about my lifestyle, and your neighbors. .. Shall we?

I will begin by explaining the simplicities of Swingerdom, then I'll open the circuits so as you can feel free to counter or add as you like via letter to my editor, since I don't have the ample time to enjoy each and every one of your opinions, nor do I care consequently. Unless you're a swinging couple open to dinner with us, then please write in and include a picture.

Two ways to swing swinging
You can either A) Find a couple and get comfy. Share, share, share alike at your own free will over or after dinner (or never getting to dinner). Or you can B) Have an 'open' relationship and pretend you're not married, or rather sleep with your co-workers and kiss your wife, catching a hint of her nooner on your lips at the part.

My husband and I opt for A.
It's safer, it's trustworthy, and I revel in watching my husband take pleasure in another woman sometimes (especially when I am pleasuring her as well). We do the group thing, and we remain a group. It's a tight bond that grips a little bit of friendship and a tad of emotion when you can be close knit with another couple. You know where they've been, they know where you've been. No guessing, no regret, no feeling of awkwardnesss. Pure fun.

Option B I find gets messy.
There's no telling what one person or another is thinking, and really why play the head games with your beloved? If you're open and accepting to other sexual relationships then why be away from each other? Doesn't make sense... It wastes lip energy sharing my side line adventures. I'm not going to give somebody a play-by-play of the orgasmic touchdown if I can let him watch!

All Swingers swing differently, my example is only one of a large group in this nation that swap. I'm sure if you ask your daughters pre-school teacher she would happily tell you about how her and her husband do it.

Or your CPA.

I forgot it was sacred, my fault!
I am always asked how I can possess the ability to down play a sacred moment that should be cherished. It makes me weep for those disillusioned masses that contend sex is sacred. You can't tell me that the 10 minutes before bed you can 'fit in' before curfew is sacred. I guffaw at you if so.

Since we're here though, can we discuss this a bit further? Who said sex is sacred? What kind of horse pucky is that?!?!
Too small a percentage of virginal brides dictate that this is just not so. I can bank a cool million by betting that right now a good strong Christian follower is reading this and seething. Don't even get me started on the Catholics, they know better than to speak up seeing as they know exactly what I'm talking about.

Sex is not sacred. You don't make love, you satisfy a carnal urge to procreate. Seed is seed in my opinion, and who cares if you spill it for crying out loud, your seminal fluid will replenish in due time! Face facts please; you're just plain horny and who cares if you're special. You can be special for the moment. It's in the movies, radio, and television if you don't agree. It's in the news even, channel four at Eleven.

Frankinsence, Myrrh, and "Do you wanna?"
Don't get me wrong though, I believe in committing my life to somebody and having a partner to endure and share experiences, duh. Isn't that the ultimate of enduring and sharing? Why in the hell do we put ourselves in a position to perceive 'enduring' in only the negative conontation? Can you not endure a fantastic experience as well? I believe you can, and it's swinging for us married folks. And you can too, following and understanding three simple steps.

You have to understand the capabilities and the head of your partner, first and foremost. I know we agree to this life style choice, nobody had to twist arms or plead. He expresses his opinions and rules, I share mine. They are agreed to and followed like a stone mandate. Furthermore, I wouldn't expect my husband to put me in a position of discomfort or harm, I wouldn't do the same for him. You have to know that all is right with your spouse, and guilt or jealousy will have to hit File 13 because there's simply no need for it.

I also know that sex does not represent and/or dictate love. Sex is... Sex. It's once emotion is involved that the ladder climbs a notch in perspective.
You cannot Swing and love, you can swing and care; or like a good friend of mine said "If he has your wife its all good, its the moment you care that he goes home with her that it becomes an issue." But then he followed with "If she's hot in the sack that could be a first night thing..."

As I write this I realize that a local CEO does option B.

The huge line between sharing a couple and having an affair is to unmask any doubt or secrecy, another good reason for Option A. Basically the couples share everything, even after hours experiences so nothing is hidden or elusive... Nothing. I tell my husband everything, and it makes for great conversation when the four of us are together.

When secrets and distrust come into play you are no longer SHARING. You are being selfish and there's an emotional tie somewhere in the sexual structure. That's affair territory, and things begin to get messy and fairly strenuous.

We've come full circle to emotion, and teetering on affair explanation. I'll end here and pick up with letters and yourcorrespondencee. I welcome opinions as always, blah blah blah.
Now go grab an ass and tell Chester wearing a trenchcoat on the local bus this afternoon I said "Hi", because you know he's wearing a girdle and a thong under it. And nothing else.

For questions, comments, or your crappy two cents simply write to *insert name and webemail here*.

I will happily post some of the letters I received, as well I would love to answer any questions or comments relating to this article here. Feel free, I'll be listening.


Blogger Baby Daddy said...

I rode the bus today back from a meeting -- standing room only. I *thought* I felt eyes on my ass the whole way home!

11:53 PM, May 30, 2006  
Blogger Backdoor Slider said...

*smiles* No thanks needed EN (or something along those lines from the movie "As Good as It Gets")

Anyways I am definitely guilty of people watching but I like to think that everybody is a swinger and they all want me!!! *smirks* LOL

I also kinda like the whole aww look at that nice boy appearance *smirks* when in reality ummm *winks* I'll let you make up your own mind on that one *grins*

BTW, very good article :)

3:24 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

I think people think sex is sacred because well...many of us do call out for god during sex and once or twice I have seen visions and spoken in tongues...

I really, really hate the term "making love" it's so misleading and I feel the cause of so much stress.

Call it what it is, sex, fucking , bumping uglies what ever...then maybe some people wouldn't be so priggish about it.

4:33 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

first of all, i don't have a southern accent. second, uuhhhh....shit i forgot. sooooo.....how ya doin'?

6:05 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

oh yeah, and fuck the catholics!! they're all assholes!

6:17 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i like you.

6:18 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

you use far too many big words though.

6:18 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

please dumb it down a notch in here.

6:18 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

you wanna kill me don't you? please don't. that would suck.

6:19 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

oh geeze i have to follow scumbag...

anyway em i like this article... but i see where the 'nice religious zealot lady' would get up in your face about it.

she's a hypocrite is what she is.

6:26 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Tumbleweed said...

so what your telling me...is that nasty old guy that comes in here and tells me dirty jokes, spells like year old B.O. and wears his meals on his jacket, really has a big dick and is great in bed? Not going for it! he he

7:10 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Py - When a person cheats on their spouse is there always an emotional tie?

Can the psyche separate physical fulfillment from the relationship role without guilt, shame, or anxiety? If so, is it easier for guys, for girls?

In answer to your well proposed questions here's what I've got, and it's funny, this question was posed by a reader via letter as well.

1. No. Absolutely not. In fact many men (or women) only stray to find fufillment or satisfaction when there is a 'lack' or gap of emotion in their own relationship/marriage. In fact the largest percentage of affair goers are those that simply want and crave release and affection that they cannot gain with their marital partner.

In swinging though, an affair is called when emotions are at play, and only then. Make sense?

2. Yes, absolutely yes. Not sure how to explain that one, will have to think about the mechanics of it but I know for fact it is possible. Especially when communication with your partner is ample. You cannot have the feelings mentioned above and still have your psyche permit to share.

You example is why swinging is not for every couple... And why you must always be cautious clear and accepting as a couple, not a single.

In my opinion this is easier for men. I shouldn't have to explain it but women thrive off of emotion for sex... It plays a key part. Not many females can throw the switch and erase the memory of their 'man' driving it into another woman without feeling somewhat depressed or unequated.

Men on the other hand can screw just about anything and not even blink... heh. And we know this! Unless it's an emotional man, then the above women-emotion descript applies.

7:27 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Dom - I would have to. Seriously, you have a nice ass what can you do?

Slider - Thanks for the compliments friend. Yeah, quit fooling people with your boyishness and succumb to the fact that maybe we are all swingers... Want you? Sure *grins* why not? hehehe.

Madame - I despise the whole making love thing. If sex is so fucking sacred then why does the faith preach that you must love and covet BEFORE sex?

Wouldn't it then be 'verifying love' instead of making it? Making love is for conversation and long walks in the park... Dinner with candlelight and a sparkish bond that freakishly captures you in a whirlwind of emotion and makes you do stupid shit. Right?

PM - "Joe did this to me and I loved it...would you?"?
See. My point exactly... And it goes the other way as well :)
"I noticed the way you loved it when she did that thing with her tongue, I had no idea you would be so responsive to that"

"Me neither it felt fucking great."

"Noted, let's do that tonight."

Which of course leads to this really great intimate sexual experience of course, and the feeling of satisfaction knowing that not only did you do what she did, but you did that shit BETTER!

7:34 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I, myself am a 'recovering catholic'. I had that foolish, holy, sacred catholic dogma crap forced upon me my entire single life. I even had to go to PreCana (a lame marriage preparation class). Because, honestly, who knows more about marriage then priests and nuns - right?

There I learned absolutley nothing ecept I could roll my eyes for a solid 2 hours and not get that bad a headache. I spent the whole time trying not to laugh out loud and writing uncatholic approved notes to my then not yet husband.

So, I'm sitting there listening to the 'teacher' when she says, "When you make love, jesus should be there in the room with you." Note: never say "fuck that" out loud in front of a nun. And, unless jesus is up for a three-way, no dice.

I see nothing wrong with swinging type A. I actually know a few people that do it and they all have the best relationships. I've never seen a better group of friends. The openness between the couples has visibly improved their marriages.

7:39 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Scumbag - LOL see, I did miss you. And yes you have a southern accent... and are you stuttering?

Ping - Your sirry.
Clowny - Ummm, i need to think on that. Not sure I missed you.

Sass - Thanks hun, I am hoping that I can continue to post more articles up here but they are SO LONG when you stick them up, in contrast to the 7 inch article in print... *sigh* :)

Yeah, she didn't like the Christian seething... But I was RIGHT!! She was absolutely seething!

Murphy - Umm Wow dude, when you want to you can really kick out some good feedback, but you know this and I'm not going to fluff your ego. Thank GOD you said 'tits' though, I woulda thought something was wrong with you.

You know, I can follow this up with that... Good idea, 'the switch' indeed should hold an article all on its own!! Thanks :)

Sug - LOL. You know, I think I'll just give you her phone number and let your kids crank call her now that school is out :)

They can play Viagra salesman! LOL

7:39 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh yeah, no one ever buys a car without a test drive. You need to know how it handles and if the um.. gears stick.

Why, why would anyone 'save' themseves for marriage? It's just insane.

7:43 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Weed - Dude, rub up against him and tell me what happens!! I'm curious!! I bet he keeps a mistress in his basement and likes carrots in his ass too.

Oh wait, smelly... no he's missionary, 15 minutes to 20 in the morning before work... no time to shower when he's busy pleasuring his wife.

You'll never look at him the same way again now, will you?

And Snav comes in from far left field and smacks me with a good chuckle!!

Snav - K you said many things there that just made me say "HA!"
1. I went to catechism before my first marriage. Missed a ton of those classes due to uhhh, more important bed-like things that needed to be accomplished. When I did go to class yes, I too rolled my eyes. I too also remember hearing about how jesus should be there... And I laugh out loud because I thought the EXACT SAME THING.

Dude, I don't need some spiritual essence in my bedroom while I'm fucking!!! I create enough spiritual essence on my own... There just no room for that in my equation!!!

Those Nuns will kick your ass. A lutheran 'father' will only tell you that your language is not appropriate... *shrug* I think I got off easy.

I see nothing wrong with swinging type A. I actually know a few people that do it and they all have the best relationships. I've never seen a better group of friends. The openness between the couples has visibly improved their marriages.

Amen sister. A-fucking-men.

7:46 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

So what're you guys doing for dinner Saturday? ;)

7:47 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

2. Gears stick? LMAO! Or if the car will last through your abuse even, which seems to be the case with many that want to marry a partner they can fetish with.

I got an email quite some time ago about a woman who saved herself for marriage and about 3 months into it decided that he was the WORST sexual partner ever.

I in turn asked her "If you saved yourself for marriage, how would you know it was terrible? What would you have had to compare it to."

The response was "Well, I went out and slept with his business partner after about a month of dealing with these terrible sexual experiences because I wanted to actually have this 'great thing' everyone would talk about.... And I did. Just with somebody else.

It's unfortunate that I waited... It would have saved me money and time on this divorce."

I'll never forget that lady. She ended up marrying his business partner in the long run.. Not sure what happened to her ex.

7:52 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Matt- What's for dinner? I've an open calendar for this weekend :)


7:53 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

It makes you gassy and tints the taste of your semen, making it bitter and lumpy... hard to swallow.

8:04 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

Romanitc love?
Between two people?
Once when I was younger I believed in such stories but like my belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy I stopped believing when I found out about the lies.

Yeah...I'm with EN on the Asparagus...ew

8:06 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Agreed, what is Romantic love honestly? I believe it does not exist...

They only make movies about it to tease us... fuckers. Truth is romantic love is only for Greeting Card Shopping.

Wait, there's no such thing as the Tooth Fairy?!?! I'm fucking crushed.

8:11 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

Sorry...yeah...no Tooth Fairy,no Santa, I suspect that there's no Easter Bunny.

8:15 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I liked the Easter bunny... see, my days all fucked up now.

Say madame, I have this great joke for you... Just kidding :)

8:26 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Helskel said...


The Free Love Crusader

go girl!

8:29 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Wait, did somebody here call you brilliant? Jesus don't tell me I have to turn on comment moderation.

Broccoli teeters on acceptable, but its always best to stear clear of any veggies (with the exception of carrots) 2-6 hours before intercourse.

V8 works well as a replacement.

The goal here Murphy is to make women WANT to taste your cum...


You know, this may have something to do with the whole cum from oral issue... Are you farting while they go down on you? We could very well have this pegged!

Helskel - I'm picketing even :)

8:30 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Helskel said...


I can see you strutting back and forth on the picket line...

wiggling that ass, and carrying a sign that says,

"I Feel Free.
So Fuck Me!"

8:34 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i'm so cool.

8:48 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

K Helskel, THAT right there is a t-shirt idea!!!

Murphy - Eat the green beans for chrissakes... And quit complaining about how much you paid, even if the steak was too salty.

Vinyl chair... riiiiggght.

Yes, you do.

8:48 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Yes you are Scumbag, yes you are.

8:49 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Hubris said...

Em- When my relationship "opened up" I was constantly asked if it was okay by my wife because it wasn't my idea. It was weird but at the time I didn't mind because I was going out with the (2nd) wife of her new man. I don't know if you caught any history in my blog but even after my extra-marital lady dumped me, everything was going okay until the day we moved into their house. From that day, it felt like I was no longer treated like a brother in a group family, but as a hinderance from allowing an opportunistic and wannabe patriarch from taking what he wanted from my life. At the time I didn't realize how much better my life would be without her because it felt like she gave him a knife to stab me in the back while they run off laughing.

I L O V E sex and when I tried to reach outside of my marriage for something more than just missionary, this is what happened.

8:51 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

So would you say it was emotion that dictated the relationship was volitile Hubris?

I think that yours is a good example of how this can go wrong.

8:57 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think honesty is the key to a successful experience, in swinging and otherwise. we actually had a pretty bad experience due to lack of honesty. without getting into the details, trust me, it was pretty bad.

9:04 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Hubris said...

Absolutely. Polyamorous rather than swinging. The idea was greater love and greater family. Then they excluded me from the greater love part yet still expected me to be into the idea of the giving necessary for a greater family.

fuck that.

9:10 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Agreed JD, and I too have been on the flip-side of the coin... It isn't a pretty picture.

I'm in total agreeance. Truth is, not many swingers tell they're nightmares outloud...

We don't hear enough feedback on what its like when a relationship such as this fails :)

9:15 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

or rather, don't fuck that... lol.

Sorry its not funny in the least i know this... but looking back at least you've had the experience of knowing what DOESN'T work.

9:19 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Hubris said...

That man has got to be the one human on this Earth that I truly wish great harm.

9:23 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Hubris said...

Really, I'm far more over it now. I simply don't give a shit about her anymore. That is the magic of separation. I just wanted to report good intent gone awry related to the topic of your post.

9:29 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

you're so nice to me.....

9:30 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Hubris - I'm glad you did because its not all lollipops and daffodils.


Scum - i adore you. But fishing here is better.

9:36 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

no it isn't. we went over this during one of our heart to heart talks. i love those talks....what i remember of them anyway.

10:14 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

yes thats right, and you agreed fishing was better here.

10:19 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i did no such thing.

10:25 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Murphy a switch? I dunno... I'm still working on flipping him though... Eventually he'll cave... I'll break him. And his brilliance.

Scum - You did, right after you told me you were abducted by aliens and enjoyed the anal probing.

K you didnt say that...

10:28 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

no i didn't. we agreed that kansas was better for fishin' than your particular part of the country. then you told me how awesome and cool i was.

10:39 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Scum - And then you told me that every woman should be more like me and that If I were a Walleye I'd still have perky tits.

JAY!! OMG!!! Well LOL at least you can see that nothing has changed!! Good thing you took the speed reading class love :)

10:52 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

no i said if you were a walleye, i'd gut and kill you. i'm glad you're not a walleye. that would be silly.

10:59 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

No i could swear you said perky tits.

11:03 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Fuck YES I'll come through Texas, visit family while Im there too.

mmmm southern home made buttermilk biscuits... I need to make me some of them.

11:07 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

maybe i did. hell i was hammered. weird how i actually had a legitimate question though.

11:08 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

and then you'll swing up north a bit, RIGHT?????

11:09 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Yes I swing north... with my knees propped on the arms of the chair and my chin resting on the floor.

but then, you weren't talking about sexual swinging, you were talking about something else...

You did have a legitimate question, and I appreciated that you called and didn't tell me to talk dirty to you.

11:14 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

why would i tell you to talk dirty? i don't think i ever have honestly. you get enough of that in blogland.

11:18 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i was 69! this is 2 days in a row.

11:19 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

I hate wearing an underwire bra; I love summer 'cause I can get away with wearing my swimsuit, course I live by the beach so I can do that year around...god I love that.

Just thought I would throw that out there. :)

Mornin lovlies

11:26 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

And everyone thinks we have some sort of torrid love affair happening... sheesh.

69 is good.
69 is great.
fuck the food on the table...
let's eat out tonight.

11:27 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Huneeb - see, thinking of you in a bikini is distracting!!! Morning :)

Jay - i like it when someone packs my lunch for me... or I use my left... hehehe.

Murphy - You just declaring that you watched the Facts of Life means that I don't need to MAKE you gay.... You're pretty much already there.. Unless you watched it for the same reason i did...

Blair. fuckin' hottie, just pluck the eyebrows is all im asking.

11:41 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

I'll have a nacho Sug!

Em it's purple and blue polka dots

on a more serious note Em, what happened with the kidney you were getting; what is all this august talk? :(

11:43 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Sug - You said sausage, and it was HOT. But then you said Wee and it was not as hot anymore.

Wee sausage... hmmm.

Huneeb - The donor it turns out had TB and I could not take his organ.

I'll take Scumbags though.

11:45 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Em I am so sorry to hear that, are there any other donors yet? What about continued dialysis (sp?) I know it's painful but helps no?

11:47 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Why do they say August?

11:48 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

understand if you do not want to answer, it really is none of my business

11:48 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

salsa no guac Sugar, Em's going to Texas?

I am going to Chicago on Friday, anyone want to join?

11:49 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

K wait Hunee, after I stop laughing at what Sug said I'll address this....

11:50 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Sug did you start a new blog yet?

11:51 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

wee sausage is no sauasge I want, I dont care what anyone says

size matters

sorry just being honest

11:53 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

early morn' sausage is the best!

11:54 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Sorry Sug I dont want you to cry today either...look away when she posts :)

11:56 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Hi Sugar.

11:56 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Welcome to the meltdown

11:56 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

would you like to share your story today?

11:57 AM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

LMAO @ huneeb!!!

12:00 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

I wouldn't mind that so much sug

*winks at Em*

I actually think I might really enjoy a "swing" with the couple...

12:03 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

shit sug you just got me all worked up!

12:06 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

what the hell just happened in here?

12:15 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

must be lunchtime.......

12:19 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

mmmm velveta one delicious molecule away from plastic, best in a grilled cheese

12:20 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

so scum how are the inmates today?

12:21 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

annoying, as usual.

12:23 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

emma actually called me as i was wrestling with one of those bastards a coupla weeks ago. he even called me a nigger. it was silly.

12:26 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

your the whitest nigga I ever saw...well next to Michael Jackson

12:30 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

no, i felt it vibrating on my belt though and when i was done i saw that it was emma calling. that would've been pretty funny though.......

1:01 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Or let me talk to the prisoner.. I'll put him in check.

Heh, I can say I was there when he took down another man... HOT!

1:18 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

trailer.. LMAO...

That's a trailer I'd like to see.

1:23 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

Yes Sug. Mister can sit between us :)

1:48 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i'm gonna fucking go hang myself now.

2:11 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

why in the fuck would you do that?

2:17 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i'll tell you later. i'm kinda busy right now.

2:20 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

me too, ok.

2:22 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

oh man
*laughs helplessly*

love your commenters sometimes em

2:24 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Everything Nice said...

I know Sass, huh? I find humor in reading them back sometimes... and then realizing what I've missed in the exchange... but I always try and get back.

It hampers my non-responsive email guilt, you know?

2:31 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger HuneeB said...

Did I miss the movie?

3:46 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Anteros said...

When I first read this post I was taken back a bit, pretty much speechless actually. Having contemplated it a bit I'm fascinated...

Of course it took about 24 hours to be able to come up with a semi-intelligent comment.

4:44 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

wait you're in a helicopter and you're upset???

yeah asparagus makes your spooge taste awful... apple juice makes it taste good.

7:46 PM, May 31, 2006  

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