"Hi My Name is": Spunk Apparently... HNT
I had a meeting tonight to discuss the agenda and format of the seminar this weekend. We all got to sample our rough draft speeches for time and accuracy of content in front of each other. The man right before me in speaking order is an MD and has the job of discussing Oral Sex and is it fixation related?... Cool, sounds like a good speech... Why did he have to ruin my content concentration by asking the question How did you learn to give good oral sex?
I must've lingered on that question for about 20 minutes and came to the conclusion that nobody learns it dipwad, it's a learned PROCESS. I
t's not like we sit around at the sleep overs with banana's and lollipops giggling and swirling our tongues around the tips!!!
No, we save that for adulthood..
and anybody that knows about that slumber party has blackmailed me BTW
We can get more into this topic after I actually absorb the rest of his speech on Saturday.
I did okay, I need to adjust my timing and edit parts of my delivery. Should be good, I still haven't nailed that one liner, it's either too grotesque or it's offensive.... I just think like that apparently, who knew?
Anyway, same meeting and I'm talking to "The Vagina Lady" (don't ask!)... When she says "Emma dear that was a lovely piece but aren't you going to do a power point to go with it?"
Power point? I thought Of a man's prostate and a huge erection... What, holding hands and doing the happy dance? How exactly do you visually present a happy prostate? Photoshop a big ass smile on it while I'm explaining how caressing and applying pressure adds the release of pheremones and aids depression?!?!?
huh. So I say instead.. "Really, Powerpoint, great idea... Wish I had time to throw that together, would be great huh?"
To which every one agreed and then I felt a bit of pressure, glanced around the table... heard the pin drop...
"You all doing powerpoint though?"
"No most of us have models and hand-outs, two of us are powerpoints so we'll have the Lap top projector set up already for you." Mr. Asshat promotional financial asswad doing the headliner adds his two cents quite snottily. Appreciated fucktard, thanks for making me look like an asshole.
K, so you know what happened then. I am now the proud producer of a happy erection slide show... Somebody send me your dick and a smile, I'll put you in the fucking credits.
*deep breath* *whoooosssaaaahhhh*
I did get tips from the fellow presenters on angles though, in case I wanted to take my own home pictures to add "spunk". SPUNK!?!? Rrriiiiiggghhht, tell you what... if I'm taking home pictures, there WILL be spunk. Home pictures *snort* right, like I do that....
I'm still laughing to this moment about 'spunk' ... christ.
I think in lieu of the powerpoint presentation, I'll just rent this and wear it during my speech, going so far as to rig a pump unit to go off when I talk about climax. Just as a big fuck you to all the visual people out there.
This is a happy dick, happy dick looks like me, touch me and I'll spurt.*cue pump*
I got in a weird debate with a woman who had written a letter with intent to one of my articles this afternoon...about life style choices. I received the letter before I left for fishing and hadn't had time to contact her until today. Nobody told me she was extremely religious.
She happily reminded me that I'm going to hell.... I told her as long as I could eat the Devil's ass I would put it in my Outlook Calendar with an auto-alarm set for every 15 minutes.
That too is a piece of a whole nother post you'll see in the future. Was a great hour I spent watching myself age on that one. Sooo rant worthy.
This is an awesome week. The Wedding Party celebrated their One Year Anniversary and today marks the one year anniversary of HNT!! What better way to celebrate this tremendous occasion then to post a Special Reserve picture.
No doubt this is the last one you'll see of this series as it's time to get back to the basics on my HNT's I think... There's really only so much of my tits and ass you can look at before it gets repugnant.
Enjoy and Very Happy Anniversary to MY SPECIALS!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LUV
I had a meeting tonight to discuss the agenda and format of the seminar this weekend. We all got to sample our rough draft speeches for time and accuracy of content in front of each other. The man right before me in speaking order is an MD and has the job of discussing Oral Sex and is it fixation related?... Cool, sounds like a good speech... Why did he have to ruin my content concentration by asking the question How did you learn to give good oral sex?
I must've lingered on that question for about 20 minutes and came to the conclusion that nobody learns it dipwad, it's a learned PROCESS. I
t's not like we sit around at the sleep overs with banana's and lollipops giggling and swirling our tongues around the tips!!!
No, we save that for adulthood..
and anybody that knows about that slumber party has blackmailed me BTW
We can get more into this topic after I actually absorb the rest of his speech on Saturday.
I did okay, I need to adjust my timing and edit parts of my delivery. Should be good, I still haven't nailed that one liner, it's either too grotesque or it's offensive.... I just think like that apparently, who knew?
Anyway, same meeting and I'm talking to "The Vagina Lady" (don't ask!)... When she says "Emma dear that was a lovely piece but aren't you going to do a power point to go with it?"
Power point? I thought Of a man's prostate and a huge erection... What, holding hands and doing the happy dance? How exactly do you visually present a happy prostate? Photoshop a big ass smile on it while I'm explaining how caressing and applying pressure adds the release of pheremones and aids depression?!?!?
huh. So I say instead.. "Really, Powerpoint, great idea... Wish I had time to throw that together, would be great huh?"
To which every one agreed and then I felt a bit of pressure, glanced around the table... heard the pin drop...
"You all doing powerpoint though?"
"No most of us have models and hand-outs, two of us are powerpoints so we'll have the Lap top projector set up already for you." Mr. Asshat promotional financial asswad doing the headliner adds his two cents quite snottily. Appreciated fucktard, thanks for making me look like an asshole.
K, so you know what happened then. I am now the proud producer of a happy erection slide show... Somebody send me your dick and a smile, I'll put you in the fucking credits.
*deep breath* *whoooosssaaaahhhh*
I did get tips from the fellow presenters on angles though, in case I wanted to take my own home pictures to add "spunk". SPUNK!?!? Rrriiiiiggghhht, tell you what... if I'm taking home pictures, there WILL be spunk. Home pictures *snort* right, like I do that....
I'm still laughing to this moment about 'spunk' ... christ.

This is a happy dick, happy dick looks like me, touch me and I'll spurt.*cue pump*
I got in a weird debate with a woman who had written a letter with intent to one of my articles this afternoon...about life style choices. I received the letter before I left for fishing and hadn't had time to contact her until today. Nobody told me she was extremely religious.
She happily reminded me that I'm going to hell.... I told her as long as I could eat the Devil's ass I would put it in my Outlook Calendar with an auto-alarm set for every 15 minutes.
That too is a piece of a whole nother post you'll see in the future. Was a great hour I spent watching myself age on that one. Sooo rant worthy.
This is an awesome week. The Wedding Party celebrated their One Year Anniversary and today marks the one year anniversary of HNT!! What better way to celebrate this tremendous occasion then to post a Special Reserve picture.

Enjoy and Very Happy Anniversary to MY SPECIALS!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LUV
Is Sue Johanson at these seminars and if so can you get her autograph for me and get her to sign it Sex Grandma?
by the way this picture 100x better than the last makes a nice backwards S for the eye to travel. and great alignment
Repugnant ...are you kidding me ...
Never gets old hun ...never ...
I have a fireside suite reserved in hell...........see ya there?
Awesome pic!!!
Repugnant never! I for one enjoy looking at them very much so. Anyway you have probably been told this before but you have some amazingly beautiful eyes!
Powerpoint is way over rated! I say wear the happy cock costume!
Repugnant? I don't think that'll ever happen!
I'd pay good money to see you in a cock suit!
Hmmm...Em in a cock suit. Isnt that like having you surrounded by cock?
I cant wait for the rant with the "extremely religious" woman reminding you politely you're going to hell. Awsome come back.
Your T&A get repugnant? That will be the day hell freezes over, and since you have an appointment to eat the Devil's ass I doubt it will stay cold for long!
You have a very kissable mouth. Just thought i would toss that out there.
There is a lounge chair with my name on it right next to satan so...I get to watch you eat satan's ass...EXCELLENT!!!
My ass!
No one will ever get tired of seeing ANYTHING of yours!
A stitch in time saves nine.
U never stop amazing me!! And as everyone has already said, amazing pic.
A chance to send a pic of my bits? *sigh* and me without my digital camera.
"only so much of my tits and ass you can look at before it gets repugnant"
okay you've had too much green stuff. Do what you will Em but seriously, repugnant? Um.. no. If this sort of thing got repugnant to the likes of me then there would be no point to the meager porn collection that I have...
so, it being the last one, I had to save it ;) thanks gorgeous.
you're upside down. and where's your shirt? oh my this is getting me excited!
*great heaving sigh*
What up, Em? Beautiful picture, as usual. Hope all is well.
Happy HNT. :)
Every 15 minutes???
Damn you're hot, I will be back to do the reading!!
why? why? why?
WHY hide the nipples? was only one stiff?
(doh! signed in under my corporate account on that deleted comment! LOL)
very very very sexy HNT pic. and let me know if you need help with any of the presentations... ;)
I doubt it.
...just thought I'd join the chorus on rejecting that one...
Happy HNT Em! :)
Okay, so I'm laughing my ass off at "Spunk" and your power point presentation of you doing the happy dick dance...when...
Damn, you're one hot chick.
Love the post and yes you are the hottest. And no, there's never enough of your T&A to become repugnant. Sorry. :-) HHNT!
i don't think you need powerpoint but a couple of anatomical slides should be relatively easy to obtain?
also? hot
First of all happy anniversaries to HNT and to the Wedding Party!
Second, hot, and i mean, HOT hnt pic!
Third, i love the penis mascot picture.
Fourth, fucking hot hnt pic.
Fifth, yeah I'll take a fifth of Jack Daniels please
Sixth, congratulations on your 'spunkiness'
Seventh, i miss you.
Eight, hot pic!
That is a great picture. Very much worthy of the "Special Reserve" status.
Happy HNT, kiddo.
Emma, you are a very beautiful woman. That is one hot picture.
Agree with the above. That never gets old.
repugnant. right.
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