Cinco de FFF
Happy Triple FFF and a hearty handshake to the end of this week! Hooray!
For most of you it's been a difficult 5 days, teetering on insane... So you especially deserve a large Dos Equis and Lime for your mental stability and over-all health.
Cheers to peeking down the pants of life and saying "WTF is THAT?!?!"
I think, I will expect the 9:44 phone call this evening reminding me of the moments just prior to my first breath of life... Mom does it every year, closely followed by my dad jumping on the phone and doing a somewhat horrible redition of "Happy Birthday" by The Beatles. Honestly sounds like cheech marin with his leg caught in a bear trap. Poor dad.
Scumbag made a comment about me 'shutting this down' for awhile, the blog...etc. Not so, just need to start varying my work and stepping away some days to get shit done and deadlines met. This does not mean I don't miss you and like to look in on wtf you're doing, it means I simply need to work. And research, and get my reviews finished.
Plus I have that damn speech coming up and I'm still looking for a good opener!!! Anybody that can give me a creative lead in on it let me know... The subject is Maintaining Healthy Ejaculation, I welcome any one liners or tasteful transitions you could throw at me...heh.
ejaculation .. tasteful.. heh. throw it at me... again, heh.
The other night I had the opportunity to do my lovely research for the M/M short story erotica I'll be working on next week. If you had read the history behind this you'd know that I was offered to sit in on a mono-e-mono love making fest between a man, and a man. So yeah, got that crossed off my list *fanning face with list*
Frankly, I mean, it was a very intimate situation and well, actually it was downright sexy as fuck. I mean duh, I'd seen man on man action before, and it never ceases to captivate me... not sure what it is, but.. I'd only previously observed from a distance, in a crowd of other welcome distractions, or on my 36" at home.
Imagine for a moment your very own private sex show, and lucky for me these men were rather decent if not pretty. I sat and tried to keep my fingers busy as I watched them, texting "T" like a madwoman... They didn't seem to mind though, so what the fuck?!!?!
I research, I give my homeslice the play-by-play... It was tightness...
And then they started moaning and saying shit about how good it felt and looking at me and well, smiling.. and wtf guys jesus just stroke each other dammit don't tempt me to want to be part of this by making eye contact!!!
*blank stare, slight chin droppage as I work the qwerty board on the phone fumbling*
I got the urge to touch them as they moved together.... I just wanted to touch them!!! My fingers got all itchy and needy and there was no amount of note taking or texting to snuff those urges dammit.
So quickly I would text to T "jesus this is hot i just wanna touch one"...
after some banter back and forth I believe it ended with her saying something to the effect of "Did u touch?! Ha, Im guessing if u did u wont text back!"
i didn't text back, no. Not until about 30 or so minutes later *snerk*
*Sigh* I HEART research.
Putting an end to this week, and a good cap to my birthday I get to attend a huge party of epic proportions in my favor tonight. I will have a red head on my arm and a song in my step... and hell yeah the husbands going and I'm all about the sharing!
SO without further adieu, I leave you with a couple good laughs... The author of this contribution will remain anonymous, but I couldn't help but put this on here and well, you get mad props woman for speaking your mind like a champion!
I read about kegel muscles all the freakin' time in women's magazines: how much guys love it when you can grip their penises like a vise with your va-j-j, how much harder you come when you flex your lady love muscles, etc. Kegel muscles are supposedly sooooo great.
But mine are deadbeats. Seriously - maybe I have a lazy vag. Maybe my kegels like to take it easy and enjoy the ride rather than make any effort during sex.
Other ladies' kegels are like jazzercize instructors, flexing and jumping and pointing and coming. Mine are two potheads watching porn: uninvolved, lazy, happy, stupid.
I (half-heartedly) tried to do the kegel exercises, which consists of just flexing them over and over. My kegels are so fucking lazy that I can't even be sure if I'm flexing the right thing in my pussy - something is moving, but I don't know what it is. It might be my cervix. Can cervixes move?
So fuck those exercises. I realized I don't give a shit whether or not I can hold a dude in my v so tight that it's hard for him to remove himself. What is this, a genital tug-of-war?
So I've decided that if my pussy isn't enough on its own, sucks to be me. I'm not going to sit at my desk flexing my pee-muscles, and I'm not going to feel worthless if ex-boyfriends tell me how amazing their new girlfriends are with tightening up their pussies.
I've had it, kegel muscles. You stay all lazy and useless on your stained, cat-hair love seat, watching your Jenna Jameson and contributing nothing to the activity in my vagina.
For most of you it's been a difficult 5 days, teetering on insane... So you especially deserve a large Dos Equis and Lime for your mental stability and over-all health.

I think, I will expect the 9:44 phone call this evening reminding me of the moments just prior to my first breath of life... Mom does it every year, closely followed by my dad jumping on the phone and doing a somewhat horrible redition of "Happy Birthday" by The Beatles. Honestly sounds like cheech marin with his leg caught in a bear trap. Poor dad.
Scumbag made a comment about me 'shutting this down' for awhile, the blog...etc. Not so, just need to start varying my work and stepping away some days to get shit done and deadlines met. This does not mean I don't miss you and like to look in on wtf you're doing, it means I simply need to work. And research, and get my reviews finished.
Plus I have that damn speech coming up and I'm still looking for a good opener!!! Anybody that can give me a creative lead in on it let me know... The subject is Maintaining Healthy Ejaculation, I welcome any one liners or tasteful transitions you could throw at me...heh.
ejaculation .. tasteful.. heh. throw it at me... again, heh.
The other night I had the opportunity to do my lovely research for the M/M short story erotica I'll be working on next week. If you had read the history behind this you'd know that I was offered to sit in on a mono-e-mono love making fest between a man, and a man. So yeah, got that crossed off my list *fanning face with list*

Imagine for a moment your very own private sex show, and lucky for me these men were rather decent if not pretty. I sat and tried to keep my fingers busy as I watched them, texting "T" like a madwoman... They didn't seem to mind though, so what the fuck?!!?!
I research, I give my homeslice the play-by-play... It was tightness...
And then they started moaning and saying shit about how good it felt and looking at me and well, smiling.. and wtf guys jesus just stroke each other dammit don't tempt me to want to be part of this by making eye contact!!!
*blank stare, slight chin droppage as I work the qwerty board on the phone fumbling*
I got the urge to touch them as they moved together.... I just wanted to touch them!!! My fingers got all itchy and needy and there was no amount of note taking or texting to snuff those urges dammit.
So quickly I would text to T "jesus this is hot i just wanna touch one"...
after some banter back and forth I believe it ended with her saying something to the effect of "Did u touch?! Ha, Im guessing if u did u wont text back!"
i didn't text back, no. Not until about 30 or so minutes later *snerk*
*Sigh* I HEART research.
Putting an end to this week, and a good cap to my birthday I get to attend a huge party of epic proportions in my favor tonight. I will have a red head on my arm and a song in my step... and hell yeah the husbands going and I'm all about the sharing!

I read about kegel muscles all the freakin' time in women's magazines: how much guys love it when you can grip their penises like a vise with your va-j-j, how much harder you come when you flex your lady love muscles, etc. Kegel muscles are supposedly sooooo great.
But mine are deadbeats. Seriously - maybe I have a lazy vag. Maybe my kegels like to take it easy and enjoy the ride rather than make any effort during sex.
Other ladies' kegels are like jazzercize instructors, flexing and jumping and pointing and coming. Mine are two potheads watching porn: uninvolved, lazy, happy, stupid.
I (half-heartedly) tried to do the kegel exercises, which consists of just flexing them over and over. My kegels are so fucking lazy that I can't even be sure if I'm flexing the right thing in my pussy - something is moving, but I don't know what it is. It might be my cervix. Can cervixes move?
So fuck those exercises. I realized I don't give a shit whether or not I can hold a dude in my v so tight that it's hard for him to remove himself. What is this, a genital tug-of-war?
So I've decided that if my pussy isn't enough on its own, sucks to be me. I'm not going to sit at my desk flexing my pee-muscles, and I'm not going to feel worthless if ex-boyfriends tell me how amazing their new girlfriends are with tightening up their pussies.
I've had it, kegel muscles. You stay all lazy and useless on your stained, cat-hair love seat, watching your Jenna Jameson and contributing nothing to the activity in my vagina.
Wooooot! I guess that proves nothing other than I get board frequently at work...
Okay so now I comment...
It is fine that you only check in on us, we (well at least I have picked up on) that you are a mighty busy woman and I honestly don't know how you do it everyday and manage to have the time to blog so much with all the comments, shit sometimes I give up when I come to visit and it's like 200+ deep...and if you just throw yourself in there you never really know what convo you will be in the middle of (that's pretty cool too) Whether it's yelling Bettlejuice, Cricket, 69, or someone horny, drunk, down and out or just random fun it's always entertaining. :)
(I heart you are teaching me things I would have never known or at least I think I would have never known...)
It's fun, and the Em crew is great, a charismatic group if you will :D
I still want to know what did you touch?? ;}
hmm one lines about ejaculation...Thom is pretty good with one liners did you ask him already? You can always start with a question...that's what I do with my research papers when I got nothing to start me off...sorry not much help
Yeah for shindigs in your favor, that is the best! You deserve it, so let yourself revel in it :)
hahahaha balls were not there b4 my comment...that is funny :)
Thanks hunee :)
As soon as I saw the balls I knew I had to post them!!!
Yeah, I love you peeps, gimme a big hug!!!
*Boobie bump, nuzzle and sliiiiide*
got it out of my system
sorry last time I swear
re kegels do them religiously or you wear diapers when you're 80. just saying.
guy on guy is extra hot because it's something you can't EVER experience or be part of... not and keep it pure.
happy birthday em *LICK*
Em you got mail...
Hi Sass!
Mornin' Meltdown!!! Happy Birthday Emma!!! WOO HOO
Um, yeah...I'm kegeling right now
I am SO over balls....hehehehehe no, not really.
(cha cha cha)
(cha cha cha)
(cha cha cha)
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
All of my love with hugs and kisses.
happy b day and happy mexican day.
Ahem ....
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Emma,
Happy Birthday to you!
Hallelujah (69x)
yeah, what white devil said.
and thanks fer lending an ear last night.
Fuck me, that bit about the kegels was hella funny!
Did anybody else throw up when Murph said he rolls his balls around all day?
I thought so.
Work something around this at the opening...
"Ladies and gentlemen, blah blah blah... today I'll be talking about Maintaining Healthy Ejaculation. And I have to start by thanking the organizers for inviting me and today, well... speaking about this subject today... it gives me... in fact many of us... GREAT pleasure. (long pause, let it sink in, then continue)..."
BTW, check your e-mail.
LMAO!! You ladies and gents fuckin' rock my world for serious doh....
I think it was the breaking a sweat on his taint that made me gag a lil'.
Come on Murphy, roll your balls for us... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY YOU HAVE TO!
Do video, and use your audioblogger to post it!!!
Sass - I know huh?
Scum - I got your back...
And all the rest of you that have my heart thank you so much for the b-day wishes!! So far it's been grrrrreeeaat!!!
k bye
Hey manbutter.... thanks :D
emma, do you think clowns are appropriate for birthday celebrations?
Errr... thank you jesus! And uh jesus I gotta say it's so good to see you four... glad the Scumbag let you come out and play.
LMAO! Bring on that clowny motherfucker... let's make some nasty balloon animals!!!
Is a good time to mention that I make a mean balloon cock!!
You know what would be funny as fuck, having two water balloons to tie it to for balls....
I"ve never used water balloons but HELL what's a cock with out balls?
*waves at Emma*
He's taking a hiatus!!!
balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls...
I missed you kinda clowny!
*waves at kristen*
Let's go party
Thom's taking whose anus?
Balloon cocks and keigels... God I love this place!
Happy Birthday!
Yeah, I love this place too... let's party!!
Somebody quick, pass me a bottle.. i need to prefunction.. and so what it's only 8am's gonna be a loooong night!
New Excersise video
Vagina-sise with Vagina-robics!
I am a certified vagina-robics instructor. Hell, I was an amateur instructor for years!
*passes bottle*
*rolls eyes*
Go ladies, work them pussy muscles!!! Vagersize Madame LOL!!
Wait, 306 is certified?!?!? HAWT!
Thanks Kristen, wanna chug-a-lug?
Murphy are you rolling your balls yet? You should be.
It's kind of an honorary thing - something about years of service...
Who's bogarting the bottle?
hehehe that made me giggle all naughty Sass... *passesbowlbackwithmouthfullofsmokeandconnectswithalongdeepkisstoyou*
306 - Here, take the bottle luv... chug-a-lug!!
Vagersizing makes me horny...just saying
Everything makes me horny today actually.. nice chugging Kristen, let's do some dirty talking.
Happy Birthday Starfucker! You sexy bitch the party will be a blast tonight.
Gonna rock out with my cock out!!
Thanks Shawn, and what the fuck? Aren't you supposed to be lugging your new shadow around and spending all your hard earned money on a new cock ring?
She doesn't spank as good as I do, does she? *sniffle*
Murphy - LOL!
Oh Emma, really....dirty talkin'...I'll scare everyone out of dont' want that on your b-day
Why can't you be?
second question, how the hell does Murphy know about the bed tying?
No, she doesn't spank as well as you at all... What was the final count on the guest list? Did Red tell you?
Talk dirty Kristen, I won't run!
*Chug, chug, chug*
Passes bottle to Mdme X and takes bowl.
*Inhales - holds breath - giggles and chokes smoke out*
Gosh I really need a party like this!
I just got back the count to be around 150, should be slammin, they reserved the whole place...
There will be sex in the champagne room tonight... and the dance floor... and well, anywhere else...
And I hear it's an open bar too!! Tell me how the hell you guys pulled that off?
Can't speak about the Murphy bed tying thing, you'll have to ask him.. maybe he's stalking you?
Kristen come on baby, tell me to fuck you... I need to hear it.
Anna!! I wish you could be too!!!
Since it's your b-day.....
*takes deep breath*
My pussy's twitching and its so wet, Emma fuck me.......fuck me
Wait...Murphy tied Shawn to the bed?
Were they the two guys you were watching?
150 is good, I think I went through about 300 fucking flyers last night at V. It's not hard to reserve a club that you own ass shit.
I can't wait to see this event, I had no idea they were doing open bar, that's a loss and a half for the revenue.
I put my money that Jon's sponsoring that since he'll be there.
I get to watch you fuck red under the strobe... Im a lucky lucky man.
nyah fuckers... nyah!
I scared her off.......
NICE KRISTEN! Baby I'd eat you like a cream filled, push my tongue in all gentle, flick a little... taste your sweetness fill my mouth.
Madame - See now THAT was a wicked visual to say the very least!!! LMAO.. .see now, im thinking.. hmmmmmmm....
Anna - I KNOW IT! HOORAY!!!!
Shawn - er. umm. See now I didnt know Jon would be there actually.... Now that it's out, should be one hell of a party!
*breathes sigh of relief*
one of my senses picked up something about free booze and i came right over.
Kristen i dont scare easily honey... at all.
Scum - beezos? luva?
Dude, there's an HVAC guy in my office right now...
he's married... that means he's corruptable.
I hope so, it would be welcome!!!
Tell you what Murphy, you show up at the party tonight and Red and I will do a little wing-ding on ya...
Hope you're not orally challenged, she likes a good tongue fuck...
hooker with a treat.
Jeezus, I'm horny today........I mean reeaealllllyyyy Horny
Yes, she does. Which reminds me, Dr.K will be there too. He's actually going to venture out of his comfort zone to party.
Hope the bathroom is clean and cozy.
Well starfucker, glad to know you weren't sharing my issues with the world...
That was a great guess there Murphy, great fucking guess. I will buy a pocket knife.
Need help with that Kristen?
Lemme help you :)
k, or not.
No, I'm back.......
please's bad today
What can I do?!?!?!
Meet me in the bathroom?
seriously, a threesome....I could knock two things off my list
1. Emma
2. A threesome
Im not having a threesome with Murphy... he's ungrateful.
Hey ass........move out of the way. I want Emma just lost your chance...
Now go buy Em a drink
i miss smoking drugs.
You know, would be awesome to contain us all in one room, preferably a big one with loud music and Shawn tied to the bed.
I have zip ties.
damn kids and their loud music and sex parties.........
zip ties
Let's get dirty up in herrr!!!!
Hell yeah.......
any of you cunts ever eaten jail food?
I'm wet
Murph...Scum's asking you somethin'!
Ive eaten jail food... and cunt too.
it's fuckin' terrible ain't it?
why were you in jail emma?
Congecal visit Scum...
Ummm, okay fine don't believe me!!!
jeesh... I'm all sorts of popular at the womens correctional facility.
And then you bent over, huh Murphy...
happy coming-out-of-a-vagina-to-the-world day!
Thanks D! How appropriate is it that I've spent the last 32 years trying to get back in?!?!?!
mmmmm... a kegel bagel HOT!
Come over Owen, I have no doubt it could get much happier around here... bring Dirk and Hyde with you... sexy fuckers.
Better yet, send me your address and I'll be sure to move in next door.
a good tattoo for a woman, right above the pubic area:
you must be at least |———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————|
to ride
wow ... chalk it up to 415 a.m. wooziness
I always wanted to get one right there that said "Lucky You"
kristen: as long as you don't go with "Over 6 billion served"
or: Kentucky deposit refund 50¢
if you're horny and you know it ________ your __________.
twitch your clit
wank your crank
fuck your pony
Good one Scum
Hey cunt, wanna double stuff my taco?
double stuff ...
... now me wants oreos
... well, and pussy
you mean you're straight? never woulda guessed. and i thought i was doing a good will gesture by linking my blog to a queer.
mmm, oreo's
D, Oreos and pussy sounds like a great Ben and Jerry's!!! No?
SCUM!!! LMAO!!! See, now that's just all the love right there...
nothing like doublestuffing, now dammit THATS what I want for my birthday!!
Gives whole new meaning to Cookies and Cream Flavor
naked mud wresling
that sounds like a blast, lets do it!!!
okay ;}
just no fingers in the bum that sort of freaks me out still...
So who sent the roses?
No clue... trying to figure that out...
so is the party today or tomorrow?
did ya get my email?
Alright Emma.......hope you have a wonderful b-day and Party Hard tonight sexy....
I'm out....
see you guys later...
Have a slippery weekend E!
and thanks again for yesterday's pics ;-)
Hey thanks guys and gals, for today and everything... you ppl rock.
Now I think I'll go get fuckin' skunked early...
okay actually, the truth is, Im hella buzzed right now... But I need a topper!
You there E?
I be in the hizzay S. *burp* S'up fucker?
Are you ready Starfucker? It's the magic hour... prefunction.
Jesus are you already drinking?
Not certain if jesus is drinking, but yeah I had a glass or two at lunch, so? you gotta problem with that?
Pre-function :D
Wait, tell me they didn't put you in charge of the distracting me while everybody arrives!!!
It's gonna be a loooong night!
Red wanted me to be sure you were taken care of before the party, yes. I have some places I need to go to get some things.
I need you to go with me. You ready? Can you leave now?
I was waiting for something but yeah I suppose I could leave... you may have to pick me up tho.
<--- tipping.
Wait, why do I see you having to go get leetle purple peeellss?
Umm idiot. I don't have a CAR!
And yeah, if you can stumble your way here we can go to the happy place, come on E let's git.
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Liked cock-out better... K, catching bearings and I'm on my way.
*sunglasses on*
Let's do this shawnfucker.
THAT'S what I'M talking about!!!
Happy weekend to all...
em: you'll think i'm a tease if i tell you how much i like kissing women...
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
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