For those of you that had missed 'the works', this is for you... smooches.
i run my fingers over your stomach
light as a feather my touch
and hot as an ember
can you feel me trembling...
your skin is so beautiful
soft like a cloud
silky smooth
oh..the anticipation...
will you let my tongue
taste you
will you let me dip my finger
to explore your soul

my travels continue
i map your body with my senses
the wetness of my tongue
circles your taught hard nipples
oh the joy of those breasts in my mouth
our breath quickens
the air is electric
you are all that i see
this moment of time
embeds itself inside of me
you open your legs to me
and grabbing my hair,
you beg for me to please you
i grin devilishly at the thought
my tongue bends to your will
the fire inside of you
explodes in my mouth
this newness i never dreamed existed
is so real and so potent
i flicker your lips with my tongue
i nibble your folds
and watch you squirm
my tongue reaches inside
and heaven awaits me
you thrust yourself against me
urging me, wanting me
challenging me
i accept with a low moan
as my tongue explores ever deeper
you make me so wet
you make me want to eat you up
to make you scream with pleasure
and purr like a pussy cat
my tongue ignites your senses
and together we edge closer to the brink
let me touch those lovely breasts again
let me fuck you and fuck you and fuck you
torture you with this intense joy
i slip my finger into your pussy
feel the honey all around me
slip another inside the door
and begin to strike the rhythm
the primal beat goes on forever
the drums crash into the air
i watch you thrash your head from side to side
your own hands rubbing your body
and your mouth open, inviting
i plunge deeper and faster
harder and quicker
matching your moans
my mouth covers your nipples
sucking and licking
the final thrust hears you yell
intense rippling heat
cascading through your body
your back arching to the ceiling
and then
the quiet
yes the quiet
savour the moment
revel in the warmth
i run my fingers over your stomach
light as a feather my touch
and hot as an ember
can you feel me trembling...
your skin is so beautiful
soft like a cloud
silky smooth
oh..the anticipation...
will you let my tongue
taste you
will you let me dip my finger
to explore your soul

my travels continue
i map your body with my senses
the wetness of my tongue
circles your taught hard nipples
oh the joy of those breasts in my mouth
our breath quickens
the air is electric
you are all that i see
this moment of time
embeds itself inside of me
you open your legs to me
and grabbing my hair,
you beg for me to please you
i grin devilishly at the thought
my tongue bends to your will
the fire inside of you
explodes in my mouth
this newness i never dreamed existed
is so real and so potent
i flicker your lips with my tongue
i nibble your folds
and watch you squirm
my tongue reaches inside
and heaven awaits me
you thrust yourself against me
urging me, wanting me
challenging me
i accept with a low moan
as my tongue explores ever deeper
you make me so wet
you make me want to eat you up
to make you scream with pleasure
and purr like a pussy cat
my tongue ignites your senses
and together we edge closer to the brink
let me touch those lovely breasts again
let me fuck you and fuck you and fuck you
torture you with this intense joy
i slip my finger into your pussy
feel the honey all around me
slip another inside the door
and begin to strike the rhythm
the primal beat goes on forever
the drums crash into the air
i watch you thrash your head from side to side
your own hands rubbing your body
and your mouth open, inviting
i plunge deeper and faster
harder and quicker
matching your moans
my mouth covers your nipples
sucking and licking
the final thrust hears you yell
intense rippling heat
cascading through your body
your back arching to the ceiling
and then
the quiet
yes the quiet
savour the moment
revel in the warmth
Hey I am number one! Yeah... like your poem reads, I amsavouring the moment!
Best part of having two women in bed at the same time with you is having one of them get up to make you a sandwich.
dominator: two boys works for me...
but two girls doesn't suck :)
damm em you have a way with words!
Good morning.......that started off my day in a great way...thanks for that was awesome
Em... you wrote this for me didn't you?!
Good morning everyone.
thanks for the hard-on emma.
That's a hell of a way to wake up in the morning! I don't think I need coffee now 'cause my blood's pumpin'...
Oh, and if you were serious about your comment on my blog I'd totally entertain suggestions on where to look. I'm open to anything now as a career change may be good!
Who luv's ya!!
Um, wow.
Do it again. need to look at porn..unless is yesterday's picture..
you want to teach the guys i date a class?
really..they could use it.
i love poetry, especially sexy poetry. ;) hot Emma, just like you...
Absolutley beautiful, as always
*untucks shirt to hide the bulge forming in my khakis*
Shut up Murphy
Don't laugh at only encourages the stupidity
Pussy moisture.......
I just wanted to type it
Actually, they have those mesh panties at the OB wards after you give birth.
They encourage you to wear them with those big freakin' pad diapers....
I liked the mesh undies... think I still have them even...
Hush Murphy
AH........the big ol' mesh panties for after giving birth. Those suckers were cozy...what about the foamy stuff they give you to help with the was cool and refreshing
man butter
just wanted to type that
Are you talking about the sitz bath Kristen?
I swear I still have those undies... HNT IDEA!
I had the sitz bath but we also got this foam stuff to put in the pads that was kinda like whip cream consitency but it eased the pain of well the....swollen crotch and stitches.
Yeah no foam stuff here!
Loved my maternity panties wore those for months afterward...used to tuck em up under my bra...fucking hot!
EPPI FOAM......that's the name of it...I think
the EEEWWWW factor of the conversation has just been elevated...
Yeah no Eppi foam...squeeze bottle and witch this day the smell of witch hazel makes me sick to my stomach
LOL at Thom....I was wondering how long it would be before a man braved to comment
Seriously, the only thing I benefitted from the births of my younguns was the undies...
and the 'daddy stitch.'
To this day nobody has ever heard of the daddy stitch... always have to explain it.
Explain please
what's a daddy stitch?
is that like when you have an episiotomy (sp?) and the doctor snips your taint.
Ya take an extra stitch to tighten things up for the daddy...cuz ya know he did all the work and all
They seriously do that?? My ex tried to pull that shit after I had just pushed for the last 9 hours and my crotch was swollen....he says, "Put another stitch in there for me, will you Doc?"
Yep, Madame's correct... only I didn't get one...
I got 12.
And let's not talk about the reprecussions from that. I swore I was a born again virgin after that and my pussy's been pissed ever since.
I used to swallow girthy.
now it's so fucking tight I have to work that fucker soft for 5 minutes to accomodate normalcy.
but once it's there, its there.
Oh the Doc asked me while I was being feet was resting on the Doc's shoulder...pushed the bastard across the room.
uh. TMI much? Yeah sorry.
And when I said work the fucker soft I meant my pussy hole, not your dick.
but, I guess it's hawt to watch me finger myself before the plunge.
so i got that goin for me.
foot...only one foot was up on his chest
I had 5 stitches.....that was enough for me
But really it makes the sensation of sex rock because my lips wrap so tight around dick I can feel the ridge of the veins as they fuck me.
So, I call it a benefit... even if it seems burdenous sometimes.
Yeah...I really just need circular clitoral yummies and I'm good
i felt like i needed some stitches after i dropped a deuce once ... but i refuse to call it man stitches!
Sweetie I love your poem and it makes me all wet but the last stanza taken separately would make a great maxwell house international coffee ad...I mean that in a good way!
What? No more Eppi foam and stitches?
Moving on........
madame - I appreciate your criticism. At the time this poem was inspired I laid arm in arm against a warm, quiet, softly sleeping body while still tasting her in my mouth...
I could hear the clock ticking.
The sound of the birds outside.
And in the art of erotic poetry you want the mid to explode while the beginning and the end stay soft and general... it aids the masturbation and allows the mind to come down and move on to the next thing.
If you try and dump too much into the beg-end as far as content you end up bludgeoning and boring the reader...
so instead of reflecting on the moment the head goes
pussy cock pussy cock tongue eat wet hole pussy cock pussy k. done.
Good for some, but not for all. Make sense?
And WTF is wrong with a little Maxwell house after morning sex?
See that's where I was going...after hot coffee!
I'd buy it!
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i'm seeing triple ...
Guess I better delte some of those
Don't delete, I like looking at the pic
I just had a horrible thought
Madames X, Y & Z!!!
See...I scared the crap out of everybody with that thought!
School of Emma is the best....
School of Emma...yeah got that right
I've learned more here than anywhere else
I'm 69
Ok, I comment maturely now....69
anyways.....Emma is my role model.....I love cumming to this blog
Yes you are baby doll!!!
MOMMY make the bad man go away!!!
we were having girl time in here Murphy....leave our pussy's alone
hey Kristen, i got the perfect comeback for your ex the next time he gives you shit. tell him if he wasn't such a limpdick, he wouldn't have needed that extra stitch. ;)
Good one JD.....I'll have to keep that in mind....
*puking on the mental pic of his dick*
lol Kristen, i understand, totally. i think the silver lining to this whole thing is the knowledge that his won't ever be inside you again. :) that must be driving him crazy, hehe. ouch, that's gonna hurt. ;)
I am glad I wore black the pussy moisture didn't show.
I just wanted to type it too!
Damn it, now I want to go back and get the extra stitch, I didn't know they would actually do it! I bet it would hurt without numbing meds, eh?
mmmm i hear crickets!
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