Yes, I bought cheese for my wine

Well, let it be said that when the husband and I celebrate something, we go "balls to the walls" with it. I'm not one for half-assing something and neither is the husband, so in classic style we took advantage of our weekend gluttony.
Truth is, we were smashed by 11am.
And per the shitty mathmatical breakdown I've provided it's fairly clear as to why.
First Winery: (1 glass gewurztraminer) + 5 tastings = 1 limited reserve cellar 2003 Reisling purchase. $65
Second Winery: (1 glass Carbernet Sauvignon) + 5 tastings = 1 bottle of Syrah, 1 bottle chardonnay private vintage, cheese, 1 bottle Merlot -- tipsy, but spending $98.52 happily.
Third Winery: (1 glass cranberry reisling) + 5 tastings = 1 bottle of cranberry reisling, late harvest chardonnay 2002, 2 bottles raspberry reisling, 1 bottle special reserve syrah-- How the fuck much was that again? $157.96? Awesome!
Where's the car? Did we drive here? I have no clue but I'm hot and stripping in the parking lot... even though its 40 degrees and raining.
Food, we should eat. Mexican.
Mexican Restaurant: 1 strawberry daquari which I swear had NO alcohol. -- There was food, but I don't remember what that was... $16.59
Fourth Winery (1 glass Chardonnay) + 3 tastings = 1 bottle Reserve white reisling, more cheese -- $28.00 Holy fuck I can't believe we've got a trunk full of wine, maybe we should stop. And jesus you've got a great ass.... oh shit sorry, you're not my husband. But hey, nice ass anyway. whoopsie.
Brewery: (1 glass of favorite ale) + 6 glass tastings (and yes, the tastings are 3/4 glasses of beer)= 1 case of beer. -- $32.21 Okay, that mexican food did nothing for me. I'm fucking wasted, let's go to Tully's for coffee.
Coffee Shop: 1 dt vanilla mocha + 1 pink cookie = drunk phone call and rejuvination.
Room: Open 1 bottle, 2 glasses = best $605 ever spent --Getting ready for dinner and pre-function for the evening. Quick oral sex, pictures that should never have been taken, curling hair while drunk sucks and I'm ready for my $100 a plate meal... but excuse me if I stumble in to proper restaurant and clutz my way to my chair.
And holy fuck the doorman is hot, can I slip him our room key honey? please?

Dinner: 1 glass Vintage merlot + Amaretto coffee + Decadent chocolate hazelnut thingee that wow... was rich but worth the stomach pain -- $214.69 Blurry, happy, buzzed, and thinking maybe that amaretto wasn't the best idea, but still sedate.
One word for the rest of the evening? Yeah, here goes: pliable. Uhh, yeah I totally mean that. Because I'm all sorts of limber when I'm wine drunk vs. the stifness and intensity of a liquor drunk. Wine drunks for me are like kryptonite to Super Man. Seriously.

was a bath, porn, and apparently some hard core fornication because my pussy was not a happy camper this morning.
When asked how many times I came last night, my good husband replies "really, when weren't you cumming? Now, if you'll excuse me... I need to dip my balls in ice water..."
So, uh 8 bottles of wine, one case of beer, and no clue how much cash we spent this weekend later, I guess you could say it was a damn good time... and in classic 'me-style' I soooo wish I could remember it. I guess I'll just have to rely on the pictures.
Happy Monday!
LMAO, I think that's a good thing Sugarpunk :D
err I hope.
I love when you mention me in a post it makes me all tingly!
The picture is beautiful but I'll be expecting the other pictures by noon-
No, wait!
Make that 11.00 am...I've got to leave at noon so send them earlier then I'll have time to rub one or two out before I have to go to work!
i know i was away all weekend, but could someone tell me what in the hell happened to kristen's blog?
Damn Emma........totally hot weekend!!!
Scum read this, it explains
I'm going to start over, stand-by
Back to girl, that pic is hot!!!
that is such cowardly bullshit!!!
Ain't nothing worse than pissing off the Lord!!!
Sounds awesome, except for the whole dipping balls in ice water thing.
Flounder - Yah, huh? Ice water brrrrrr. It was a good time :)
Madame - I'm sending you a picture right now... but just one :)
Kj - Good to see you honey :) And thank you
Pearl - We did :) Good morning
you make me regret my wine country experience.
oh i was drunk...but i was with my parents!
hmmmmmm, have to find a boy to take. yes..must.
oh and glad you haven't totally left blogland. i'd miss you too much my little love muffin. i really would.
GAWD DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you.
*happy dance*
*big happy warm fuzzy dance about not leaving blogland*
Thanks Buttah, its much appreciated. I say you come here and we do the wine tastings together, get drunk and in trouble...
Plutonic strictly... I mean, I may grab your ass but it would be purely on accident you understand.
LMAO Madame you liked the pictures?!?!?
Yes...Love, love, love, love, love them!!!
I really like what you are wearing!!
can i see 'em?
errrr. Not so sure you uh... wanna see em Scum... they're a little uh...
a little what?
**looking up inflamatory**
**finding correct spelling of INFLAMMATORY**
eh whatever, try me.
Scum...suck my miss-spelling ass!
hmmmmm... yeah, not sure I should Scumbag. These aren't like, family photos or anything you understand.
It's all tits and ass.
and the problem is.............
i'm a huge fan of tits and ass.
Yeah but uhhhh.... errrrr....
Somebody help me out here!
look, i used to have a subscription to hustler so i dunno if'n there's much that can "shock" me.
how's that?
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They look kinda like this Scumbag -------->
will you quit bein' a pussy and send me one?
wait. that didn't work. shit.
Scum look over there ---->
A beezo!!!
LMAO! Quit being a pussy? Good call, you must've seen the pics already then.
Did I distract him?
You may have...
See shit, now the fucking profile picture worked!!!
Face down ass up that's the way we like to fuck!
Everybody now.... K, enough with the profile picture...
One of these days I'm going to teach you how to remember the good times.
Errr. See now that just sounded naughty T.
I remember the good times, I remember almost taking a header down a big ass flight of stairs...
Didn't mean it to.
I'm proud you remember that! But that's probably due to seeing your life flash before your eyes.
Yes thank GOD you caught me...
Or else I would have NEVER been able to do hand stands on the bed and scream for ass sex.
Aren't you glad you have that in an audioblog?!
Umm, is glad really the word we're going for here?
I think more like... K, no descriptive comes to mind.
Scum, I'm not sending you the pictures...
I was speaking in semi-sarcastic terms.
You should've left the profile pic up...I think your readers appreciated it.
fine, then you can't come to my birthday party.
T - you like the ass up picture better?
I'd do it for you.
*pouting about not being Scumbags friend*
Scummy...will there be clowns at your party?
you change the picture and i'll hate you forever.
you can't come either madame.
no chris, you're dead.
I don't wanna come to your silly old party...I mean who's gonna be there?
A couple of dead guys and tow psycho clows!
K, I don't want Scumbag hating you forever, so leave it the way it is.
Well if I can't come, then can I cum?
that's TWO clowns...I told you I can't spell
what are tow psycho clows?
i hate you now.
i get drunk easily off wine.
feel free to grab a boob as well :)
Two easily wine drunk women flitting around wine country grabbing tits and ass.
Now that sounds like a damn good time. Don't hate me if I flip on the porn once we get back to the room.
Scumbag fine, fine - I'll change it back.... but I still contest that I am not sending you pics.
OOOOo Scum hates you!!!
I thought he hated me!
I wasn't going to let him sit near me in study hall!
now that was just wrong.
Can you send me the picture Murph? We can trade... like baseball cards.
hell yeah! i'm #69! bonus time and shit like that!!
Wow Madame! Err... NICE! Holy hell it should be a loooongggg day.
K Scum, I tell ya what.. you earn that bonus and I'll consider it.
Thank you...I try!
what if i kill clowny off forever?
See, and the funny thing there Madame is that really, you don't have to!!
It just comes naturally to you I think... *sigh*
hmmmm... that might be a deal sealer Scum.
Sounds like an awesome weekend Em!
Gorgeous pic of you!!!
Bye guys!!!
I'll see if I can catch up with you all on my break!
....and you can come to my birthday party. madame can too i guess.
mornin ...
Ass in air pic is very hot.
But "Or else I would have NEVER been able to do hand stands on the bed and scream for ass sex" comment necessitates underwear change on my behalf.
Thanks for that Em.
Howdy Emma!
Glad you had a fun getaway/
emma, i killed clowny for ya.
Scum - does that mean i owe you?
Helskel - No, but would help my current situation immensely.
Sug - k, I'll check it in a moment.
k. dun.
damn right.
Hi'ya teamsters
What's pn eMTV today?
Soooo...quick...what'd I miss?
the raging hard-on that emma just gave me.
Anything I can do for ya!
Can I see it Scum?
where did everyone go?
Sorry Hunee, we were looking at Scumbags raging hard on.
I wannna see Scum's raging hard on!
I missed it
you missed it too Madame?
WTF is going on Scum?
*sigh* So far, today sucks dick.
WTF Scum?!?!?!
Share the Hard On!
sorry hun!
Whose dick?
guess what I found out last old brief (very brief)guy I met masturbates to me...
that was my response when he told me
So uh, how does he do this then? Most men are visual creatures so that would dictate a picture or otherwise... errr... visual... thing.
he thinks of what he "should have" done to-with me...he's seen me naked so he has a preexisting visual...
I thought this was funny
Hi Sug :)
i'm a free spirit baby,
pick me up,
and lay me on down.
I just think it's funny, a little gross but more funny esp since he has a girlfriend and he thinks about me...
What's going on in here?
Maybe his girlfriend isn't satisfying him...
Furthermore, maybe he's fantasizing about you while he's fucking his girlfriend.
I kept my mouth shut about that...I didn't want to compare us or be disrespectful
oh that yeah was for KJ!
Hi everyone
it was random I must say...makes me laugh cause he used to IM me only when he was lame
Amusing I guess, I entertained it for a while and then I didn't have time to play his I stopped talking to him, he wasn't a BF just a space filler I guess
(that is really mean to say)
No LOL Sug that's the porn we were watching!
Hi Kristen!
dude, today has been dull as fuck. i've been havin' to work and shit and it looks like a lot of other folks have too. not just here, but all over. oh well, back to work.
agreed Scum, today sucks.
where's da Sass?
I don't think it sucks, it's just boring...
i think it's because clowny's dead.
I know why I'm having a shitty day. And I think I just need to face it.
And do it.
and stop being chicken shit.
you miss clowny don't you?
seriously though, what's wrong? i'm like, here fer you and shit.
Wooo if I were your pussy I would be screaming for some novicane LOL I can only imagine... mmmm and I am -- scuse me I need some alone time now!
Glad you had fun on you anniversary!!
I do miss clowny.
But then I miss laughing too.
time for a knock knock joke ?
who's there?
you miss laughing? does somebody need a christopher reeves drunk dial?
K, that totally made me smile Scum.
boo hoo?
why are you crying today?
You know, its not so much the whole day is shitty... I'm just trying to figure out which road to take with this blog here is all.
I was looking over the archives earlier and realizing that it's nothing like it was supposed to be in the beginning.
Maybe I'm upset at myself for not staying with the original format of it.
Well originally it was a place to post my short stories, articles, and Q and A's and stuff...
but now it's all about me and nothing about what I do.
And believe it or not, I think that actually bothers me.
format: hawt girl writes hawt shit sometimes pics from a hawt shoot.
there's more?
Yeah, but Helskel, I mean you read this blog from the beginning basically... so tell me what was better...
the writings, articles, product review and stuff with occasional pictures?
or what it is now... which is well, not articles but more like personal experiences and opinions away from writing.
yeah, i get depressed over our format too. i think i'm going back to the original plan and only letting members of the blog comment on it.
i'm also removing pearl from our member list.
I figure it's one big mix. It's both. Because look, that's what it is. Nothing ever becomes what it was meant to be. Doesn't mean destiny isn't in full force anyway.
***shit's and giggles alert***
Really Em, every bit of it has been real, fantasy, provoking, comforting, sexy, sobering, ... aka, good shit in a world bullshit.
So, take of sip of reflection... and try not to let what you see bother you. It will change again by tomorrow.
(you just be in that strange place before inspiration... you're a writer, you know what I'm talking about)
you just be in that strange place before inspiration... you're a writer, you know what I'm talking about
K, that hit me dead on Helskel. I think we were siblings in a past life... or maybe even this one.
Because you're absolutely right in every way. I think it's important for me to breathe, and I'm not allowing myself that pleasure.
Scum- If you do that, then you better add me to your members.
Pearl - that makes sense, and its noted because I like to hear what you (and others) think of course :). Knowing that you feel that way does me a world of good.
Sug - hehe, you have been devoted that's for certain. I like a lot of the friendships I have made here, and I strive to keep up on them but, well you know how difficult it can be and maybe that's where I'm waning.... Good thing is that I doused a LOT of psuedo friendships at the end of last week. So that's a huge stress reliever.
Oh, and that link is funny as shit. No kidding, fucking hilarious.
extra note in email on it's way
Holy shit Sug, you may be right.
Hey, what made you think I was skipping meals?
Almost time to head home for me...
E, Dream tonight ok? And remember to remember when you wake what you saw.
Sug, I'm still waiting for that Eminem / Lester Young duet.
Wurd, keep it up, all of you.
I'm out!
See, and this is why I love you Helskel, you keep my dream alive and my chin up.
Thanks buddy, you're one in a million.
(now I feel like fucking Annie)
(best curse my way home and get drunk)
ok, I'm really out this time.
no... really.
Meet me later for a beer, we'll sing tomorrow together.
Err, k ya got me there... but no banana today since I left all my food at home.
I had nothing for lunch, not even a nana... I'm pathetically pathetic today.
But I got coke.
I cant look in my trunk, I don't have a trunk I have a hatch....
and even so... I have nothing in there besides beer and wine.
I so want to see the pictures from this trip!
"psuedo friendships" hmmmm... interesting...
look! i'm flipping you guys off! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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