Cracked HNT
-- Today was weird. Word.
-- It made me almost nauseous today to not be there with you. And it gets increasingly worse every time I think about it.
-- Where is Shawn and why hasn't he answered my calls?
-- I miss my pubic hair sometimes.
-- I'm sitting on the living room floor completely naked for no other reason than because I can since my oldest son is away on spring break and the other child is asleep. This is fun.
-- It's a decision you need to make. Which is the best road to take for you? Is it a lose/lose situation? Or do you think no matter which way it goes you'll win?
-- I think I misread the story, is the other player a man? The 'towering' thing confused me.
-- No really, why does only one nipple get hard sometimes? Does nothing for my aesthetics.
-- I wish you'd say something.
-- It's nice to have sunshine every day now.
-- I'm back on a lot of emails and commitments, and to those of you that I owe, I apologize. And yes, I feel like an ass.
-- I now have my fishing license, that means I'm ready for fishing season to start. I'm stoked, and after I re-line my rod, prep my reel and buy my bait... Games on, and I'm going to fish my ass off.
Speaking of ass.
The last few weekends didn't work out so well for fishing with the ladies, but we're due and we know this... So after this anniversary weekend, the girls and I are planning a day to go.
Yes, that means fishing story season begins... Shit like "Remember that one time when you hooked that big sumvabitch and fell out of the boat trying to get 'er done?"
"I'll never forget that one time you thought you could make it to the shitter without a flash light..."
"How many times did we flash our tits that day?"
The girls and I have a habit (when we fish) of being as un-feminine and generally irritating as possible. I mean, hell, the name of the boat is "The Pink Taco" for christs sake!
We've gone so far as to fake a stand up piss with our beer bottles as innocent bystanders sweep by in their little baycraft teasers, waiting to get a reaction from the prudes. Some actually trying to check out if we really have a penis... As if the tits didn't tip you off, idiots.
We talk like sailors.
We drink bad beer.
We pester people.
We ARE white trash.
It's a beautiful thing.
We even play dirty and con the sweet spots:
"Hey, they biting pretty well over here?" *batting eyelashes*
"Yeah, mostly over in that spot... You ladies want a beer?"
*queue hand gesture to J for boat pullage uppage*
Tie er up to their boat and yer guzzlin' for free people. Yep, we get beer and catch fish, all for the price of the guys wanting eye candy.
I love guys on the water, so vulnerable. Anyway.
I'm sure as the season starts there'll be more about this and that, and our pesky public pestering for 2006. Wonder what kind of embarrasing shit I'll get into this year? I can only imagine.
Seriously, it's a good time fishing with us married gals and you're all invited if we can get enough boats...
IF, on the other hand you spot us in the water this season, make sure to waive and offer up your sweet spot to us.... We'll fish with ya, stroke your ego's whatever....
...until the beer runs out.
Until then, I thought I would prep my fishing ass crack for the season. That way it will be prime for 'free beer lurings' and BA's when we've had too many.
Happy HNT, and remember kids... Crack kills.
(fuck yeah mini me, I still got it)

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
-- It made me almost nauseous today to not be there with you. And it gets increasingly worse every time I think about it.
-- Where is Shawn and why hasn't he answered my calls?
-- I miss my pubic hair sometimes.
-- I'm sitting on the living room floor completely naked for no other reason than because I can since my oldest son is away on spring break and the other child is asleep. This is fun.
-- It's a decision you need to make. Which is the best road to take for you? Is it a lose/lose situation? Or do you think no matter which way it goes you'll win?
-- I think I misread the story, is the other player a man? The 'towering' thing confused me.
-- No really, why does only one nipple get hard sometimes? Does nothing for my aesthetics.
-- I wish you'd say something.
-- It's nice to have sunshine every day now.
-- I'm back on a lot of emails and commitments, and to those of you that I owe, I apologize. And yes, I feel like an ass.
-- I now have my fishing license, that means I'm ready for fishing season to start. I'm stoked, and after I re-line my rod, prep my reel and buy my bait... Games on, and I'm going to fish my ass off.
Speaking of ass.
The last few weekends didn't work out so well for fishing with the ladies, but we're due and we know this... So after this anniversary weekend, the girls and I are planning a day to go.
Yes, that means fishing story season begins... Shit like "Remember that one time when you hooked that big sumvabitch and fell out of the boat trying to get 'er done?"
"I'll never forget that one time you thought you could make it to the shitter without a flash light..."
"How many times did we flash our tits that day?"
The girls and I have a habit (when we fish) of being as un-feminine and generally irritating as possible. I mean, hell, the name of the boat is "The Pink Taco" for christs sake!
We've gone so far as to fake a stand up piss with our beer bottles as innocent bystanders sweep by in their little baycraft teasers, waiting to get a reaction from the prudes. Some actually trying to check out if we really have a penis... As if the tits didn't tip you off, idiots.
We talk like sailors.
We drink bad beer.
We pester people.
We ARE white trash.
It's a beautiful thing.
We even play dirty and con the sweet spots:
"Hey, they biting pretty well over here?" *batting eyelashes*
"Yeah, mostly over in that spot... You ladies want a beer?"
*queue hand gesture to J for boat pullage uppage*
Tie er up to their boat and yer guzzlin' for free people. Yep, we get beer and catch fish, all for the price of the guys wanting eye candy.
I love guys on the water, so vulnerable. Anyway.
I'm sure as the season starts there'll be more about this and that, and our pesky public pestering for 2006. Wonder what kind of embarrasing shit I'll get into this year? I can only imagine.
Seriously, it's a good time fishing with us married gals and you're all invited if we can get enough boats...
IF, on the other hand you spot us in the water this season, make sure to waive and offer up your sweet spot to us.... We'll fish with ya, stroke your ego's whatever....
...until the beer runs out.

Happy HNT, and remember kids... Crack kills.
(fuck yeah mini me, I still got it)

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
okay seriously you are SO BROWN
i need sun where i live that lets me into tank tops...
or is my monitor shitty?
also? love fishing but is it okay if i get good beer instead?
But you can nix that and change it. I'm done with men.
I'm done with offering up my sweet spot...apparently I'm all fished out!
Nice crack can I lick it?
I do believe that would get my attention on the water...
wooohooo sounds like when we going?
I love fishing!
teresa: oh we say that but we never are...
we just care less for a while
Siiiiiiigh.... My Emma's in her denim :D :D Hehe... I'm having clitoral yummies without even touching anything!! Thanx baby :)
*so wishing to go fishing*
that post TRULY spoke my language.
heh, cracked hnt. i get it.
Holy shit Emma........what a sexy ass
I lick crack
I heart girls that fish. Bravo for the stand up peeing, but if you learn to write your name with it, I'm out! ;)
If that crack kills, then strike me dead! Starting with my tongue.
Sass- LOL, no your monitors just fine dear! I am a little brown, doesn't take much for the indian skin once there's sun to be had!
Sug - I received your clarification and will read that email like 5 times just to make sure I understand it correctly, let me know when a good time for you is to sit down and discuss, k? Good luck today hun.
T - Hmmm. I emailed you.
Madame - yes, lick my crack. Although it's unfortunate your done with sweet spots, I got a special one for you...
Os - Like a warning beacon?
HuneeB - When can you be here?
Sass - LOL @ what you said to T!
Tank - If you got the beer, I got the time... seriously, love the panties.
Sullen - LOL! See, I told you I'd work in some denim for ya... i got front shots too :D Want more clitoral yummies?!?!?
Scum - workin' it for ya, i got the itch to fish... fucker i hate you for fishing all the time before me. We should swap drunk fishing stories some time when you're sober.
Kristen - :D You always make me smile... come on honey, kiss my ass.
Murphy - Whatever you do, don't poke your eye out. It's a thpecial tailbone... so thpecial.
HEY! You could totally ride in the pink taco!
Jay - I can't see your link... but I know you do! :)
Matt - LMAO! Yeah, crack kills, but not this kinda apparently... well, kinda... it kills the beer supply and your ability to concentrate on whether you got a bite or not.
Writing my name... hmmmm... sounds like something I can work on this season! I'll take a picture for ya.
Sass -- I know. That's the depressing part.
I miss you Sassy! I gotta send ya an email!
Em -- checking :)
T - got it, right back atcha... Let's skip work and sit on the beach... seriously, I could use some drunk time.
Let's do it.
I so need some drunk time.....doesn't that sound perfect, sitting in the sun, drinking?
YES. I had a great dream last night that I was sitting on a beach with a XX in my hand, little lime... some foreigner speaking spanish to me.
Hot guy (not the foreigner). Only the hot guy took my beer and told me to get myself one.
Then he smiled, and I got up and got my beer.
I'd bitch slap the motherfucker for taking my beer. Then smile back. :)
Awesome dream.
lmao that's a funny and sexy HNT. :) thanks Emma, i needed that. ;)
See, and I was gonna slap him.. but the smile killed me. I hate fuckers that tell you what to do and then smile like that.
Ok, I don't hate... I love that shit. Somebody boss me around and smirk while you do it. Better yet, take off your shirt too....
That can go as well for the ladies.
JD - you're welcome :D
I know that you are supposed to "Just say no" to crack, but me want some.
Flounder, you want it uncut and uncensored? Or just want...
Sug - sounds good. Therapy will be in session.
It's Sub Thursday in Emma Land.
Okay.. But smile when you say that... and gimme my beer back, get your own.
Are you kidding?!?! Of course I would love to have some front shots ;) You've got mine afterall! *snerk*
Thanx again for the denim - I so love you :D
(Your CD kicks ass by the way. I LOVE IT!) *MWAH!
*schoolgirl blushing*
i heart murph
T - yes, sub day!
Sullen - You're welcome, I'm glad you like it.
Sug - K, liquid latex comes in all sorts of different applications... basically you spread it, wait for it to dry, and well its.. its..
K, we seriously can't talk about this here.
Even while fishing, i'm a beer snob...
Oh man, I am so ready to get fishing! Gotta get my license this weekend.
Keep remembering you are the Hook, Emma, not the bait.
Thanks for Cracking! me up this HNT.
I ALWAYS come by here to see what's joke...sorry...
Nice crack Em! Are you gonna take up plumbing?
And the liquid latex is fun shit! Keep it out of any hair though...ouch....
Liquid Latex is . . . close, real close.
sober? uuuuhhhhhh........we might have a problem with that emma.
I'll bring the beer...
Great ass girl!
*right click**save*
thank you :)
The denim combo platter of Thom and Emma's HNT's today has my clit twitchin like mad....
Holy hell.
You guys certainly know how to push my buttons ;)
thanks for mentioning that sullen cuz i almost went to thom's blog not realizing what i'd be seeing. good save.
I'm going to Thom's blog.....
Thanks Sullen
Scum, if you go to Thom's blog - you'll go Brokeback Mountain on us. That pic is smokin....
Sigh. I love HNT. :D
HNT ROCKS.........
I heart HNT...
madame clubs murph
scum spades thomcat
ack ack ack
emma sparkles like diamonds
i heart hnt too. especially when shs doesn't post his nutsack on our blog. you know how bad it is to not even wanna go to your own blog. this week's was much more tasteful.
I'll play naked twister.
Or cribbage... *knobs*
Clubs Murph.
Still cracks me up!
i club baby seals.
jesus!! that's disgusting!
jesus sure knows how to kill a comment section ...
Don't worr Thom give him three days and he'll resurrect it!
he's so old school - he should be able to do it quicker these days!
Scooby Snacks?
Clitoral Yummy?
my clitoral yummy was 69!!!
eat me!
Damn IT!!!! I missed being 69 again!!!
KJ cum here and I'll hep you with that!
well, this is emma's comment section - 69 will come by again and again
369 ...
I'll stand-by
*still waiting*
at this rate ... oh nm
Thom, KJ was waiting for ME!
oh ? and why is that ?
i heard kj swallows ... and i believe her!
Thank God someone believes me.....I really really do swallow.
Screw you, Thom!
hahahaha !
I ate a taco
What the fuck is going on in here?
Hi EN!
How's it going?
Taco eating and I'm trying to get the next 69# that comes around
i'm bored .. and picking on madame and her 'so called' love for swallowing ... hehehe
Let's play truth or dare.....GO
i like tacos.
okay truth.
Damn, I hate truth........Is it true that you masturbate 3 times a day?
that depends on how long a day 'is' ...
i try to. too
A day....from the moment you wake up until you get in bed at night
that's too vigorous of a schedule for me
Truth is I maturbate a lot.
Truth is I'm prolly masturbating right now and thats why its taken so long for me to type this.
no dares.
I got nothing on the truths.....somebody else go
Truth is, i masturbate about once every 5 days.
Sorry...I was watching a video...what did I miss?
whatever, thom. and madame swallows. sssuuuurrrrreeeee.
68 more to go
So $300 round trip to Vegas basically
side effects of medication - plus a horny wife ... equals little time to masturbate
Fuck you Scum!
300 isn't that bad... you can do that Kristen... now we need to find you a hotel.
ha ha ha!
Yeah, I can do that.......maybe I'll win big on the slot machines and be able to eat while I'm there
Yeah 315 to be exact from's the 'extras' that will kill us!
We were thinking about amature night at the Cheetah
to help earn some extra cash
Actually there's better places to go than the Cheetah, and errr not sure Kristen would classify as amatuer...
of course we would have to have a reason to do amature night, we wouldn't just go dance topless for the hell of it........yeah, I can't type that with a straight face
not sure if we could classify madame as a swallower either ... hehehe
True and at one time I did have my equity card...So I was a profeesional dancer...just had to keep my clothes on
OK That't it!
I'm calling Mr. #6!
she probably doesn't even suck dick.
Make sure you take a picture for Shawn, and thank god he's not here right now.
Speaking of Shawn........where is he? Haven't seen him around since that whole swallowing issue
I'm outta here...pick on someone else!
Yes, as you'll notice in my post I questioned where he is....
I have no clue..
49 more to go
aww madame , i was just funnin you
cum back!
"Where is Shawn and why hasn't he answered my calls?"
immediately followed by...
"I miss my pubic hair sometimes."
well, i got a good chuckle out of that.
she's a fiery one ain't she?
Well, then you see the progression of importance there thom?
I don't have pubic hair
True or False: Guys prefer pubic hair over bald?
don't care. as long as it doesn't look like ya got don king in a scissor lock.
but in general most guys prefer bald.
that was helpful
i don't dig the pre-pubescent look ...
jesus and i differ in opinions ...
i really wish madame, my favorite cum guzzling whore, would come back ...
I'm baaaaack!
30 more
hahaha !
I'm not listening to you!!!!
I'm sure you're not the first female that has said that to him
HEY! I represent that statement!!!
errr, I mean resent... yeah resent that statement.
oooo - pepsi!
Still not listening
Still not listening
are you listening now?
I can hear you Scum.
Hi sexy.
what up? i'm just chillin' in da cut, peepin at dis here homie.
HI En!
13 more
*batting eyelashes*
Thanks for reliving that memory for me Murphy...
10 more
i play marbles with neighborhood hobos.
i prefer the term - spermatic seed fluid depository
i prefer cum slut.
I want to play marbles... let's throw em at the people as they walk by.
I prefer a Dirty Vegas... what do you say, Thom???
any of you chicks ever been donkey punched?
Wow Mur...a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
*holds his marbles*
deal emma.
oh yeah - dirty vegas is awesome
oops! sorry kristen.
a little jizz lobbin' on the small of the back ...
My search engine can't keep up with you people!
K, I got one of those big mother fucking marbles... who should we throw it at?!?!?!
throw 'em at someone in a wheelchair!
Hold onto it Em we may need it when Clowny the fuck-stick comes around...
you don't count chris cuz you're dead.
K, have any of you ever fucked in a wheel chair?
at least christopher is happy now, since his wife is with him
But instead of using the cupholder, you set your beer on her head, didn't you Murphy?
god love a woman with a flat head.
I'll hold your cup, Murph ;)
Mornin lovlies
Hey Em forgot to mention there is a place in vegas that is called the pink taco...they sell tshirts and cute tanks so have to get one for the ladies on the boat! It is so funny the looks you get when you were it! Def worth it!
So what are we talking about today?
Ive been there hunneee...
but a shirt!! Wear it with no bra...conservative people give the best looks!
of course... I had one, lost it in a bet at the high-roller table.
And since I was wearing no bra... well, I can't go back there.
anytime soon.
bummer...great shirt for the boat!
but how come ? emma you got wonderful tits!
instead of the pink ladies you'll are the pink tacos
my last post was such bad english
oh well
eh, yer english is getting gooder hunee
me talk perdy one day....
buy a "got beezo?" shirt! NOW GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!
how much ?
Scummie, i already ordered that
good girl.
the got beezo one?
yes, wife beater even
i like the hooded sweatshirt
That's some funny shit, Scum!
gotta start small murph. i need to order a t-shirt myself.
Em do you drive a stick shift?
I do.
Em, you can drive my stick shift any day :x
I thought we were waiting for Vegas to get married?
LMAO~ I love you Madame.
I love you too!
okay so I found the perfect car (err gear shift) for you...check your email
ahhh amore' ....
warms my cockles
haha the word cockles always makes me giggle
guess I am childish that way
i think i'm goin' fishin' tonight after work.
I'll go with you Scum, I could use a fish-on.
why haven't you been yet this year? too cold?
Yeah, and they don't like you fishing in the waters in the fall and winter... not only because of freezing issues, but because the rivers swell up...
And well, basically they like the fish to pro-create and be fat around these here parts because apparently they don't spawn as well up here in the NW....
so they fine your ass if you fish off season...
BUT, i do it all the time.
oh yeah. well we can fish year round at most of our lakes. a few of the bigger ones close for a few weeks to re-stock but basically we can go whenever the fuck we want.
Got booted...what did I miss?
We're talking fishing...
Yeah but Scum, some of our lakes are man made resevoirs.
shit i hate that word, can never spell it right.
And you didn't get booted, you're always welcome here.
no offense but your lakes suck.
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