Okay, I have an impromtu dinner to attend tonight, go figure. Just when I think I'm getting ahead of myself... IM. NOT.
Anyway, at least I can say I crossed two things off my weekend list, one being the tattoo I promised to the fantastic Miss Innocent, who always bring me some Kentucky sunshine when she smiles.
My scanner sucks monkey butt, sooo the quality is not what I wanted, but it's pretty genuine considering it's hand drawn!! HOLLA!
You can click on it to make it bigger if ya want and check it.
lemme know if anything needs to be change, altered, or if you wanna trash this completely and 'do over'. I figured the wings would be perfect for the stained glass you were going for, just let me know which colors you're wanting and I can stick em in there...k? K.
(oh, and actual size would be small enough to hide under two playing cards, just like you wanted :D)

My scanner sucks monkey butt, sooo the quality is not what I wanted, but it's pretty genuine considering it's hand drawn!! HOLLA!
You can click on it to make it bigger if ya want and check it.
lemme know if anything needs to be change, altered, or if you wanna trash this completely and 'do over'. I figured the wings would be perfect for the stained glass you were going for, just let me know which colors you're wanting and I can stick em in there...k? K.
(oh, and actual size would be small enough to hide under two playing cards, just like you wanted :D)
K, now pictures for Sass!!!!!
Emma...I am floored, speechless, and even a bit misty eyed! That is the image I have had in my mind for all these years and you captured it PERFECTLY! Thank You Em~ You have no idea how special this tat is to me, or how much more it now means since you drew it!
As far as colors go...Think rainbow, minus the pinks!
And a warning to anyone else who may covet this tat...If it goes on anyone's skin but MINE I will hunt you down and kill you! (Yup, I am very territorial about my ink that way...sorry if that offends anyone!)
Emma, Thanks again...You really rocked it out, I don't think I can find adequate words to express my amazement and appreciation not just for your talent, but for YOU!
*kisses, kisses and more kisses!
I got some impromptu stuff too, over at my site. You invited, gurl.
yay i get pics!
i'm still waiting for mine to appear in my inbox...
also? that's beautiful work em!
Gorgeous drawing of the fairy. I have such a weakness for them myself.
I have a little one on the small of my back, but thinking of adding another...
Great job!
Miss - Im really really glad you like it! I wonder if I should add the color, or do you want to just fill in the blanks and customize it a bit with your tat-friend?
Robyn - Thanks :)
Rastaman - who da man? you da man brudda.
WHOO HOO Pictures to SASS!!!
Check your E to da mail Sass... there's a little PVC surprise just for ya.
CHEERS and good morning.
em: what a lovely surpriseit was... just for that i'll get hubris to take that other picture after all...
AWESOME! *blush*
See, now THOSE are the types of pictures I show NO ONE lol.
Soo... PVC for sass in a shrug? GOOD TRADE!
i'm fully dressed in mine though...
I have the same tat but it has the flame shooting out of the fairies' butt... and the boobs are bigger... and it's on a mudflap.
(Just kidding of course).
Hey Em!
How the week end go?
Faceless-I thought I was always in your thoughts, WTF?!?!?!
Faceless - gracias :)
Sass - K, good point. Err, that's okay.. i got to see you in that trinity get up on halloween! It's kinda the same? K, its not :D
Dom - I know, and I'm still pissed that you didn't let me draw that for you.
Madame - I'm writing about it now! tee hee!!!
Em~ Add the color...after all this is my idea, but YOUR creation...so you should take it all the way!
I am soooo excited to see the finished product and to have it put on...Thanks Again, girl~ this is marvelous!
*smooches and other lovin'!
SMOOCHES! I'll add color this week tues or Wed, give you the original and mock up via email :)
I'm happy to brand you honey, you owe my a kiss with tongue though.
*hands in Emma's hair...tongue tracing outside of lower lip...Nibbling, biting, plunging in...ahhhhhhh!
Anytime Emma...maybe this fall when I make it to Seattle?!
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