Breaking the Boy
***First and foremost I'd like to give a special thanks to Dr.K, but more importantly I would like to thank my therapy partner. Poor bastard. ***

Depending on the remnant impact of myself and anybody involved is really the deciding factor on the blurt/stifle 'switch'.
But I do repress, hooo boy I do repress like a mother fucker. So.
Built up tension aggression and a sex drive that's at a steady idle with no right pedal... Big trouble in little Emma.
Last night I talked to Shawn, who was sitting with Dr. K. Apparently the issues between my blessed editor and I could not go without counseling, and what better person than the elusive Dr. K to bless us. Unbelievably this man is extrememly gifted in the ways of psyche, and I don't doubt for a minute that the fucker has awards pinned to his cork board. But with this one, you have to have an understanding for the strange.
So yeah, therapy.
I cannot begin to explain the conversation since everything the good Dr. says cannot be interpreted by a layman. Let's just say it was kinda fucked up in 'great fucking idea' sort of way and we'll carry on with the story.
"Perhaps its a fear of her ego rising above yours Shawn, have you ever dealt with authoritative repugnancy?"
"Pregnancy? No, i don't worry about that with her."
*emma eye roll* "Repugnancy Shawn jesus... Doc are you saying he thinks I boss him around and he doesn't like that? Tell him I don't Shawn."
The doctor laughed "No my dear, I'm saying that I think Shawn values you very much and sometimes you demand much from each other, but it's your demands that also excite his monkey mind into fallacies of minimal self esteem. I think you need to consider your roles in your frienship and companionship."
"Okay, I'm not married to her... and you know this."
"No shit fuckstick. Thanks for pointing that out as if the Dr. didn't know."
*long pause*
"I suppose what I was trying to achieve by saying that is that instead of adapting to your struggles on a daily basis, the two of you decide who really is the alpha-male. I think this too will aid our friend here in some comfort with authority and taking it constructively."
"okay, that's kinda fucked up... because he's not my boss... I just work for the guy... I don't wanna be his alpha male."
"No fucking shit, I'M the alpha male."
"Did you sense that Shawn was not only offended by that statement but that he defied you taking the upper hand on the response?"
"I need to be high right now because this makes no sense."
Anyway, the conversation went on just as maddening. Forty-five minutes (and two bowls) later we came to the understanding that good therapy for the both of us would be to finally conquer some of our fears, inner turmoil, and frustration. Experience new things, feed the repression a little... errrr.
So.. the prescription?
I got to dominate Shawn. Yes. I did.
So this afternoon I left the office with my gym bag and headed for 'the place'. During the day 'the place' is pretty darn near empty, and it's easy to find a free room to let things fly (so to speak). I was welcomed as I arrived by one of the owners and given a free drink of choice. I did a shot of Jaeger with a pepsi/151 backer and I was good. For the record, I hate Jaegger... I can only shoot it cold.

25 minutes later I was in a room with Dr.K and Shawn. And shit was fast and furious.
Lets get something straight though. This therapy did not include me sleeping with him, putting my lips or hands anywhere near him except to induce consensual pain.... It was not like that, it was meant to be the tease of all teases for Shawn, and his first experience in the fold of BDSM.
Fucking awesome he chose me to break his cherry on that. I feel that much closer to you buddy (please say you showered).
So, as Dr. K's soothing voice rattled around in my soul like a ping-pong ball "Do you have something to say to him Emma?"
"Let yourself go and express the knot."
"I don't think Shawn understands the consequences of defiance. Make him comfortable"
make him comfortable... make him comfortable....
I'm standing there, belting out such profanities as "Yeah, you like that bitch? Do ya?... FUCK YOU you don't like it enough!" and the classic "I want you on your knees NOW little boy, I will fuck you up... and don't think I won't do it...." or even "DOWN I said, head DOWN... You want some of this fucker?" I spanked his ass with my velvet glove and struck him numberous times about the body with my paddle.
I dragged the very tips of my whip across his nose until he wanted to sneeze and then pulled his head back tight to keep him from doing it. I dug my heel in his stomach, I pulled on his nipple piercings until he screamed. I traced the outline of his manhood with one finger, but never gave him the pleasure of any skin on skin connection. I whispered dirty in his ear and then told him to fuck off and bend over as I twisted his earlobe almost clean off until he complied with me.
For me? Great fucking therapy.
And as I watched the pleasure exude from his blindfolded face, and heard the muffled climax from his taped mouth I witnessed a poor broken man that loved what he just had coming to him... I could tell he liked the therapy as well (if not more than I did).
I felt golden.
I felt refreshed.
I felt like making somebody feel like dog shit for my own sexual and emotional pleasure was something I should do every Tuesday.
Emma is BACK!!!
So pleased to see you have found your spark again, I had hired one of those companies that kidnap people and then follow a prescribed scenario...Figured you'd like some intrigue, especially if you had no idea what was coming! But you worked it out, so I guess I should call them back and cancel!
Ummm...just so you know if 2 guys and a hot Asian chick remove you from the park while you are enjoying mOngolian Beef...Just go along with it honey, it's only for 48 hours! (lol)
Glad to have my favorite lady back, and even happier that YOU have found your smile again!
(BTW, Shawn IS still able to walk and talk right?!)
*Big Smooches and other Love!
To be honest I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for Shawn or be jealous of hime.
That's an odd feeling for me.
I am so sheltered
Um, shit, okay...I got nothing on this one.
I'm nowhere close to your BDSM league, Em. But that doesn't mean we don't share a masochistic streak...
I secretly torment a coworker in an adjacent cubicle by calling his phone extension when I hear him get up to make one of his scheduled bathroom trips. (You could set the atomic clock by this guy's bowels). Usually he comes diving to his desk to pick up the phone and have no one there. He's convinced it is a "smart" fax machine that knows to hang-up when a human answers. I do it because he's an asshat and complaining to him about his being an asshat has gotten me nowhere.
you know I never really knew I was so sheltered...
Yeah, I'm kinda babbling to myself over this one.
sounds like fun for all Next
dude, you look pissed as fuck! does someone need a visit from clowny?
i went to a party once... and had a very similar experience to shawn... except i didn't cum and there wasn't even a finger touching my pink bits.
never met anyone since i thought i wanted to let tie me up and uh... play because they mostly don't seem competent.
i was under for so long that noone who was there when i got blindfolded was still there when we were done. except me and the guy who tied me up and the two guys who were uh...
okay anyway it was a phenomenal experience and i don't know if i ever need to do it again although i'm not unwilling if the right circumstances present themselves.
i think people are assuming from this that shawn is now a sub and into bdsm... and maybe he is, but maybe this is one of those once in a lifetime things... it changes your life but maybe not the way you expect.
anyway, i heard there was a 'house' here but i don't know where it is and most of the people i met in the toronto scene are so... pathetic.
happy shawn, happy em, it's all good
*huggles* btw
hehehe... wurd.
Sassinak - You make a really good point. It's not like I wasn't ready to try something new. Believe me when I say that I had seen this many times, and I have seen Em do this many times before to others (mostly girls). So I felt good about her being gentle (if there is such thing) about my firs BDSM experience.
It was fucking great, and I'd do it again. I am a little sore about somethings but really I don't think I've had a release like that in a very long time.
Some people are into it, some are not. I didn't think I was going to be but hell I'll try any thing once (im a masochist really).
Thanks Starfucker. I'm up for next Tuesday.
I need to get out more...
Miss - AWWW See, now that's awesome... thanks for that, it's good to have the spark back too.
Kidnapping? HOT! Make them drive me to KY.
Dan - uhhh. I can't help you with the odd feeling, but Dr. K might.
HuneeB - err. Sorry?
Sug - No ass whippings? Damnit!
Goose is rendered speechless.
Dom - why does that NOT surprise me? That's about as funny as the time you.... Hmm, can't tell that story publicly. FLANNEL SHEETS!
Morning Kristen.
Pearl's rendered speechless.
Jay - You wanna be next?
Scum - What, I'm not entitled to be angry? I hate that clown.
Murphy - You know, I didn't necessarily want to be alpha. A lot of men like the act of being dominated because for one moment they can release the need to feel masculine, which in turn makes them feel even more masculine when the event is over. Kinda like the grass is greener scenario.
That being said, Sure, I'll wrestle!
Sass- I'm glad somebody could connect with this. I think that it's misunderstood where I came from and what I'm about because I admit I've strayed a bit talking about what goes on behind the scenes. I think if I posted more of the 'night life' most of my readers would be speechless. The comments section is a perfect example. Thanks for speaking out for you, myself, and Helskel and all the others that like/practice this type of sexual deviance. I heart you :)
Helksel - hehehe back - to yo mutha.
Ping - sawwy.
Not talking to Clowny.
Madame - sorry?
Shawn - Perhaps we shouldn't discuss this any further here. It's freaking people out. In fact, perhaps I should take the post down?
I think I'm too intellectual for Dr. K.
Keep the post up, there's nothing wrong with it!
If you want to take it down, but I like it up here. You can move it to my blog if you wanna?
Really the only person that should feel 'weird' about reading this is me.
Blondie, are you single?
Because I could fall in love with you quite easily.
Actually no. It's your comment, but the tits are a nice 'accessory' to that great brain you have.
Is that normally how it happens? Cause I got nothing.
I suppose Clowny could tie his cock into a balloon animal for you... would that crush you?
Jesus, you know I have nothing insulting to say.
It's really just being comfortable with giving up control.
I didn't think I'd be into it, I even had my safe word allll ready!!
Where the hell did Em go... and why am I afraid of her absence? lol!
Hey EN-I just meant that when you told me last night you were going to dominate someone well...let's just say I had a Ditz attack.
Morning everyone.
Clowny guess it's true what they says about clowns then?
You know Pearl, it wasn't that rough! She did smack me kinda tough-like a couple of times, but mostly it was just enough to sting.
Alright, that didn't sound good, did it?
Morning Madame X :)
Blondie - How interesting that the most beautiful of people simply can't handle compliments? Think about that.
Compliments are passive...what the hell are you supposed to do with them?
Criticism-there's always something you could do with that.
Wow. Good point there Madame... my kudos.
Somebody find Em.
I have moments of lucidity
me and shs are doing a simulation training today in the jail where me and him are actually gonna fight. i'm wearing mma gloves while he is wearing actual boxing gloves (mainly so i don't get a concussion). will somebody hold me and tell me nice things?
I'm sure clowny would love to hold you !
Which, the holding or the boxing?
Is is Silent Lucidity? I love that song.
I-will be watching over you
I-am gonna help you see it through
I-will protect you in the night
I-am smiling next to you...
in silent lucidity
I feel like I should be slow dancing with you Madame.
Clowny holding Scumbag. Priceless.
Can you dance Shawn or do you do that Guy shuffle thing?
i may try to take pictures of it.
the fight, not me and clowny. fuckin' sickos.
I dance well. I only do the shuffle thing for fun.
Mom wanted me in dance class most of my youth.... I can do the salsa well though we don't salsa much here.
And it takes two to tango, but I don't have a 'two'
I honestly am not a good social dance partner...I try to lead all the time and it usually pisses guys off.
Wow how allegorical!
You're smoking with words today!
Scumbag I'll trade you pictures...
i don't want any pics of your cock shawn.
Nothing like mono-syllabic comments to make you wonder, eh?
No pictures of my cock then? Ok noted.
*waving hand frantically in the air*
Me! Me! Me!
I'd like some pictures of your cock!
there ain't a cock in this continent that pearl hasn't seen.
What about the other continents?
i'm not too familiar with pearl's overseas travels.
I've seen one picture and Pearl need I tell you that one is never enough?
I got high afterwards, took a shower.
My ass is mush, and it hurts like a bitch. She paddles HARD sometimes.
Murphy that was kick-ass, I think your brain is working better than you think it is buddy.
You should let Em do it. As long as you don't mind the tease of it all. Woulda liked to have her mouth on me for 5 minutes.
I hate when I actually agree with Murphy.
Still haven't seen the pics
I'd rather be paddled than agree with Murphy.
Poor Blondie. Jesus Clowny. I think you're the reason E isn't commenting.
Thanks Blondie....I was feeling a little sick to my stomach with the thought of agreeing with him.
Clowns freak me out
I'm going to be the gentleman in this scenario and ask clowny nicely to please leave since he's scaring all the pretty ladies.
I'm not scared of clowns.
He's pathetic really...obviously hiding behind his 'mask' all the while feeling inferior because of his diminutive penis.
Thanks for coming to our rescue Shawn
Welcome :)
Something about clowns, just don't feel right about it.
I agree.....their freaks and not in that good way
Ever since I saw Poltergiest....
OMG that movie still scares the shit out of me!
that monkey with the crash cymbals still gives me the heeby jeebies
And then there was that whole afterbirth jelly shit all over the place.
Is he still talking? He really should have quit after the one comment
It's that freakin' clown that comes up from under the bed!!!!!
"all the women"? WTF all the women in the world?
Keep dreaming
EWWW the after birth jelly shit or that freaky poop like mid in the swimming pool!
The tree freaked me the fuck out.
I think we should let Murphy talk, he's good.
He's good for what?
Target pratice?
I can't fucking spell!
I had a crappy night
Em don't apologize!
I wasn't scared
No, I think that all of the comments hes made so far have been really great as far as the topic is.
Clowns scare me a little...the string puppets even more tho...
Shit I don't remember the string puppets.
I don't think I could shoot Murphy... not even to stuff him and hang him on my wall for trophyness.
Now lets move on before feelings get hurt.
And I dont think that you should remove your post AT ALL, this is a part of your if it freaks anyone out they should just click next blog.
And I think it is kinda cool you are opening my mind up to a whole 'nuther world (and I like it)
You're right EN.
I'm going to go see if I can shake this bitchy mood off me.
like that's gonna happen!
Ciao Bellos!
Hunee - Yeah, Im not removing.. But I am aprehensive now.
Why should you ever be aprehensive about it? This is a part of you, something you enjoy be proud of being you, if someone doesn't like it then oh well that's their hangup not yours
I could understand that it may put you in a vulnerable position but it's when we step outside our comfort zone that we learn about ourselves right?
I admire you!!!
Damn, what a post Em. Sorry I cam across it so late. Well, it is only 11:00AM here, but I'm like what 100 comments down?
I love the whole BDSM scene personally, and I've been in it for almost 10 years. A huge thing of trust there you are right!
P.S. Blondie, I agree, I could fall in love with you too. I miss your blog, because I loved reading how your mind worked!
P.P.S Free cock pics to all that want them! Lol!!
why should anyone here be embarassed by htis post? The only one's involved were you and Shawn (well and who ever the Dr is?) and Shawn seems okay with you sharing
I find it kinda facinating
HuneeB is on top of shit. What's with all the intellectual and accepting ladies today?
Holy shit I'm turned on...
I am always intellectual and accepting Shawn ;)
So do you get tied up and blindfold...are you like tied to a chair or a table? How does this work?
She didn't really go into specifics did she? Bless her little fucked up heart.
It was a chair, and then, it was a chair. And then I was on all fours for part of it.
Ever heard the song 'sex, drugs, and booze' by green day? Fucking hilarious song.
Yeah, I was restrained and blindfolded for most of it... she did take off the blindfold once though. Was nice.
Then I just submitted to her and did anything she wanted.
is it like rooms you go into to or one big room? Do other people watch? Is it like you have to have two people or is there like a Ms. who is just there?
Sorry it's like 20 Questions over here, I have never really been exposed to any of this so I am kinda BDSM dumb...
Okay, enough with the clowns.
The place we go to is a bar/club type atmosphere, it's where all us freaks hide and express ourselves sexually. It's a speak-easy of sorts that follows no rules.
There are individual rooms in back for errr 'pleasure' or private parties...
Hope you don't mind me interrupting Shawn.
People can andd usually do watch, but it's not necessary... you can do it in private. In this case, it was just myself, shawn, and Dr.
How come we can't get one of dem clubs here in KY?
What the hell is up with clowns?
Thanks Murphy. Again, nicely stated.
Hunee- is this making sense so far?
Biker - thanks dude :) I know you're a fan!
Am I balking?
yeah it is making sense :)
No, I think he was talking about EM huneeB.
oh okay :)
all this is intriging are there places like this all over, am I blind?
yes as a matter of fact there are. They exist everywhere. Sometimes in the least likely of places.
Many times I have been surprised to find that restaurants, or other entertainment facilities have a downstairs or back room.
Some warehouses aren't really warehouses...
Some homes, aren't, in fact, homes.
Some Shurgard storage facilities aren't really storage facilities!
Good one Buddy! I almost forgot about that!! LOL.
Jesus it was hot in there.
some office spaces aren't office spaces ...
is that why i hear yelling and screaming next to us ? how would it ever come up while eating at a restaurant that they have a back room?
I am sheltered sexually I think
Could very well be Thom. Either that or somebody's getting their ass chewed.
Which LOL could be one in the same I guess.
I'm curious
that would be an interesting incentive program ...
"you didn't achieve your production goals this month, come see me in my chambers."
mee toooo Kristen
See, this fucking rocks!
I have to be an editor and say that you should ask questions and then Em can do a blog post on it tomorrow.
Kinda like a Q and A thing. She's good at that.
Thom I wouldn't think for one minute by reading your blog that you are have some pretty good sex in your blog...
I think Thom is getting laid a lot!!!
Are you trying to be the alpha male again Shawn?!?! Don't make me call the Dr.
hunee and kristen - believe me when i say this. i, too, lead a sheltered life!
He does bring up a good suggestion
lol at Hunee and Kristen :)
You can't call the dr, he's unreachable. *pokes tongue*
Yeah, I would say after yesterday it's my turn to wear the gonads.
ice pack?
Who is the Dr? I thought he was the creepy guy who hung out in the bathroom?
I feel naive.
Well I think that Kriten, Thom and myself need to be unsheltered... I don't know Thom even your sheltered sex sounds pretty good, but I guess this is coming from someone who isn't gettin any so...
He IS the creepy guy that hangs out in the bathroom! lol!
jesus, this would make a great novel.
And yeah Shawn fucker... I got his number, I could care less if he's with a client. Don't cross me.
Can I circle you?
Hey I just read how you are not an asshole for being the Dominate one, it says that you are must be a really cool person and very in-tune with your submissive side, highly aware and empathetic...that is if you are a good Dominate
I was looking up BDSM...
I love a girl that does her research.
Hahaha Shawn is like the older brother that says; "I'm not touching you, am I bothering you? But I'm not touching you...."
Hey Em does he ever just sit there and poke you in your arm until he gets a reaction?
you antagonize...
ie; "Can I circle you?"
I had to laugh, it reminded me of my brother...I miss him :(
Fucking hilarious Hunee!!!
Actually, we don't work in the same office, but I'm sure if we did that he would.
It's really a mess when we get on a roll.. back and forth, back and forth.
I met Shawn YEARS ago... so yeah, i guess you could say he IS kinda like that.
Only I've never had a brother...
If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be half of the golden child she thinks she is.
Right starfucker?
And after reading that crap, I think I'll go take a nice BM.
well aren't we full of ourselves?
whats a BM?
Bowel Movement.
gawd I feel silly asking so much... where did Kristen go?
And yeah what the fuck?!?
You could be full of me too HuneeB.
oh yeah?
Empty promises
Are you calling me chicken?
bawk bawk
LMAO @ Hunee!
So this is what it feels like to have a threesome.
Alright, I like them angry and determined.
If there's any man in his right mind that wouldn't like this situation right now, please feel free to step in and give me some D-fence
I dare ya...afterall I live in the 8th best beach city in the US...huge tourist "attraction"...
D-fence? you scared?
Hey Em guess he's still tender in more ways than one...
*watches the impending battle, snacking on some tasty pretzels*
can I have a pretzel?
Thom you are always good on the snacks :)
sure thing
i have some cheetos, pretzels, zoloft, trail mix, and cup o noodles.
I'm all over the Zoloft.
No, Im not afraid, but I am tender.
hehe I'll just take a pretzel...
Think they left us?
Maybe they both got all hot and bothered and left the undersexed alone?
nothing a hot bath wouldn't fix Shawn
I was BMing.
well, i never said i was 'undersexed', i said i lived a 'sheltered' life
come out ok ?
okay so I am underswexed and sheltered
not really sure what swexed is?
Undersexed and sheltered too
Sounds really kinky.
I could use some good over-swexing.
sweating + sexing is my guess ...
I can say with dignity that I have never ever ever done that.
hey Kristen I just posted something cute for you and me :)
Em Shawn and Thom...all you people getin some...well you might laugh, check out the link
OOO, I'm on my way
no Kristen it can't just be us
That was great Hunee, very entertaining and hilarious! thanks for sharing that :)
God, I hope not
gee an undersexed rabbit ? poor critter!
thought you might get a kick out of it
i wonder what number i'm wearing ....
I actually have a pet rabbit too, that's what funny my friend sent me that yesterday in my email...I died laughing
She's white her name in Magenta
not that you guys care about my bunny...uh just thought i'd share
FYI it's physically impossible to eat an entire family size box of Aunt Jamima's frozen waffles in one sitting.
I think I just had a moment.
'cuz i just ate 7 frozen waffles?
Isn't that going to hurt your stomach later?
Probably but puking will take my mind off of "things" so it's a win win situation.
It is not impossible however to eat a whole thing of Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby ice cream
REALLY!?!?! I have 'things' too!!
Pass the box, let's puke together... I'll hold your hair, you hold mine.
Or a whole bag of doritos.
Nacho Cheese Dortios please.
Yeah I got blindsided last night.
or a whole box of rice crispy treats.
Blindsided? How very cruel. I usually just get tackled into barstools.
*heart* Chocodiles
Yeah 6 fucked me and not in a good way.
What flavor zinger?
Rasberry with the coconut of course!
btw - they are made by hostess now.
K, so bag of nacho chees doritos and a box of rice crispies treats and I'm still momenting.
Sorry to hear about 6. What can I do? Want me to beat his ass?
I've been thinking about magic shelling his car.
What he did is in the past.
"It's impossible for a man to love a woman like that"
it's from yesterday's post I keep seeing it when I go to leave a comment.
It's a cosmic ass fuck!
K, magic shelling his car! AWESOME!!
Yeah, how bout that comment yesterday huh? Sorry, its all about being real about being real and the lyrics to that song,
are not real. Honestly I think he was writing about his favorite beer.... or maybe BBQing.
Blondie - we need to write a song about moments.
*guitar strumming*
Yeah magic shell on the windsheild it's a bitch to clean off.
See I just think men are incapable of feeling that way at all!
and actually it eats into the clear coat of paint too.
hmmm. Well, yeah, that way... like the way in the song.
But they do feel. They must. Or else we wouldn't piss them off so much, err right?
i seem to have lost my moment somewhere ... did i leave it in here ?
Yeah, you gave it to me and i dont want it.
take it back... go feel about something and tell us how it went.
i mean that in the best possible way of course.
We piss them off when we stand in front of the TV.
um ... ok
*puts sign on door*
"Man Bashing in Progress - Enter at your own risk!"
NO, you know what Thom.
I love men.
I desire men.
Do I love them?
Not at the moment but I am pissed off and full of waffles.
Check back tomorrow.
i wonder why they call it men-strating, insteading of women-strating ....
Hi sug! You should be resting!
LMAO @ Madame
Thom - *blank stare*
yeah ... me too em. not sure where that thought came from ...
Yeah EN he is awfully cute!
I like to stare at him too!
um ... i don't think she is staring at me that way ...
but thank you madame, i think i blushed in my cubicle!
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