I can't hide my sexual life

Okay. So this blog post will be about masturbation. Just a warning for you squeemish people. I was put up to write this post, and I'm a little strange about it because the goal is to be completely honest and non-judgemental about how, where, and when you do it, but also the frequency.
I know that you all know I masturbate... jesus. I mean, how can I not?
(shawn, I trust we can use this post for article incorporation because I'm not writing it twice)
Today I'm sitting at a table with a good friend when he comments about something I had written the evening before on my blog.
"So, how many times did you get off while writing that story last night?"
"Umm, jesus I lost count. I dunno, honestly... a lot."
"Do you ever actually keep track of how much you masturbate?"
I had to laugh out-loud when he asked me that because honestly I had never heard of anybody trying to schedule and or track their masturbatory habits... "No way! Why would I want to do that? I'd think I'm a perv."
"Do you beat off enough to be considered a perv?"
"Do women really 'beat off'? They more like finger themselves."
He looked at me kinda stern and almost serious like "Are you a perv though Em? I mean, honestly, think about it... I'm not sure you beat off any more than any other person... Think about this and try to keep track of how much you masturbate... then we'll table it."
I'm left to sit and contemplate how much I fuck myself. He gets up and goes to leave but not before I errupted "Wait, what constitutes one full masturbation?"
The lady at the table across the way sneered at me for saying such repugnant things out loud in a public place. Whatever.
"Umm, no because I know you, and you cum multiple times during one session. A session constitutes a beginning, and an end. You actually have to put the vibrator or finger 'down'."
My reproach to him is somewhat stifled and embarrassed. "My masturbation is entirely personal and far to often to catalog for the masses."
Yeah people, I ante'd up...
because I really didn't want to go there about how often I'm touching myself instead of doing other things.
Besides, I have no problem with talking about fucking... but my need for sexual stimulation at all times leaves me in quite a tizzy when there's no warm desirable body next to me.
And that need for gratification happens often throughout the day. 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year... I'm open to myself like 7-11 and it's sad.
He just sneered and left me with hanging... "Then this should be quite the challenge for you then Emma... Because I'm daring you. Keep a journal for one day of when, where, and how you got off. If you add how many times you came I'll consider giving you an editoral piece for the next issue."
He said dare. My eyes saw red. I was compelled to prove something now. "Sounds more like beat off material for you then a theory piece on whether I'm a pervert."
"Yeah, but it's not really for me. It's for the public."
I shake my head a little... "The public cares not about how I beat off."
He sat back down and looked at me with that serious weird look again... "You know what, I often wonder what the hell a nympho does when she's not being satisfied... stimulated... used."
"USED!" I guffaw and think about spit spraying my coke in his face.
"You know what I meant. I mean... It's really a curiousity point for those who have a normal and inconsistant sex drive to feel that desire all the time. We want to know if it's bothersome, mind diffusing, tedious, time consuming.... irritating. Maybe even joyful."
I pondered, he stared... "We want to know if you have it worse off than we do or not."
"So then I should really be journaling any sexual activity or stimulation within 24 hours... not just masturbation."
"Yes, even better... do that."

*sigh* and I feel weird about it. But it's for the love of those that I suppose are curious about the insides of somebody that needs sex to function like others need water for hydration.
I'm seeing this as one of those challenges us writers face in life to experience and learn things... then write about them for others to learn and experience. I'm chalking this up to reference... and I hope that umm. You will be kind and see this as a window of understanding opened and to please not be brutal.
That said.
Let's get this party started. Should be interesting to see what I cum up with by 7 tomorrow.
Bwaaa-haa-haa! Comment #1 -- I *finally* take the driver's seat! Now BEG for it!!! Bwaa-haa-ha-haa!
(Maybe I'll even dress up like "DOGG" and you can be my bounty!)
Em so my guess is you won't "do" it as often as the norm because it will be more conscious and you know that you have to write it down for others to judge...
I tried keeping track of what I ate for a week and found I ate a lot less and much healthier b/c I knew other people were going to see it...
Either that or b/c you will br thinking about writing it down so much you will get all hot and horny and not be able to help yourself.
:) uhh Good Luck to ya?..
I think it would be more interesting for you to record what set you off and not necessarily just the times of day you did it.
I mean, yeah, so OK... you do it a lot. But what is it you're exposed to that prompts you to do it? Is it the typical stuff or are there some quirks -- smell of copy paper, Thai food, when someone says the word "Volvo"?
now that would be interesting!
haha Volvo? well I guess they are roomy!
Sounds like your guy has issues. Actually, if you think it'll squick us out to hear what you're up to betwen replies then you've got issues.
Thrill me way more than I deserve and masturbate while pondering what would thrill, shock, or tempt me if I could watch you demonstrate. Also, whatever you do don't call it "rubbing one out" even if you run out of other terms to use. (It makes me think of pencil erasers and those taste funny. Exception: if you use a pencil eraser -- I know someone who does, or at least did with one of those big soft diamond-shaped ones, and swore she loved it -- then you're off the hook)
Have fun,
Also show huneeb you're a professional journalist trained to take notes without intruding on the event you're covering. :-)
I'm excited to read about your masturbatory escapades...ever consider supplementing your "findings" with an audioblog of one of your orgasms? Now that would be hot!
Hmmm I think the most times I ever masturbated in a 24 hour period was...15 times...then I developed my elbow injury...Dr. thinks it's from weight training...HA!
I don't think I masturbate enough. I'm too tense
And that, my dear, is why I'M the editor, and YOU are the journalist.
I kick motivated ass! You may just have earned the picture you were wanting.
I like Monk's idea of an audioblog. That would 'hawt' as they say....
Kristen...I would love...LOVE...to help you out in that department!!
Shawn....I don't want this to go to your head but I'm starting to think you're a god. Getting a woman to journal her mastabatory moments and then TELL everyone? I need to become an editor...
Emma - I for one will certainly not judge or ridicule you. You know that.
I am truly shocked by this subject matter!!!
I bet you're already up to three...at least....Just say it with me...."Gooooooooooose."
i beat off enought to be a perv but if you came over to my house every day I could stop
I like to think I'm a God Dan. A God with a dick the ladies want to see.
Truth be known here, I offered up my picture if she did this. It's not like I just told her and she complied.
Can I just add though that I would LOVE IT if Em complied to my every whim. Then I would be a God.
HuneeB - Believe me, Em holds nothing back, so If she's set to do a project it's going to be in full and unscathed.
Murphy - I think you should do a male masturbation throw back to this one, you made a really good point. And I like your way of thinking in aspect to the male/female masturbation time and how much more effort it takes to do it.
Dominator - Dude, I think we have a meeting of minds. Let's up the ante to have her note why she did it, or what set her off.
Fucking good thinking, that's fucking awesome shit right there.
Murphy's point on male perspective brings up an interesting sidenote. Well, sorta...I think about sex a lot. A LOT. But being a man I can't just satisfy my desires whenever or wherever I feel like it. Women can certainly take care of business while they're in the car, sitting at a desk, whatever...
It takes a lot more planning for a guy to find the privacy and the time to become aroused and beat off.
I also agree that I would much rather have sex 2-3 times a day then beat off 8-10 times. Unless of course I was using Emma's hand.
So how many times a day does the average male masturbate?
That's a loaded question Kristen. Like Dan and Murphy both said, it depends on the situation and time we have devoted to beat off.
Me? Well shit, I don't live alone so I have to sometimes leave the house to get my job done. Since that's the case I'm most likely to get a blow job instead.
Using Emma's hand. Fuck that's hot.
Wait a minute it's not like we can just satisfy ourselves ANYWHERE it takes privacy and concentration too!
Pearl; lmao Delbert...poor thing
I agree Huneeb........totally.
I mean I can't just sit at work and go at it.......I mean come on people, I'm blogging at work as it it.......you can't expect me to rub one out too. Sheesh.....
mornin' honkies!
Dom - *snicker* Remember that time that I pretended I was a dog and we... well, no I wasn't pretending was I, I was assuming the position.
HuneeB - I totally get what you're saying about the being concious and believe me that thought did occur. But you know what? If I did that then I'd be lying to myself and to whoever else is interested and I'm just ssoooooo not that person!
Oh, and for the record.. yeah Volvo turns me on... reminds me of vulva.. can't shake it.
Sug - I replied... yeah honey, sorry... one handed typing sucks ass.
Fig - Pencil erasers? *cringe* You know you're right, no more of that... and yeah, Im not going to repress anything... just go with it.
Monk - :D If I had a 1/2 cent for everytime somebody has asked me to audioblog that. I'd be sucking your dick in tahiti.
Kristen - morning luva, let me rub your back... and then your back side, and then your..your... k, be right back!
Madame - LOL! Honey!!! Sounds like that was a damn good day! You even have a souvenier!!! Weight training!!! oh shit, i love ya.
Pearl - Morning honey, lemme refer you to a new Delbert... one that's not umm broken. We need to get you hooked up so them thar nipples can get hard....
Dan - I know, and I feel like a non-emailing ass. Be patient and lemme work... strip for the wife in the meantime... work that ass honey. You haven't been forgotten.
Horny old guy - LOL! Click NEXT BLOG!!!
Magnum - Are you seriously placing bets on me? That rocks! Do it! I'm in for a wager.
Murphy - Wow, and this whole time I expected you to say something like "show me your tits." you know, sex 3 times a day rocks, but it's not enough for me. So even if I was getting it 3 times a day... I'd still need some in-betweens.
Goose - *whispering* "goooossseeee" Morning, how ya doin ya furry little thing?
Jay - We can toss that idea around for awhile!
Shawn - I'm ignoring you in a good way... and you know why.
Blondie - Thanks honey :) I swear I never played with myself while on the phone with you... promise!
*fingers crossed behind my back*
and yeah, I mean wtf.. you guys think us women just sit around and feel ourselves at will?!?!?
okay, maybe SOME of us do.. but not all.
Yeah, it's the voice and the OC pouty lip thing... I just break under the pressure when you say shit like..
"Hi chica, how ya doin?"
Fires me up like a piston with no lubrication.
TMI?!??! NO such thing Madame, you just said you did it 15 times and caused an elbow injury!
That TMI is for Murph...
A month Blondie?!?!
Jeesh...You are master of your domain!
I'm with Madame.....all I asked for was a number, I could have done without all the babble about his cock going up and down.
Blondie practices Tantric masturbation. That way when we meet up she's on the cusp of and all-powerful ballooning type experience.
NO! No lip reduction!!!! Say it aint so!!
TMI because sometimes I just don't know what to do with some information...
Can I just say that I honestly had no issues with thinking about his cock going up and down...
but really, it was the sports that got me.
right here.
Right Kristen...our frail female psyches can not handle that much in one day!
You know what? Yes, you can because I know it fucking SUCKS to carry that shit around all day if you don't want to.
But yeah, keep the lips honey...
Holy fuck, I have NO idea what life would be like if I didnt masturbate or anything for a month!
I think I could possibly implode.
I know, already I have heard about him fantasizing about girl's ass cheeks in his hands, that he wants to fuck 3 times a day, his need to hold his sweet juice in until after sports and that his cock goes up and down......
I mean one thing at a time Murphy.
Blondie needs a reduction.
Kristen and Madame X are thinking Murphy gave them TMI? How's this for TMI...
I was watching porn the other night, beating off, doing good with it. Got to a point where I was just about to cum, turned down the volume a little on the tv because the bitch was screaming and I didn't want my roommate to hear, so I squeezed that fucker and just as I shot my load...
my roomie asked if everything was alright in my room.
And I shot my load on my dinner plate.
THAT ladies is TMI. And oh, Emma... You know I live to fuck you up.
blondie - I have no idea. I can't watch the food channel!! I see all sorts of falacies there...
I'm not right, am I?
Shawn - You fucker. First of all you mean your MOTHER asked if everything was alright... and oh, what's it like to shoot a load with your mother talking to you through the door... does it suck? Did you eat that dinner?
Magnum - How am I needing to perform, where are the limits at right now? Talk to me.
Blue Plate Special, Huh Shawn?
Fuck no I didn't eat it. You know, you're a mother and just about to the point where you'll be bitching about your son doing it.
If I didn't know any better, I would think you're still mad at me about last night. That sooo cannot be the case though, you got what you wanted!!! I'm just here to please you!
Madame that's funny as hell. It was a good dinner too until I added too much salt to the mashed potatoes.
So I was sitting downstairs in the recliner on Sunday afternoon, kids were taking naps, and I thought I would enjoy myself.....
Get right to the point where I'm almost there and I hear the 6 year old coming down the stairs.....FUCK
Didn't get to finish that one, so Shawn at least you got to finish....
Sorry, TMI
Didn't know Hot Pockets came in a mashed potato variety!
Madame LOL!!
Blondie - *blush* thanks honey! tee hee... wanna go get a corn dog?
Shawn - you fucker. Don't make it all like that. Every fucking time I go anywhere now you gotta make the DJ play that fucking song! Then everyone knows Im there... I can't just submerse in the crowd, oh NOOOOO I gotta be in the freaking spotlight fucker. I hate you for that.
Wow that has to be embarassing...your mom catching you beating!
Haha nice call out Em!
Kristen, I think I would like to finish that for you. Would my dick be better than a finger?
I'd get you off in time.
Madame, it was meatloaf with potatoes and green beans actually. Moms digs me.
Em - That's your theme song, and it fits the bill when you grace us with your presence there. How fast did you have to run and hide after Shana saw you?
Now THAT was TMI Shawn!!!!
Dear diary,
Normal day today. Went to work, blogged while at work. Rubbed one out at work while fantasizing about (****). Worked a little more. Finally went home. Did my daily Dilf-y like chores. Rubbed another one out while fantasizing about (****) with me doing the (**********) all night...
would be an interesting diary.
AGREED Madame! Meat loaf! LOL.
K, composing self.
Alright, well Shawn ass stick I had to run fast and furious into the Men's restroom. Good job at that because then I was stuck climbing the urinal to check out which ventilation duct to squeeze down. Thank GOD Dr. K was taking a piss and able to calm me down.
I still hate you.
Thom, ummm you need to fill in the blanks to make it count.
Thanks Huneeb!!! Yeah, can you imagine beating off with mom hovering? there goes any fantasies you may have had about the sexy bitch calling your name out!!!
it counts
Shawn; you know she knows you were watchin porn too...asking if you were okay, she recognizes those screams, well unless you scfream like a girl
It's not about the meatloaf Em dear!
You climbed a urinal to try and get away! Lmao! Poor thing... who knew a transexual would get you so worked up!
Any thoughts on why that guy hangs out in the bathroom Em? It's just weird.
Huneeb - It is embarrassing, and it sucks. But until I make some good money I can't really move. Unless you'd like to live with me, I could go for that.
well we would have to talk about some form of rent ya know...
Thom agree with Em doesn't count
Uhh, what'd I miss Madame... I didn't find the TMI... clue me in!!
*sitting back and watching Shawn take a heap of shit about his TMI*
Thom - yeah, you're right, it does.
Shawn - I don't know why he hangs out in the bathroom, honestly. It is strange. Furthermore, any guy that had a sex change to be a woman, and wants to be a lesbian!?!?
Umm, you'd run too!! FUCKHOLE!
Magnum - K, gotcha.. err, I would love to tell you to up the stakes but that would be cheating... you should prolly hit those odds a little harder though *ahem*
Yeah, the whole "mom diggin' 'em thing"...
Thom why'd ya change your pic back to uniblogger Thom? Me likey other pic
Not that it matters or anything just sayin...
i'm stalking someone ... shhhh
S'ok sug, no matter what number, as long as you're there... its all that counts.
madame - LOL, K.. I wondered if that's what it was. And honestly it wouldn't surprise me if there was an underlying condition to why Shawn is still living with moms.
Maybe I should reconsider this story after all... ass.
LMAO @ Sug. I know huh? I'm a sick bitch.
ooh, the wind hit me just right... I'll be right back! Carry on!
*hears the lovely melodies of Starfuckers Inc. playing in the background*
Holy shit Thom LOL, were you there?!?!?
Yeah, she get's all pissy because now every time she shows I bump the booth to play it when she walks in.
Then I get that look. You know, that look.
It just fits her perfectly I think, I mean if she ever needed one song to firm up her whole 'influence', it would be that one!
What do you think, perfect, no?
gee, everyone's talking about sexual stuff here. i can't belive it.
I am just gonna say, for safety of myself against many stalking lawsuits out there, and other miscellaneous security reasons, I wasn't there.
And no Shawn, I haven't got THAT look ... well, not yet anyway.
Hehe, it is a fitting song for Emma.
Yeah, I think so too. Not in the way that she fucks stars... but really it's all about her.
Perfect theme song.
Never considered getting her a cape and a tool belt. Is she worthy of one then?
I missed the theme song?
Starfuckers, Inc. Kristen. By Nine Inch Nails...
Hot song for a hot piece of ass that knows how to work everybody over with a flick of her smoke.
God damnit where the fuck did she go?
I think she is masturbating
I'm here. I'm here... jesus you guys got some diatribe goin' on!!
aww george, when are you gonna say "my god!!! that thomcat has some giant balls!" ?
Thank you
Hey sweetums! Just stopping by to say hello!
*hugs & kisses*
Do guys care if it's the girls "special week"??
I always miss sex for 4-5 days once a month because of the whole special week thing.
Yes, I realize this has nothing to do with the topic of this post but I'm curious.
not really. there's absolutely NO "downtime" though.
yeah no rooting for the redwings ... i don't mean the hockey team from detroit either.
I didn't mean having "downtime" just sex in general
I showcase my oral skills a lot.....it doesn't have to be my special week for that to happen.
Side note: If a guy says "That girl can suck a golf ball through a garden hose" Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
i don't have special weeks anymore... I love that shit.
Totally worth the 6 weeks of PAIN.
I heard it on porn Murphy....and I wasn't sure if that was something I needed to strive for or not...Relax
I'm in for a Ho-Ho
Balls gettin' sucked though a garden hose and Ho HO's!
Damn I love this blog!
I've been told I was one.
Awww Em who's the Goddess of this blog sweetie?
Can I be your Twinkie?
You know, I drive by the hostess factory every day on the way to work... you can smell the pie glaze... it makes me wanna fuck myself.
Yeah, it's on the list.
WHOA WHOA WHOA...you live by a HOSTESS FACTORY?!?!?!
Good God.......a hostess factory??
Yeah, just off the highway... right the fuck by it... wafting bakery smells come inside my car every single morning....
while Im listening to music and drinking coffeee....
It's fucking HAWT!
Do they still make Chocodiles...chocolate covered twinkies...food of the gods!
No GOD DAMNIT!!! And wtf ever happenend to Zingers!?!?!? I used to love the strawberry zingers...
Yeah so, I try to breath deep and shift the car on cruise control so I can spread em and work the bullet until the bridge.
WHAT?!?!? Kentucky does not have chocolate covered Twinkies...
This type of food exisits???
People, send them to me.....box those suckers up and send to Kentucky quickly!!!!
i'm a ding dong
Zingers were made by Dolly Madison and I can still find them!
Raspberry Zingers!!
I think they stopped production of the Chocodile!
Why, because you knew what I was talking about when i said I pass the factory and then hit the cruise control to beat off until the bridge?
Holy Hell Em...YOu cum while driving? Yeah only tried that once and nearly ran a red light!
THAT's RIGHT!!! Tell me you remember the Dolly Madison jingle!!!!
I do, I have a bullet that I keep in the car for just the occasion!
I can get Zingers but I've never even heard of a Chocolate covered Twinkie.....
Ok, I'm lusting over the twinkie thing.......somebody find me one and no not off Ebay.....a fresh one.
No! I don't...but I remember that the Charlie Brown TV Specials were always brought to you by DOLLY MADISON!
LOL@ Kristen
If I find them I'll send them to you.
Let me get this straight...I write a post about the Oscars and KJ and Emma turn into a discussion about the finer points of sex and Emma starts a blog about masturbation and you all turn it into a discussion about chocolate covered twinkies? What the Fuck, people? There is little or no consistency in this madness. Fuck it, I need to go masturbate and eat some chocolate spongecake.
Yeah, and the zingers wrappers had pictures of the peanuts on them.
I think charlie brown was chocolate.... Lucy was Raspberry.
K, im thinking nuts and beating off while driving.
Ummm.... GOOSE I need to hold that for ya.
No you sweet ass, not the spongecake!!!!
I just got word that they only make them in California.......
This serious
Rasbery Zingers with the coconut ont he outside...Shit were'd I put that irabbit?
Good, doing this twice a day by myself is not only tiring, but causing me to get extremely large forearm muscles...You know, just to make it interesting, put an elastic band around your arm until your arm falls asleep then try masturbating...Its like someone else is doing it....Not that I've ever tried that...Just what I heard.
*putting in call to Blondie*
No worries Ladies, I got us covered.
Goose, you're missing the issue
Goose - "Consistency is the Hob-goblin of little minds."
Who said that? Amaze me.
*PERK* Large forearms? Holy fuck. HNT ALERT!!!!
Yeah, the issue is WERE THE HELL DO WE FIND CHOCODILES?!?!?!
For gawd sake man FOCUS!!!
How can he be talking about forearms when there are chocolate twinkies to be found?
Geez, men
Uh.. I moved onto the forearms.
Spank me.
" a foolish consistency ... "
do i get a gold star?
And we're supposed to be the ditzes!
He started it
Em, check your e-mail for the quick forearm pic.
Okay Thom try this:
"The secret of boring is to say everything."
what do you got ? a calendar of quotes on your desk ?
No, i was good with english, especially quoutes... so come on, google it fucker.
Im guessing you're not guessing.
oooohhhh. good goose.
See, Im trying to stray from the Zingers ladies because I knew it was only a matter of time before Murphy started with the food picture tittie shit.
Like I'd waste a Zinger like that!
ahh voltaire ... i had no idea ... lol
I just want one of those twinkies
i'll take anal bum cover for $200, alex
uh that is an album cover, not anal bum cover.
ahhh indeed.
Your mother is a whore, Tribeck...
If I give you my ass this time, what will you play with next time?
- Emma
What is a fiddle ?
Its a term for flicking fingers around your clitoral area
oh, kinda like the three knuckle shuffle ?
Sorry, I was cumming, what did you say?
Gawlee I need to go flog the dolphin now.
I have a vibrator with a Dolphin clit tickler at home.
In my nightstand.
I dunno, you saying that made me wanna go home and grab it.
Thinking about "Spanking the Monkey" right now....
I have one of those Dolphin vibrators
I have this monkey at home I keep in the closet...
I dunno, you saying that just makes me wanna go home an get it.
I'm gonna go "Caress the Banana"
Hi Sug baby, Im checking E now.
Goose - I have this banana in the kitchen, you saying that made me wanna go home and get it.
sigh with a smile ...
happy Dad moment for me
Umm. WHAT? Thom... we can't be talking about masturbation and you just pop in with a dad comment.
i know, i'm definitely not mr. impeccable timing man ...
I need to go "Tame the Dragon"
Thom, what up, fucker?
what, you don't need to noose the goose ?
AH! Perfect! Thanks, bro....(writing that one down on my little furry notepad)
I do need to choke the chicken...
Can we just go back to calling it a dick?
ok , time for me to brag ... my youngest daughter got a great report card and achieved obscenely high on her test results. I'm talking like emma-smart. So all she wanted to do was have lunch with me to celebrate.
Totally cool, Thom-CAT! I hope that I can experience that as well. Just a cool thing.
So, anyway I need to smack the salami....
yes yes yes, carry on
pearl, how does masturbation make you have to take a dump?
i need to beat the one eyed bandito like a pinata ...
nah , that sucks
How about wanking the one eyed willie wonka...
Good to see scum is in the house...Dude, change your freakin pic! I hate that f'n pic!
i need to make the bald guy cry.
Yankin the flesh Yehti?
tickling my twinkie
"Fuck off scum"? Never heard that one before. Interesting concept.
Fiddle with the Flipperless Frog?
Finger deep in the honey pot.
Baste the featherless fowl?
I'll be your Pooh Bear....
i just found out my next business trip is in seattle. i hope they put us up in another kick ass hotel like last time. i just wish i didn't have to go with my boss. aw hell, i'll just hang out in the hotel bar and get faded every night anyway.
Bonkin the Big Bazooka.
i need to varnish the banister
i wanted to go to the august one in charlotte dammit! i didn't wanna wait until january to take another one.
tell me which bar ... i show up
sorry, forgot what blog i was on. i was wonderin' why mongoose was talkin' about masturbation on our blog.
Wait, Scum in Seattle? Fucking RIGHT ON!! When is this scum? Do tell!!!
Pearl, I'm still 'getting over' sug's email... and now I'll do yours!
Tamin the Dragon...
nah, i'm just kidding. it's in tampa. i would like to go somewhere where i can actually meet one of you fuckers though. cuz i don't see too much of a reason for anyone to come to kansas city.
Well, the royals suck ass, so that really isn't a reason to come to the middle of america.
we got the chiefs. and lots of tornadoes. hell last week we had an entire day of tornadoes. it was fuckin' awesome!
Woah! Sign me up for that shit...You fuckers really are crazy there.
fuck yeah goose, me and annabella are goin' to storm spotter training tonight. this actually gives us an excuse to go outside when the shit hits the fan and not on account of us just being completely insane.
i don't have time today to read 220 comments, so i'll just say what i have to say.
Em, great fucking post. i think i feel the same way you do. i could probably masturbate many times a day if it wasn't for such trivial inconveniences like having to drive to work, having to work (with clothes on), having to coach kid's sport team, etc. i mean, if i could jerk off every time the urge hit me, we'd be talking like dozens of times a day. and that's whether i'm getting it or not, lol. i swear, this may be idiotic to admit, but i've masturbated within hours of getting my brains screwed out. :) anyway, i won't be able to check back for comments, so i'm not ignoring anyone. if anyone really wants to comment back to me, feel free to email me at samfrench@hotmail.com
I take back all that I have said about the degradation of our society. You guys have restored my faith in mankind...
Sorry, what were you talking about? I just came, and I'm doing it again.
about how i was just kidding about going to seattle and the fact that me and annabella are training to be storm spotters tonight b/c we're both crazy.
good job sugar ... you oversexed her
Jesus Sugar... dayum.
jfioapvjrp ajwe
Do we have a number yet?
HOw many hours you got left?
Oh, I like this.
okay sorry I wasn't here to play but here's my favorite Voltaire quotes :)
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.
Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.
:) That's all
okay sorry I wasn't here to play but here's my favorite Voltaire quotes :)
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.
Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.
:) That's all
OK there's like 20 minutes left...I have this mental picture of Miss Em just frantically fingering away looking at the clock...oh hell!...now i'm horny again!
*nice pic sug!
LMAO! So you two are here hanging out too eh?
Yeah...Where all the kool kids are.
Well yeah, Mom's ok. She's watching the History Channel or some shit.
Wow. lovin' the profile pictures though, I can wait on Em's post now.
You do realize if she actually does this I have to give her a photo of my dick.
So I for one, am on pins and needles here. I bet she chickens though.
Oh, I don't know sugarpunk. I know for a fact she was not too crazy about this idea.
Made excuses about it all day.
Did someone say Dick picture?
Yeah, if she posts this publicly she gets a picture of my dick piercing to show you girls.
That was the reward. Well that and a damn good article about masturbation that's now been researched!
It's good to be the king.
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