Random Thoughts and Variations
I'm having a mind-flux, bear with me... lol.
This will be the perfect post for the weekend because I got nothin but piddly little thoughts rambling to each other inside my head. Thought I would share them with you lucky fuckers.
1. Yesterday when I thought something was afoot, I was right.
I was swept away to a surprise party (in my honor), for my errr... Friendship. And a weird sort-of quasi anniversary for me. I just want to say thanks to those that made it possible and perked my spirits (and sexuality) back to where it should be.
I suppose I should thank you too Shawn. Now explain yourself about your behavior at the party there... hmmm?
I felt humbled and a bit embarrassed by the ordeal, but damn it was really something I've never had done for me before and it rocked.
2. I got an email today from a good friend, who had a friend (bear with me) that went to Jerusalem just recently. I want to share the email with you... It was very very special to me.
Have you heard of the The Western Wall Jerusalem? The wall is a surviving remnant of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which was destroyed by Titus in 68 C.E. The Temple, the center of the spiritual world, was the main conduit for the flow of Godliness into this world. When the Temple stood, there was respect for God. There was no doubt about God's existence. There were no atheists. Everybody acknowledged one God and understood the genius of His laws. The world was filled with awe of God and love of God.
It is a centuries-old tradition to place a note with a prayer or request in the Western Wall. Friday in Jerusalem a personal friend of mine visited the wall, and placed the following prayer into the wall.
I pray for Emma's health, for a donor kidney, and that Emma finds her way to your door. I pray for her family and friends, and for the salvation of her enemies. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayers.
Hope you dont mind and just thought you'd want to know. (You did ask for prayers to be thrown your way a few weeks ago!)
And again, I felt humbled and warm... and special. I don't know if this person wants to endulge who they are, so I'm leaving it anonymous and again saying "wow... and thanks... and tears of gratefulness." Words can simply not express.
3. Ever meet somebody that had impeccable timing? Yeah me too... Strange how it grabs your attention and mystifies you just a little. You're kinda like "wtf?!?!" And then you have to say... hmmmm... mind reader? psychic? In tune with the cosmos?
4. Men are not needy. They are unstable. But god damnit I love you all.
5. I was ordered not to have any sexual relations for two weeks. That lasted maybe three days tops. I've been getting laid like a mo-fo... it rocks. Just thought I'd share.
6. I miss Blondie and I want her to be done with her vacation already. I know she's with Buttah having fun... but... *WOW My phone just rang and it was her... TWILIGHT ZONE.
***Addendum to #3: Maybe it's not them with impeccable timing, maybe it's that they can hear my thoughts and thus 'feel' me wanting to connect with them, like a jedi mind trick!!!! ***
7. I want mint chocolate chip ice cream. For no apparent reason other than I do.
8. Ladies, ever notice how nice it is to run the tip of your tongue along the head of a cock? Just follow the ridge of it? Feeling the skin kinda give softly under the pressure? Yep. Nice. See, I like that spot... my fav. *sigh*
9. Men, ever wonder if it's EVER going to be summer again?
I want to see sun dresses on the ladies. Camisol tops, tank tops, halter tops. Shorts. Sandals. At least a tight t-shirt!!! Really I'm fed up with the sweater and jacket bullshit.. a bi-chick cannot survive that way.
Honestly, think about it... ladies, with you wrapped up in all those god damned layers it just shocks the fuck outta me to see skin under all that. Really... Like peeling a friggin onion. And hardly do you ever see the floor of the bedroom after taking all that shit off.... errr.
10. I'm going to go suck dick. Have a good weekend folks!
This will be the perfect post for the weekend because I got nothin but piddly little thoughts rambling to each other inside my head. Thought I would share them with you lucky fuckers.
1. Yesterday when I thought something was afoot, I was right.

I suppose I should thank you too Shawn. Now explain yourself about your behavior at the party there... hmmm?
I felt humbled and a bit embarrassed by the ordeal, but damn it was really something I've never had done for me before and it rocked.
2. I got an email today from a good friend, who had a friend (bear with me) that went to Jerusalem just recently. I want to share the email with you... It was very very special to me.

It is a centuries-old tradition to place a note with a prayer or request in the Western Wall. Friday in Jerusalem a personal friend of mine visited the wall, and placed the following prayer into the wall.

Hope you dont mind and just thought you'd want to know. (You did ask for prayers to be thrown your way a few weeks ago!)
And again, I felt humbled and warm... and special. I don't know if this person wants to endulge who they are, so I'm leaving it anonymous and again saying "wow... and thanks... and tears of gratefulness." Words can simply not express.
3. Ever meet somebody that had impeccable timing? Yeah me too... Strange how it grabs your attention and mystifies you just a little. You're kinda like "wtf?!?!" And then you have to say... hmmmm... mind reader? psychic? In tune with the cosmos?
4. Men are not needy. They are unstable. But god damnit I love you all.
5. I was ordered not to have any sexual relations for two weeks. That lasted maybe three days tops. I've been getting laid like a mo-fo... it rocks. Just thought I'd share.
6. I miss Blondie and I want her to be done with her vacation already. I know she's with Buttah having fun... but... *WOW My phone just rang and it was her... TWILIGHT ZONE.
***Addendum to #3: Maybe it's not them with impeccable timing, maybe it's that they can hear my thoughts and thus 'feel' me wanting to connect with them, like a jedi mind trick!!!! ***
7. I want mint chocolate chip ice cream. For no apparent reason other than I do.
8. Ladies, ever notice how nice it is to run the tip of your tongue along the head of a cock? Just follow the ridge of it? Feeling the skin kinda give softly under the pressure? Yep. Nice. See, I like that spot... my fav. *sigh*
9. Men, ever wonder if it's EVER going to be summer again?

Honestly, think about it... ladies, with you wrapped up in all those god damned layers it just shocks the fuck outta me to see skin under all that. Really... Like peeling a friggin onion. And hardly do you ever see the floor of the bedroom after taking all that shit off.... errr.
10. I'm going to go suck dick. Have a good weekend folks!
The party sounded like a good time!
Now go suck dick.
I long for summer too!
Tight white t's on men and women *sigh*!
(WTF I posted on that too?*twilight one music*)
Damn it! Now I've got a craving for sucking dick and warm weather!
Where's a dick when you need one?!?!
FYI that's TWILIGHT ZONE music.
I got dick on the brain!
Your blog is fantastic. I added you to the HNT list on mine.
Sugar - Mr. says HIIYYEEEE. I say HIIYYEEEE. Good Morning my little southern dumplin!
Os - It was a 'nice' party... NOT. By the end of the night, the cake was not in our tummies! K, im sucking dick now! YnotYours?
Madame - LOL! Yeah, we are 'connected'! Sorry about the luggage cart.. I'll get it back to the hotel... PROMISE!
Andre - Thanks! *blush* come back anytime...errr CUM back anytime!
Sounds like agape love if you ask me. (And I'm not talking about the party!)
Em, I think I'm NOT having sex so you CAN have sex. You lasted 3 days and I'm coming up to four weeks. BIG dry spell in Shy's space station.
Shy - Float west... or east as it were... I'm right here!
Well, let's get your back right first. I think a massage is in order, no?
Doc says I need a chest massage... muscles in the back are loose and chest are tight. So, I'd have to be on my back, while you massage on top. Make sense?
K, makes sense... we can do that. As long as I'm naked and you're needy.
Oh and Shy, try to resist being dominant... If I'm on top you'll have to submit to me. K?
Now get outta that suit!
Submit to you? Notta chance, babe. Who was complaining about guys not being dominating enuf just a few weeks ago? Uh huh? Yeah, I think it was EN! So you can be on top, but you also gotta do everything I say!
RE: Hockey Helmet
No Horns! Must have broken off in his shallow anus.
.Saturday Morning and I STILL got it!
I crack myself up!
Gotta dash, Emma... On top or on bottom, I'll catch ya later.
You've got to love people with impeccable timing...Oh, crap, is that my dinner burning?
Emma, I just love when you ramble like that.
On a more serious note, I had no idea your illness was that serious. I prayed before for you and now I'll pray more.
Love you!
a'ight , you greedy little hottie, you... i got some DILF y pics for you
i love #10. :) something so hot about a sexy woman announcing she's going to go suck dick. that is so fucking hot Emma. :)
hi Sug and everybody. have a great weekend.
ROFLMAO @ Madame!!! Horns breaking off!! K, yeah lady.. you still got it!
Shy - no worries :) I'll see you in orbit.
Goose - *sigh* You cook too? Jesus, multi-tasker!!!
306 - Thanks! Awww. You're so sweet! I sooooo appreciate it! K, email.. I saw it.. let me reflect over whether I could stand a camera right the fuck up in my face during orgasm....
k. I could.
Thom - *perk* gimme!
Sug - RIGHT, okay shit I'm doing it!!! I think I better get Mr.
JD - come here baby, lean in... (whisper) I'm gonna suck dick. FYI.
hey emma, some drunken pics tonight on my blog
Who, me drunk? Okay!
Alright fucker... pictures in my box.. NOW.
ya hear me? Huh? Do ya?
what in your box ?
pictures, and whatever else you wanna push in there.
Holy shit Thom, are you drinking already!?!?!?
rough day babe ... rough day ...
Ummm. SO, where's my PICS then.. you're not too drunk to hit send are you?
Seriously. Dude, you called me babe.
errr sorry fucker ... i meant that in the worse way ...
shit's on it's way
mmm - they fit nicely into your box
Where the fuck was I while all this was going on yesterday...?!
Damn Emma...now I am horny again, and no one is around to entertain me!
BTW, the post from last nights drunken fun is up...enjoy!
Right! Okay then... checking..
err Thom, I'm really concerned about ya LOL. Tell me your wife is there to keep you in good order!
Miss!! I'm here! Looking at DILF Thom pictures.....
want em?
my wife isn't here to keep me in good order btw..., but jack is here
LOL - if his wife were there he would not be drinking or computing!!!
Hiya Emma!!
Wow. I'm impressed even Thom!! Well, I mean I knew they'd be good.. but...
You know, you see somebody in a totally different way when you see them with their kids.
*yells at lauren*
Make me a turkey pot pie!
*yells at hollie*
Those dishes better be cleaned dammit!
Ummm... you didn't yell at me.
What am I supposed to do?
*batting eyelashes*
*yells at emma*
come here and help me with pouring my drinks while i watch hockey night in canada
Dude!! Make your own damn pot pie & do the dishes too!!
You know you have to or we'll tell mom you let us climb on the roof again
Fuck that Thom fucker. We're drinking together and watching it.
*cracks whip and pulls off sweatshirt to reveal leather corset*
I'm good at yelling!!
Can I yell at you??
all right ... i'll do you doggy style , so we can watch it together
umm. OK. but only during the commercials...
Snav - Scream for me baby.
I'm not sure I would post a vid to that site but the idea gets me hot!
Pass the Dewar's, I've been Lego shopping with a 9 year old and I really need it!
AAAHHHHHH! oh shit, Tampa Bay almost scored ....
*pulls a bottle of Dewars out of Thom's cabinet*
Sure, have his!
I loved Legos btw. Built weird little houses with them... just last week.
yo fucker!
jobu needs a refill!
I swear Thom, if you make me call you Jobu in bed, I will kick your ass. Or stick a bat in it... you decide.
Alright then. What were you saying?
nevermind, i'll have my daughter make me a drink ... sheesh
*tossing you the wifebeater*
Fuck you Thom... That's just wrong you ass.
Who's ahead?
your favorite score - tied up
HAWT! Soooo...
I'm distracted now.
ooops, sorry, i spillt some jack on your leather ... let me lick it up
Ok - is it bad that the leather corset comment really got me hot??
Emma - you have pics of that??
i guess that's not as bad as spilling some nut on your leather ...
Jack would be fine I think -- leather needs conditioning...
some slapping to tan yer hide ?
S-S-S-Snavvlyn? Are you in the bath honey?
that's what you'll be saying
that's my bathtub emma
wrong O face
um wrong person now ... hehehe
No, that was me under the water Thom.
Snav- Soap?
soul patch ?
shit ... this drinking game is harsh...
taking a shot everytime the hockey announcer says "got his stick up."
K, that's funny Sug!!!
he he he bubbles tickle.
holy mother of ... quit getting your sticks up ! im drunk already!
I'm here, laughing my ass off at my next post.
OH cnet.com should have it, just type audacity in the search window to your upper left and hit search.
You should scroll and see where it says 'Top Matching Downloads for "Audacity". Click the second one down Audacity 1.2.2 for windows if you run it.
He cares ;)
You can do that Sug!! Have confidence!! It's just a download!!
Thom, can I please just have your leftovers, dude...C'mon we'll tag out, Road Warriors style...I have to be Hawk though...
OH good! Did you get it sug?!?!
GOOSE!! I got a special to-go box just for you... ;)
Snav - I think we're getting ready to have an orgy, but I'm not sure.
I'd like to tag him.
so uh
why aren't you supposed to have sex?
damm she said orgy
i think i'm jealous as hell
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