Getting what I deserve? HNT!
How Naughty Today?
(oh, very naughty... very very)
So while standing in the bedroom stark ass naked, thinking about what to post for my HNT (half-nekkid Thursday)... The husband walks in.
<---- Standing buck-ass naked with a camera
Not sure what the fuck you're up to ---->
Don't get me wrong, the hub has taken HNT's before (with me or of me), but it's not often that you just walk in on a naked woman with a camera without some notice... sooooo....
***play out weird caught you with the camera, why are you naked and what are you doing scenario in your head.. You've got it just about right.***
After all the turmoil sexually stemmed and steamed by you hot fuckers talking dirty to me all fucking day; to say the least I was a little spunky, and prompted he fucking take the pictures...
Jesus, has anybody but me actually read those comments from the last post back?
There's some real pent up frustration from the men in there.... Apparently they all would kick my ass and rip me a new one if let them.
*note to self:.... Let them.*
Anyway, back to the husband and I and our spontaneous camera debacle...
My mouth is a common denominator for trouble.
Basically, if you're looking to start something sarcastic and playful with me... I'm gonna play because god damnit I love a challenge.
I like feisty in the bedroom almost ALL the TIME,
... I don't go for this making love crap... Frankly it bores me.
Be sensual and slow if you need to... BUT DON'T TRY TO BE ROMANTIC... Gag.
Dazzle me with your athleticism and keen wit between the sheets too.
*note to self:... Your chain of thought just strayed again honey... Focus, focus.*
Anyway, my mouth, bad terrible thing it was... Ran on, like it does and well.... He was cocky back... Resulted in a little physical play... kinda like a meeting of frustrations if you will. But we both knew what the intent was of course. So, commence with:
wrist grabbing
Throw on the bed
little name calling
<---- me still naked
Fucker pins me and starts being orally attentive to the boys....
I struggle, he grips tighter sucks harder
<--- now still naked and loving this shit And then... AND THEN... He stops. . . . no, people, he stops. gets up. and begins to walk away. *blank stare* I return to a standing position, and taunt... "UMMMM FUCKER?" I said, "what the fuck was that about? You haven't done any of that shit lately and frankly it's--"
He reaches back, grabs my wrist again and spins me face down in the comforter (pinning my wrist to my back), then simulates fucking me from behind (still clothed mind you, I'm the naked one here!!!).... the sexy mother fucker then insists on biting my neck.
Once again, I'm like RIGHT ON!!!!
But nothing, he silently gets up and walks away.
I see you workin' fucker... that's right Mr. Naughty I know what the fuck you're up to. He's back to boom people, tonight should be a doozy. Maybe.
To all of you lovely people that assisted me today (yesterday) in keeping me sayted until I could pummel or be pummeled, He took this pic for you.
k. shew.
Happy HNT!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
(oh, very naughty... very very)
So while standing in the bedroom stark ass naked, thinking about what to post for my HNT (half-nekkid Thursday)... The husband walks in.
<---- Standing buck-ass naked with a camera
Not sure what the fuck you're up to ---->
Don't get me wrong, the hub has taken HNT's before (with me or of me), but it's not often that you just walk in on a naked woman with a camera without some notice... sooooo....
***play out weird caught you with the camera, why are you naked and what are you doing scenario in your head.. You've got it just about right.***
After all the turmoil sexually stemmed and steamed by you hot fuckers talking dirty to me all fucking day; to say the least I was a little spunky, and prompted he fucking take the pictures...
Jesus, has anybody but me actually read those comments from the last post back?
There's some real pent up frustration from the men in there.... Apparently they all would kick my ass and rip me a new one if let them.
*note to self:.... Let them.*
Anyway, back to the husband and I and our spontaneous camera debacle...
My mouth is a common denominator for trouble.
Basically, if you're looking to start something sarcastic and playful with me... I'm gonna play because god damnit I love a challenge.
I like feisty in the bedroom almost ALL the TIME,
... I don't go for this making love crap... Frankly it bores me.
Be sensual and slow if you need to... BUT DON'T TRY TO BE ROMANTIC... Gag.
Dazzle me with your athleticism and keen wit between the sheets too.
*note to self:... Your chain of thought just strayed again honey... Focus, focus.*
Anyway, my mouth, bad terrible thing it was... Ran on, like it does and well.... He was cocky back... Resulted in a little physical play... kinda like a meeting of frustrations if you will. But we both knew what the intent was of course. So, commence with:
wrist grabbing
Throw on the bed
little name calling
<---- me still naked
Fucker pins me and starts being orally attentive to the boys....
I struggle, he grips tighter sucks harder
<--- now still naked and loving this shit And then... AND THEN... He stops. . . . no, people, he stops. gets up. and begins to walk away. *blank stare* I return to a standing position, and taunt... "UMMMM FUCKER?" I said, "what the fuck was that about? You haven't done any of that shit lately and frankly it's--"
He reaches back, grabs my wrist again and spins me face down in the comforter (pinning my wrist to my back), then simulates fucking me from behind (still clothed mind you, I'm the naked one here!!!).... the sexy mother fucker then insists on biting my neck.
Once again, I'm like RIGHT ON!!!!
But nothing, he silently gets up and walks away.

To all of you lovely people that assisted me today (yesterday) in keeping me sayted until I could pummel or be pummeled, He took this pic for you.
k. shew.
Happy HNT!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Emma dear, why didn't you tell me you got a piercing?
(I just realised I could click to make it bigger... fun and interactive!)
Wasn't it just five seconds ago I was commenting on whether anybody would even notice that to you SUG?!?!?
Christ, you're a perceptive chap Shawn... Don't you have an article to be slashing? Hugs!
Sug - I know, I'm late for bed now!!! Mr. is rather put-off about it!!
I know it, and I'm uber-creative too.
So, I'm noticing the arthritic knuckles from typing too much there hot shit, need a vaca?
Somewhere cold, and you with no bra would be helpful!
You live for Thursdays now, don't you? It comes from living with your mother... it's okay though.
drool you wordsmith... D-r-oo-l.
My knuckles are a bitch when I'm driving them in your ass... like anal beads you ass tool.
*fingers in ears*
Im not hearing you! I'm going to bed!!!
Bed is good. Yours or mine?
I was just thinking that maybe I could have mom heat us up some hot pockets?
Alright fine. You couldn't handle me anyway- I cum with the wrath of 2 years celibacy.
Plus, I'm far more intelligent that ewe.
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No, I'm not even talking to you... I was going to but I have an ass pounding to attend.
you're not more intelligent than meeeeee.... *fingers back in ears*
wait, if mom can really cook then....
uuhhh i see nipple wow
Lost my punctuation there for a moment.
peek a booooo!!
hot emma. hope you got laid something feirce tonight (and screamed my name)
*clears throat*
happy HNT!
"Be sensual and slow if you need to..."
Eek! I just keep thinking, yeah, and with a fist full of hair so you'd put up with it.
Apologies, Emma. Not for the hair-pulling part, of course. :-)
Sweet dreams, you deserve it.
Your husband is a good man...
from your big sweet HNT daddy!
pinch those nipples baby
Damn, Damn, Damn that's hot.
nice really nice.
Just can not beat the boobie shot.
Happy (or in your case horny) HNT
Ok..thats just not fair...thats like a window at a peep show that just stops half way up...wrong..wrong...for teasing.
devil!!!! long time no see pal.
emma, our sidebar on our blog is all fuckered up and down at the bottom of the page. you know how to fix that shit?
You are so fucking hot!
So, there I am, going through the toll booth yesterday, on my way to the beach, and suddenly I start thinking about have mad, angry, knock her down sex with the fucking toll taker - a hot looking Haitian chick with a big smile. wtf, Emma?
Damn Em, that was hot
Very nice!!!
Hope "the boys" & the rest of you got what you needed!!!
Wish I had someone to help with my pics. Yeah... my self timer loves me but...
Happy HNT!!!
Oh my.... you're delicious ;9
Reasons I love this post:
1. Emma naked in a bathroom ALL ALONE.
2. Emma naked on the bed
3. Emma naked and being pinned down on the bed
4. The word "pummeling"
5. Emma naked and taking HNT pics for us
6. Emma naked
7. Emma naked
8. Emma naked
And that smokin' hot pic at the end!
I sooo love HNT!
Someone should grant you sainthood for your charity work in this field Emma!! (lol)
Nice fuckin' pic!!! I am gonna be useless for the rest of the day now, but it was worth it!
Yes, take it off!! Be your naughtiest Em!! Damn...
Holy fucknuts woman!
Ok, now i'm going back to work with a noticable bulge in my pants ... thanks
WOW. There's so many comments here I couldn't possibly hit all of you..!!!
Ummm, k, lets just start by saying thanks!!! :D
and well, I can be pursueded to lift the shirt... I CAN!
er. dont make me change this picture... FUCK.
Thom, you better take that dare back!!!
and of course my lovely Rocket man heard that loud and clear from the recesses of space! LOL
Yes I did, like a sonic boom. But thank gawd for what happens behind the iron curtain. ;-)
uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
fucker(s), don't do it... i gotta picture on my jump drive that freak you ALL the fuck out.
well, prolly not you shy. ;)
dont dare THOM.. don't dare unless you mean it!
try me... all of me
put that goddamn picture up now goddammit!!!!!
If you can get 6 guys to dare me (from this comments section)
Then I'll do it.
Make it a game fuckers... play hard.
As your attorney, I advise you to better define "this comments section" unless you wanna be flapping in the wind in a few minutes.
More pics, more skin-- more more more more...
I feel faint just thinking about it.
btw - sexy belly button piercing
No Dares yet... just begging?
Interesting, its from the women even!!! NICE ladies!!! NICE!!
very cool, the women are on fire today!
you know, i have to agree with my personal ass(istant) here emma...
Blondie - Ummm, you know... your dare counts honey...
OOOOOHHHHH Your dare counts... K, that's noted.
2 dares, hmmm. I'm totally feeling the pressure now.
I sooooooooo dare you.....
*licking lips*
Please :)
Crikies, guys, Thomcat and I need a little help here. Here's how you dare instead of beg or demand:
Emma, I cool-stare double-dare put-on-backwards-underwear dare you to post that photo. Unless you're chicken.
Figleaf - That was indeed a proper dare.
So that's 3 dares... hmmmm.
Im tellin ya, you're not gonna make it!!! We ran into this issue some time back even!!!
Dum dee dum dum... so Em, you seen the latest payload?
Figleaf - I don't think she has the boys to do it..., i mean guts to do it...
Okay now y'all are calling me chicken, I don't do chicken well.
Post the other picture!!
hi, i'd like to try some chicken ala emma please...
now em
is that amount of nipple fair to our dear dzer?
i mean that's like extra tease or something...
hmmm how i like my quarter pounders
Sass, Dzer doesn't come around these parts so I have no idea.
Quarter pounder? where? lol!
Blondie - I know it! DAMMIT... I may be caving any minute.
Post the pic and I'll pull your pigtails...
Keep it together Em, no matter how whet you get. Make them play by your rules. Remember it's payback time. However, I do think you'll be goin' IPO before the end of the day. Their stock is rising... among other things.
also? i note that we have the same jewellry in our navels but mine has a black bead. wait i changed it, now it's not matching... maybe i'll change back.
i assumed you'd had it all along and didn't always elect to wear it.
also? i double dog dare your exhibitionist ass to post the other pic in ADDITION to the one that's there :P
check the time warp em...
K, you know what... there's some serious power players requesting this picture....
Christ Thom Dared, Chickened and Addendumded.... hmmm.
*almost grabbing jump drive, almost*
you know you want to
don't make me bribe ya with more smut!
i dare you and shit, now post the fuckin' picture before you go on our shitlist!!!
Fine FUckers FINE
i swear i'll send pbc over here and insult every fuckin' body that dares comment here. i'll even give him the green light to use racial slurs!!!!!!!
Ok -- just refreshed and no new pic...
C'mon ... you know you want to...
We want you to...
amen! now that is a HAWT picture!
major blushing... AWWW BOYS, didja hear that???
*orders mongolian beef*
I wanna touch...and do other naughty things to that slice of perfection you call a body....
Come closer,
OOOO, that's nice---
*licks computer screen*
I'd comment but I'm too busy sucking on those beautiful nipples of yours....
you're fucking GORGEOUS baby!
wow, now there's a visual I want to capture Sullen... NICE!
Callie - Youre welcome
no, that picture stays up permanently.
OMG..I had to look again!
Still fuckin' unbelieveable...
How is it you manage to make an otherwise straight girl wanna do such bad things to you?
Must be voodoo or something...
But I don't care!
Leave it up so I will have something to gaze longingly at for the rest of the day would ya'?
Jesus Woman!
Dammit! Now you've done it! You have turned my harem into a bunch of drooling bi-sexuals over you!!! fucker!
Seriously ladies... I'll take ya'll on, like I said my social calendar is way open!
besides, at this point the only compliments and blushes I've gotten is from the ladies!!!
So fuck the men then, apparently they don't appreciate nice ta-ta's!!!
LOL! luvums for the harem bump Thom... luvums.
Em, I wouldn't dare you to do anything. You have more balls than a lot of the guys. Sorry guys!
Very raunchy HNT. ;
Has Nice Tits ...
Now there's an HNT & I'm thinking new profile pic??? I girl can dream....
This would make a great centerfold addition.
You are absolutely breath taking Emma... I wonder if it will in fact take more than hot pockets to gain your attention.
I can't believe you posted a full frontal shot. Alright, actually knowing you I can...
Yet and still I think I'll have to turn on some charm now.
I'm certainly glad I came back here today! My timing appears to be perfect! Realize I would have joined in on the chorus of dares, but I know you would have just sent me the picture anyway, since I AM the wise and powerful Os!! ;-)
You're looking mighty fine, my dear!
And an extra--I want to be #100!
next week you gotta do a spread-eagle penetration shot. come on guys, start darin' her!!!!
Suze - Thanks honey, I do have some balls... so, where's my hummer?
Callie - loved the ackronymn, thinking we could do a trade? How about you wipe the mirror and send it to me?
Shawn - Don't even start... Don't even... remember plutonic (deep breath) plutonic.
Os!!! - Thanks baby :) I'm glad you stopped by again too!! Just in time for me to blast this pic back off the page!!
Scum - Errr, no baby no... no way.
Murph - K, thanks but ummm, again... the strap on is good, no Hilary Clinton mask no.
Damn, too think I had been wasting my time over on Murphy's blog talking about fishing!!!!
Unbelievable. Whatever the dare is next, I dare you
Sounds like hubby liked what he read in certain posts. You are welcome, and thanks for the pic.
LOL Kristen oh Kristen...
K, well ummm, Im not doing the penetration shot... so, don't dare me on that honey...
there hasn't been another dare tabled sooo. let's just not!!
emma!!! pbc's on his way over now!
" this point the only compliments and blushes I've gotten is from the ladies!!!"
Still not sure anyone but Obasso's complemented you on the men's side of the aisle.
Half the rest of the people on the planet have boobies, Emma, none of them are lucky enough to have yours. They're kissable, scratchable,squeezable, cup-able, ice-cube-able, hot-mouthable, spankable, snuggle-able, if-these-are-boys-I'm-switching-teams-able, if-not-I'm-glad-I'm-straight-able beauties that look exactly right on you. And while I'm handing out complements, not everyone can whip off a t-shirt with that gracefully, and for such a wild, down-and-dirty woman you look serenely poised.
Pretty titties!
p.s. I figured you were too chicken to leave the other pic up. The peekaboo effect was sweet and the sweet space between your shirt bottom and jeans reminded me why I have a serious where's-the-12-step-program, Hi-my-name-is-figleaf-and-I'm-an-abdomenaholic torso fetish.
I'll take what I can get.
Great shot
OH shit.
Jesus Scum... good job!
You're welcome Mongoose ;)
I know, I'm late, but shit I was out trying to round up something good for dinner ... awesome set of tits, Emma, awesome.
Still just as breathtaking as it was when you first posted it.... {{{drool}}}
thank you emma for brightening my day and inspiring me!
very lovely ta ta's very lovely...
um what i go to work for two hours and i miss it?
how is that fair?
Lol...I can't leave you for a minute can I? I'm gone for a few days and you fall apart...It's a good thing I wasn't around to say anything before (smirking)...Sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for....Somebody might actually give it to you....again..and again...and get the picture...and if you didn't get the can picture this....naked twister.....(wink,wink)
Dammit!! I leave for a little while to be a mature respnsible parent and the nudity went away!! WTF???
A show of hands ... who saved it????
i did, but it will cost ya ...
btw, it's nice to know that today i wasn't the official comment killer!
Ha ha, I saved it too! How about an auction?
hehe he is such a tease!
HHNT Em babe!
oh crapo,
I should have saved the pic you posted only temporarily... that one was NIIIICE.
if you find an extra moment, Emma, tricky lick that you are, would you send that first pic onto my email?
much abused,
very naughty, but very nice!
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