Flip-flopper seeks sexual healing
K folks, if any of you know anything about elderly norwegian women then you know they are stubborn, bull headish, and intensely uninterested in taking authoritative orders....
*sigh* grandma is still kicking, but insists on being a pain in my ass as it pertains to her care.
God love her, she's just like me.
But how am I? Err well, I guess I'm hanging in there.
I can't dwell on the sorrow of her illness because it just drags me down, so I've worked all evening to adjust my way of thinking and bounce back. Yesterday was a good day for me to just release the harbored feelings of losing her and concentrate fully on her still being around.
It's amazing what you can learn from your Grandmother when you're all alone and she's high from the morphine drip.
Things such as (I'm qouting here people, no joke) :
1. I always hated catty women with their noses up in the air like that. I enjoyed the men more, because they always made me feel special... nope, never cared for women... bitches.
2. I loved your grandfather so much, I remember I used to cheat on him all the time... it made him jealous and kept him around... it's okay to do that you know sweetie, they like that.
*shock horror*
3. There's nothing wrong with marijuana, I tried it once... I found it to be really fun. What I wouldn't give for a marijuana cigarette right now.
4. Your grandfather never wanted to eat dinner, he wanted his double gin and tonic before he'd even touch food... every night...
5. Do you have chocolate in your purse? Say you have a candy bar for me.
OMG, where is my mother... checking time... Come on Mom, say you'll be here before I find out that those are silicon implants protruding from their chest.
(well, they were... circa 1976 breast implants... nice great... err)
I've had to find a way to concentrate on myself for my health and to avoid stress. Since I couldn't get any of the nurses to slip me some meds, my mother and I got skunk drunk on Saturday night. Drinking with Mom was a treat, and oh so necessary since we had not spent good quality time together... Ever gotten drunk with your mother? Again, interesting conversations that are not necessary but shed insight on family secrets that I could have lived without knowing... for a while anyway.
My mom rocked the entertainment life style when she was younger (you tart!)... I had no idea she dated some very popular people... celebrities even... Anybody remember that song "The Letter" by the Box Tops? HA.
----> yeah, my mom planted that flag. Nice girl, really she was... "My baby, wrote me a letter." Catchy, isn't it? Envisioning mom doing the go-go thing... then taking dude back to the hotel... jesus...
<---- little shocked and convinced that I will never hear that song the same way again.
So, when not drinking with my mom... or manning the 'emergency nurse button' for my sweet and spicy grandmother I'm taking this shit out on my husband... which apparently is not too healthy. He's got a sinus infection but I'm not letting him sleep.
oh no people, no rest for him... I need fucked, it's the only way to take out my stress.
So, I come home.. kids go to bed... I concentrate a little on the important things in life. And then as husband hits the sheets and drifts into a soft slumber...
I pummel the fucker.
Yes, pummel... I take it because I really don't expect for him to be all gung-ho when he can barely breath through his nose and his face hurts... poor baby. So I go down on him, he wakes up, asks me what the fuck? Realizes he has a mouth on his dick, smiles, and just lets me go to town... HA. Like he minds that I'm riding him in the middle of the night? Duh, NO.
I think I worked him over for a good hour last night.... Had a hard time acheiving a nice full orgasm BUT, I did cum and I did feel better and it was just enough for me to fall into a deep sleep.
I love using my husband like a tool. Best method of stress relief EVER.
So that's what I'm hinging on to keep me sane... sex. Because even when my world crashes around me and I lose everything I still need a stiff one... It's sick kinda, but at least I can identify with appropriate therapy and self medicate!
Alright, time to wrap up this post and let y'all know that I appreciated your shout outs yesterday... and the hugs and kisses I received *blush*. I have the day off but my schedule will be packed with getting grams to the hospice and fucking my husband. Which... *checking time*... needs to start right about now.
*sigh* grandma is still kicking, but insists on being a pain in my ass as it pertains to her care.
God love her, she's just like me.

I can't dwell on the sorrow of her illness because it just drags me down, so I've worked all evening to adjust my way of thinking and bounce back. Yesterday was a good day for me to just release the harbored feelings of losing her and concentrate fully on her still being around.
It's amazing what you can learn from your Grandmother when you're all alone and she's high from the morphine drip.
Things such as (I'm qouting here people, no joke) :
1. I always hated catty women with their noses up in the air like that. I enjoyed the men more, because they always made me feel special... nope, never cared for women... bitches.
2. I loved your grandfather so much, I remember I used to cheat on him all the time... it made him jealous and kept him around... it's okay to do that you know sweetie, they like that.
*shock horror*
3. There's nothing wrong with marijuana, I tried it once... I found it to be really fun. What I wouldn't give for a marijuana cigarette right now.
4. Your grandfather never wanted to eat dinner, he wanted his double gin and tonic before he'd even touch food... every night...
5. Do you have chocolate in your purse? Say you have a candy bar for me.
OMG, where is my mother... checking time... Come on Mom, say you'll be here before I find out that those are silicon implants protruding from their chest.
(well, they were... circa 1976 breast implants... nice great... err)
I've had to find a way to concentrate on myself for my health and to avoid stress. Since I couldn't get any of the nurses to slip me some meds, my mother and I got skunk drunk on Saturday night. Drinking with Mom was a treat, and oh so necessary since we had not spent good quality time together... Ever gotten drunk with your mother? Again, interesting conversations that are not necessary but shed insight on family secrets that I could have lived without knowing... for a while anyway.
My mom rocked the entertainment life style when she was younger (you tart!)... I had no idea she dated some very popular people... celebrities even... Anybody remember that song "The Letter" by the Box Tops? HA.
----> yeah, my mom planted that flag. Nice girl, really she was... "My baby, wrote me a letter." Catchy, isn't it? Envisioning mom doing the go-go thing... then taking dude back to the hotel... jesus...
<---- little shocked and convinced that I will never hear that song the same way again.
So, when not drinking with my mom... or manning the 'emergency nurse button' for my sweet and spicy grandmother I'm taking this shit out on my husband... which apparently is not too healthy. He's got a sinus infection but I'm not letting him sleep.
oh no people, no rest for him... I need fucked, it's the only way to take out my stress.
So, I come home.. kids go to bed... I concentrate a little on the important things in life. And then as husband hits the sheets and drifts into a soft slumber...
I pummel the fucker.

I think I worked him over for a good hour last night.... Had a hard time acheiving a nice full orgasm BUT, I did cum and I did feel better and it was just enough for me to fall into a deep sleep.
I love using my husband like a tool. Best method of stress relief EVER.
So that's what I'm hinging on to keep me sane... sex. Because even when my world crashes around me and I lose everything I still need a stiff one... It's sick kinda, but at least I can identify with appropriate therapy and self medicate!
Alright, time to wrap up this post and let y'all know that I appreciated your shout outs yesterday... and the hugs and kisses I received *blush*. I have the day off but my schedule will be packed with getting grams to the hospice and fucking my husband. Which... *checking time*... needs to start right about now.
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Em, do what ever keeps you sane during this rough time. I agree the sex thing definitely makes me feel better.
BTW, your Gran sounds so cool.
*hugs & smooches*
Yeah, she rocks... If only I'd had a joint and a candy bar, it would all be good!!!
Sex is so terribly therapeutical for me. I'll be surprised if I make it out of bed long enough to get grams to the hospice :D
Hub loves it though... best evening and morning he's had in awhile...
Thanks Suz and Alex, you two are the tops!
Emma, they should ALL be like you - seriously serious, all ...
Why tequila guy, did I do something unique and special?
can I?
Morning Thom...
now that would be a nice way to wake up ...
Wow, so I'm thinking perhaps you have something in mind?
Care to enlighten me? I'm fresh out of the shower... dripping, toweled, clean...
k, go for it.
Dammit, I'm all over being on top of people...
reminescent even.
Oh yeah ...
The day before my grandmother had her leathal stroke she informed me that she never liked to have anything in her twat including my grandfather.
Yes my grandmother used the word twat and now that will be my last memory of her.
Thanks Gran!
I refuse to go drinking with my mom because she flashes her tits at everyone, doesn't she realize that's my job!!!
LMAO Madame- yeah, Im trying not to be irritated that my mother has pulled more celebrity play than I have!!!
See, now my grams used whoo-ha. I'm not sure which is worse really...
ok life is cruel. i wished that i would be woken up to emma licking me...and what happens ?
i got licked by emma this morning. however, this emma that licked me is a dog that i'm dogsitting for a friend ...
Hot Thom, you got peanut butter then?
Sug - LMAO Sounds like a reality show, doesn't it? No, continue to crack me the fuck up.. I welcome it!
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I wish I could wake up to someone licking me.......Lucky man
You could Kristen, you could.
Call me, I'll come over for St. Patricks Day and body paint you.
Now that sounds like a hell of a Saint Patricks Day
Good luck to your husband. BTW, EN, I participated in your blog posse game. Quite fun.
please tell me you snuck her a joint or a pot brownie?
my thoughts are with you babe, be well... get laid and smoke a j for yourself too.
Emma, I have a bucket of paint and a pound of grass ... can I tag along?
OXOXOXO -- slobber, slobber!!!
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