Posse UP
Interesting question was asked of me about a week ago. ..
Whilst discussing movies over drinks with a friend, he prompted the almighty brain craning question of:
"If you had a posse, made entirely of movie characters... Who would they be... NOT the actors/actresses.... But the characters."
"Posse? Like an entourage?"
"No, posse as in 'you're going to do something mischievous or ass kicking and you need your clan to back you up... Like an Ocean's 11 or something like that."
"Christ, I don't know... How many can I pick?"
"Hmmm, okay you can pick 13."
"Thirteen? Holy shit.. No way, that's not a posse... That's a small company."
"I know Emma, you can do it... Now pick up the tab."
Alright well this was a tough one to say the least... I sat and finished my Baileys and coffee while pondering for like fifteen minutes but only came up with a mere few. Then I realized that, damn, there were so many!!!
I asked my dear friend if I could ponder it and let him know; but after some quick negotiation it was agreed that I would post the list in here, with a brief explanation of why.
Never go drinking with an editor.
So here it is, for all of you wonderful people to enjoy. LMAO.
1. Verbal Kint/Kayser Soze - Great planner, manipulator, and strategist. This would be the man that could strategize just about every step of the plan... In the same instance though, you'd really have to 'watch' him... So he didn't screw you out of the 'goal.'
I could see him being the mastermind of the operation without us even knowing the wiser. But since he has no tactical skill or physical endurance in fighting or arms, he would absolutely need the rest of us.
Madame watched this very movie tonight, read her little ditty on Verbal and the rest of the clan on the movie.
2. Hannibal King - Can you say DUH. He'd be there for kicks and kills. Any man with that attitude wrapped up in that physic can be on my squad anyday.
Seriously though, it has nothing to do with his body, or even the way he handles his guns...
um.... Or the way the sweat just kinda drips down the abs in that scene where he gets his ass kicked by that bitch vampire with teeth in her vagina.
No No, definitely the sarcastic but lovable fucking hilarious personality the guy has. Whoever wrote this character knew who I would assume to be my perfect man socially.
Besides... He's a vampire slayer!!!
3. Willy Wonka - Alright, any lady knows why this is. Ummm, fucking Chocolatier on your posse!!!
Every woman needs one of those!!! I chose the more recent (Johnny Depp) version of Willy Wonka over the (Gene Wilder) older flick. I think Tim Burton did a great job with the enigmatic of capturing the Willy Wonka character from the original book by Ronald Dahl.
The glasses he wears could potentially save him from nuclear holocaust (like a locust) and he carries that walking stick (which could be modified to be lethal); so really he's a perfect fit with a talent I could use always... Chocolate for me and my team.
No really though, I adore Willy Wonka's character and boyishness to keep me young at heart... His keen fashion sense... The neurosis which could keep me laughing...
and that awesome Oompa Loompa for mud wrestling.
K, this is getting weird. Moving on.
4. Doc Holiday - lover and Weapons Guy *sigh*
What gets me HOT about Doc Holiday? Jesus Christ I have no idea, is it the accent? The verbose? The sickly complexion? Maybe the blase' attitude? Or the fact that the character is terminal like me... And thus doesn't give a fuck - like me?
He's highly intellectual, cultured and dangerous... Triple threat.
I like it A LOT.
Because of the reasons above, I assume the character would be an awesome lover between the sheets. Nice.
Doc Holiday lights me up like 2 month old Christmas wrap in the fireplace, especially when he says the trademark line in the gun fight with Jonny Ringo.... *sigh*
He's a bad ass, he goes out fighting... And he's loyal. He's some one I'd want watching my back... Side. I'd not wear my bustle for him anyday. I guess I'm a daisy then.
Let's get some broads in on this...
5. Maggie (Point of No Return) - Sure she's a little fucked up as far as manners are concerned, but that's the way I like her... Honestly she's cool like that. Rough, vulgar, reckless.
She cleans up well and I can totally use her as my manipulator.
If that doesn't work, she can take the fucker out with a sniper rifle from 120 feet away.
We could smoke cigars together after the kill and talk about the mantra we share "I never did mind the little things."
6. Umm, another Maggie (Addicted to Love) - I think her position would be Creative Co-ordinator and surveillance. Yeah, she's a kick ass stalker.
I'm trying to convince myself it's not Meg Ryan I'm in love with... And it's tough. BUT nonetheless, I really think she would be a great addition to my posse. Not only is she lovelorn and psychotic, the girl is downright creative in the raw sense.
This is the girl who would stick bubblegum on her shoe and walk through your high-pile carpet on purpose. I could work Maggie on the inside just to watch her stick a roofie in your drink... Right uner your nose.
Then she'd mud wrestle with me on the off hours, or sit and watch movies while eating Ben & Jerry's.
7. Trinity - She rocks the PVC body suit, can take out 20 people in a room in 45 seconds... And keeps up with the boys. I think what I like most about her is that I could use her for Security and Technical issues as well as sphincter bludgeoning.
She's by far the most intelligent emotionally of all women characters, and committed.
I dig her because she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve like some others, and she works the high heels while doing her aerial kicks.
She'd definitely be on my fight squad, and good for a quick sparring round before the battle.
8. Karl (Sneakers) - He'd be my gopher and covert ops, and well my Swiss Army Knife posse guy.... Only because he's a genius but still innocent enough to corrupt...
I mean to teach the tricks of the trade, err ....
Should I want to retire with Hannibal King to the Caribbean... Or somewhere in Amsterdam, he will be smart and capable enough to run the operation for a while until our return.
His character can do just about anything really, and is endearing enough to fool even the most perceptive of security guards.
I just love Karl... he's cute and clueless.. kinda.
9. Rogue - Necessity here. She's getting a bad rap I think. I could use her as my Lethal Seductress.
I can see her being the one that lulls them back to the room, strips for em, gets their guard down (and their pants)... And then goes down on them.... Only to have the life literally sucked out of their body. Cool.
Really the character has skills, not utilized in the X-Men comics or movies... Can you imagine? Nuff said.
I know I know, there's not supposed to be any 'heroes' in this... BUT, come on!!! She's a hottie in gloves and a large hooded cape!!!
And you gotta admit that white stripe through her hair is smokin'.
10. I'm cheating, because I have to put Gil Grissom on here... And he's not a movie character.
Gil would be my Forensics expert and Informational intelligence person. Though ultimately he's most likely be my mind fuck first and foremost. Wise, cultured, and learned beyond his capacity; he still keeps the sense of humor... twisted, but there.
He'd always play hard to get and never give me a straight answer... but he's smart, and perceptive... and unabaiting. I have a crush on Gil Grissom people, it's a sick crush... I need his brain on my team. Well that and I need to stare at this grey hair.
I could read Balzac with Gil, and we could cuddle. We could have wine and listen to a contierto... hmmm... anybody ever been totally turned on by intellectual conversation?
sorry, just a random question.
11. Jason Bourne - The guy is a killing and escaping machine. He would be on the team for strategy, ass kicking, and identity protection.
I think that the Bourne character is a great one because it's human, but yet so fiercely propelled by something it doesn't completely understand. I mean, that character was projected to show that even a cold hearted operative can get amnesia... fall in love and disappear to India.
Jason Bourne is a good invisible man to have on the team, great escape artist... smart and keen when it comes to strategy... and the boyish face is to die for. NO, to die for.
He'd be the car chase man, the driver, and the one that gets away to bail the rest of us out when we need it... I'd need Jason Bourne for certain.
Hi Matt!
12. Inga (Young Frankenstien)- Personal Assistant.
HA. No seriously, hot!! Terri Garr in her younger years... my god have mercy.
BUT, we're talking about the character in whole... So who wouldn't want a hot swedish chick in a hay cart with cleavage stacked to her chin asking you in you want "A roll in da hay?"
She can assist me with my daily needs while still maintaining her ditzy-ness and ability to underthink shit. Definetly my PA... absofuckinglutely.
13. This was a toss up. It was either Jimme Conway (Goodfellas) or Rusty Ryan (Oceans 11/12). I figured I had enough bad asses in my clan.. I need a playboy that's a thief... So I opted for Rusty. I know I know, but ladies... I'm not a Brad Pitt fan.. i just can't get into it... is something wrong with me?
I like the Rusty Ryan character because he's a ladies man, but knows how to bolt and when. He's also a great clepto with a smile that could melt a marshmellow... and the guy always has a plan.. So I'd need him for strategy too I guess... hmmm.
Could be fun to watch him and Inga go back and forth while Maggie #1 cleans the weapons with Jason and Gil admires his pig fetus in a jar. I, of course would be sitting with Doc and Verbal, waiting for Hannibal to call on my bluff.
I'd have to let Karl fetch a candy bar occasionally so Maggie #2 wouldn't get too unstable and bother Willy... Trinity get's pissed when she does that because the licorice is just not right when he's bothered.
14. Yeah, I'm adding an extra... because I think Sass and I agree that she should be here. Abigail Whistler. HOLY FUCK... if I were straight, she would convert me. I'd have her on the crossbow and lazer whip 24/7.
She's more than a vampire slayer, she's freakin' heart breaker.
This girl can kick ass with the best of them, and she's friggin eye candy. Smart, strong, and ready at all times to spar... she rocks her ipod as she works.
Any girl that whistles while she works, works for me.
And like Sass says "her shoulders alone were worth the price of admission. "
So THERE's my list... I'm watching a movie... But it's most likely porn since I have a review due. Isn't it kinda sad when you get put-off because you have to watch porn?
What the fuck is wrong with me? I think I need to get laid... like, now.
Whilst discussing movies over drinks with a friend, he prompted the almighty brain craning question of:
"If you had a posse, made entirely of movie characters... Who would they be... NOT the actors/actresses.... But the characters."
"Posse? Like an entourage?"
"No, posse as in 'you're going to do something mischievous or ass kicking and you need your clan to back you up... Like an Ocean's 11 or something like that."
"Christ, I don't know... How many can I pick?"
"Hmmm, okay you can pick 13."
"Thirteen? Holy shit.. No way, that's not a posse... That's a small company."
"I know Emma, you can do it... Now pick up the tab."
Alright well this was a tough one to say the least... I sat and finished my Baileys and coffee while pondering for like fifteen minutes but only came up with a mere few. Then I realized that, damn, there were so many!!!
I asked my dear friend if I could ponder it and let him know; but after some quick negotiation it was agreed that I would post the list in here, with a brief explanation of why.
Never go drinking with an editor.
So here it is, for all of you wonderful people to enjoy. LMAO.

I could see him being the mastermind of the operation without us even knowing the wiser. But since he has no tactical skill or physical endurance in fighting or arms, he would absolutely need the rest of us.
Madame watched this very movie tonight, read her little ditty on Verbal and the rest of the clan on the movie.

Seriously though, it has nothing to do with his body, or even the way he handles his guns...
um.... Or the way the sweat just kinda drips down the abs in that scene where he gets his ass kicked by that bitch vampire with teeth in her vagina.
No No, definitely the sarcastic but lovable fucking hilarious personality the guy has. Whoever wrote this character knew who I would assume to be my perfect man socially.
Besides... He's a vampire slayer!!!

Every woman needs one of those!!! I chose the more recent (Johnny Depp) version of Willy Wonka over the (Gene Wilder) older flick. I think Tim Burton did a great job with the enigmatic of capturing the Willy Wonka character from the original book by Ronald Dahl.
The glasses he wears could potentially save him from nuclear holocaust (like a locust) and he carries that walking stick (which could be modified to be lethal); so really he's a perfect fit with a talent I could use always... Chocolate for me and my team.
No really though, I adore Willy Wonka's character and boyishness to keep me young at heart... His keen fashion sense... The neurosis which could keep me laughing...
and that awesome Oompa Loompa for mud wrestling.
K, this is getting weird. Moving on.

What gets me HOT about Doc Holiday? Jesus Christ I have no idea, is it the accent? The verbose? The sickly complexion? Maybe the blase' attitude? Or the fact that the character is terminal like me... And thus doesn't give a fuck - like me?
He's highly intellectual, cultured and dangerous... Triple threat.
I like it A LOT.
Because of the reasons above, I assume the character would be an awesome lover between the sheets. Nice.
Doc Holiday lights me up like 2 month old Christmas wrap in the fireplace, especially when he says the trademark line in the gun fight with Jonny Ringo.... *sigh*
He's a bad ass, he goes out fighting... And he's loyal. He's some one I'd want watching my back... Side. I'd not wear my bustle for him anyday. I guess I'm a daisy then.
Let's get some broads in on this...

She cleans up well and I can totally use her as my manipulator.
If that doesn't work, she can take the fucker out with a sniper rifle from 120 feet away.
We could smoke cigars together after the kill and talk about the mantra we share "I never did mind the little things."

I'm trying to convince myself it's not Meg Ryan I'm in love with... And it's tough. BUT nonetheless, I really think she would be a great addition to my posse. Not only is she lovelorn and psychotic, the girl is downright creative in the raw sense.
This is the girl who would stick bubblegum on her shoe and walk through your high-pile carpet on purpose. I could work Maggie on the inside just to watch her stick a roofie in your drink... Right uner your nose.
Then she'd mud wrestle with me on the off hours, or sit and watch movies while eating Ben & Jerry's.

She's by far the most intelligent emotionally of all women characters, and committed.
I dig her because she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve like some others, and she works the high heels while doing her aerial kicks.
She'd definitely be on my fight squad, and good for a quick sparring round before the battle.

I mean to teach the tricks of the trade, err ....
Should I want to retire with Hannibal King to the Caribbean... Or somewhere in Amsterdam, he will be smart and capable enough to run the operation for a while until our return.
His character can do just about anything really, and is endearing enough to fool even the most perceptive of security guards.
I just love Karl... he's cute and clueless.. kinda.

I can see her being the one that lulls them back to the room, strips for em, gets their guard down (and their pants)... And then goes down on them.... Only to have the life literally sucked out of their body. Cool.
Really the character has skills, not utilized in the X-Men comics or movies... Can you imagine? Nuff said.
I know I know, there's not supposed to be any 'heroes' in this... BUT, come on!!! She's a hottie in gloves and a large hooded cape!!!
And you gotta admit that white stripe through her hair is smokin'.

Gil would be my Forensics expert and Informational intelligence person. Though ultimately he's most likely be my mind fuck first and foremost. Wise, cultured, and learned beyond his capacity; he still keeps the sense of humor... twisted, but there.
He'd always play hard to get and never give me a straight answer... but he's smart, and perceptive... and unabaiting. I have a crush on Gil Grissom people, it's a sick crush... I need his brain on my team. Well that and I need to stare at this grey hair.
I could read Balzac with Gil, and we could cuddle. We could have wine and listen to a contierto... hmmm... anybody ever been totally turned on by intellectual conversation?
sorry, just a random question.

I think that the Bourne character is a great one because it's human, but yet so fiercely propelled by something it doesn't completely understand. I mean, that character was projected to show that even a cold hearted operative can get amnesia... fall in love and disappear to India.
Jason Bourne is a good invisible man to have on the team, great escape artist... smart and keen when it comes to strategy... and the boyish face is to die for. NO, to die for.
He'd be the car chase man, the driver, and the one that gets away to bail the rest of us out when we need it... I'd need Jason Bourne for certain.
Hi Matt!

HA. No seriously, hot!! Terri Garr in her younger years... my god have mercy.
BUT, we're talking about the character in whole... So who wouldn't want a hot swedish chick in a hay cart with cleavage stacked to her chin asking you in you want "A roll in da hay?"
She can assist me with my daily needs while still maintaining her ditzy-ness and ability to underthink shit. Definetly my PA... absofuckinglutely.

I like the Rusty Ryan character because he's a ladies man, but knows how to bolt and when. He's also a great clepto with a smile that could melt a marshmellow... and the guy always has a plan.. So I'd need him for strategy too I guess... hmmm.
Could be fun to watch him and Inga go back and forth while Maggie #1 cleans the weapons with Jason and Gil admires his pig fetus in a jar. I, of course would be sitting with Doc and Verbal, waiting for Hannibal to call on my bluff.
I'd have to let Karl fetch a candy bar occasionally so Maggie #2 wouldn't get too unstable and bother Willy... Trinity get's pissed when she does that because the licorice is just not right when he's bothered.

She's more than a vampire slayer, she's freakin' heart breaker.
This girl can kick ass with the best of them, and she's friggin eye candy. Smart, strong, and ready at all times to spar... she rocks her ipod as she works.
Any girl that whistles while she works, works for me.
And like Sass says "her shoulders alone were worth the price of admission. "
So THERE's my list... I'm watching a movie... But it's most likely porn since I have a review due. Isn't it kinda sad when you get put-off because you have to watch porn?
What the fuck is wrong with me? I think I need to get laid... like, now.
wow dude
i like your list
and clearly i missed a tizzy when i didn't see that blade with jessica hottie and rockin ryan
silly me. her shoulders alone were worth the price of admission.
No I totally agree... and I was tossing that up, you think I could do a fourteen? Like a bonus????
You just gave me another reason to be an actress...*sigh* I wanna be in the posse!!!!
ryan reynolds and doc holiday are difenatly on mine those characters are so cool
but i would take arnold from t2 indestructable between them three and me we could handle anything the rest would be women. so that we always were getting pussy. jen gardner, abigail wheezler, the model from wiked game video, steven tylers daugther liv, the lady from underworld, the lady from van heslen, I like tough bitches lol
trinnity, the mechanic from serinty, ginger lynn, anna nicole smith { everyone needs a drunk bitch} and last but not least Emma.
Can I steal it?
Can I?
can I?
BTW I got 12 inches last night...of snow.
A girl can dream...
Miss Innocent - Recruiting begins in a week, so you have plenty of time to prepare your angle for my posse :)
Jay - Wow! Good list! I did ponder Liv Tyler's character in the Lord of the Rings for a moment, but wasn't sure about the whole elfin' magic! LMAO...
Madame - of COURSE you can steal it!!! I would love to see your list! Just keep in mind that you need a good team behind you at all times so choose carefully so that no matter the plan, the bases are covered :)
Jesus girl, could you take 12 inches?!?! Even I cringe a little at that one!!!
ahhhh... snow.... what fun? LOL
EN I am not sure if I could take 12 inches but ya know what...
I am willing to try!
As long as it doesn't break you in half madame... LOL.
Seriously, I think the most I've gotten is 9.. and that was a pillow biter!
I can't wait to see your list :O
Oh maaaannnn... I dont stand a chance against THAT group.
I'd keep you back at the base Shy, for my own personal usage.
You'd be my Emma tool.
and you think I could handle that...? like I said, I dont stand a chance. but, it would be a great way to go!
Nice ring to it, "Hi, I'm Shy and Emma Tool."
"You're a tool, are you?"
yeah the really big ones can hurt. especially if he isn't considerate enough with it.
Gentle is KEY... KEY.
Be gentile with that thing Shy, I'll run out of pillows.
*waving to Sass and pinching her ass for seeing right through me*
It would be a lot easier if I could get this $%@ spacesuit off!
Wait, isn't there a velcro strap in the back? ANd how the hell am I supposed to make out with you through that bubble helmet.
*looking for raincoat*
Christ Shy- Let me ponder your email for a bit while i cook breakfast.... and then we'll work on getting you out of that space suit.
mmmm. bacon. hot!
i should make a list of my ideal harem. 13 members ? might be interesting. ...
No velcro on this thing. Supposed to withstand the perils of space. But wait, okay hold it... there's... a small explosive button... here that helps me unzip... mmph... out of this thing... grunt... just tryin' ta reach it... uh hnhmnhmh... got it, okay here goes... PULL!
POOF! Kaaaapoooosh...
Thom- It's not a harem honey, It's a posse... My harem would be completely different
I'd like to see your list for a kick ass covert team though.
Shy!!! COME BACK!!!
K, really I have to get breakfast started... love to all, check in wit' ya later...
uh oh - a challenge. i don't want many movies, but i shall do my best to assemble my special ops team today.
Very nice choices - I so like the way you think.
Ahhh you so win! Doc Holiday -- I have been a HUGE HUGE Val Kilmer fan FOREVER.... "I'll be your huckleberry" Em! ;)
what i like about your list is that it's filled with hotties and yet there's also ggod and practical reasons for all of them.
that's my kinda thinking.
Em, some excellent choices. Very interesting idea, I may need to borrow this in the future. ;)
and god damm maggie from point of no return was hot as hell.
though the french lady? from the original la femme nikita? she was dirty hot instead.
it's funny how many folks compare me to trinity. i don't see it at all. maybe cause she doesn't really do it for me so i'm in denial?
Creativity 101. Thanks for taking the time and thanks for the lesson. You are awesome!
wow. awesome list. some i wouldn't have even thought of.
i would have chosen connor and murphy macmanus, from the boondock saints.... hot, irish, and letahl. take me now!
Snavvlyn- Thanks honey!!! Great minds think alike!
KB - Even if I had to pick only three, Doc Holiday would still be on my list... I think tonight is a Tombstone kinda evening.. nothing like kicking the whole pheremones into high-gear!
Sass - Yeah, you see, there were a lot of pretty faces to chose from, but I had to be realistic about who had my back... Did you notice the pattern of people with nuerosis though? LMAO!
oooh, the french lady.. you're right.. she was NAUGHTY hot.
Suze - Borrow away! I love that people like this idea, I really do. It's great to see what you all come up with :) Give love to Alex!
Tequila Guy - Welcome and thanks!
Buttah - I gotta stay away from the fucking insanely bad hot irish men.. I get in a tizzy with the whole hands down the pants thing.
But yeah, jesus this list was soooooooo difficult!
I agree, Nikita was better than PONR... better, darker film.
(Says Shy, still lost in space.)
Maggie and Trinity...
They would be on my posse for sure!
Come back to me Shy. I'm still negating but can't without ya here in front of me.
306 - Could you imagine the kind of damage they could do to each other?
hee hee, lemme watch!
damm nikita
and peta wilson as nikita round two?
Yeah, what's with the negating stuff? I'm out here in near absolute zero freezing my fuel cells off so you could get behind the bubble helmet, then tumbling through the atmosphere burning my ass off and you pick this time to negate? WTF?
I'm thinking of picking a posse full of musicians that can cry me a river.
F'in awesome...
Jessica Biel, but with a bow and laserwhip...
I'm impressed.
Very good list
Sass - I know it huh?
Has anybody seen the movie preview for ultra violet? I mean, hmmm... I swear there's a gaggle of better looking ladies out there they could have used to fill that role....
LMAO SHY!!! You're a funny mother fucker, you know?
Stormin- THANKS, Jessica Biel is pretty hot, but for some reason she just doesn't DO it for me... again, I think something's wrong wit' me.
Kristen - :) thanks! nice tits!
Wow MR Carson, I really like your list!! I am convinced that yeah, with 8 you could do the job!
Murphy - Really, she's all over ya... go get her.
em: but i think milla is hottie hot hot... so we have to agree to disagree
Emma, you're only allowed to call me a mother fucker if you say it like Eddie Murphy.
Gunie goo goo... oh Lord help me I'm fallen' thru space!
Sean Connery as James Bond would be in my posse.
chuck norris didn't make the list!?!
Shy I did say it like Eddie Murphy!!!
James Bond would be in my harem... not my posse, dude get's distracted way too easily.
Chuck Norris is his own list, and joins nobody.. he is a rebel of ass kicking fury!!!
Sass- I agree that we disagree but all is good. Kinda like I feel about Jessica, I feel about Milla... I have no idea why Im picky about it...
ok , my list is up for you emma ... phew
yeah yer right. oh, and i made a new post so you can stop bitchin' at me. also i sent you that picture to make smaller. get ta work tits! **smacks emma's ass**
mmmmmmm.... i so love, Love, LOVE Meg Ryan ;) Good choice :)
Hey EN,
Quiet today, huh?
em: i'm hot for milla, jessica doesn't do it for me... BUT those shoulders. dayum!
did you see my chuck norris facts link in my links? :)
Hmmmmm and just why can't I modify my list?
I am intrigued.
So in an all out street brawl I think my posse can kick your posses collective asses.
I'm just saying-
I think we should have a posse show down....
Because Thom's clan thinks HIS posse can kick my posse's ass too.
So, what do we do when we have two guys on the same posse kicking each others asses?
that's just weird.
What the Hell does any of this shit have to do with your tits? Am i fucking missing something?
Calzone... yes v v good point. I think Emma is attempting to distract us from the real issue!
Murphy: the full frontal issue.
Emma: got my new suit on, circling back to ya.
Wait...errr. I thought we negoted Shy.. besides, nobody here really wants to see my tits.
That's what I thought, too, but last e-mail still pending. Details, details.
You better add Gordon Gekko to your posse. Oh wait, maybe I'll take him.
details shmeetails Shy.
Face it, nobody wants to see full frontal Emma. they only love me for my mind unfortunately.
Oh, and I was the last one to counter if I remember correctly.
Did you get my last e-mail... in the first paragraph I wrote, "still awaiting your proposal." Nothing from you since then. Sadly...
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Yeah,,saw Thom's posse...
Mine could kick his asses too!
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