Easy like Sunday Morning

I'm doing the lingerie bowl next year... stay tuned for that.
For those of you into football I should hope that you've prepared yourself for the big game today. Yours truly will be sitting on the couch, drinking a beer and having some seven layer dip. I know the half-time won't be as notorious as it was a couple years ago what with that Janet debacle (dammit)... But still, I have to remind myself that it's not about nipple... It's about the underdogs going all the way this year. Yeah, I'm rooting for the Hawks.
I will have my TiVo rockin the play back and pause feature for times just in case I miss a play or.. err... Somebody shows nipple. Which, if it's Mick Jaeger... Im totally not playing back or pausing like I did for Janet.
I'm fairly pissy as to why nobody would place a bet with me on this game. I've decided it's because no matter the spread and/or stakes agreed to... I've won every time... Lucky me.
No lucky me, because now I want to bet and I can't.... Pussies.
Does the term pump fake turn anybody else on? No? ergh.
So I took some time off from blogging (as you could tell), and it gave me a chance to catch up on my writing, my work, and my family. I seem to have had some issues in all arenas, but only squabbled small amounts of time in which to orchestrate a more peaceful and organized flow to my day. With blogging it just wasn't working too well you know, and *sigh* I still have lots to do about a lot of things. Only now I will be able to multi-task a little more efficiently.
So let's talk about sparks. And I wonder if he's reading this now that I gave up a backlink and he's surfing through archives maybe? Uh-huh, Hi Sparky...
I spent a couple nights out with and without hub to determine whether I was getting all soft and wishy-washy about that person. My husband thinks its a great relationship to covet... I agree... But still there will be weirdness there until I get that person a little closer to me and we get with the program. Ahem.

We have this really fucking cool ringtone program called Audacity... It allows you to DJ your own customized ringtone from any song in your collection/playlist without having to buy them through your prospective cell phone clients.
I picked the perfect song for ya honey. Because you've got me spending.
As an end to this post, and a pre-empt into things to come I have to say that the last 5 days I've done some pretty insane shit to 'let go of my stress'. I want to share all these things with you of course, so I will be sure to post them as I can. Here's some things/answers to emails and or comments and concerns that I've been asked...
1. SugNSpice is still here :) She's been just as slamming busy as me. Not to say we didn't spend some quality time together *smirk*
2. I have permission from Red to tell all of you why she has not been in the spotlight lately. Red has been struggling with an addiction, and just recently graduated her second to last step. I have plans on seeing her when she returns next week. When I do, you all will of course get the run down. She says Hi and sends much love to you... And you too Jess.
3. I got a book deal people. No, I really did. They want the Don't Ask; Don't Tell story. What a shocker, eh? So funny that... Because now it has to be expanded and manipulated to accommodate a large novel instead of the smaller (more dainty) novella version. If it hits best seller, I want you all to come to the book signing....
4. I was warned by a couple of people about the danger of cheating on my husband after my last blog post. Then I realized that there are a lot of people that didn't know my husband and I have an open relationship... I will touch a bit on that in the near future. Let's remember that my husband and I don't keep secrets, we aren't deceptive... We don't sneak.
I have slept with other people, so has he... And the norm is that we're both sleeping with the same person at the same time (LOL). So, let's expound on this at a later date for the new readers of this blog... Shall we?

So, I'm gonna go get some before my kids wake up... I call it my Sunday morning prayer session "oh God, oh God yes.. oh Jesus that's it right there... oh God..."
Go Seahawks!!!
YEAH!!! Go Hawks Matt!!!
Care for a little wide reciever this morning?
Jesus I'm horny. I love football.
Super Bowl?
hows about the winner gives me a hummer.
hey lady congrats on the book deal! i look forward to reading it.
also? i think i'll be climbing during the super bowl ... i like football but only when i'm watching with other people, not enough to watch alone.
holy effin shit!!!
now thats a hawt outfit
okay here's the bet... if by chance the world were to come to an end and the seahawks cheat good enough to actually *laughs mockingly* pull this one out of their asses... I will go topless in my next HNT pic
(I know... shocking)
if the inevitable happens... god is in his heaven... the sun comes up tomorrow... birds are birding and bee's are bee'ing... and the steelers take their rightful position as world champions... you have to pose topless in your next HNT
by the way... I already won this bet with one of my rangerettes (amber the colorado cutie) when the steelers opened a can of inevitable whoop ass on the broncos... so for those scoring at home... it's naked female frontal appendages (breasticles) 1... naked manwhore chest 0
bring it em!
oh... and ps... what kind of jerk off would write you an email all concerned about your marriage ;)
Alrright people... the bets ON!!!
Sug, whoever wins this game gets to hum on Shane...
you = steelers
me = seahawks
If neither wins... Shane has to hum on us...
ROMEY! Fucker you gotta know that Pittsburgh is going down!!
But okay.. the loser poses topless on the next HNT... but here's the catch... IF you lose, you have to declare your love for the seahawks on your picture (since it will be the end of the world and all).
If I lose, then I'll declare my love for Pittsburgh...agree to these terms... AND IT'S ON HONEY!!!
Sass - You get the first copy.. and a plane ticket to the launch party ;)
wait an effin minute... shane gets a hummer and all I get is a picture?
Oh, and as a follow up... I said the winner Sug because well, it should be a priveledge to go down on Shane.... err right?
*shhh, just nod*
Romey you beautiful thing you... I got quite a few emails so apparently more than one ;)
It's alright though, they're just lookin' out.. and I appreciate it :)
You Mr. get big kisses in all the smelly places.
okay I agree to the terms but... I also want a hummer from you and sug
bubbles: deal!
i wish i had someone to watch the super bowl with cause it's a lot of fun in a good group.
instead i'm going climbing with hcg
But, I would think that would be fun too!! You like to climb!!!
Im thinking when you say that, you're saying it with a smile ?!?!
hey were taligatin'here at my place... who wants sausage?
Alright Romey... you get a picture AND a Hummer... sheesh.
Somebody pls plan my nationwide tour of fellatio?!?!?
Where's my personal assistant?
*jumping up and down*
I WANT SAUSAGE!! It better be polish.. they always fall asleep afterwards so I can sneak out.
em I've seen your body... you're gunna make that <~~~ lingerie model look like shit!
hey... what song would you use for my ringtone?
oh yeah i'm stoked to go climbing because i especially like climbing with him.
however, i'm sorta bummed to have no superbowl shindig this year.... but yeah, i'm smilin'
romey: i'll take sausage, em will take the uh... meat
*same grin*
Sass- next year you'll come watch the bowl with us...
Romey, your ringtone? hmmmm....
okay I had to get off the internet for a sec... what did i miss?
hmmmm yeah.... fellatio tour... hmmm ummmm hand jobs across america? no... misses the point... oh sass... you got it babe... one sausage cumming up... oh and it's Italian sausage... sorry
hey fuckers, me and shs was thinkin' about havin' a party fer our blog circle and shit. well, i think we were, but we were both drunk (but isn't that pretty much a given?) and this conversation may or may not have happened. here's what we may or may not have planned. beezo bash at his house, but everyone has to provide their own travel and lodging expenses. we'd take care of the beezos. we can't really afford to fly anyone out to see us since we're not international playboys like, say, calzone.
Have Calzone fly you in then... seriously... and tell him to bring his sexy dragon ass along.
Lingerie Super Bowl party boys, that idea rocks!
But you have to wear the lingerie while us gals drink beer, belch, and throw peanuts...
Romey, your ringtone would be Still not a Playa... because I want you to be my big punisher.
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well, and im doing laundry too. Multi-tasking and all.
So are we all straight on our bets?
how bout
huh? huh?
I just want a seat on the bus... preferably the back seat... do you scream by the way? would you like to?
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wait... did he say coke
yep... I knew coke was involved
oh, and there will be guns. lots of guns.
and cocaine.
God damn me and my deleting comment having ass.
Okay, I think you just scared the bejesus out of us all with the cocaine and beer actually....
I'm runnin like a freakin maniac.
But if you got clowns and balloons.. Im cool like that!
Scumbags ringtone: Big Balls - ACDC
Sass's Ringtone: You really got me - The Kinks
and possibly a slip 'n slid and clowns making balloon animals.
we're silly like that.
oh I just thought of another good bet... if the seahawks win I'll do an audioblog singing bohemian rhyapsody... if the steelrs win... i'll just play the copy I made of you singing it
sug... it cant end in a tie... your such a girl
but then... i like girls :)
Romey, you're far exceeding stalker status... HA. Fucker no way... I'll sing Dan Dan Lavatory Man tho, would that work?
Umm... and well, if you've seen my body than you should have that perfect place picked out for me to write 'steelers suck'... no?
Sug - I know huh... GAME ON!
Wait, okay Im throwing in an extra... if we get nipple at half-time then we're both humming Shane at the same time.
and then we'll head over to Romeys for sausage... BUT we have to pick up Sass first so she can blow the whistle if we foul!
No pushing Sass Sugar, she'll totally kick your ass.
Hmmm.... CHICK FIGHT?!?!
K, no chick fights over my book.. okay maybe a little one, but there has to be mud involved... or at least cooking oil!!
I'm getting the video recorder... okay girls... lets tear the shirts off first then the panties
Only water is involved Romey.. only if water is involved.
Get me wet first... then commence with the tearing :)
HEY!!! Fucker Im not tearing shit... that's your job!
Sug - You do get a ring tone... alright 'strut' it is!!!
K, my Ringtone should be "hot licks" but Rod Stewart.
yay i get to blow something!
romey: i'm italian, bring it on
and i'm in for next year, who gets to buy my ticket?
*snicker* i kicked your butt fair and square sug
okay now wait a tic... lets not be so cavalier about this... it's not a matter of just sucking anybodies dick ya know... we're talking bout the romey rocket here... the jensen johnson
I'm somehow envisioning a line of people voting to buy a ticket for Sass... now that she said blow...
The Jensen Johnson... beautiful!! When it's not hard, does it say JJ?!?!?
Of course, this is where you interject that it never goes soft, right?
K, ripping shirt... I feel like Im on a girls gone wild DVD!!!
and if any of y'all actually saw one of those... don't tell me that you recognized me.. i get all blushey.
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what? you guys not into cocaine and firearms? fucking amateurs. you wouldn't know a good time if it fucked you in the ass.
I love getting fucked in the ass... So I prolly would know.
Fire arms don't scare me Scumbag... Cocaine and firearms scare me... especially after that one time in band camp.
come and get it you sexy white trash mother fucker.
'rock it' FUNNY!
*ooh, the spin cycle!*
No, just fill em with nitrous.
God my comments are all OVER the place!!! Want an Emma sammich Shane?
sug: i bet you could get horsn to get your ticket *grin*
bubbles you said i get to blow this whistle... i assumed you also meant the referee? *grin*
what about the balloon animals? too much?
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As long as there wasn't a Tuba involved I think we'd all be entertained actually...
I played the clarinet... funny how wet you HAVE to get that reed...
K, apparently the exhange rate isn't working in our favor... My comment is above TWICE!!!
this one time, at band camp... nah you don't wanna know
Alright god damnit... that's two comments above..
K, so the breakdown of the bet that is actually lucrative is my naked ass with a declaration of loving the Steelers eh?
fuck. the hawks better win, my full frontal skills SUCK!
Hey Romey, is that your ass on your HNT... if so.. can I bite it?
SNS!!! Awwww!!!
Jesus, you look hot today... I miss you terribly.
Sug - LOL.. I'm not doing the cocaine, but I'll pop one off for the camera!
Very wet Romey... extremely wet.
heated even. :)
yeah its my damn ass
and yeah you can bite it
and just how wet do you have to make a reed
and... and... lost my train of thought
oh by the way... I've not been layed in like almost an effin month... a new personal worst since I turned 17... so I got an overload of... well load... baby batter
SNS - It started with placing bets on the bowl today, then it went somewhere about tailgating and sausage.. then nitrous ballons and guns...
then ringtones...
Now apparently its all about Romey's baby batter... which is not necessarily a bad thing.
And now that he said that IM the one that can't concentrate!
just wanted to share that
Mark it on your calendar...
this is a sign from God y'all. It's so warm!!!
Well yeah Sugar, but do you swallow?
I'll do the acid shane, thanks!
Wait, only if it's the paper kind with the little bart simpsons on it...
so no to the cocaine....hows about some acid?
Well shit, I haven't seen the sun in near onto... ummm three months?
Seriously.. well except last weekend. Last weekend rocked the $12.99 sunglasses.
Anybody else miss Blondie as much as I do? Had to take her link down... no worries though loves... she's all good like that.
Yeah.. sheesh... Countdown to the next Vegas trip?!?!
*tick tock*
SNS - I was tempted to call you but I figured your nails were getting done or something...
you know how I am with that 'perfect timing' shit...
but call me so I can listen to your ringtone!!! LOL!!
no, i'm here and shit. gettin' ready to go to pearl's house to get shit-canned and watch the game.
Yeah, i guess my mouth gets kinda busy at times... no pun intended of course.
My ringtone varries per person.. so I have like twenty ringtones.
Most people are hooked-up with the "Turning Japanese" ringtone.
Others get a cuckoo-clock sound.
Then there's the "Going the Distance" ringtone for work...
well shit, this could take all day really...
MMMMMM... We're having Pizza too!!!
So, im in the process of preparing the homestead for a bunch of silly drunk fools... well, they wont be drunk when they get here...
We've already had a beer or two however.
So on my to do list before the guys show up?
Finish Laundry
Make fresh Pico De Gallo
Make another beer run
Check surround sound system
Wrestle with my boys...
ummm, is there time for a quickie?
Oh baby, I'll pick you up like a six-pack!!! Regardless of the song!!
just got off the phone w/ pearl. she says she got 2 30pks. ok, that'll cover me & pbc, but what about everyone else?
Spicy - You know you're welcome if you want to stop by... you know where I live :)
Sug - Wrestling is on, as it stands I have a 30 pound toddler adhered to my back... MR. gives GOOD back rubbins'!
Shane- Yeah, you may wanna tell Pearl to get sum more... and then tell her NICE TITS for me!!!
k, Im outta here for a lil bit y'all...
*ouch shit! no teeth!!!*
When I left 4 comments!
I come back...
Hell Yeah?
But I prefer stud over hold'em and I bring the BEST snacks!
3 words cum to Ga.
OK I am a bit drunk...I assume Jay is talking to you em, riiiight?
*I* was climbing
scaring me away, whatfuckingever
OYE! I am so in love with that outfit! That rocks you got the book deal sweets!!!
MUAH! oxox
So, I suppose I'm all about the full frontal nudity with I love the steelers planted across my breasts... no?
sheesh. okay.
Ill be right over Shane
okay let me first say the hawks got jobbed big time... pass interferrence on the one td pass was iffy at best and Big Ben was about half a blonde one (or maybe 2 of my grandmas) from the endzone
that said... to effin bad :)
I wanna see em titties all painted in black and gold (damn... gettin a bonner here)
awaiting my super bowl hummers from you... sug... and sass
lastly... Ive decided on the song I want for my own personal ring tone
Naughty by Nature's "Who's down with OPP"
OPP how can I explain it
I'll take you frame by frame it
To have y'all jumpin' shall we singin' it
O is for Other P is for People scratchin' temple
The last P...well...that's not that simple
It's sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten
It's five little letters that are missin' here
You get on occassion at the other party
As a game 'n it seems I gotta start to explainin'
Bust it
You ever had a girl and met her on a nice hello
You get her name and number and then you feelin' real mellow
You get home, wait a day, she's what you wanna know about
Then you call up and it's her girlfriend or her cousin's house
It's not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the T
It's just her boyfriend's at her house (Boy, that's what is scary)
It's OPP, time other people's what you get it
There's no room for relationship there's just room to hit it
How many brothers out there know just what I'm gettin' at
Who thinks it's wrong 'cos I'm splittin' and co-hittin' at
Well if you do, that's OPP and you're not down with it
But if you don't, here's your membership
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
Who's down with OPP (Every last lady)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
Who's down with OPP (All the ladies)
yeah, i think sugartits gets to blow me. but ya know emma, if'n ya want to..........
sug... I still want it... note i havent been layed in a month... you'd be doing me a solid... well actually a liquid :)
The outfit is yummy. You have my blessing (That and $5 will get a cofee at Starbucks.).
So this loss at the Super Bowl for the 'Hawks hurts like:
a) getting kicked in the nuts
b) getting blue balls
c) getting off in your pants before you can get the zipper down
30 years to get there... a &^%$#@#$ shame.
I'm a fan... but glad I didn't spend $25 for a simple t-shirt. Usually Seahawks stuff sells for 50-75% off retail! Talk about sticker shock this year!
I was glad to see the Steelers win. WOOHOO
Thoughts on the party outfit...
Can I come?
do I get my own ring tone sug? :)
*winks back*
okay Miss Hawtie McHawtie Em baby... I soooo told the effin world (well... my blog) about our bet so yessssssss... we will all be waiting :)
112th comment... I suspect this is the last word on this post... ah well... with two minutes left I suddenly had fantasies the Seahawks would pull it off... but alas that would not cum to pass.
Em, thanks for your kind words of support.
They were very much appreciated. We have both been to Hell and back this past week.
hey i only offered to blow the whistle!
my ass.
Kiss it Pittsburgh fans... you should be in a pretty good mood this morning so y'all have no issues with puckering up while I bend then... HA.
We got robbed. Good thing Bettis followed through on the butt-fucking of the refs or else the game woulda gone sideways at the half.
*wink wink*
God damnit I need tylenol.
ugh ....
fuck the stuper bowl...congratulations to the better team ! well done seahawks! we beat the steelers well...we just didn't know that the refs were part of their gameplan.
oh yeah - congrats steelers ... for showing up
"Bettis followed through with the butt-fucking." That's exactly what happened and exactly the way it went down...
I have not been that disgusted by an officiating error in years, and I will never stop saying that Superbowl XL was stolen from the Seahawks.
btw - welcome back to the blogosphere en :)
here is some tylenol - i bought the costco bulk pack for hangovers
See, and I was careful to pause and re-play the ol' TiVo many times... and I saw the exact same call errors!
I thought it was just me....
Really if I had thought it would take some hot sex to pursuede the refs.. I woulda represented Seattle nicely...
Thanks for the tylenol Thom... and the welcome back!
So, did any body find it hilarious that a personal foul was called on Hasselbeck for hitting below the knees, but yet when re-capping the season of Pittsburgh plays... Rothlesbergershmitmeyer had that "amazing" tackle
an ankle grab.
Did anybody else catch that?
Yeah, if that didn't make it obvious that the refs were paid good money to sway the score than I dunno what was....
and porter's horsecollar tackle was perfectly legal... and ben's head looks like a football (aka the vinny testaverde) and close calls for the seahawks didn't go up to the review booth (d-jack's probably TD before halftime) and a ghost holding call. and if hasselback was being called for an illegal "block" wouldn't his team need the ball so he could "block"? horseshit call, horseshit game
suddenly the shitty climbing seems so much better in comparison. least i had fun and some eye candy even if my body was quitting.
no, that was real football ... and i accept that, along with the 4 drops from our Tight end (yes emma, i said it) and other errors that the seahawks made ... that is fine... but i cannot accept the fact that 'a few bad calls' is just a part of the game. two penalties ... one offensive pass intereference. .. cost us 4 points. and one holding that even john madden couldn't help but say .. where? cost us a trip to the one yard line.
hehe - why not ? he got inducted to the hall of fame and it's the superbowl ...
or maybe he was playing madden06 and was confused between the real game and that one ?
At least does everyone agree that Rothlisbergers psuedo-touchdown wasn't really a touch down?
I mean, his arm never made it over the goal line until he "placed" the ball there!?!?!?
And don't tell me the ball made it over, his arm was pushed back... and the ball with it. The only thing that made it to the goal was his big fat bearded hill-billy lookin' head....
Although, in hindsight I suppose it could get confused with the ball...
vinny testeverde's head did too in 96
awww congrats on the book deal!
oh the steeler haters are like huge here!!!
okay so like beaten by a 23 year old kid... heuy I'm 23 :)
Roethlisberger is part Danish... there fore his Dick was across the line... touch down!
Murphy... I heard Bradshaw and Montana didnt show because they wouldnt pay them enough money... Montana wanted 100 large... doesnt that like blow?
now we can all bitch about the refereeing (and yes it was suspect) but bite me guys... we get to see em's titties this thursday and speaking as someone who knows... they are going to be a whole lot more impressive than my man boobs which is what you would have got had the calls gone the other way
go steelers
fuck the corporate world
stick it to the man
"we get to see em's titties this thursday"
Did I miss something?
Oh yeah, forgot something...
That red lingerie thing... NICE.
Yeah Stormin... I bet Romey that if the Steelers lost he'd have to post a full frontal shot with an "I love Seahawks" declaration...
If the hawks lost, then I have to do a full frontal with a steelers shout out...
should be interesting... ergh.
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