I love it when you tag me like that
I was tagged by Sass some time ago... I like being tagged by Sass.
It makes me do a happy dance :)
I'm trying to do at least one thing right by her so I thought I would do this today. Besides, it's fairly non-deep thinking or educational and I have a trip to pack for since I'll have NO TIME to do it before I leave this god forsaken place in route for Sin City. Yes, it's quite possible I'll have to take another day of work on the road... or the sky... or whatever.
In turn, I tag Jax, ShyRocket, and The Wedding Party to do the same if they would like :)
1. Auto Detailer
2. Repo (wo)Man
3. Volunteer CS processor
4. Ad design/Cartoonist
1. Seven
2. The Ususal Suspects
3. Sneakers
4. Blazing Saddles

(although lately, I have to say that I've been watching Blade Trinity way too much.. well, you know... those parts with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel.. how can you not notice this hotness over AND OVER AGAIN?)
1. Fort Worth
2. Los Angeles
3. A Van
4. I'm really uncool.. I don't have four.
1. The First 48
2. Survivor...yes, i still love that show
3. I love the 80's/90's VH-1 shows
4. CSI: Vegas (which brings me to a thought, if you could identify with any CSI character, which would it be... I would have to be Sara Sidle... I'm just way too much like her.. that, and yeah I have a crush on Gil Grissom. It's the grey hair and the arousing intellect that does me in).
1. oregon coast (every one should be here at least once)
2. san francisco (fucking taxi's)
3. vegas (not talking)
4. sanjuans (breath-taking)
1. chocolate
2. chinese food (any)
3. fruit snacks
4. cheese stuff crust pizzas (lately, trying to bulk up)
1. in bed, not sleeping *grin*
2. Vegas already
3. Driving in my car without traffic
4. garden grove... because i like the song.
Alrriigghtt, alright... I watch Blade Trilogy for Jessica Beil mostly... k, no. That's not true there's that part where Ryan actually gets all bloody and sweaty and I think that's kinda... well...
*sigh* i can't decide actually, I'll take em both on.
It makes me do a happy dance :)
I'm trying to do at least one thing right by her so I thought I would do this today. Besides, it's fairly non-deep thinking or educational and I have a trip to pack for since I'll have NO TIME to do it before I leave this god forsaken place in route for Sin City. Yes, it's quite possible I'll have to take another day of work on the road... or the sky... or whatever.
In turn, I tag Jax, ShyRocket, and The Wedding Party to do the same if they would like :)
1. Auto Detailer
2. Repo (wo)Man
3. Volunteer CS processor
4. Ad design/Cartoonist
1. Seven
2. The Ususal Suspects
3. Sneakers
4. Blazing Saddles

(although lately, I have to say that I've been watching Blade Trinity way too much.. well, you know... those parts with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel.. how can you not notice this hotness over AND OVER AGAIN?)
1. Fort Worth
2. Los Angeles
3. A Van
4. I'm really uncool.. I don't have four.
1. The First 48
2. Survivor...yes, i still love that show
3. I love the 80's/90's VH-1 shows
4. CSI: Vegas (which brings me to a thought, if you could identify with any CSI character, which would it be... I would have to be Sara Sidle... I'm just way too much like her.. that, and yeah I have a crush on Gil Grissom. It's the grey hair and the arousing intellect that does me in).
1. oregon coast (every one should be here at least once)
2. san francisco (fucking taxi's)
3. vegas (not talking)
4. sanjuans (breath-taking)
1. chocolate
2. chinese food (any)
3. fruit snacks
4. cheese stuff crust pizzas (lately, trying to bulk up)
1. in bed, not sleeping *grin*
2. Vegas already
3. Driving in my car without traffic
4. garden grove... because i like the song.

*sigh* i can't decide actually, I'll take em both on.
Um, I hate to be the asshole Blade purist that I am, but I think you mean Blade Trinity.
I just got back from seeing Underworld: Evolution. Um...Kate Beckinsale is probably the hottest vampire to ever grace the screen.
You are a naughty, naughty girl for tagging me... you leave me no choice but to spank you. Meanwhile, I have completed the said tagging exercise.
Jessica Beil is hot incarnate!
Afsheen - Yeah you're right, thanks for the correction... see what a full workload and a late night can do to ya? ;)
I'm going to have to check out Underworld, I've seen the previews and I agree.
Would be amazing to watch Kate and Jessica tussle, would it not?
*biting lip*
Shy Rocket - spank me spank me spank me :)
Dan - I know it!!! Makes me want to get those fake 'fangs' and only come out at night... seriously she is hotness.
Deliver the goods and I will spank you.
So if you love Chinese food so much have you ever been to China... or Hong Kong?
No shy, but we can arrange that!
I work the chop-sticks like it's cool...
I bet you do. What's your favourite thing to pick-up?
my parents used to live in china....almost 3 years
their chinese food is SO MUCH better, and not because it's china..but because they don't have the heavy sauces...and they use soooooo many vegetables..so it's really healthy for you to eat their chinese food..not ours
that said: shanghainese dim sum=AWESOME recommend it. and if you do end up in hong kong there's this cantonese dim sum place that's on a boat...so you take a boat to get to the big boat....(i seem crazy, but it's true)..SO GOOD!
thai food is better though ;)
(sorry....food is my thang..love it..way! too! much!)
You're so right... Asian food is way better in Asia. Makes sense right? I also like Vietnamese... very light and refreshing but has the zing & zang of ying & yang.
Buttah - Thai? mmmmmm.
Yeah I absolutely agree with you!
Although I have never been to china I did have neighbors when I was little that were direct from China... they always cooked the best dishes... and I agree that our americanized version of Chinese food holds no candle to the actual authentic dishes with fresh veggies...
*stomach grumble*
I love Food. I really really do. Hey, are you feeling better? I figure if you can swallow alright we'll go get some Satai!
Shy - My favourite? I really like the Mongolian Beef... four star...
Yeah, Underworld...
How come vampires are always hawt, with incrediable fashion sense?
I mean, have you ever seen a slob vampire?
You know Helskel, that's a damn good question... I think that perhaps it's because (and I know you know this), Vampires are supposed to be highly sexual in motivation and life-style.
They're supposed to have the ability to attract their prey, and the fact that they feed from the blood (life force) of another by way of the neck is to amplify and personify the erotica of the Vampire way of life.
Vampires are all about sex. (holy shit, Im a vampire).
Anyway, have you ever seen Once Bitten with a young Jim Carey? Plenty of Vampire slobs in that one. :)
My favs would be Shredded Beef in Pockets, garlic chinese veg (in season), sizzling prawns...
Once Bitten.... wow, now that takes me back.
Ok, you got me there. Some serious slobs.
But when it comes to Underworld, for me it's all about Beckinsale's fashion choices. (Imagine your surprise.)
Who knew latex could be so rugged?
I did. I have yet to do the latex, but I rock the leather pants honey...
Shy - mmmmm. dammit. now this banana Im eating is not so yummy after reading that.
I'm all packed and ready for my trip to Hong Kong....
AND WHAT'S THIS? A comment from Blondie appeared... wtf is wrong with blogger these days?
Blondie - Ryan Reynolds... not Van Wilder Reynolds.. but yea... Hannibal King Ryan Reynolds...
I would sell my soul to run one finger down the ripple in his abs...
mmmmm satay!!!
i made an awesome thai dinner friday....seriously....i'll post pics of it...or you can....you know.....come try yourself :)
eclaire?!! anyone?
Buttah, please keep in mind that I plan on meeting you and Sass in NYC... and yes, I WILL take you up on the Satay and the eclaire...
no joke.
I'll skip the food and take Ryan. I like food, but really it's not necessary. I guess it sorta is, but not really. K, fine! We have to have it, but I’m not obsessed with it. Just give me a hot dog and I’m happy.
Black. Black.
Tried the Red once but Nah, looked way to god-awful.
The only problem is for the longest time I only had leather pants that came to the waist.
I just recently bought a low rise pair... boot cut...
I'm ready to fight vampires... where's my cross-bow?
Umm... TG the hot dog thing... ummm... LOL. Of course you knew that I would try and manipulate that comment.
I could take Ryan... with or without food honestly. K, prolly before food because well..
sex makes me hungry.
hmmm, now if becoming a vampire means you get all sleak and sexy, party all night, a plethora of unbridled debauchery, AND live forever ...
come, bite me!
(exposes neck)
Eating a banana, are you? Well, in South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore) we could have banana fritters. These are bananas deep fried in batter and served with vanilla ice cream with a little extra sauce added in... something sweet. Not chocolate that you like, but maybe an Asian butterscotch equivalent.
Wait... are you A-pos Thom?
I'm not taking you.. I need your kidney.
wow ... now that's a shot to the ol' ego. rejected by a vampire ...
and sorry en, i'm not an organ donor :p
Yeah, you really have to work the accessories if you're doing red leather... Cross bow?
Ummm... for shooting sex shots?
or... ummm jello shots?
Shy - Banana Fritters! I've had those! Authentic even! Honestly it's funny the things we forget...
mmmm. banana fritters seriously rock my world.. thanks for that memory honey really :)
Actually Jay I would and I do... only problem is that I had to pick FOUR.
and well, at 9:30 after bending over for my boss, my kids, my friends, and my editor...
I was a little short on the movies I watch over and over again...
I do love the Meaning of Life though, seriuously...
also in that list would be:
Point of No return
Bad Boys 1 & 2 because: Martin Lawrence + Wil Smith = hilarity.
My Fair Lady
American Beauty
Shakespeare in Love
Fast Times..
Young Frankenstien
Holy Grail
The whole nine yards..
shall i continue? im a movie freak
Umm, as a note to the above comment... I do like bending over for my friends...
It's the only bend that doesn't hurt during the reach around.
Food after sex! Most definitely! I am so hungry after!
Hehe! Hot dog... yummy...
Did you say jello shots?
I DID say Jello Shots!
here TG, suck my belly button.
Jay - Yeah I like Van Wilder but I can't stand Tara Reid. And well, this hot, well-built, sarcastic, and ultimately PERFECT character he portrays in Blade Trinity is much more like a guy I could get totally sprung on than the college playboy he personifies in Van Wilder.
Really, if Hannibal King existed... in real life.. he would be exactly what I look for in a man.
HI Sug! I just had some issues to fix with my archives or I would've shouted sooner...
yes, watch a movie and if you're cooking any deep fried southern food please count me in!
SMOOCHES! I missed you!
btw... thanks ShyRocket... big smooches to you! and a hug!
Hey EN!
You were a Repo (wo)man??!!!
You repossed cars?
My pleasure... now, from banana fritters we will move on to guava fruit...
Yeah Madame, I totally did! Love running from the shotgun at 2am while trying to tow-hook!
Shy!!! guava... NICE :D
k, teach me.. I am your humble student.
Woohoo! Jello shots outta EN's belly button!
Ok ok I'll do it. Just give me some time and I'll post it....
Hey where the hell is my email? HELLO!
My all time favorite movie... Top Gun with surround sound. OMG! Hot military pilots! It doesn't get any better. I love men, I love planes, I love speed!!!
SnS! I missed you, where have you been? I called!
Jax - Coming! Coming! I re-read your post and opened the email only to get distracted by god forsaken work... HI!!!
TG - Top Gun was good... yeah, it was... I love speed too!! And yes please do have the belly shots!!
Ummm... Murph don't give people ideas! They have to figure it out for themselves!!! So, who wants to go for a ride? It's funny I am going to the airport tonight...
*sucking another jello shot out of EN's belly button* That just doesn't sound sexy...
Hey, Im going to the airport on Friday!!!
I'll ride with ya... wait for me, I have to get this email to Jax first.
Hahah. Yeah chick get that damn email....
Oh yeah my duties have been fulfilled. I have answered ye's survey on my bloggy blog.
Shugga....LOL. I'll just spell it like that. You're soooooooooo bad. Smack that ass.
Oh! I forgot to say... I'll take Ryan any way... I'm not picky... He's just a hottie!
K, waiting for EN to finish email...
God! I need to join the mile high club one of these days! That is my goal in life...
the oregon coast is the most beautiful place ever.
no ever.
*huggs* sorry i don't have time to read all the comments this week!
K, so I'm doing a multi-tasking type thing...
Honestly Jax, my intentions ROCK I just dont wanna do this half assed.
SnS - K, I think you saying that you're a bad girl is ultimately more distracting than Ryan is. It's okay because we've both been slammed and I understand.
Jax - K. K. Can I do some halftime reading?
TG - You know, I'm the designated spokesperson for the national chapter of the mile high program... why don't you sit on my face or err lap and we can discuss your intentions on joining!
tee hee
Sug - I'm fairly pissed there's no sonic in my area... come over and cook me some down home corn-dogs!! That sounds SO GOOD!!!
ChICKen?!?!? Did you say ChicKEN?!?!
*singing the chicken song*
It's okay Sassilicious... please note that I DID absolutely send you and email :)
See Emma! Sug's eating hot dogs too! I told you that they were the way to go! Woohoo Sug!!!
It's a dog thing, Im convinced... I could really use a nice hot weenie right now
*doing the chicken dance*
I'll sit in your lap if you'll teach me the way... hehe!
I love sonic! I have one like 5 minutes from my house!
Hey wait... TG.. you know the Chicken dance?
There's like three different kinds of chicken dances... which one are you doing?
Chicken with the hiccups?
I guess the traditional wedding one...
Anyone who's not chicken, stand in a circle facing each other.
When the music starts, hold your hands out in front of you and open and close them like a chicken beak four times.
Put your thumbs in your armpits and flap your wings four times.
Place your arms and hands like the tail feathers of a chicken and wiggle down to the floor four times.
Clap four times.
Repeat steps 1-5 four times.
After the fourth time take the hands of the people on either side of you and everyone move in a circle.
When you get dizzy, switch directions.
Repeat until the end of the music or until you fall on the floor.
hahah. What is this a football game? LOL. You know I'm just playin...Do whatever ya gotta do at whatever pace ya gotta....
TG - I was doing the chicken dance and I got a cramp.. bad.
Must have been the belly shots.
*sigh* GIMME!
Jax - Well yeah I guess it could be football... you and TG can be skins, me and SnS will be shirts...
Sug can ref because damn she looks good in stripes :)
I lived in a van once.
Hello Emma, sugar sent me!
Dear ##NAME##, .Very interesting blog you've got there. Cool material. Keep it coming. John ##LINK##
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