I may remove this....
But there are times when you need to be honest and upfront. Deceit paints an ugly picture on beautiful things at times. I had a great, and well at time emotional conversation with a good friend this afternoon because well... My day had been challenging. I said something to her that I'm going to say to all of you... And then I'm going to practice it as well.
Thus, proving that I am NOT a hypocrite :)
"To have some body truly care, respect, look out for you... You have to be honest about who you are 100% and present every piece of that first and foremost... just present yourself. That way you filter out the trustworthy and loyal.. you know they accept you fully. And well because that way they know how to support you, and help you/give you with what you need the most... Because when you do that, you'll find that those people will be your allies, your friends, your ultimate support group- the people you want with you to endure life challenges with... Because they got your back."
So many of you delve into your childhood, your history... Your families and the way they work.. Your health issues (no matter how frightening on your blogs). Notice I don't? Notice I don't wear my life on my blog sleeve? lol.
I know, I know... I do and I don't. Sure you know I'm a happily married mother of two fantastic boys, I'm a sex maniac, I'm bi-sexual, and sometimes I get sick. I write self-help articles and write short story erotica... Cool. That's Everything Nice, right?
But Emma... What's really going on? Alright I'll play- tonight I feel like taking a slice of Emma out and just presenting it up front and honestly. Those of you in my chain of allies will appreciate this stepping out... My deep thinker crowd will applaud me I'm sure.
Others will scan this post and see nothing... *shrug*
**I do battle with hypersexuality, every day. Some days I'm cool, others... Not so good. It reflects in my blog posts all the time, I've never just came out and admitted it. That doesn't mean you have to be afraid of me.
**I was never supposed to be here... I'm a medical freak of nature. My grandmother took a drug to prevent pre-clampsia in order to carry my mother full term. In term this fucked up my mothers ability to have children. Her and my father tried for years, they gave up hope completely after miscarrying two before me (one that almost killed my mother). They did surgery to correct the issue and were told no children for lack of 'equipment'... But there I was. She amazed all of her doctors... She calls me her miracle.
**Because of this, and the fact that my genetics dictate I should also be screwed... I was born and am afflicted with a rare disorder called Addison's Disease. As well I have two bunk kidneys that didn't appreciate me 'carrying' two children... And a body that wants to reject itself constantly. Three years ago after the birth of my second son... I was given a short life expectancy without a donor. I do dialysis when I need it.
I have a hard time finding a donor because of my blood-type.
The only match I've found so far was offered by Castu... I cry to know that there's somebody out their willing to assist me when ready. Thanks Castu... for now donate blood as much as possible if you can... Even if it doesn't assist me, it assists many just like me. If I do make that call LOL.. you better not have drank a glass of wine the night before surgery LOL... oh man. I did get your email, and I will reply.
Because of the short life expectancy I believe that I should live life with no regrets. So I do, hence my sexuality as it contrasts to my 'normal' life. I want to experience pleasure and hapiness... not blatent disregard of my life and not taking care of it. I do want to live as long as possible of course. But if I want to have sex and go fishing... yeah, I'm doing it.
**Three years ago when I had my son the anesthesiologist fucked up the epidural and tapped my spinal chord instead. I was paralyzed for three weeks... As you can imagine there was some rehab... I never got right after that. But the pain was emotional as well as physical...with a new born baby that I couldn't breast feed, couldn't touch. Took me two months to try and get my milk back... Any body who has ever had to do this knows that it's more painful than childbirth (and flinched when they read 'get my milk back').
Ultimately I cried when my baby cried... Because being paralyzed dictates that well... You can't hold them to comfort them.
**My youngest is three and he is Don Juan. My oldest is a 'tween'. He is intellegent beyond belief. It's been a struggle to keep him motivated at school because he is ahead of the honors class at this point. To add to that; no longer the boy, he now has shifted into a more well, male facade. I can expound on that another time... but basically when I talk to him now.. "It's yeah, and?" Instead of "Okay mom... no problemo".
Amazing how the respect changes as they get older and hit puberty... the meter just kinda plummets to the negative, doesn't it? JOY.
**If you have a young child, hold them tighter... hug them more. When they grow up it's a bitch... I need a fucking support group JUST for this.
**My father is a Vietnam vet with PST. He spent a good portion of my childhood being conveniently unavailable. My mother, who left the beauty-queen/Las Vegas show girl life to settle down with my father, was a good natured person who became a very good enabler to my father and a wall for me. My mother is my special, I love my mother.
It's difficult to see the pictures of her dancing with Gene Kelly and Dean Martin adorn her wall, and know that she gave all that up for my father.
**Her and my father were not close. They didn't ever sleep together-EVER. And I mean literally... He slept on the couch people. He did't respect her, covet her, compliment her, love her... Show affection for her. Ever. He asked her to get him coffee... that's about the extent of it.
**Ditto for his attention towards me.
**I lost my virginity at 15. Had my first bi-sexual experience at seventeen. The first time my heart was ever broken was by a girl.
**I am divorced and remarried, but maintain a healthy friendship with my ex. He reads this blog... So everybody play nice and say HI.
**The absence of my father allowed me to have a very close relationship with my grandparents. It was not uncommon for me to be there for long spurts of time. Some of my warmest most comforting memories of my childhood are with my grandparents. And as I grew I continued to keep them close in my life - always - as a second pair of parents.
My grandfather died just this last August.
** My grandparents had been married 68 years. They married at 16. She was a teacher for a brief stint, only to become a great home maker later. She bore three beautiful children. Two boys, one girl. My grandmother was the den mother, cookie baker, volunteer in your classroom type... My grandfather brought home the bacon, scrimped and saved, hid money in his coat pocket always. Worked his way to the top of the ladder in the telecommunications business... His name was well known. He was a complete success and my grandmother never needed anything. Nothing. She had him.. And in turn he had her for meals and laundry; happy kids. See how that works ladies? Ha.
**They had a great family and a love for one another that you only read in Shakespeare (well, before the expected Shakespearean tragedy anyway)!
So you can only imagine what I'll say next....
No, not yet.
**I have an IQ of 167. I do belong to Mensa. I play stupid most of the time because it protects me... Thats a habit I will never change. For all the people who think I'm utterly clueless... surprise!
**I never went to college, but I was a reference book-worm.. and only on topics that intrigued me. Okay so I shifted mostly to sex.. and the phsycology of it. I studied kharma sutra and tantric sex... BDSM and fetishes. I know more about sex than anything... It's frightening.
**I make a salary higher than many college grads... and that pisses me off because apparently my family still hates me for not going to college. It's mentioned all the time. Although I feel the need to expand my mind and better myself... I am just as successful right now in many other things like raising my boys, dealing with my health, and writing.
**I once wrote an action novel. I never submitted it for publishing... it sits and waits to be printed and sent but I can't do it. I have a fear that it will get rejected. Even though I can write about sexual produce and not be concerned at all.
**I share well. It goes hand in hand in my marriage. I never get jealous, over bearing, or evil- It's when you go behind my back or sneak that I rage. I would have been the perfect girlfriend who always had the friend that you uhhh.. really hoped they would..... yeah, that would have been me. I always shared my toys.... my sex life and relationships are no exception.
**Thanks to my mother and her stunning beauty, my fathers charm and charisma... And the problematic IQ combined with physical ailments and the eclectic sexual disorders....
You got me. I'm a fucked up mess, aren't I? HA.
But that was my inventory.
And if you took the time to read the whole thing then you are definitely somebody I want to be my support group. I value your friendship. I know you read it more than for just the smut if you've hung and understood on every one of the above instead of skimming it.
I commend you.
You have my heart.
My grandparents loved and relied on each other so much. They say that when two people are soul-mates, one cannot exist without the other. How appropriate should it be that now my grandfather has been gone only a short time... That my grandmother should now be going as well?
Very fitting.
That's right T.. Right after we hung up and I felt all shiny happy? My mom called... How very roller-coasterish and shitty is that? Dude, what a fucking come down.
She's not gone yet. But... Well... I mean, how hard will it be to keep the warmth of those happy childhood memories (and there are so few) alive when the last piece of it is no longer there to re-live the full picture?
I think that well.. As an end to this entry I really for once don't know what to say. Typically I might end it with some shitty comment. I don't have one of those tonight....
Tell you what? You finish it for me...
At least you have the memories created with your grandmother.
A lot of people don't have that.
Hold on to those and treasure them. Perhaps write them down for you to look back on in years to come.
Take care.
hey emma. no offense, but it really isn't a good idea fer me to visit yer blog when i'm at werk due to them purdy pics you put up all the time.
with all that aside, yer one hot piece of ass.
WOW, that's 2 people I know with Addison's. I know that sucks. I commend you on how you deal with it. My blood type is O-, just in case you need to know.
Stay on this planet as long as you can for your kids and hubby (not to mention all that great sex).
I don't really know you Emma. I have seen you post comments on other peoples blogs and was interested enough to visit. I so love what you have here. Your stories are so mind blowing. For that I say thank you.
Someone that I do not even know, someone that just feels so real to me, someone that is you has been dealt a tough life. I am so impressed with what you have made of life and very happy about some of the wonderful things that have come into your life.
Anyway this is probably not the place to post because I just feel ackward on this message but let me pass on a {{{hug}}} that I would share with you in real life if I could.
I am so impressed by how inteligent you are and it figures how you handle it. I tend to be a little bit smarter then some people but I tend to keep that hidden. A friend of mine was just your average person, slightly crazy and certainly fun loving. Well when he tried to get into the Air Force, if it was not for his age (he was 24), they wanted him to go down a nuculear path, something that very few people do I believe. I was in shock and even more so as I learned more about the high school he went to and everything else. He was extremly inteligent. I should not be writing this tired but let me just say I so understand what you said.
Let me end with this. It is my favorite quote from Star Trek the Next Generation (yes I am one of those people):
"Death is that state where one lives only in the memory of others, which is why it is not an end. No goodbyes--just good memories."
I just felt a need to say that after reading about your grandfather.
Thnk you so much for sharing all of this.
a touching post. i've been reading your blog for quite a while now, silently in the corner. i feel like i'm really beginning to know you.
and i got your back.
A very touching entry, and so very brave of you to put it all out there. I really don't know what to say. My first time visiting your blog. Such honesty, I'll be back.
Take care.
sweetie we can't finish your post for you. you did it already.
you're the last piece not your grandmother. as long as there's you to tell stories about them they are here in some form.
that is, of course, a fucking platitude and no comfort whatsoever.
i'm glad i came by while this was still up.
*huggs* babe. be well and vent if you need to.
This is perhaps your best post yet. Very brave of you to put it all out there. I feel honored to have read through it, as if I have just been let in on a secret. Thank you.
I dont think that anyone who either knows you or reads your work could ever think you were clueless. You give yourself away more than you think.
Emma, you just rocked my world. I read your post three times. WOW. Thank you so much for sharing yourself. What a privilege. It all just... deepens you... even more. Gotta let this settle in for a while.
Sassinak hit the nail on the head... you finished your post poignantly when you wrote...
"Tell you what? You finish it for me..."
Em, thanks for sharing this with us all.
Your memories will never disappear and like mine of my grandparents, will comfort you in days to come.
You have opened up yourself to the world and we love you all the more. I am humbled.
Thank you Em for sharing all this with us it was a brave thing to do.
I love how how people who I've never seen comment on your blog stepped up and shared with you.
You do bring out the best in people and that's how you keep memories alive.
You are real and you are beautiful.
Thank you for being you, and sharing that with us.
You make the the world a sunnier place, with your dignity, your wealth of strength, and your passion.
I'm really glad I know you (know of you).
Thinking of you sweetie!
Sent you an email.
*hugs & kisses*
This is an amazing post. You have opened up and showed a courage that isn't seen too much in the world these days. I re-read this post and probably committed it to memory, and all I can say is ...
Thank you
Oh my fucking God what an amazing post. HOw goddamn braze is that shit to go and put up so much deep persoanl stuff about yourself? Way beuond anything I could do. Which is why I don't have a blog, beyond the practical of not being able to write, no time, etc...
Emma, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this post. Much more than any of the erotica. That stuff I live. This is getting to know you, the person that IS Everything Nice. You are simply fucking AMAZING!!
P.S. you know what I said about the erotica? That doesn't mean I don't like your pictures. You are too hot! Don't stop that! Please?
I can't believe how terrible my spelling and typing was in that comment. Many appoligies...
it's ok biker dude, i'm sure emma is fluent with typonese .... i know i am
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I deleted my comment because it was being taken the wrong way by way too many people.
I appreciate your support and thank you truly for reaching out and hugging me with your kind words.
i'm glad you left it up.
emailing now
Check yer box, Em.
email done
can you recommend a site that sort of explains addisons so i can read up a little?
okay weird.
your blog is coming up not found unless i click it from your profile
from two different computers
Sass! I tried to hide my blog and you totally found it! LMAO!!
How fucking hilarious is that?
Man, you're persistant honey.. I love you :)
ok, i feel like a dick fer my 1st comment, but as i said, i don't check this often as i used to, and my last comment, i was too drunk and tired to really read that much. but i find that we have a bit more in common than i originally thought. 'cept its my brother and not me that's the sick one. and i don't belong to mensa, b/c i'm borderline retarded. however, i do make more than most college graduates, my dad's a nam vet, i have smart(ass) kids, and of course, we're both hot pieces of ass ;)
i hope that made sense.
seriously, that's about as nice as i can be. i'm an emotionless dickhead.
okay i have to be honest... Im running late tonight so i didnt have time to read... soooo... ummm I agree with everything you said... (snicker) ummm actually just came in here to offer up my daily dose of compliments to a totally hawt woman
Em you're hawt
romey <~~~ king of understatement
Why are you hiding your blog, hawt/sensitive/real one?
I have to say that you persistant 'follow the profile link' people...
I love you fuckin' guys and gals... you totally make my day!
Well, actually I was trying to be evasive for a short while and get my mind straight... but I realize there's NO WAY I can hide from you clever people...
Capn - Didn't I tell you no worries? I think I did! Damn you for being mildly retarded... I mean, how many of us can get a job at the liquor store?
I adore ya Capn... and thank you!!!
Romey - You know honey, it totally fucking figures... and stop looking at me like that.. it ruins the man-whore facade.
OH, and you know what Capn? For being an emotional fucking dickhead, that was pretty fucking cool of ya to say...
yeah, hot pieces of ass... HAWT!
dude we (i think) all just assumed blogger was broken and not that you were hiding your blog.
Well I was trying to do a transfer of some items out.. but I couldn't access my site due to the traffic!!!
So, I was attempting to hide it for some filage-transferis and well, I just thought that I could disappear and get my head straight...
But apparently that pissed a lot of people off... I think I've been called and assumed just about everyname in the book!!
and then some!
WOW. I'll have to email you about it... because now I'm thinking perhaps just chucking this fucking thing is the way to go!
<------- public enemy #1 for no apparent reason!?!?!? wow.
damm em.
email me now please, i would like to help you work through this and also i'm a nosy bitch and my curiosity is tingling :)
i don't get it, why do people think they can tell you what to do?
i fell off too because for about 5 years they never wanted my blood.
now though since i'm a born again virgin with no new piercings they probably want it again...
nice call dude.
k. I don't think it's a matter really of people telling me what to do...
I think it's a matter of assumptions.
Perhaps I should send out a memo next time :)
Hey Emma,
Earlier today Blogger kept telling me Bubblegum Meltdown was no longer available. After reading your post this morning I got a little worried and sent you email. I'm glad it was just blogger and not you. I meant what I said.
Take care,
p.s. Thanks for the reminder to donate blood. I'm plain vanilla type O+ but I sort of fell off the wagon at the five gallon mark a few years ago. I'll see if I can find somewhere local to get back on it.
*sigh* why do my comments jump people?
Blogger doesn't like the canadian exchange rate? LOL.
Figleaf, I did get your email, and I'm responding! HOORAY!!!
I appreciate your blood type but unfortunately it will not help me:)
I'm Apos.
Do give blood though, and I'll take you up on that meal offer next time I'm down :)
Wow! I don't know really what to say.
I'm here if you ever need me.
Thanks Eddie. I just reallly want you to smile.
Really. okay.
I'm cool people, like a popsicle.
OK people I am gonna need some kind of a print out on my desk when I get back from teaching!
My brain hurts!
I'm gonna get a little flaboozled!
This was what I was waiting for.........oh honey I know how fucked up and crazy it is when you finally have that URGE to spill. You're worth everything.....and happiness is yours for the taking. I'm proud that at least three girls in blogdom know how to shut a guy up with our brutal honesty. I'm proud to say I know that I know how beautiful, how strong, how gifted, and how wonderful you are, and I haven't even met you....it's all in the words baby. And if you shall ever need another supporter, I'm always around. I have a lot to share to beautiful women....Always....ok well maybe only to you and T....
All my love, Jax
great word.
man i wish i could drink
eerrrr drinking?
can't drink cause of the medication i'm on but i could REALLY use a beer
I'm drinking like a fish outta water actually...
Hypnotiq and cran... it's my treat for enduring today like a fuckin' champ.
And I'm drunk, so I want to address the person that assumed I was being an ass by removing my blog. I just want to clarify this because she never let me explain before she disappeared!
Sugarpunk, John P. and Ladyfinger! Don't be mad at me! Dammit I swear honey it was all about just... DO OVER. Seriously, I told you I would never leave without saying goodbye.. ever!
You're pissed at me, I know it. But guys/gals really it was one of those things where you wipe the slate.. and I know you know what im talking about.
Don't ever assume, ever honies ever.
Email me when you get a chance and we'll talk about it.
That was better than bcc:! And much easier!
There. jesus I feel better... Look at me NOT public enemy #1 WHOO HOO!!!
Ok, the fog just cleared. So that's what was going on with your blog. I too could only access via the profile. Was very surreal.
What's this about the Canuck buck? Are you north of the border?
awwww i love you Em *big hug, big wet sloppy kiss, and a nipple tweak for good measure*
Great post -- I love posts like this - i think it's brave.. I, too, have yet to really post anything this revealing; and that makes you more courageous than me right now.. hehe..
I would be so interested in reading that novel of yours...
{{{hugs}}} Emma...
Wow honey - good for you very courageous!!
It's posts like these that expose more than just skin, and are that much harder to do. Nice work babe.
Thank you so much for sharing that.
I feel like I made a friend today.
EM, was my first time to visit your blog, and this post was amazing. While I'm not able to know if any or all of it was fiction, I choose to believe it. I like to think I reveal the truth of me at my blog (williebaronet.blogspot.com) and I do that primarily with drawings. Some serious, some silly, some about sex. But all about me. How can it be that I can feel connected to a complete stranger by reading a blog post? I'm so happy I live now. Keep being you.
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