I got my ass stomped for pulling this peice. So fuck it.
I have made corrections... hopefully it is a bit more PC. *shrug*

I was glad to see that many of you read and identified with the D/s topic I touched on. I originally wrote that for those who have asked for clarification on exactly what constitutes these popular sexual roles; domination and submission.
Many times I have fielded questions on whether a specific practice or activity falls under either guideline. Perhaps this is why I posted yesterdays article, because after receiving some feedback and a potential Q & A some time ago on what submission really is; I felt compelled to share that these roles can be utilized in many different ways and appeals.
Also, I think it served to make you all think a bit on how you prefer sexual or relationship positions.
As a side note: having knowledge about these roles and how they pertain in social circumstances other than sex is great for dating.
However, I found that it prompted one or two questions for clarification on what exactly necessitates submission and domination and whether the sub can be the dom.
Can the Sub be the Dom? Clearly, the answer is no.
One question was isn't the sub actually the dominant one? And if they say when to stop then isn't the sub clearly the dom in that circumstance? Alright let's expound that...
You're in bed with your partner, the experience is fast and furious. You've assumed the dominant role by leading her to a position of passion at the hand of your direction. Hence, you come to a point where you can access her more easily for oral or penetration; and thus she's given in to you... Provided a willing and easy path for play and climax. Is she sub? YES.
But then, amidst your kisses and strokes... She says no. Is she still sub? DEPENDS.
A) She would be if you proceeded anyway, and then we'd have the legality of rape to contend with if she persisted that you stop.
B) If she says No... And you stop? Well that would make her dominant. She just controlled you to stop and you submitted by stopping.
(Also a good point via Horsn who wrote "I would amend item B because I think the answer would depend on why you stopped. I believe the person in the dominate position can retain that position even when acquiescing to a subs request.
B) 1) You stop because of fear. Therefore, she's switched because she is controlling you.
B) 2) You stop because you are aware of her feelings and you want to give her a pleasurable experience. (I believe this is where the concept of a safe word comes into play.)"

There are many accounts when a role can certainly be flipped. Either in a public forum via conversation and interaction or in the bedroom being naughty. These can get a bit tricky, so I'm going with 'pure' examples. Here are some:
-- You're in the missionary position, and have initiated foreplay--- up to this point you are clearly the dominant party. She is respondent and willing, but then wants to switch up positions and ride you.
A) You let her happily as you lay back and let her work... Alright, that's a role flip; it would make her dom, you sub.
B) You say sure... Put her up there and as she fucks you, you then commence with controlling her enjoyment by pinching, rubbing, and escalation. That would make you dom.
B2) She's on top of you BUT you're gripping her and fucking her anyway as she just sits on top looking pretty... She's still sub, you're dom.
Is this making sense yet?
It's your third date.. She's been flirting with you and giving you her bedroom eyes all night and you really want to sleep with her. Your charm is exceptional and you're feeling motivated to just take her home since this feeling has amplified all evening. You initiate the journey and get her back to your place... Are you Dom in this situation? Or sub?
Did you want to sleep with her before the date? Prolly. But as much as you do now? Even though you commanded the conversation, paid the tab, and drove her home?
News flash, She's the Dom. No matter how much work you put in to making the evening appropriate, she most likely dissuaded you and lead you to believe she in fact wanted you to take her home... She allowed you to charm her... She initiated and amplified the chemistry... Yeah she totally controlled that situation.
K, One last one for you:
Bondage it is and you and your love are preparing for an evening of straps. Things are going along well and it's time to adhere the restraints. You lay down and tell your partner that you want them to tie you up.... They do. You tell your partner you want them to spank you... They do. You tell your partner to please you... They do... While you're strapped tight to the bed.
Are you the dominant participator of that scenario? Yes. Because you controlled the situation by commanding your quasi-submissive (now dominant) partner to do these things for you.
So I take it we're all a-breast on the ways and means of our social roles then? GOOD. I would love to move onto something completely different. Though I felt getting the above clarification set in stone would be important for the topics I am willing to present to blogger forum, I would be happy to field any other questions on this topic via email if you like.
Ultimately, a good understanding of the D/s will assist in the open-mindedness of the next topic. The first love child of the D/s consummation:
Bondage and Discipline
Before we do go further I also need to introduce you to a very important piece of this chapter of sexuality--- The safe word.
The term 'safe word' was mentioned by the same person that prompted some of the above clarification; which only leads me to think he is aware of the term. I believe a good portion of my readers are, but then the other portion has no clue what a safe word is and how it applies "universally".
It's one thing to read about BDSM, It's another to watch it.
It's completely different to experience it.
There is no way you can possibly fully understand it and accept it until you've been privy to it. It's ups, downs, constraints, pain, degradation... Fright. Yeah, I said fright... Ever been in a vac-bed? That's fucking scary as hell... But can also provide one hell of an orgasm when used correctly.
People that know BDSM from experience, know what their safe word is since it's normally spoken of first thing when preparing to enjoy BDSM with a partner, FIRST thing. And since it's a first thing kinda thing... We should talk about it- first before all else.
A safe word is the very thin line between life and death... Pleasure and enjoyment... Emptiness and fulfillment. When engaging in any Bondage or S & M activity you need to have your safe word ready because you'll need it when you feel things have gone far enough.
By using your safe word you enable the current activity to stop before it gets out of hand, or if you're not enjoying it. One utter of the safe word and all bets are off... It's time to stop and readjust.... Or sometimes... Just breathe without constraint.
Of course there is the unique circumstance where you cannot use your safe word (ball gag, spiked hood, gag... Etc.) in that case, experienced BDSMers use hand gestures... Such as having their fingers crossed. *ahem*
If you begin to feel horrified being wrapped tightly in bondage tape with tape on your eyes and a finger pummeling your clitoris? It's time to use your safe word.
If you're being spanked to the point of blistering and you want them to stop because you no longer benefit from the pleasure? It's time to use your safe word.
When selecting a safe word it's important to not use something like "Stop" or "No", "Don't" or "Finish"; because you'll be saying that anyway if you're practicing BDSM correctly. I've heard some as unique as "croissant" or "kindle"... Or common as "Spot" or "Glass".
Would be best before the next post to decide what your safe word is... You'll need it. OH, silly me.. What's my safe word you ask? Well that's easy... It's...
I have made corrections... hopefully it is a bit more PC. *shrug*

I was glad to see that many of you read and identified with the D/s topic I touched on. I originally wrote that for those who have asked for clarification on exactly what constitutes these popular sexual roles; domination and submission.
Many times I have fielded questions on whether a specific practice or activity falls under either guideline. Perhaps this is why I posted yesterdays article, because after receiving some feedback and a potential Q & A some time ago on what submission really is; I felt compelled to share that these roles can be utilized in many different ways and appeals.
Also, I think it served to make you all think a bit on how you prefer sexual or relationship positions.
As a side note: having knowledge about these roles and how they pertain in social circumstances other than sex is great for dating.
However, I found that it prompted one or two questions for clarification on what exactly necessitates submission and domination and whether the sub can be the dom.
Can the Sub be the Dom? Clearly, the answer is no.
One question was isn't the sub actually the dominant one? And if they say when to stop then isn't the sub clearly the dom in that circumstance? Alright let's expound that...
You're in bed with your partner, the experience is fast and furious. You've assumed the dominant role by leading her to a position of passion at the hand of your direction. Hence, you come to a point where you can access her more easily for oral or penetration; and thus she's given in to you... Provided a willing and easy path for play and climax. Is she sub? YES.
But then, amidst your kisses and strokes... She says no. Is she still sub? DEPENDS.
A) She would be if you proceeded anyway, and then we'd have the legality of rape to contend with if she persisted that you stop.
B) If she says No... And you stop? Well that would make her dominant. She just controlled you to stop and you submitted by stopping.
(Also a good point via Horsn who wrote "I would amend item B because I think the answer would depend on why you stopped. I believe the person in the dominate position can retain that position even when acquiescing to a subs request.
B) 1) You stop because of fear. Therefore, she's switched because she is controlling you.
B) 2) You stop because you are aware of her feelings and you want to give her a pleasurable experience. (I believe this is where the concept of a safe word comes into play.)"

There are many accounts when a role can certainly be flipped. Either in a public forum via conversation and interaction or in the bedroom being naughty. These can get a bit tricky, so I'm going with 'pure' examples. Here are some:
-- You're in the missionary position, and have initiated foreplay--- up to this point you are clearly the dominant party. She is respondent and willing, but then wants to switch up positions and ride you.
A) You let her happily as you lay back and let her work... Alright, that's a role flip; it would make her dom, you sub.
B) You say sure... Put her up there and as she fucks you, you then commence with controlling her enjoyment by pinching, rubbing, and escalation. That would make you dom.
B2) She's on top of you BUT you're gripping her and fucking her anyway as she just sits on top looking pretty... She's still sub, you're dom.
Is this making sense yet?
It's your third date.. She's been flirting with you and giving you her bedroom eyes all night and you really want to sleep with her. Your charm is exceptional and you're feeling motivated to just take her home since this feeling has amplified all evening. You initiate the journey and get her back to your place... Are you Dom in this situation? Or sub?
Did you want to sleep with her before the date? Prolly. But as much as you do now? Even though you commanded the conversation, paid the tab, and drove her home?
News flash, She's the Dom. No matter how much work you put in to making the evening appropriate, she most likely dissuaded you and lead you to believe she in fact wanted you to take her home... She allowed you to charm her... She initiated and amplified the chemistry... Yeah she totally controlled that situation.
K, One last one for you:
Bondage it is and you and your love are preparing for an evening of straps. Things are going along well and it's time to adhere the restraints. You lay down and tell your partner that you want them to tie you up.... They do. You tell your partner you want them to spank you... They do. You tell your partner to please you... They do... While you're strapped tight to the bed.
Are you the dominant participator of that scenario? Yes. Because you controlled the situation by commanding your quasi-submissive (now dominant) partner to do these things for you.
So I take it we're all a-breast on the ways and means of our social roles then? GOOD. I would love to move onto something completely different. Though I felt getting the above clarification set in stone would be important for the topics I am willing to present to blogger forum, I would be happy to field any other questions on this topic via email if you like.
Ultimately, a good understanding of the D/s will assist in the open-mindedness of the next topic. The first love child of the D/s consummation:
Bondage and Discipline
Before we do go further I also need to introduce you to a very important piece of this chapter of sexuality--- The safe word.
The term 'safe word' was mentioned by the same person that prompted some of the above clarification; which only leads me to think he is aware of the term. I believe a good portion of my readers are, but then the other portion has no clue what a safe word is and how it applies "universally".
It's one thing to read about BDSM, It's another to watch it.
It's completely different to experience it.
There is no way you can possibly fully understand it and accept it until you've been privy to it. It's ups, downs, constraints, pain, degradation... Fright. Yeah, I said fright... Ever been in a vac-bed? That's fucking scary as hell... But can also provide one hell of an orgasm when used correctly.
People that know BDSM from experience, know what their safe word is since it's normally spoken of first thing when preparing to enjoy BDSM with a partner, FIRST thing. And since it's a first thing kinda thing... We should talk about it- first before all else.

By using your safe word you enable the current activity to stop before it gets out of hand, or if you're not enjoying it. One utter of the safe word and all bets are off... It's time to stop and readjust.... Or sometimes... Just breathe without constraint.
Of course there is the unique circumstance where you cannot use your safe word (ball gag, spiked hood, gag... Etc.) in that case, experienced BDSMers use hand gestures... Such as having their fingers crossed. *ahem*
If you begin to feel horrified being wrapped tightly in bondage tape with tape on your eyes and a finger pummeling your clitoris? It's time to use your safe word.
If you're being spanked to the point of blistering and you want them to stop because you no longer benefit from the pleasure? It's time to use your safe word.
When selecting a safe word it's important to not use something like "Stop" or "No", "Don't" or "Finish"; because you'll be saying that anyway if you're practicing BDSM correctly. I've heard some as unique as "croissant" or "kindle"... Or common as "Spot" or "Glass".
Would be best before the next post to decide what your safe word is... You'll need it. OH, silly me.. What's my safe word you ask? Well that's easy... It's...
i would suggest you use the word tease except that's too common too
i've heard it suggested you use the names of towns or countries...
Actually, darlin', the question wasn't "isn't the sub actually the dominant one?" And the follow up wasn't "And if they say when to stop then isn't the sub clearly the dom in that circumstance?"
The first question was: "so how do you feel about what the nugget that I've heard often ... that the sub is actually the one in control?"
Control doesn't necessarily equal dominance, though in most minds it often does. For example, a master in aikido can control a physical altercation, even though all of his/her moves are purely defensive and there is no aggressive dominating movements.
The follow-up was: "I think what was meant is that the sub is the one with control, because he/she is the one who determines how far things can go. The safe word is the ultimate in control, isn't it?"
Although I'm not a regular pracitioner, I am very well read on the topic. I didn't say or state or imply that the above questions were MY opinions or beliefs; I simply asked for how you felt on the issues.
Please don't take this as me being mad or outraged or off-put or whatever; I'm just trying to be clear on what I actually wrote. Part of it comes from my experience (many years worth) as a professional journalist — if you are going to quote someone, or attribute someone, it needs to be done in such a way that it's in the exact original form or, at least, paraphrased with the original meaning intact ... and that just didn't happen here.
And, again, I make no pretense toward having any expertise or real experience in the area of D/s. You clearly have both in that area, and I wouldn't try to impugn your writing on the subject, nor doubt your statements ... I just wanted to alert you to the difference in what I originally wrote/asked, and how you paraphrased it.
Im just amazed at the amount of research you put into your entries. Gives me a complex and makes me wanna stop blogging alltogether!!
But do keep at it, every entry teaches me something I had no idea about.
Thanks Miss, we are all your subs. LOL.
BTW, I like that thought. ;)
Hey Em, good post. The whole D&S thing isn't really my bag (even though those are my initials!!LOL) but the references to how those roles play in every day life were pretty interesting.
One thought....if you're going to post such imformative articles perhaps you should consider a copyright on them? Check out this link:
Creative Commons Licenses
I was going to do this for myself as I may start posting some of my poems and songs but I haven't made up my mind yet.
I'd hate to see someone down the road try to take credit for your hard work.
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Good Morning, E!
I really like your new avatar!
(and thanks for the continuing Ed.)
Sass - You make me smile :) HA! Holy shit girl, am I to assume that you will be tuning into the next 'chapter' of this?
Doz - Actually, I was trying to broaden the spectrum a bit on your questions.... referring to another person as well who asked similar questions (not in the comments section).
So good that your professional journalism takes you to a point where you can contest opinion but I think that you're misconstruing the difference between Sexual and relationship practice as it relates to BDSM and the fluent defence structure of Aikido. (which is something COMPLETELY different).
No matter, I'll play and do it correctly... Not in eastern european practice BUT the guidelines of sex or BDSM....if the defensive partner controls the flow then they are the dominant one... even if the sub and the person throwing the blows is in fact the master.
People, if you're doing aikido in the bedroom... well shit.
Really there is a parallel between your topic of martial arts and Bedroom play... it's like comparing apples to oranges, any journalist knows this. Even professional journalists.
Regardless, thanks for correcting my writing, of course I will be forwarding all of my future items to you so you can red-pencil them. And thanks for outlining the guidelines to journalism for everyone... let's remember this is a blog. Yes, a blog. The one chance for me NOT to have to worry about my tact.
I will not quote you in the future if I can't do it correctly apparently.
Brian - no need to worry, I got ya covered. Hopefully by the end of this you will feel informed instead of complexed.
Sug - LOL glad I could answer your question... didn't want to paraphrase the conversation.
Suz - mmmmm... Subs... is it too early for lunch?
Gigi - LMAO honey, we need to get you laid.
Dan - I do have a creative license agreement through my agent, but you're right, might not be a bad idea to post the creative license here... though I would have to check the legalities in case if conflicts with the other.
I appreciate you Dan :)
Helskel - :) giggle! See, now finally something we can share :) Thanks for the compliment on the avatar!
God damn typo's. Shit if I were dealing with anyone else I wouldn't worry about correcting this but.. sheesh:
No matter, I'll play and do it correctly... Not in eastern european practice BUT the guidelines of sex or BDSM....if the defensive partner controls the flow of defense then they are the dominant one... even if the assumed DOM and/or the person throwing the blows is in fact the master.
See really the problem is you can't really connect the two... what you're talking about and what I'm referring to are completely different! But no mind, you're well read...
.. would be interesting to see how close you are to BDSM via your book knowledge in relation to the actual sexual practice.
ok, i have studied this now. i am all ready for my test now, professor
bubbles i've never missed a post you've written... i just sometimes don't comment cause they're over 100 already :)
OH AND SHIT I SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG... K, that constitutes sincerest apolgies DEEzr.
K, sheesh moving on:
Jay, how about I send it to you in color...?
Thom - meet me for lunch, we can do a pop quiz!
Blondie - the original or the tropical kind?
Sass - I said that because I know you and I share a common interest in bondage practice... I could see you running to the computer tomorrow morning to catch the bondage post LOL
Gigi - Nutella and cappucino noted.
Jay - No honey, I just think if he's going to get structural and correct about a vague generalization of a question and my paraphrasing abilities on a BLOG then I should address back the same? Besides, he basically stated that his question still wasn't answered.
I suppose I never thought this forum to be literally correct... but *shrug*.
I tried again to answer the questions, though comparing his reference and mine are black and white. Tried to communicate that yesterday... but again...
It's a blog.
K Jay, make sure that you notice I really didn't paraphrase either... It may have referenced a person asking and done in italics... but... there was no mention of a specific name.. and
no qoutations.
Yep... Kinda need both of those to paraphrase... English 103 (honors)
(eats his croissant)
sure, and a cup of coffee ... sounds lovely .
but i can't eat too much, i apparently have to save my appetite for lunch
rawr Thom.... very grrrrr.
Gigi, toss me one of those croissants please?
yeah baby ! i put the grrrrr in hungrrry !
LMAO... quit looking at me like that! Oh fuck it.
It's been a long day already... I vote lunch AND drinks!
lunch AND drinks ? i better bring my bib!
I learned my lesson several weeks ago not to correct spelling or grammar on blogs. Apparenlty bloggers don't like that.
Poor Dzer. I feel for you man. I mean I know how you feel. I mean...damnit! That all sounds just too gay!
(not that there's anything wrong with that).
True. Although I would never correct someone's writing style or their content. Spelling is something everyone should be able to do and I guess since poor spelling is a pet-peeve of mine I tend to see it where others don't. I also tend to think that others take spelling as seriously as I do and therefore make the mistake of correcting people out of courtesy.
Yeah, it doesn't come across that way. And yes, sometimes my fingers move faster than my eyes and I miss my own mistakes, which is when the spiteful people come out....LOL
That's why I've stopped!
If it were just a spelling correction I think it would be different completely.
BUT. I mean, I'm not all pissy about this... if I've come across that way then so be it...
I take authority well and constructive criticizm fine... even spelling corrections I welcome!
But when one of my peers berrates me in my comments section on something as trivial as paraphrasing as it relates to an online journal then I suppose it sets me back. No matter how many typo's and mis-structures I see on others blogs... i don't call them on it...
its just a fucking blog people!
Well, me being an editor ... i can honestly say that I didn't notice anything wrong ...
Hey, i never said i was a GOOD editor ...
Emma - and to follow up your last comment, when I read the post the first time (well most of it) I didn't think you were actually quoting someone. I took it to mean you were discussing a general 'topic' that came from someones questions.
Naturally if you have more than one person asking different questions relating to the same topic then you have to generalize it for the articles sake. Which is what I thought you did.
I was kinda surprised at Dzer's comment as it didn't seem necessary.
But then again, I want to sleep with you so can you really trust my opinion?
(Yes, you can!)
Keep her tied up...I think I want a go at her first.....
I believe we're serving lunch on top of sug....
It's a naked lunch!
This has to be the worst damn croissant I've ever had ... i'm ready for my lunch now.
OK , here i go, and yes i'm pissed at this. There is a wonderful post on this blog, and we are griping about paraprhasing and punctuation? fuck that shit! I am an editor, but i do not get paid to edit other peoples blogs! I don't put my two cents in people's posts. It's not my blog, so enjoy it for what it is!!!
So, in accordance with this post, I am being dominant. Take it and suck on it, bitch!
Sug....I don't correct people through comments or email anymore. It's so not worth the aggravation it causes. Besides, I would never correct you!
It's just a knack I have that's hard to turn off sometimes. I'm reading a book at home and I've found a few errors even. I just move on. How do those get by editors? And no, that's not a slight towards Thom...I'm just saying that I see them everywhere....
Not bypassing Dan, Sug, blondies or any one elses comments, I need to address Horsn:
I get your point completely, there are alot of different scenarios to compete with in this, and the point you made is very true... I take those into consideration and thanks for bringing them to our attention.
If I were to follow every pathway of the D/s flow chart we could be here forever! There's no way I could cover ever possible scenario without really boring and/or confusing people.
Let's remember that in this forum, trying to be as general as possible is the foray... I was attempting to use some examples of a way to clarify.
Perhaps it would be better to completely delete this post and the other and pretend this didn't happen? I think so.
BUT nonetheless, had DEEzer been able to constructively convey that as you have...
there wouldn't be such a fuss.
Emma - One thing I was confused about:
Did you want to sleep with her before the date? Prolly. But as much as you do now? Even though you commanded the conversation, paid the tab, and drove her home?
News flash, She's the sub. No matter how much work you put in to making the evening appropriate, she most likely dissuaded you and lead you to believe she in fact wanted you to take her home... She allowed you to charm her... She initiated and amplified the chemistry... Yeah she totally controlled that situation.
Did you really mean that she's the SUB? I was expecting you to say she was the Dom but this whole thing is kinda new to me.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a correction, I am legitimately confused on this point and would love some clarification.
Ok. That makes more sense.
You know, I never really thought of that scenario before and it's quite interesting.
Thank you for the post!
K shit DAN! NOW THAT's the kind of typo I needed correcting on!
YES, thanks sweetie... I meant DOm.
Jay - I completely agree... let's talk sex.
I love this! Good feedback from Gigi! Yes Jay, Im note taking... lemme take down the crab dip, I think we're done with it.
Horsn - *blush* you're welcome. I really think you made a great point... and one that I suppose I could have touched on if I had thought I had the time. :)
thanks for the addition as always cowboy!
And thanks to Dan for catching my MAJOR typo!
What if you're a cross over? Or a flipper? or undecided?
Jesus, the decisions! The pressure!
Umm.. K Jay you front the airfare...
Blogger orgy!
LMAO @ Gigi, yes honey bring lots.. and then altoids too :)
So what time should I be at the airport then?
I mean, I want to make sure I---
Hey! No charter!!! I only fly first class... I'll use my miles then and upgrade...
Wait ! GIGI! We were just planning a group thing! I assume you're invited with the dip or not!
Why do you assume these things?
I picture you wearing glasses and lecturing us all. I must say I learned quite a bit. And you say you're not eloquent. Sheesh i feel like I've been scolded by a master! :)
well, cover me in crab dip and slap me stupid ... an orgy !
Sounds like a great itinerary Jay :) I'll be ready!
2:30 mile high club? I love late night lovin!
and to continue that itinerary, thom, you go to the store and get some crab dip...
Oh damn! Does that mean I've missed out on the mile high club and the orgy? Seriously I need to stop working and start blogging more.
I so miss you guys and I wanna play!!! **stomps feet**
K, since the plane looks all full send me a limo. I'm in GA and we are going somewhere in the south right? It can't be too far away.
Yes Jay, please! I want to join the mile high club!
K, first let me just say that my intention was to blog roll this evening when I can have some non-disturbed time to enjoy.
So, if you don't see me there it's because I currently have my head up my ass.
Really, it's quite debilitating.
man, everyone said a whole bunch of shit. i didn't even read the fucking post.
As your editor and chief you should know that I expect you to submit these to me on Monday at the meeting.
Both the last entry and this one, I'd like to use them for the March issue.
And don't edit anything, I saw nothing wrong with the verbage or the structure.
Thanks for sharing your blog with me Emma, I need to get more acquainted with it!
-- Shawn
See, even editors make typo's! I think it corresponds well with the comment topic though!
--- Shawn
1. And here I thought we’d resolved our communicative issues. Apparently I was wrong.
2. I think it was not only déclassé, petulant and petty for you to not only assume I would “over-react” and go into a “rage,” but to do so in the comment section of my blog. Why not e-mail? Why not call?
3. If you were trying to broaden the spectrum, fine. But you did change my questions, while the post alluded to my comments and thus me. That’s all I was trying to say. Use my actual question and then say, “I don’t think so and this is why.”
4. I didn’t “contest opinion. Note that I only asked questions, and questions based on discussions I’ve had with people who live that lifestyle, and from things I’ve read. I didn’t take a position; I asked for YOUR thoughts on them. Why you chose to take a condescending, patronizing tone (good try boy, but let me tell you why you’re wrong) with your answer … well, only you know that.
5. The aikido comparison was probably off-base, but was flow of the moment. I still maintain that control and dominance are not inextricably the same thing, but will leave off why for a future discussion.
6. Thanks for the sarcastic digs regarding my status as a professional journalist. I thought maybe that since you write for publications and web sites that you might perhaps take what I wrote about attribution better on the professional level, one writer to another. Apparently, I was wrong.
7. Saying that this is just “a blog” is weak. If you want to quote someone, do it right — blog, magazine, newspaper, television show … it doesn’t matter. Changing someone’s words, or making someone out to have said something they didn’t say — intentional or otherwise — is wrong.
8. Don’t just not quote me in the future if you can’t do it right; please have that same courtesy for others.
9. Despite whatever you may read into this comment, I’m not angry, I’m not in a rage. I am a bit disappointed, both by what you did in the first place (the mis-attributing) and the way you handled it and responded to it. I'm sure it's not my place to be disappointed in you or your actions, but that's the way it is.
You have my e-mail address. I’ll be at work for the rest of my day into your evening and inght, but if you’re around in the morning, you have my Yahoo IM and my phone numbers, if you wish to discuss this further.
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