Tripple FFF is Happy after all
"Life is what, without what not. "
Never understood that quote, perhaps that's why the philosopher that gave us this marvelous ditty remained anonymous. Who the fuck knows.
Remember those changes I spoke about in the New Years Post? Those changes are a happening. Yes the wheels are a turnin'....
Ill do domination Friday afternoon, should take you through the weekend. I have some personal issues to deal with :p
And I'm still stuck in the hotel room.

I think my story may have gotten the best of me...
I feel deja vu. This is like what happened when I missed a couple episodes of "24". WTF?
Someone catch me up on what's happening! Who Tivo'd Emma?
Em, cause we are gonna wait for a girl with an ass like that one. ;)
why cant I be stuck in that same hotel room damn it
Very nice view. Oh to be just outside the window too.
Hear that loud knocking on the hotel room door?
That's me.
And my hands are full.
Oh, and that quote? It basically means that life is substance without the extra crap.
'What not' is an expression often used to convey additional yet unimportant information. For example, a person could use it in a sentence thusly:
'I spoke about wilderness survival and what not.'
It's a very odd expression and certainly not one that is used often, but it comes in handy sometimes.
Sorry for the intellectual moment. Now back to our regularly scheduled show....Show me your tits!!
Holy Shit! Good Job DAN!! I see you've been paying attention... that whole show me your tits thing is PERFECT. I totally forgot about your intellectual moment!
Dom - LOL! Errr. You mean you actually watch 24? Naughty naughty, you should be in bed with the wife!
Sug - Yeah well damn those clothes anyway.. they suck. Was Horsn good, I mean... did he shake it on webcam or WHAT?!?!?
Suze - Good because if I have it my way I'll be in Jolly ol' England before the end of 06. And then you can touch my ass. Oh, and Alex too :)
J - you can :)
Gigi - I can send you the audio of us screaming at each other... if you would rather not read :)
Oh, and believe me! You prolly had a better experience at the gym :)
Jay - Stick around, there's always good shit to be had... wait, you READ my post? *ounce of pride* I'm so proud of you!!!!
SM - I'll flash my tits at ya. And actually there was a fire station opposite to the window. I appreciate my local fire fighter union in any way I can. As long as they don't put out my flame.
So there was just yelling and screaming between you and jesse? There was no 'accidental' clothing removal followed by wrestling in a conveniently placed mud pit?
Hmmmm.....'cause that's what my mind was bringing up, which brought other things 'up' if you know what I mean.
Now if I only had one of those fancy remotes you displayed before Christmas...
Damn once again I am reminded how it can pay off being a fireman, and that I picked the wrong profession.
Horsn, sure I'll rub yer Knot! Wow! Maybe if I do it right I'll get the web cam too :)
Sug - LOL.. are you tired from it honey? Recovering nicely?
DAN - Actually no, no clothing removal. K, no that's not true I was changing out of my work clothes while I handed her ass to her on the phone. Does that count? I mean... I was pretty much wearing... well, nothing.
hot damn, with a view like that, who needs the penthouse view ... keep the drapes closed !
No Thom, they need to be open... I'm a raging exhibitionist.
Ok. You wearing nothing has quickly replaced the previous image in my mind.
And, umm, where the hell are those tits I asked for?
Sug - Ass on a platter! Should I stick an apple in it?
Tits? MY Tits.
Hello?! *knocksonmonitor* Are you reading this?
I believe I said 'Show me your tits'.
Don't make me cross damnit! It's a Friday!
jesus Dan... chill.
Boot Heel! LMAO
Oh I like it when I get demanding and then you tell me to chill?
You're one confusing chick sometimes! LOL
Alright, I'll slip back into mellow-mode. That seems to come across better.....
Wait, I'm confused...
i'm confused ... but that isn't anything new, or dan-related ...
EM: I actually never have watched "24". I like "Nip/Tuck" and re-runs of that crime show with an actor with the last name D'Onofrio. It's one of those Law & Order or CSI-type crime shows with a million spin-off shows.
Of course, I always get sucked into watching a home remodeling show.
As an aside, did you know our fave big box electronics store near me has a discount porno section? !
Horsn, are you okay?
NO WAY DOM! You know, it's friday... lets meet and check it out!
In the parking lot of course, I'll make it a business errand.
Blondie and Thomcat - I think we're all a bit confused.
Wow Horsn, give her my number!
Blondie - Editor eh? No, not perpetually... you're a smart chick!
I heart you for smart... plutonically for now. I may change my mind later.
Wait, who's winking?!?
God damnit Murph, stop bending over I can't concentrate when you do that shit.
Em: I do have access to a vehicle with in-car DVD. We could buy some films, watch them and do a "Siskel and Ebert" on them and then do a "Tommy Lee and Pamela" on each other.
(Then we could go back in with the receipts and return the movies -- bwaaa haa haa haa!!!)
LMAO at Blondie! See, and I want nothing more to smack that ass.
Dom - I already do the siskel and ebert! No wait, I do siskel... you do ebert. well no don't do ebert.
Dude, I say we totally do it... you hold on to the reciepts though, I'd lose em.
K, I think that this is NOT from experience... but seriously.. you know..
I'm supposed to change the subject now because if I don't... Well you know what A feisty bitch he is.
OMG, he chewed your ass?
<------------ jealous!
Fuck I've been trying forever to have him at least tongue mine!
Jay - You're my OTHER feisty bitch.
Keep it sweaty.
No problem Jay, anytime you want me to boss you around... smirk.
Sug - he does have a tattoo on his ass... it's a mock-up of my boot heel. :)
Yeah Jay... can I strap you in my G-Sling?
Too bad the tattoo artist misspelled that Muttley thing though... sucks to have "SMUTTLEY" tattoo'd in such an attractive place... I mean, I totally didn't get the dog and the goggles.
But now that you've explained it... all makes sense.
K, moving on then.
Horsn, that was awesome!
Jay - ALL the damn time, that's what the whips for. :)
Sug - am i moving? oh shit I am... k, I'm going down.
AWESOME! I have a Horny Couple on my Blog! HI HORNY COUPLE!!! Thanks!
Awesome pic as always!!
You haven't visited my blog lately dear?
What's up wit'dat
emma, did you see the "shrine" to our blog? we are so good at making friends. so can see it at:
as sugartits said, WE ARE THE BEST MINDFUCKS EVER!!!
did somebody say smut ?
oooh muttley ..
nevermind... carry on.
Wow. K, lets see here... hmmmm.
Yeah, Good-bye stranger... good song. Though I'll argue that "Breakfast in America" was better by far.
he he he.
QL - Holy shit I didn't even think you read my blog! I mean, I see ya talking to Gigi all the time... Now that I know that I'll stop by again!
Horsn, I bet I could make you scream, er or sing louder.
*shaking head*
Poor Wedding party, seriously what a bitch.
K, Jay - I sing that song like a motherfucker... I'll audio it for ya and add an orgasm
Well yeah pearl, I mean... we are your support group after all!
Hey, did you see my "scumbag was here" button? I LOVE IT!
Horsn, no I didn't... tee hee. So many reasons for finger crossing.
Sorry, I was ranting.. what'd I miss?
Pearl! I know it! I was going to replace it but for some reason the other buttons arent working yet.
call me dumb, but there's some weird period showing up... hmmm. always at the wrong time I tell ya.
Only Murph would show up to a party with a fruit basket and a pylon butt plug.
Thinking on the prize
shit, if that's the gift for being the 100th comment ... i am curious to what the 57th comment gift is ...
57th comment, hmmm. Well Thom you Dont get a shit sundae tha's for sure.
And no Murph, you dont. But stop leaving your dirty underwear at my place. I'm tired of trying to pass them off as my three year olds...
though, the little Bob the Builders on them... yeah, he falls for it everytime
now, THAT's the cherry on my shit sundae ....
woohoo - i'm comment number 117 ! my birthday ... 1-17 get it ? ah nevermind, i'm retarded.
simple things excite me at times
I just want to make tea out of them is all...
Is that so bad?
I'm in a hotel room too...there isn't any scenery like that though. Care to join me??
Horsn - you, me, a back massager...
Chuck - Yeah but leave the $20 on the nightstand and DAMMIT just admit to the fact that it's me you're dreaming about. K?
Details...plz lol. Take care and don't be a stranger.
thank you in my mind today I was and it was indescribeable
God, I don't read the comments for a few days and all hell breaks loose!
Somebody needs to tell me when a cat fight breaks out. I'm like Kramer in that Seinfeld episode...
No offense, Sug, but some of us work in places that don't look kindly on viewing sites with the wonderful pics EN posts. And once I get home, the comments are up in the 130 range. That alone makes it hard to keep up!
Really nice pictures!
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