Nights of the round table

Every quarter I have these meetings.
Well, they're more like gatherings in a 'meeting' type setting. About 12 of us get together and talk projects, get inspired for the year ahead of us... blah, blah, blah. It started about two years ago when we realized we were all writing the same thing and then submitting it (yeah four anal sex stories are three too much). It would turn out that three of those stories would be trashed and the whole "begin again" theory started to get old.
At least one of us would say "God damn it, do you have any idea how hard I worked on that fucking story just to start over and have what *looking at calendar* 2 days to do it?"
Then there'd be some kind of arguement... *sigh*
Eventually it just had to be that we'd all have to get on the same page. Five of us have the same agent (who comes to these meetings as well), she's there to hand us our paid assignments and piece work. If we wanna trade or think some one else would do better with the 'specialty' we swap with another artist.
K, there's history for ya. I do enjoy these meetings.

"Oh my god, you got the produce assignment?" One of my fellow local authors chuckled "how in the world are you gonna hit that angle?"
"I have no idea... I'm not writing from experience on this one."
The group laughed, but I wasn't. I'm no cucumber queen... no matter how kinky I am. Anyway, moving on...
The rest of the meeting went well, it was great to chat with my peeps and share some of our last quarters stories and inspiration. We're all freaks, I love it.
As I was leaving, a particular girl author friend of mine asked if I could call her in regards to an article we were assigned to work together on. Granted, many many MANY times I have drooled over her in my mind... she's beautiful in a totally girl-next-door sort of way. For the longest time she dated this guy that was... errr, WAY hotter than anything I had ever seen. I knew by her writings that she was bisexual though, so I secretly always hoped she would by chance hit me up with a number or a compliment, so I could ask her out.
Yes, ask her out to know her a bit on the personal level. you perverts, no I didn't want to dive into her pants.
Okay, i did... so what?
This was totally my chance- so I tucked the number in my pocket and asked her to join me for an appetizer and a drink at a local bar nearby.
She bit, we went, we ate and drank... we talked. We had an overly intellectual conversation about the industry and life... whatnot. We discussed my blog and how I began... why I began... She thought it was an absolutely great idea. Pretty soon we were enjoying talking about a chance that she could put some of her stuff on it.
Then we talked about how she had a bitter break up with her boyfriend. Ummm... SCORE....?

Okay, and then she kissed me on the cheek and drove off into the night. If I had been wearing panties, I would've wrung em out for sure. I stood there in the parking lot for at least five minutes trying to comprehend how fucking neat-o my Friday had turned out considering the last week of shit I'd been through.
So here I sit Saturday morning going over my lengthy project list and still thinking about her. Wonder what she's doing, and if she's as bothered about the ABC's of BDSM piece as I am...
I hope she stops by to Bubblegum, and calls me again.
She's got a great ass. K people, I totally need to concentrate... sheesh.
well hell - I would have called you again if you treated me to wine and crab dip!!!!
i never noticed before, but this blog is all about sex!!!
Suze asks, "Is there enough for everyone?".
I'd just like you to tell us about it afterwards.
emma, is that you in yer new profile pic.
Gee, I need to learn how to write and get into that business!
you tart
i love it!
i wish i could do that i really do, it's so much less fun with my whole 'have to be all emotionally involved' bullshit...
So you two have to work together on a BDSM project? Sounds like it may be a bit painful.
Have fun ;)
i think i now know why your fingers were crossed in the hnt pic en :)
Well shit KB... If I knew you enjoyed the crab dip that much I woulda got some to go too!
Capn - Yes I think I've talked about sex once or twice... and no comment.
Gigi - First of all I cannot express to you my heartfelt sympathy... I myself still hear Carol Burnettes version of "Little Girsl" in my nightmares now and again. You have a life, I have a recipe... we'll talk.
Sug - I cant give ya the hot b/f... sorry hon. And you know what? I really didn't flirt at all! It was just a nice get-together with some one else in the industry. Totally innocent... really! And you have a life too!!! So SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Alex - LOL. If anything develops other than a friendship, I promise everyone will know. For now it stands as just one dinner :)
Tank - undies are over-rated.. I still have yet to understand why I've kept the few pairs I DO have!
Blondie - WOOT!
Eddie - You know what? At first I thought you said you had to learn to write... wait, you did! K... shall we start with basic printing or cursive?
Sass - I am tarty in fact. My emotional attachment lies with my husband... The one chance I stepped outside that box I got hurt and rejected so now i find it better to just be friends with benefits. :) HA!
SM - tee hee @painful. Jesus I hope its one of those hands on projects!
Do tell Thom - perhaps you can convince me there was a reason.
See? Rodeo sounds fun... Yeehaw!
Cowgirl UP!
I learnt good in three years of third grad in catolick skul.
Eddie I just laughed my ass off!
catolick skul sounds like something I deal with in the mornings when the cat wants to be fed and I'm still sleeping.
wish i could do friends with benefits... wish.
wow! that bitch has PROOF that we're racist! it's like a greatest hit record.
Lmao @ Gigi - Honey! You haven't been 'round this herr parts that much lately!
No problem, I'll update ya. hold a second while I take a deep breath!
K, so there's this blog called I hate the Wedding Party...
Aparently somebody got pissed off OR is completely in love with them and needed some attention.. dunno.
I vote that Shane is being stalked myself. Anyway, yeah
So, other loop news: ummmm. Horny people read my blog.
Well holy shit Gigi! There you are!
*big welcome hug*
Yeah so how bout them hormones? I tell ya, my tits are starting to expand again. I'm convinced its a moon phase.
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FUCK, k i had to delete because it was a bad typo LOL... sorry~
Sucks that the Big M is so close to the Big O... They would be so much better with 24 letters in between them since they're so different.
I'm sorry Gigi, would you like some chocolate
I figure both of you ladies need to open the phone book and dial an escort. Gigi, you can put the hotel room on my tab and make an evening of it.
Oh alright Sug, you two.
No kidding... pure seriousness.
Either that or surf some porn?
shit, i totally don't know, but either way take a bag of hersheys kisses with you!
K ladies, I need a bubble bath...
I've got my sex bomb in my pretty little hand and I'm gonna use it.
Im all about the god damn typos tonight aren't i?
k, sex bomb here I cum!
LMAO@GIGI ... I could see you shakin that ass like Groove Armada!
Get down girl, I'm gonna bubble.
god me and my friends are awesome. if'n ya's gonna be 'round fer awhile, i'm headin' to the liquor store & will be back in a few.
btw, all you that took our backs against that dumb bitch are awesome as well. hooooo-eeeeee!!!
how's it going guys. i'm gonna be sure not to call any of you crackers racial slurs tonight.
i seriously don't get what this btch is tryin' to do? i mean, me and my peeps is just stackin' mad scrilla yo! how are us "honkeys" as she so eloqurntly put it, racist?
Wring them panties Em. I'm sure you left an impression. Shit just reading this left an impression. LOL.
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