Strangelove entrenched

I am a sexual receptor today people. No joke.
My arousal 'feelers' are up 100%... Should be a challenging day for me. I knew it would be the minute I woke up; nipples on hard, well lubricated, for no apparent reason other than it's time for me to get fucked; and fucked good.
Hi, My name is Emma... And I'm a nymphomaniac...
It all started some years ago after stifling my sexuality in my first marriage and realizing that there was something in my life just... Missing. So during the divorce I sought counseling to reconcile the fullness of my life path and picture that I had never had.
Anybody that has gone to therapy knows that we usually pay way too much to hear things about ourselves we already knew, but sometimes and inkling of surprise into a psyche can be found.
I found it. It was a sex drive, and it was fierce as fuck.
On top of that it was discovered that I have OCD. Yes people, OCD. Can't help that, but damn I was glad to know why I walk the house every morning about 20 times making sure I hadn't forgotten anything.... yep, and dammit my house is clean as hell, just the way I like it.
I was never medicated for any of the prognosis, instead I was told to work on my issues through free writing and well, nocturnal exercise with a partner that can keep up with me.
queue hub.

My date at the time (which is now my husband) is a Scorpio, well known for their sexual prowess... I am a Taurus. Needless to say it was a good pair up, and has been ever since. We thrive off of each others sexuality like a sponge and water.
Though since my OCD effects the way I perform, I like perfection when I delve into passion always... regardless of the partner.
I am a top performer.
I am a pleasure perfectionist.
I want you to feel good and enjoy the ultimate state of arousal even more so than myself.
I get off when you get off....
Forget about the half ass attempts people, I want it good and I want it 'now' when I want it. I get persistent, pissy, and ultimately downright needy. It's a curse that I deal with to this present day.
K, so... Come back to present day with me...
Today, I want it especially bad. No really, no holds barred. I've had a three day dry spell and really I think that's long enough. I have had the pleasure of me, which can delay my reactionary sexual tactics for a little while...
There'll be times,
when my crimes,
will seem almost unforgivable
I give in,
to sin,
because you have to make this life livable.
But when you think I've had enough
from the sea of love,
I'll take more that another river-full,
Yes and I'll make it all worth while....
I'll make your heart smile.
But I yearn for the brush of skin, the sensation of fullness inside of me, soft lips meeting with mine only to part and meet with a moist tongue.... The smell of sex, the ache of grippage, the all enticing body that lays before me and says 'come hither'.
I get motivated.
I want it people, I want it bad. So bad I'm all about taking it today. Ultimately I believe nothing will stop me... Like a bull snorting wildly at the red flag...
There'll be days,
when I stray
I'm the epitome
constantly out of reach.
I give in,
to sin
because I like to practice what I preach.
I'm not trying to say
I have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn
If you've got something to teach
Oh and I'll make it all worthwhile....
I'll make your heart smile.

I'll flirt and pile on the charisma until I've entranced you to get closer. I will touch you, kiss you, undress you... Lead you to a forum only we can share. I'll take it hard, soft, upside down, inside out... Anyway you wanna give it to me... Even painfully.
Pain, will you return it... I'll say it again, pain. Will you give it to me?
Don't say I didn't warn you.
--- This has been a public service announcement, care of Everything Nice ---
K jesus, that's kinda scary.
Those horoscopes are freaking dead on! Wow. K. Hmmmm.
They must have put the wrong text to mine. It was way off the mark.
However, I have been feeling the same way you do all day. It's like having an itch and not being able to scratch it.
Hurry up home Alex.
Yeah Suze, it's like its effecting all of us women today... even Blondie is hampered.
Is it the moon phase or is it just that men won't just compromise and give us what we need?
Thanks for stepping up and saying something :)
Hurry home Alex!
Yeah, jesus this is really bad....
maybe we could find some one to take on all three of us?
Well shit, after two months I think I'd pay $400 for it.
Blondie, let's just mercy fuck each other.
Okay, no. I can't do that. I keep forgetting that we're just good friends
*beating head on desk*
Wow. After that post I'm beating something on my desk too. Or under it...
Actually no, but it's funny to say it.
I hope you get what you need!
*beating head on desk*
Dan, is that an offer?
Thom - i think we need some ice... I'm bruising here.
Blondie - *sigh* no.. just *sigh*
Soft skin, hot perspirated skin... heaving chest skin... flexing ass skin...
well shit.. thanks for that Murphy.
Now I'm wanting to touch somebody, are you reachable?
maybe we could find some one to take on all three of us?
God help em!!
Hope you find what you're looking for. And fast!!
Em - there's always an offer.....
And am I picking up a bit of sexual tension between you and Blondie? Hmmm...your Vegas trip will certainly be exciting!
Sug - I'm excusing myself honey, seriously... thinking good day to go home and play with myself... though, that's not really what I want.
Murph- you're a tease.
Pjay - HI!!! How the hell are ya? You available? K, thanks for the well wishes... glad you stopped by on my 'up' day.
Dan - errr... no, no sex with Blondie... *beating head again*
see, and that's what started this in the first place!!!
he he... nice 'good-bye' last night btw...
Details ladies....details....
And I know what the *beating head again* comment means can't deny the fact that you want to do naughty things with Blondie. Just like she can't deny she feels the same way.
Just say it and get it over with. It will fuel many a pleasant dream for me!!
K, dan there was an ass touch involved... and a kiss with tongue..
drinking bi-chicks... nice.
An FYI.. no blondie has no intention on sleeping with me...
it does that sometimes, pay it no mind.. just smile and take it baby.
with the flow.
Blondie & was all meant in jest ladies....I'm not assuming anything. Just jokin' around....
(I'm sure Emma knew I was just kidding around. Blondie doesn't know me that well.)
Sug - For some reason my 'Remote Control' Christmas present didn't even make it across the border so I doubt her panties will....*sigh*.
Dan & Sug - no worries.
Dan I didn't send anyone those remotes... so, don't get needy. LOL! I knew you were joking honey, have your fantasy.
Sug - HOLLA to the clientel huffing.. i love it!
Blondie - thanks for the clarification there, I thought too that I wasn't being taken seriously... how about those kick ass cell bills?
Emma...s'no problem! I'm not being serious about anything today! I'm serious enough at work lately so I need the humor.
In other words, don't take anything I say today seriously!
And yes, I was taking you and Blondie seriously about the Vegas trip. I might be a man but I'm not a sexist
Surf's up, check it out. I'll be back in a while to read about Emma... dashing off to the airport right now.
(keeps playing the G string on his guitar)
LOL@Thom....that's funny!
I hope Shy is cumming here... his raincoat turns me the fuck on.
No problem Dan, today is a good day to be sexist... I'm a little piggish myself!
SnS - Baby... did you mean what you said about a non-plutonic experience? I hope you remember that conversation.
*happy dance*
My long dry spell is OVER!
yay Gigi! It's about time!!
Lucky misternumbersix!!!
Thanks Dan!
I got mine and Six well...not so much!
Good job Gigi!! right on! Was it the indirect drink buying?!?!?
Now I need to get laid. SNS!?!?!?!?
No, #six came to work on my PC and I decided he needed to work on me a bit!
(looks at his ticket)
damn i'm number #13 ... this could take a while
I don't have a ticket... Gigi isn't bi. So atleast you got that goin' for ya Thom.
Jay *whisper* would you mind if I just used you for ummm an hour? That may solve all of our issues.
HOWEVER. I'm not flirting with you right now, Im just saying that well, there's benefits beyond my control at this point.
Wait, Jay did you read the whole post?!?!?!?
Em are we sure about me not being bi?
Hell I don't even know!
Spicy - Im thinking like this... your place, Friday night.
Fire, drinks, nakedness, bubblebath, and well...
are you into bondage? I can't remember if you were or not... I know we talked about it in some length last night...
Gigi, when another woman touches you, do you shiver?
Are you attracted to other women or find yourself saying "damn, id love to feel her"?
Do you often wonder what it would feel like to have a hot mouth between your legs and a hard nipple rubbing up against your thigh?
If all these answers are yes... you're bi.
Heh. Those horoscope thingys say I'm quite an exhibisionsit....Reallly.........I woulda never guessed. LOL.
Jax- you can send me pictures.
Sensualist! Right! K, soft fingertips and wet mouths...
fuck that. meet me for lunch so I can suck on your neck.
k.k.k. keep it real Emma... shit.
I was thinking something like just a blindfold, perhaps one wrist restraint if possible...
counted, Im thinking velvet.. no leather at this point:)
<------ evil
did Gigi ever figure out if she was bi?
Emma-I'm gonna need a little help with that...:)
Velvet........I think I shall write this all down. HAHAHA
Gigi, did you see my questionairre up top?
Jax - take notes... begin with velvet, transition to leather, once you get there, use metal.
restraint bars rock. and you wont see those in Palm Springs... but If you wanna come here, I can do a demo for ya? HA!
Spiciliciousness - drinks, drinks, Im thinking liquor... any drink suggestions from the peanut gallery then?
well, the answer to all would be...
Gigi... you should go 'bi-curious'... really honestly experiment a little, you may like it a lot.
Hmmm, wine it is then... can I pop the cork?
OK, I'll be back...
Oh before I forget, Murph?
Fuck you ...for all the shit you'll say on this blog
Fuck you... for the shower remark back on your blog.
OK, I'm good.
bi bi
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I got a soft spot for him between my legs.
So, does anybody have any suggestions on how to ease my pain?
Really, I'm a menace to society right now. And I physically hurt.
I think a lot of people dont understand nymphomania because it's joked about a lot.
Really, its a condition. It's almost a disability at times.
Does anyone here understand or relate to this? I need support.
Wow. I take off for lunch and pick up a b-day present for the wife and look at you girls go!
Keep up the's working for me!
just an FYI - it wasn't me that deleted that comment ... ok
carry on!
I think i just need a release... a multiple orgasm.. I could certainly acheive one from a caress...
lick my goosebumps spicy.
Start at the top and work your way down....
go down. down down down.
Come on Spice-a-licious...
do it. I swear, no NO...
I dare you... drag me!
I noticed that too Sug. I noticed that too...
um. well it is. sorry... you got the wrong impression.
*sniff sniff*
okay what's this paying 400 bucks thing about?
also em? how did you find your sex drive? like seriously where was it and what did you have to do?
cause i'm not very dialled into mine so i'm all curious see.
dude that's teh song she QUOTED in the post you DIDN'T read
Ummm, the $400 bucks sass... escort.. thought about it.
considered it.
NOt doing it.
K, the sex drive... well apparently sometimes it just re-appears completely and goes fierce on me... dunno.
Today is a trying day. for certain. Psych says it's chemical.
dunno. sucks for me.
i am trying to comment, but my jaw keeps hitting the keyboard, as i think of emma struggling with her inner sexual demons ....
there it happened again!
Well I'd love to ride your rollercoaster!!
but seriously you didn't have to do anything to wake it up initially?
i just think it would be so neat to have that kind of drive...
'you start thinking things ... wanting to do things you're not suppose to ...'
em,are you turning into a man ?
No, i didn't have to do a thing...
It ebbs and flows. I mean to say that mostly I strive to get some sort of satisfaction daily, one way or another....
BUt really what I think most people don't understand is that the pleasure centers go awol and your body craves sex like an addiction...
You start thinking things... wanting to do things you're not supposed to...
you can't rationalize... so really it's way above just being driven.
But you'd like to be 'driven' wouldn't you Em?
Sug - are you a diagnosed nymphomaniac too?
Do you have the days that you just sit there and 'reel' in almost-climactic thoughts and feelings...
I would LOVE to be driven right now, with a little hair pulling... yes.
Afflicted lip biter, that's me.
From behind? Pulling your head back by your hair at the same time?
That sounds like fun.....I'm in!
em: would you give it up in exchange for a sex drive which 'drives' you to masturbate on a hrm... maybe 12 times a year basis?
dan seriously i've been uh... driven to masturbate like twice in the last three months.
i do have moments of insatiability about twice a year for a few days or a week or two and then gone again.
but seriously you can only have so much fun alone before you're bored off your ass and it's been two and a half years since i had anyone to play with.
12 times a year? I take care of my business more often then that....that doesn't seem like much.
em: wouldn't it be nice if we could share? between us we have two healthy sex drives.
dude it's possible that if i 'meet the right one' or whatever that suddenly i'll feel the drive but i've been pretty intensely into some people and still after three/six months i'm sorta over it and back to my once a weekish sort of level of desire.
i've boinked enough people i'm doubting that would happen but who knows right?
anyway, it would be inconvenient but i'm not sure this is any better?
well, that's an interesting question Sass...
I think that when you have a little ummm... errrr...
inspiration your sex drive will amp.
ME? well, honestly I would like it if I didn't HAVE to relieve myself everyday... some days more than others.
Some people can avoid it if they need to... k, i cant. I have to schedule my life around it.
really, no joke.
Would something like that be an inconvenience for you?
okay this is weird with my comments.
em: note i answered you but it posted above you.
dan i wasn't offended, i thought you were just asking.
Ok. When I re-read my last post it sounded to me like I was putting sass down and making light of Em's affliction.
Sorry if it came across that way.
Now that I think of it, I'm usually lucky if I can have actual sex more than once a month. Of course, I'm married so I figured that was normal....
Em, you've definitely got it tough. I'm sure your husband reaps the rewards but it must be tough to go through a day like that.
Being a guy I can pretty much do it every day if I had the opportunity, but I don't suffer like you do.
Sass- where did your comment go? I thought I've been good about keeping up... did what I said make sense? When I said inspiration I meant in the physical form.
Sug - Really? You were?
Dan - well, again... I think that it's hard for people who want sex to understand the people that NEED sex.
Imagine being the husband that just wants to sleep or get shit done... but instead he's being bugged all the time for a good fucking? After a while (honestly) it gets rather irritating.
It's a challenge for him. Just like sometimes getting laid once a month is a challenge for you...
em: my comments are posting above everyone's... so i just changed my system clock by a couple of minutes to see if it helps. but if you look right ABOVE your comment you'll find mine that answers it.
weird i know.
and yes i knew what you meant... you were thinking of delicious treats *g*
TWENTY A DAY!!!???!!!
oh my god
i would die.
Em - good point. You're right too. I can kinda imagine what it's like but I'm sure I'd never fully understand it.
oh and sass - yes, I was just asking. Glad you took it the way I was thinking it! LOL
k, hold on people...
Sug - dont delete, then I dont feel so bad about getting down and dirty...
Shit Sass, I still don't see your answer to my answer... yes :) yummy treats... mmmmm. I promise that will enhance and spark you... and once your start... right. you know. :) giggles.
Dan - yeah, see... the grass is always greener.
Definitely greener....*sigh*
That's ok, I like my side of the fence too!
I have to finish up a few things before the end of the work day (20 mins yikes!) so I have to leave you.
Take care my lovelies....
i think blogger can't handle the volume of comments.
anyway here is what i said:
em: wouldn't it be nice if we could share? between us we have two healthy sex drives.
dude it's possible that if i 'meet the right one' or whatever that suddenly i'll feel the drive but i've been pretty intensely into some people and still after three/six months i'm sorta over it and back to my once a weekish sort of level of desire.
i've boinked enough people i'm doubting that would happen but who knows right?
anyway, it would be inconvenient but i'm not sure this is any better?
Alright I see now.
K Sass - Well, you're motivated to get yourself to a level A.A (after accident), sometimes it takes our natural chemistry to re-align after physical altering events happen...
hormones and all. Which is another reason why some women can't get it back after childbirth.
It's common completely. i recommend more vitamin E... really, i do. And see if you can find some pheremone lotion.
Sometimes smelling our own pheremones can jump start our sex drives... Bet you didn't know THAT shit, eh people? LMAO
K sugare - 20 times.. yeah, that's me on a fucking good day. I wish only 20.
Dan - are you writing this down, i swear you are.
shhh...not writing it down, just committing it to memory for playback later.
D'Oh! I'm not supposed to be here! No I must go...
So Sass - here's what your shopping for. SUG, do NOT buy these items!!
1. Vitamin E and Zinc. Do not take it in a multivitamin.
2. Pheremone lotion. I can recommend a good one, and I believe you can order it online.
3. If you're not allergic to seafood, seriously... try more of it whenever possible. But don't exceed your fish intake... that could be bad. I recommend baked or grilled.. not pan fried or dried. You want the oils... lots of oils.
4. chocolate... daily.
5. Jasmine... tea, candles, body wash. whatever you can get for jasmine do it.
See, and these are the things Im supposed to stay away from.. !!!
spread. the. jelly.
daily chocolate? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you PROMISE??
crap i have to send this to myself.
hmmm the fish thing bugs me, it's so hard to eat fish that isn't deadly to the environment and the health of the oceans these days.
the rest though hmmm...
why not a multi vitamin?
recommend please.
god giving up chocolate? can't fucking EVER imagine it.
Okay, the fish thing.. i understand that... You cant really find a non-farmed fish these days and that sucks.
BUT. If you get desperate enough (and I hate that word), you try a little salmon here and there.. or abalone is good too.
No mutivitamin because of the iron content, and chances are (if you're anything like me), you'll get vita-toxosis or sick tummy.
Over the counter multi's are packed with a lot of filler and no thriller... best to buy a multi at a natural foods store if you're going to take one... not a grocery.
That is, if you need to take a full multi-vitamin.
If you don't stick to a straight E vitamin (every other day, not once a day), and a shot a Zinc in the same way...
K, remember im not a doctor here... please and thank you.
The Chocolate as we know stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain and releases endorphins.
Pure chocolate (even hershey bars) are not fattening, do not cause acne, and is actually found to help you cardiovascularly before work outs... HOW ABOUT THAT SHIT!
who hooo! Im on a roll here.
The pheremone lotion is by Crazy girl.. it's lightly scented and can be used in lieu of perfume...
you don't want to wear perfume when you wear pheromone enhancers because the perfume will block it... lemme find that link for you :)
This is an outlet store that supplies the adult toy stores in the area...
I trust this site as none of the other stores I have linked carry this specific product.
and so everybody left to buy lotion and freakin vitamins?!?!?
or what?
Shit, I know how to clear a room.. seriously.
sorry, my jaw hit the keyboard again
Yea so Thom, don't ask me to join you for a nice Seafood dinner... it gets iffy after that.
and no chocolate cheesecake either... you'll assume I'm easy.
cant have that.
Right Sug LOL... Attrny general buggin!
Sns!!!! I thought I scared you earlier, seriously. Glad to see I didn't chase you off for good. See, now that you have are my blog partner you get to know all my dicey qwerks.
Wanna share my chocolate?
So.. k now you know I'm clinical... do you still like me?
Does it explain why I oggle at you during the meetings sometimes?
ok em, sounds like a deal.
Then you have to wear something unsexy, such as a burlap potato sack. Oh yeah and don't talk either, or you'll assume that I'm easy!
Looking at your ass and choosing a chocolate is really hard to do.... HA! Umm, k well yeah I oggle because I like you DUH, but now you know its uncontrolable... so go with it.
It fucks with my typing too.
Sug - COLLECT dammit COLLECT. I know you have a dossier to handle that.
Thom - k, no talking, really unsexy... check... so, what then? McDonalds in sweat pants, sounds good!
don't order the mcfish sammich
Right *noted*
and let see, no milk shakes, no dots with chocolate, and wear sweats. no talking. real unsexy
for me, i'll just be myself. real unsexy
yay! i killed a room again!
Well I think that's because we're tired of hearing yourself put well, yourself down honey.
This is a positive shiny happy place Thom... we come here for ego-happiness....
so, smile and go down on me or I'll dig my heel in your shoulder, k?
Gaddamnit Em... I'll be your damn fuck toy! But hey... I have to work tomorrow so... 8 or 9 climaxs and I gotta bounce
bubbles : one) i'm never not eating chocolate
two) advice noted and i'll take most of it... though it seems i won't need it
hey em It'S HERE!!!
and SO HOT!
i wonder if it's wrong to wear it naked?
Well rock on, Emma. Just hopped off a flight, sitting in DFW International Airport and couldn't run fast enuf to a wireless HotSpot to read Emma's intro...rrrr... on my way home now (after 'nother flight) and not sure WW will know what hit her when I arrive
EN: I'd be happy to go down on you, heel or no heel, but where does that leave the $400?
Wow, sexual tension'z real high today... must be something in the air. blazin! cum hither...
i can't visit yer blog at work. sorry. you still wanna fuck me right?
Yes Cap'n have no fear... your Emma is hearing you.
I still would. and then I would again.
Hmmm....Now you're talking....That almost sounded like a challenge...I've just got one thing to say to you Red Riding Hood....(smirking)....Beware of wolves....
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