Unique Mental Textiles
Randomly generated thoughts and miscellaneous odds and ends at your disposal, courtesy of Everything Nice:
Oh please don't be cute tonight, mommy has to write
I can't write about bondage and discipline tonight because my family was way too dysfunctional in a good sort of way. My youngest had his charisma hat on and proceeded to dazzle me with his highly-skilled flirting abilities; batting eyelashes and blowing kisses over alfredo... While the eldest talked about Cro-Magnon eating contests with my husband, and at times it got dicey for me at the dinner table. I'm positive it wasn't me.. but..
At times it was a strange oedipurean moment... and I felt queasy. Seriously gave me the creeps. My youngest is either in love with me... or he's gay people. Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you.
That said, even the inkling of mono-gloves and velvet whips can't shake this "I just sang the Dora the Explorer song and played race cars" groove I got going. And besides... no way in hell I can flip flop that easy people... I'm still one hell of a mother too.
That would be like a Disney movie with a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. Interesting concept... but uh-uh, not doing Donald Duck with a paddle.
Chew it Sweetheart
You noticed there's a new girl in town. My hearts all a flutter people, seriously. I'd like to introduce you to “C” or as you know her now Sugar N Spice, my new blog mate. She's been playing in the closet for about a week, taking in the scenery. Last night I hooked her up as a member, since really... She is worthy of a slice of the Em-pie...er. EMPIRE! HA!
Anyway, I'm hoping that her first post here will be a little bio, and perhaps a little intro... and then for me after more champagne a little intro.
And then I'll let her intro... We'll be intro-ing... in. out. in. out.
Please make her feel welcome if you hadn’t had the chance yet. After numerous lengthy conversations of what we feel we want to accomplish with this blog *snicker* it's apparent she has some good things in store.
Side tracked momentarily: Would you pay $400 just to sleep with some one? I’m really tossed up on this one…
Side tracked in a completely different direction: I have emails to write... holy shit... Oh, and I was tagged too! K, I need a post-it note *pulling from fore head*
Bringing Home Flowers
Admittantly, I took my produce story back at my meeting today... Somebody got quite descriptive today about the way a cauliflower feels against a clitoris and I felt compelled.
Shut up fuckers... think about it. SO, yeah... I'll be hanging in the produce section this weekend. Alright, I'm NOT riding a cucumber... no way people. I have my limits. If any of ya’ll have experience you could toss (get it, toss?) my way, I’d surely appreciate it :)
No cleavage in Vegas?
A lot of you are going to be disappointed when you read this, and that's okay because I need you to face a harsh and bitter reality. As you know Blondie and I will be meeting in Vegas soon, it is not on our agenda to sleep together. And though we've poked and prodded each other on the blog, and perhaps flirted… a little; we insist that we're friends. Yup, that's said.
Our intention is not to get in each others panties that weekend... it's about wearing matching ones and strutting around Vegas like a we own the place. Not in the panties only, well, maybe...k no... k well... no.
Alright god damnit it's anybody's guess about the panties, I'll probably lose mine anyway.
We’re gonna shop, and drink, and talk, and do girl things… nuff said. But I’m still packing the bubble bath.
Keep on truckin' (and I'm not screaming that either).
My husband bought himself a new truck today. Good, he needed it... I'm proud of him. But he's doing the I have a V8 and a tow hitch dance... Then you add the testosterone rush of writing a check for it with no financing bull shit.... And before you know it he's like the cock of the walk and I'm sure is gonna try for some anal sex tonight.

Would it shock his manly ego to deny him? At the peak of his carnal manliness? HA! That would completely fuck him up for sure.... Ahhh, the power of a woman, eh girls?
K, I won't deny him... but I'll tease like a saucy bitch.
How bi-polar of me: Do I need to get laid tonight? No, not really..... yes, you do.... no i dont.... yes you do... no really, i dont.. yes... no... k... maybe.... alright i do.
See, now THIS is what Im talking about.
I want to buy a hobble skirt and take a pic in theme with the whole BDSM thing we're working and write it off as a business expense. But I can't because blogging isn't business... Perhaps I could use it for a product review.... HMMMM.
*que light bulb*
Only, the things $110.00, hardly worth justifying that to my editor... and I can't wear it to work. Damn my workplace for not endorsing co-worker flogging... that chaps my ass.
I hope that Tuesday brings you things only you should wish to have. And whatever those things are... ummm, perhaps you should share.
Oh please don't be cute tonight, mommy has to write
I can't write about bondage and discipline tonight because my family was way too dysfunctional in a good sort of way. My youngest had his charisma hat on and proceeded to dazzle me with his highly-skilled flirting abilities; batting eyelashes and blowing kisses over alfredo... While the eldest talked about Cro-Magnon eating contests with my husband, and at times it got dicey for me at the dinner table. I'm positive it wasn't me.. but..

That said, even the inkling of mono-gloves and velvet whips can't shake this "I just sang the Dora the Explorer song and played race cars" groove I got going. And besides... no way in hell I can flip flop that easy people... I'm still one hell of a mother too.
That would be like a Disney movie with a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. Interesting concept... but uh-uh, not doing Donald Duck with a paddle.
Chew it Sweetheart

Anyway, I'm hoping that her first post here will be a little bio, and perhaps a little intro... and then for me after more champagne a little intro.
And then I'll let her intro... We'll be intro-ing... in. out. in. out.
Please make her feel welcome if you hadn’t had the chance yet. After numerous lengthy conversations of what we feel we want to accomplish with this blog *snicker* it's apparent she has some good things in store.
Side tracked momentarily: Would you pay $400 just to sleep with some one? I’m really tossed up on this one…
Side tracked in a completely different direction: I have emails to write... holy shit... Oh, and I was tagged too! K, I need a post-it note *pulling from fore head*

Admittantly, I took my produce story back at my meeting today... Somebody got quite descriptive today about the way a cauliflower feels against a clitoris and I felt compelled.
Shut up fuckers... think about it. SO, yeah... I'll be hanging in the produce section this weekend. Alright, I'm NOT riding a cucumber... no way people. I have my limits. If any of ya’ll have experience you could toss (get it, toss?) my way, I’d surely appreciate it :)
No cleavage in Vegas?
A lot of you are going to be disappointed when you read this, and that's okay because I need you to face a harsh and bitter reality. As you know Blondie and I will be meeting in Vegas soon, it is not on our agenda to sleep together. And though we've poked and prodded each other on the blog, and perhaps flirted… a little; we insist that we're friends. Yup, that's said.
Our intention is not to get in each others panties that weekend... it's about wearing matching ones and strutting around Vegas like a we own the place. Not in the panties only, well, maybe...k no... k well... no.
Alright god damnit it's anybody's guess about the panties, I'll probably lose mine anyway.
We’re gonna shop, and drink, and talk, and do girl things… nuff said. But I’m still packing the bubble bath.
Keep on truckin' (and I'm not screaming that either).
My husband bought himself a new truck today. Good, he needed it... I'm proud of him. But he's doing the I have a V8 and a tow hitch dance... Then you add the testosterone rush of writing a check for it with no financing bull shit.... And before you know it he's like the cock of the walk and I'm sure is gonna try for some anal sex tonight.

Would it shock his manly ego to deny him? At the peak of his carnal manliness? HA! That would completely fuck him up for sure.... Ahhh, the power of a woman, eh girls?
K, I won't deny him... but I'll tease like a saucy bitch.
How bi-polar of me: Do I need to get laid tonight? No, not really..... yes, you do.... no i dont.... yes you do... no really, i dont.. yes... no... k... maybe.... alright i do.

I want to buy a hobble skirt and take a pic in theme with the whole BDSM thing we're working and write it off as a business expense. But I can't because blogging isn't business... Perhaps I could use it for a product review.... HMMMM.
*que light bulb*
Only, the things $110.00, hardly worth justifying that to my editor... and I can't wear it to work. Damn my workplace for not endorsing co-worker flogging... that chaps my ass.
I hope that Tuesday brings you things only you should wish to have. And whatever those things are... ummm, perhaps you should share.
Welcome, Sugar & Spice. Can't wait to meet you...
Welcome C (wont make the drink mistake LOL)
Did I just read "The Many Faces of Em" ? I havent any idea where to comment on first...yes I do...no you dont...shut up I do!
I didnt know it was contagious. must ...find--vaccine...No you dont
Welcome to the blog C! I hope you stick around longer than whatshername did.....see? I've forgotten her already.
New truck without financing AND a wife that loves anal sex? Your husband is a lucky man....*sigh*
And would I pay someone $400 to sleep with them? No. Nuh-uh. Ain't gonna happen. I don't even think I could charge someone $400 (and I'm worth it, I know) to sleep with me. People should just give it away. Bring back the 60's! Grrrr Baby, Yeah!
P.S. I could comment on the 'me and blondie in Vegas' thing but it's all been said. But if you sew a tag in your panties, put my address in them!! LOL
i cant stop thinking about you
ooooooo! have fun in vegas :)
Wez- AWWWW dude, see that was nice!
Sug - LOL thanks! Okay, we'll go ahead and blog the trip... but NO WEB CAM sheesh! Just thought I'd cover that before anyone asks :)
Hi C! HA!
Blondie - I know it. Me too. And really I have no idea why that is. Well I do actually but I can't go into it here. *snicker*
Early - I never charged him for ass sex ever... perhaps I'm doing it wrong... christ, after all this time. sheesh.
Silent Man - Perhaps I should turn the other cheek then? Yes? No. Yes? NO? erf. I'd have to charge you $400... :)
Gigi - Honey, I'll do ya for free, you pay the air fare.
*gasp* SUG! JEFF GORDON is worth $400... what's wrong with you honey? are you fevered? Feeling ill?
Dan - Noted, submitting your address in all my panties... except for one pair who was promised to some one else. Um, yeah what's her name.... HA!
My husband IS a lucky man, isn't he?
Well those tables are about to turn because now I'm gonna start charging him for anal. Glad he doesn't have a car payment cause he's gonna be broke for sure!
Calzone - I know, me too... hope to raise the money asap you sexy stuffed mother fucker.
Buttah - I love it when you say ooooooo. Damn you're the hottness.
Murph - wtf? you got something againt eating your veggies?!?! I was NOT going to 'slim' the cauliflower... well, not until you mentioned that...
ON another note, I just found out 5 minutes ago that a friend died....
wow. *tear*
Oooo, I am so sorry to hear this. I ws coming over to leave a cheeky note but will change my tone and depart with the following Parable From The Sailing Towns.
I stand upon the seashore. A ship spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and heads out across the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand to watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud on the horizon, just where the sea and sky meet to mingle with each other. At my side someone says, "There, she is gone."
Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large in mast and spar and hull as when she sailed close by, and just as able to bare her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in my vision alone. At that moment when someone at my side says, "There, she is gone," other eyes watch her coming -- and other voices take up the glad shout... "There, here she comes!"
And that is dying.
Take care, bubblegum.
i'm sorry to hear about your loss. my condolences.
welcome sugar n spice, please be nice to me.
K, no more sadness but I thank you all for your condolences.
It would make me feel better to carry on with this shit here than to dwell on my loss.
Again, thank you for your sympathy and support... It really means a lot...
but i'm still perplexed over this $400 issue.
k, reaching...
Em, looking forward to your friend revealing herself. ;)
Welcome on board S & S.
sugar n spice
that sounds like a couple of salads worth tossing
i love the hobble dress and want to pound your ass
Thanks Suze :)
Sug - LMAO! I would be paying... but at this point I'm fairly convinced it's totally worth it.
Fuck it, im doing it. Hmmmm, i wonder if he takes credit?
Satan - POUND MY ASS like the hot evil mother fucker you are... and then floss your teeth with the ties.
SNS - Hay baybie! See, I told you that you'd be welcomed with open arms! and maybe a slap on the ass too :)
That's it yall, I'm a slapping mother fucker.
So, can we have drinks tonight then SNS? You're really extra spicalicious today btw...
OH, and tread lightly around Murphy... it's his dominant day. I don't think we covered his weekly flip-floppage.
uh oh
double trouble ... i better get my safe word flash cards out ...
No Sug - It's all good.. though we will be taking a tour around the blogosphere later on...
Spicey - I want to embrace it. Like my palms want to emrace your...
shit, are we going there? Because Im going to get mildly turned on thinking about it even.
Bill - no worries studly. I will now commence with the kneeling...
Um. In light of the current situation, all I can say is....
"I share well"
K. umm. I'll buy the drinks then.
I sure don't mind if women go bi....especially if they do it around me!!
hmmm, sounds like sugar has met murph in person ... is that the reason?
Like I said... warning.
Stimulating conversation here. Just thought I'd drop in.
FYI this "flying under the RADAR" shit SUCKS ASS!
I'm mildly convinced that the evening of drinks will be spent talking about Murphy...
and see? god damn attention whore... can't I just have ONE all to myself?
bite me
jesus Thom I hope that was for me:)
i'll send pics of where to bite me en ...
Cool thanks Thom, all I get from anybody else is a 'fuck off'
Murphy - you wanna mud wrestle?
Noted spicy-hotness, no talking about Murph during drinks. I actually wanted to talk about your current project list and the short story submission you have due.
and then I suppose I'll have to tell you about HNT....
Sug - you are witty, and I like your use of dossier!! See, I saw ya workin' it honey.
HI HORSN!! are we quadin' yet?
Murph, get ready fucker because I'm wanting to get dirty... NOW.
oh wait shit, it's your day to me dom, isn't it?
I think I like that we have another woman to tease us......yes indeed....
SnS - you're fitting right in! (and I'd like to fit right in too if you know what I mean. nudge,nudge,wink,wink,say no more!)
Umm, it appears as if you have no problem with your ending Spicy-one.
But, no matter... we'll definetly work that into the drinkage tonight.
Say, should I call you, round 5? Just to see where we should meet?
Horsn - Yes baby, i dig it dirty.
Dan... she's cool, iddn't she?
Geez I'm out for a day and I miss all this....haha. I dig the name sugar n spice and everything nice...yes yes I quite agree. Oh and great clarification Em on the Vegas trip. I'm bummed....I'm going to Vegas this weekend. I'm missing you girls by a week but have fun...and stay safe.
Oh and the 400 dollar question...if you seriuosly think it's gonna be worth the effort, the time, the drive the flight the whatever to do it...then go for it. If the fireworks after won't make up for that one night then don't.
Duly Noted Jax, duly noted. I think you're right...
Do I get pissed at him if it's not? Like, throw a brick at him or demand my money back?
HA! It's alright, im sure there will be another Vegas trip planned soon... :)
(you didn't miss a thing:)
JAY!!! Shit dude, I wondered where you went... thought it was because I stopped flirting with you. btw, you look nice today :)
She's cool and hot....yum!
So, did someone offer you $400 to have sex? Am I missing something here? I'll admit I'm pretty tired and overworked so it's quite possible I'm just really stupid today....
Either that Dan honey or you didn't read the post today.
No, it was a general question actually... I was surfing escort services last night and stumbled on one that I thought was interesting...
turns out he's $400. *shrug*
You know i was just kidding with the 'didn't read the post today' thing, right?
I have all sorts of love for ya dan... i want to hear the F chord.
hmmm, speaking of music, my guitar has a g-string on it ...
Throw a brick? LOL...Shit ask for your money back...Thas right...I said it....hahaha. I shoulda asked for my money back at Palm Springs...damnit.
LMAO @ Thom! Does it have a rhinestone 'sexy' on the back... that one's my fav.
Jax - well I -- HEY! You saw a lot of T & A at Palm Springs!!!
Yeah, you may want to get your money back LMAO!
Yeah cuz lookin at old Santa's nuts wasn't my thang....alright sweetums. Have a nice uh bath! yeah...hahah. Meanwhile I'll die in my little corner. nighty night.
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That's alright Jax. Right now I'm dying in a little corner too... so scoot over.
Thom - no, i don't think so.
hey, i hope you don't mind me not visitin' yer blog during the day, but i don't think my job would appreciate me lookin' at the purdy pics you put on yer blog. sorry. so where all the white women at?
Back for said cheeky comment... would I pay $400 bucks... probably not. They would pay me. That's how it works.
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