Big ol' Jet Airliner
Don't carry me too far aw-ay... ohhhh big ol' jet airliner- Cause it's here that I have to stay *playing air guitar*
Love Steve Miller. Now how many of you will have that song stuck in your head today I wonder? Wow what a strange couple of days it's been, I truly appreciate all of your compliments on my HNT and my glasses yesterday... It was cool to surf the airport wi-fi for the short time that I had "check-in" unfortunately my time was so abrupt and scattered I was not able to comment... When I saw that Mamalicious had trouble today it was a firm reminder to me that there are some really bored, jealous, cruel people out there. It's unfortunate that we lost a good member of our blog circle in this. I'm hoping that she'll stop by every once and awhile atleast.
Jesus, I felt the same when Blondie left.
And the same when Lil left.
And the same when Castu left....
WTF? Dammit! Fuckers ya got me all teary.
Heartfeltedly (not a word, i know) it's a friggin shame, and it's down right unnecessary. I still believe that if people are going to make an afternoon out of ruining somebody.. They should be able to do it full on. No anonymity... It's bullshit... And most likely these are the people that will eventually get theirs. Kharma's a bitch.
I'd wax more philosophical but I've been spiritually high maintenance today.
Yep, had that wonderful 9:30am flight! And then a surprise one at 1:05 to a completely different state then planned! OH people, there's so a story here...
It won't kill my anonymity to tell you where I flew to, because you have no idea where I flew out of... Or maybe you do. And if you do please keep it to yourself, thanks!
My scheduled flight to Oregon took off just fine since it stopped raining for like 15 minutes here (thank god).
BUT, as expected on a tiny ass plane the take off was shitty... The flight was shitty...
I chewed gum and rubbed my forehead the whole time since we never really stopped experiencing turbulence until we landed safely in Portland. Oregon is absolutely beautiful in every way, and the people are friendly, and it wasn't raining. Makes me SO want to move there.
Meetings went well, almost too quick to justify the drama of the plane ride... But you know me, kept my chin up and all that.
I don't talk about what I do professionally much, and yes I have a day job for those that wondered. I do not sit at home eating bon-bons unfortunately... But if any of you want to finance me to do that... I'd love it, thanks!
For those of you who don't understand my job, let me elaborate. I work for a company yes, but not really... Okay KINDA. It's one very important guy... And four of us that support him. Entourage? Totally. Two translators, an accountant, and a right hand man (who is me).
Yes, just like the Don... And his support staff.
So yesterday it was me, my boss, the two translators... And a very small turbo prop jet chartered. Fun.
K so back to the schedule.... Last minute phone call comes in and there's some business to do in Idaho. YES Idaho. So my boss being all excited to have his plane at his disposal decides we need to journey up to the big ID (where potatoes run free and there isn't fuck-all to do). Flight to Idaho? Sucked big balls guys and gals... Bad weather forced us to a low altitude in which I quipped with my co-workers over whether I should look for emergency parachutes. Good thing though, we found a mini bar! Which quickly became our motivation for coping with the twin prop puddle-jumping.
I had a mini Jack Daniels straight... And then felt the burn as we descended and landed. Yep, great time was had by all.
Here's where the story gets fun though... Around 3:30 we're at the airport waiting to head back to whence we came. But no go, the weather in my home state would not allow for us to hop our plane back... Um WHAT?!?!? Holy fuck dude, please let me not be stuck in Idaho for the evening. Either that or it was to fly into my state and then drive 6 hours to my city from the alternate airport.
We waited, stuck, for about an hour. I was nerval. Yes, nerval... Past nervous. I imagined my family at home having a nice warm dinner whilst I did the fast food and hotel route in a state that boasts the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation... K, that's just depressing as hell; just shows that there's absolutely NOTHING to do in Idaho besides fuck. Which I guess is kinda cool... hmmm. Maybe I should rethink my opinion... *shrug*
To make a long story short we were informed at the eleventh hour that there was a nice United twin prop flight leaving for home in 15 minutes. I was focused and made sure we made that flight... Again, worst flight ever. I spent most of my time laughing at the pilot who quipped over the intercom "You may want to meet and make friends with the person next to you..."
So of course I had to make the airplane movie quote "we might not make it through this... And I've never been with a man before..." Which eased the tension of the guy sitting next to me... Poor guy.
Thankfully, I am home now... Safe and sound in my own little play space once again. I feel kinda jet lagged and dis-associated but at least I got to have a little adventure in my work week!
Some bullet points of interest:
-- Two more weeks til Vegas!
-- My new glasses kick ass and are worth every penny.
-- Buzzed dictating sucks when you have to do it quickly.
-- I picked the wrong week to stop taking amphetamines.
Happy Tripple FFF people, seriously... have a drink on me!
Love Steve Miller. Now how many of you will have that song stuck in your head today I wonder? Wow what a strange couple of days it's been, I truly appreciate all of your compliments on my HNT and my glasses yesterday... It was cool to surf the airport wi-fi for the short time that I had "check-in" unfortunately my time was so abrupt and scattered I was not able to comment... When I saw that Mamalicious had trouble today it was a firm reminder to me that there are some really bored, jealous, cruel people out there. It's unfortunate that we lost a good member of our blog circle in this. I'm hoping that she'll stop by every once and awhile atleast.
Jesus, I felt the same when Blondie left.
And the same when Lil left.
And the same when Castu left....

Heartfeltedly (not a word, i know) it's a friggin shame, and it's down right unnecessary. I still believe that if people are going to make an afternoon out of ruining somebody.. They should be able to do it full on. No anonymity... It's bullshit... And most likely these are the people that will eventually get theirs. Kharma's a bitch.
I'd wax more philosophical but I've been spiritually high maintenance today.
Yep, had that wonderful 9:30am flight! And then a surprise one at 1:05 to a completely different state then planned! OH people, there's so a story here...
It won't kill my anonymity to tell you where I flew to, because you have no idea where I flew out of... Or maybe you do. And if you do please keep it to yourself, thanks!
My scheduled flight to Oregon took off just fine since it stopped raining for like 15 minutes here (thank god).
BUT, as expected on a tiny ass plane the take off was shitty... The flight was shitty...

Meetings went well, almost too quick to justify the drama of the plane ride... But you know me, kept my chin up and all that.
I don't talk about what I do professionally much, and yes I have a day job for those that wondered. I do not sit at home eating bon-bons unfortunately... But if any of you want to finance me to do that... I'd love it, thanks!

Yes, just like the Don... And his support staff.
So yesterday it was me, my boss, the two translators... And a very small turbo prop jet chartered. Fun.
K so back to the schedule.... Last minute phone call comes in and there's some business to do in Idaho. YES Idaho. So my boss being all excited to have his plane at his disposal decides we need to journey up to the big ID (where potatoes run free and there isn't fuck-all to do). Flight to Idaho? Sucked big balls guys and gals... Bad weather forced us to a low altitude in which I quipped with my co-workers over whether I should look for emergency parachutes. Good thing though, we found a mini bar! Which quickly became our motivation for coping with the twin prop puddle-jumping.
I had a mini Jack Daniels straight... And then felt the burn as we descended and landed. Yep, great time was had by all.
Here's where the story gets fun though... Around 3:30 we're at the airport waiting to head back to whence we came. But no go, the weather in my home state would not allow for us to hop our plane back... Um WHAT?!?!? Holy fuck dude, please let me not be stuck in Idaho for the evening. Either that or it was to fly into my state and then drive 6 hours to my city from the alternate airport.

To make a long story short we were informed at the eleventh hour that there was a nice United twin prop flight leaving for home in 15 minutes. I was focused and made sure we made that flight... Again, worst flight ever. I spent most of my time laughing at the pilot who quipped over the intercom "You may want to meet and make friends with the person next to you..."
So of course I had to make the airplane movie quote "we might not make it through this... And I've never been with a man before..." Which eased the tension of the guy sitting next to me... Poor guy.
Thankfully, I am home now... Safe and sound in my own little play space once again. I feel kinda jet lagged and dis-associated but at least I got to have a little adventure in my work week!
Some bullet points of interest:
-- Two more weeks til Vegas!
-- My new glasses kick ass and are worth every penny.
-- Buzzed dictating sucks when you have to do it quickly.
-- I picked the wrong week to stop taking amphetamines.
Happy Tripple FFF people, seriously... have a drink on me!
god i love amphetamines
that's why i'll never do another one.
i have massive nervous tummy today... but you know why :)
glad you lived through the twin prop nightmare, welcome home darlin'
i missed what happened to gigi but i sure miss castu already.
Can you have "jet" lag if you've been on a fricken barnstorming crop-dustin' prop plane?
...I guess bouncing cloud-to-cloud at low altitude leaves joining the "mile high club" off the table.
...oh, and stay outta Portland!
I don't want the secret about this cool city to get out 'til I buy a place there first and also, I don't think the great titty bars there could handle the competition!
Em, I thought you were on your way to the UK. *sigh*
LMAO @ Dom... you have titties?
Sug - yeah, glad to be back with my heathens :)
Sass- I totally know! I'm so excited for you!!! Damn amphetamines dude, have me seeing things all coke bottled and fluffy LMAO.
Murphy - Great, go get me some and make it a dt vanilla mocha with whip.
Jay - thanks buddy... wait, you aren't easily pleased? Really? Then are you high maintenance?
Suze - possibly in April ;)
No! Meant YOUR titties!
I heard there's a place with a Greek name (or Roman?) that has a great steak special... and of course, plenty of titties.
Nice HNT shot by the way... although the reverse angle is the more desireable view.
i did one of those puddle jumpers from sea to spokane, but had to land in moses lake for emergency reasons ...
but the captain was pretty damn funny ... first line as we were about to take off.
"Sorry, there are no flight attendants on board, so just hope that the person sitting across from you has some snacks to share. Oh yeah, and we don't have an inflight movie either. But, I do have some pictures of my families last camping trip that i'll hand back in a few..."
welcome back
Spoken like a man that's been there and done that Dom... both the steak and titties.. and the reverse view! LOL
Thom - yeah I think the pilots need to provide a little comic relief whenever possible for those flights... especially since there aren't any attendants to harass. :)
thanks for the welcome back :)
WOOT! Here, somebody lick my belly button!!!
see, now that's the shit right there!
k. I'm trying to remember that when I get over excited I'm supposed to put my head between my legs and breath deep. But that just turns me on...
so what the fuck?
What a kick ass idea! I can clean a toilet like a mother fucker dude... sparling clean.. even after three men have pissed on it all week and missed!
How the hell do you guys miss the toilet anyway?!?!?
That's a big ass target to shoot for!
yeah, but they get it on the floor too?!?!? How the HELL does that happen?
because we can...
Gigi - I fuck myself.. that's the honest to god truth... oh! OR the pilot, he was kinda hot!
Thom, but then WE have to clean it?!?!?! Is that fair?
Oh gigi- Im so sorry your trip got cancelled!
Glad you're back all in one piece!
I'll lick your belly button! Salt it up and put this lime somewhere that I can get to it easily... where do you want the shot glass?
um we never ask you to clean it
paper towels and personal assistants ... hehe
TG - I have somewhere to stick the lime but damn, it might sting at first. :)
Thom - um. ?
Gigi - Can you get me a cup?
Move to Oregon. You'll be one state closer to us. LOL.
question: how can men miss a large target (ie. the toilet) yet still nail a chick in the eye (or tongue... whichever target of choice) after a BJ?
...and what the frick was the castu sitch? Was that the same person as "Ming"? Where is Ming and their dream analysis?
I need a dream analysis... I recently had one where I was meeting up with an old girlfriend's dad (a phone company customer service repair tech) and BS-ing w/ him about stuff. WTF?! And he was blonde (not in real-life) and in totally rock-solid physical condition (again, I don't think this is in real-life either)... and tan?!
question: why TWO translators?
a) Was this a really big meeting with a lot of foreign-speakers and you needed to have some back-up?
b) No one there spoke "Oregonian"?
c) You didn't trust the first translator who after each thing they translated, they said, "yeah -- that's what the fuck he said, beeyootch! Word."
d) It was a meeting with a bunch of lawyers and/or politicians so you needed to translate what they said from both sides of their faces?
..... i hear crickets. ....
I like crickets.
Seriously contemplating moving to Oregon to see Jax and Blondie everyday... is that a crime?
Dom- we can talk about the translation thing over dinner... you're paying.
WAIT! I wanna know what it says on the note!
You know, I would move to Texas because the fishin' rocks down there... don't think I'm not familiar with those secret fishing spots...
No gigi- you get spanked with a ruler honey... especially you :)
Gigi you're not supposed to wear panties!!!
Maybe you live on a boat in the sea then Jay?
Sug- I would totally love to move down therr. I could stay with my granny and we could do some down home southern cooking :)
I make a suhweet chicken and dumplings!
seriously, simmer the chicken til the meat falls off the bone...
add some home made batter for the dumplins... lil onion....
Fresh bisquits even... top it off with Southern candy and ya got it tight!
Jay - I'm resisting temptation to flirt with you... badly.
Can I go for a canoe ride though? Please?
Seriously, I'm thinking that it's my blatent flirting causing all of my turmoil in my personal life.
I think I give the impression that I want to fuck everybody...
and even if that IS the case, I prolly shouldn't act like it. Can't make and keep friends that way apparently.
You know, hard to get and all... Is it working?
Well yeah, but if I said THAT Jay, then others would get jealous?
keep on keeping on with your thought on that... lemme row. And now that I've got your full attention honey...
do I say seriously too much?
K, so on another note... do you do the fritolay candy sug? Or is that just my freaky southern family?
Thanks for feedback on the flirting guys... I just need to remember that at least 10% of the day I am not a sexual object...
i dont think.
well, im not sure.
fritolay candy? .. just you.. but frito pie.. YUMMMM
Frito Pie? Do tell... what is that?
Yeah, frito lay candy.. with the Karo syrup... is that the same?
Oh shit, that sounds good actually.... wow.
K, what is it about southerners getting all creative with the fritos?
Frito Candy:
1 bag fritos (reg size)
2 cups peanut butter
2 cups Karo syrup (light)
--Heat syrup and peanut butter to smooth consistancy...
--dump fritos in bowl
--pour syrupy peanut butter mixture over fritos, toss...
spread on ungreased cookie sheet to let cool until mixture is solid.
Yummy. dude, just yummy as hell.
FUCK HORSN you always beat me!!!
No dude, don't use the sugar... it totally ruins the recipe...
Swear it.. I tried both the regular and the brown... no go.
Omit the sugar add and just go with the syrup and peanut butter.
doubling the cuppage of course, if you only use 1 cup of both its not enough to cover the chip!
*running to see HNT*
awww HORSN. I can only imagine the wrath I would suffer if I posted my baby pic dude.
I sucked on two fingers instead of my thumb, and i ALWAYS had em in my mouth.
HOT, I know.
um ROFLAO!!!!
Well, if that's what ya want then I think i--
No really, my middle finger and my ring finger planted firmly in my mouth at all times. Just goes to show that there's no way just one can ever accomodate me.
again... *errr*
LMAO! I wondered if you were going to go the DP route Horsn!
I'm thinking that might qualify... but really its just an underlying theme of my own sexuality...
really, i can't just have one... kinda like lays potato chips.
See, we're back on chips, aren't we?
Like the pringles pop?
Hi Blondie :)
still H-ing ....
Gigi - I would offer you some frito pie to go with that wine... but honey im not so sure the two would mix well...
at least not after digestion.
Sug - the candy KICKS ASS!
Thom, ummm dude... stop H-ing.
Seriously Gigi, let's have some.... and I wonder, how ARE you today?!?!?
whatcha drinkin?
you DO?!?!? you know I never got to see yours... totally cheated!
got an extra glass, I could use one! Was it the ass Gigi? Is that what you liked about it?
all the sexy bitches wanna get w/ my crew.
I totally do capn, you white trash racists are HOT!
K, somebody bring me some captains because im stuck at work...
well, the freeways shut down. So yeah... I'm stuck at work until one of the main lines clear or else I just sit in 3 hours of traffic.
why is my comment jumping? K, thats pissing me off.
on top of all the other shit i have to deal with.
no dude, blame it on the people that can't get their shit straight driving in the rain.
Ummm people, it's been raining for 28 days... shape that shit up already for christs sake!
IM TRYING!! It's coming from the Islands honey... seriously... grab a pinapple!
Yes, Gigi you may get laid!
If I was still doing my produce assignment, this conversation would be kick ass!!!!
wow! Gigi can I use you for research? I mean, ummm... that would be kinda cool!
what size was it?
what color was it?
did you name it?
before or after....?
Maybe I should make a phone call and get my assignment back!!!
Hmmmm.... interesting concept.
it was summer and he was so ripe so ready to be plucked from his stem...
I took him in my hands and laid him in my lap. As I looked down at him, I noticed how endearing he seemed... how, overly attracted I was to him... how his skin seemed to sparkle...
I knew then... I had to have him.
His name was Guido.
He was a zucchini...
It was the summer of 69...
ummm... not touching the cherry tomatoes but interesting concept there sug... beginners could use frozen peas!
boy, that'd be a shock to the ol' system eh?
I'm thinking we need an erotica piece that involves Guido!
k, Emma out... Im gonna try for traffic and see what happens... wish me luck!
Gigi - kiss guido for me :)Oh shit I hope peter doesn't get jealous...
em: there's more.
also? i fucking love methamphetamines. mix them with weed and booze and it's the perfectest high.
that said?
never EVER again.
are you add is that why you're on them?
The student is here (as the teacher did appear)... now what? I have no one who will play BDSM with me... WW not into that in the least.
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