A quick dip of certainty

It's pissing rain outside for the 18th straight day.
My workload at work was immense.
I need to make some crucial personal decisions.
Tonight I drink wine and take a bath.
Why? Because that's what I'm best at apparently these days. Nope, not feeling sorry for myself in the least... Just re-identifying with some issues.
Wiping the slate clean, taking it back to square one. Nixing the list of 3 and beginning at 1 again. Okay, most won't know what the HELL that means... But go with it, K?
In fact if anything today was a day to gain knowledge and learn lessons. Today was a day to finally see the brazen truths... Today was a day that made me much stronger. I feel awesome but tired. I feel like I need renewal in a way... But I don't.
Christ you know, I feel the need to purge and plunge... But I'm not PMSing so shit... No excuse. In these circumstances I think I usually just DO it without over thinking... If I over think I hesitate. And then I just re-invent goodness and trust into the situation which leaves me vulnerable. Lately people have been up my ass and not in a good way. At first, I thought it was me... But I'm seeing more and more that... No, for once it ISN'T me! And I get justification... That barely ever happens! Wow, talk about a silver lining... For once I feel wonderful about the way I've reacted because it's not me being reactive as much as it's me deflecting.
I have no idea when I'll return to post the next BDSM piece... I want it to be thorough and without gaps. Research? Maybe. There's a munch going on in F-town tomorrow night... Could go I guess. Hmmmm. Thanks Pixie for the invite!
Alright then, I'm soaking. You people keep working on the safe word... While I--- *perk*
Holy shit people, I gotta take this call... It's the nice ass girl!
*happy dance*
Oh, for those that missed it.. I think it goes in theme with the current phone call:
Hot Dungeness Crab Dip Recipe
Serves/Makes: 36 oz
Ready in: <>
Difficulty: 3 (1=easiest :: hardest=5)
Ingredients: 4 cups mayonnaise
1 pound Dungeness crab meat
8 ounces thinly sliced onion
1 pound chopped artichoke hearts
8 ounces shredded Parmesan cheese
3 teaspoons minced fresh parsley
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine and mix the mayonnaise, artichoke hearts, crab meat, parmesan and onions. Portion crab mixture (6 ounces each) into small ovenproof baking dishes. Place the baking dishes into the oven for 5 to 6 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 140 degrees.
Arrange about 10 focaccia bread slices on a plate around the crab dip and garnish with diced parsley and lemon slice.
This recipe for Hot Dungeness Crab Dip serves/makes 36 oz.
This dip kicks ass and I recommend Estancia Reserve Chardonnay 1996-1997 if possible.
Ive neverhad the pleasure of BDSM. Would love a chance ofcourse. I wonder which I'll prefer? Both seem very arousing...
I gotta go, I have very vivid pictures in my head I need to take care of!!
This post was confusing yet interesting.
so, was this dip of certainty like a calgon commercial with wine ?
I hear what you're saying, E.
One overdue Psychic purge...
good luck, and good energy vomit!
Stay the course, and shoot all invading pirates!
Sug - I'll try and cover the Munch topic on my next post... sit tight :) I am very very impressed that you pin pointed that term though :) SEE?!?!?! You paid attention!
Brian - Hopefully you can learn some really great stuff in the next to pieces so when you do have the opportunity to engage in these activities you'll have knowlegde.
Knowlegde is power!
Gigi - I could totally hear you singing that :) Pussies and Cocks...k Pinot is nice... but I've never had it with crab, I will try that though. Thanks for the suggestion.
See, Im glad some of you are taking these posts for what their worth... education and a bit of entertainment.
Jay - you're SO coming along! God love ya... yes, cleaning out the closet is good... clears the mind :) Makes you imagine life a bit more peacefully and flowing... Zen.
Dan - yes it was, did you figure it out yet?
Thom - no it was more like a fizzy tingly aphrodisiac like sensation with wine. I hated those Calgon commercials... If you got a screaming child and a task list the size of texas? there's no way in HELL a bubble bath is gonna help ya.
Murph - yeah, ummm. hmmm. So, you want custom wheels and tinted windows on the minivan?
Blondie - I did! I was officially kicked out of well, you know. LOL!
Holy shit dude, Im so proud to be a rebel~!
Em - Sadly no. Mind you I've been quite busy and haven't had time to dwell on it. I did notice the term 'munch' and was going to ask about it but sug already did. I'll try to focus more brain-power in this post....
I know huh? Helskel's awfully good at visual literalizing :)
I love the energy vomit too! Hows things Gigi?
Murph- I'm sorry dude, I couldn't see ya rollin' the CV... BUT I could see you rolling the 7 passenger minivan with the CB installed on the dash!
Dan - No brain power needed. :)
I appreciate you regardless.
Em - ya, you know what? I'm lost on this one. Perhaps I'm thinking too much? I'm just going to monitor the comments for a while and see if I can pick up any more understanding.
Of course, women in general sometimes confuse me so it's nothing new! LOL
And I appreciate you for who you are too, not just how you look or what you say. Although those are fun too!
"visual literalizing"...
I don't know what that means,
so why does it make so much sense?
Ps, when are you going to have female parts appreciation week?
Monday = Penitent Pussies
Tuesday = Awing Asses
Wednesday = Bodacious Boobies
Thursday = Break for HNT
Friday = Lucky Lips; and put all the pieces together... a fully assembled woman!
Dan - Why are you trying to make sense of my chatter?
I think what I was going with was "damn, I am just as much a person as an object and I need to identify and organize the 'loose ends' as Jay mentioned above.
I'm not going any where... really.
I have some personal issues on my plate. I've been taken advantage of by a few people...
Basically, I've been used and abused! Need to reinvent the way I deal with people I mistake as my allies and friends because really they not want to be my friend as much as they want inspiration and free ideas.
I get no gratitude and have never from these people.
I get no respect, I get discounted.
I get shunned and not remembered for my good kind nature and all the things I sacrificed and did for them and their project path...
and it bothered me. I think that from now on no more advice, no more free will to them. No more anything.
As well I was shocked to learn the the incumbents believe it is my character flaw and not their own. Even though they personify something completely different from that which they project.
I suddenly have no faith in people and that really sucks because I want to.
clear as glass now? This is what I wanted to say on the post... but couldn't pin point it until now... thanks Dan, for making me vomit that...
that's gratitude!
very bad
Em - just think of me as the finger down your throat. Or something like that!!
I was trying to figure out what you were talking about so that I could offer some solace, that's all.
Even though we've never met you've been nice to me and offered some kind words on occassion. I feel like I should return the favor. It's what friends do (even internet friends).
Ok, enough of this sappy stuff...
Helskel - Really the only reason you want that is because you still insist on a clone women as being the ultimate solution.
So really, perhaps you were hoping to pick the best of the pieces displayed and make perfection?
I think woman parts appreciation week is a good idea, I really do.
Im thinking that once I get this quarters to-do list done and some other things we can and will proceed with some female appreciation for sure :)
I love your verbose :) and ultimately I think you have a plot to rule the world some day !
blondie, this is where I make a pun on 'feels me'... right?
...shit! over thinking again!
Wine and a bath... the best way to think things over... I'll take a Cabernet or a Shiraz.
Some day? ha!
ok blondie... (feeling you)
Dan - I appreciate your compliment, and your link yesterday on the CCL.
Sug - it is, it is.
I have no idea what the hell Murphs into but the sooner he gets that van.... the sooner we all need to move to the islands.
Helskel - NICE!
TG - Yes, 'tis *passing the cabernet*
Gigi - hmmm. I'm glad you're good :)
Blondie - did you see it?
some crab dip, a nice bottle of chardonnay, and vomit everywhere ... lovely
B, was it wounded in the line of duty?
I'd like to kiss it better....
What's more yummy the crab dip or you in the bathtub? Tee hee.
Wait, did Jax just ask me if I was yummy?
Yes, it's right here Thom.... why? are you interested in bi also?
is there an office where women apply to be bi ?
I was born with a vagina.
at least thats what my mother told me... holy shit...
Maybe she just said that to make me feel better about my inverted penis?
*looking down slacks*
This deep thinking thing sucks giant ass balls.
oh gawd, wee nouw haf too worri abowt speeling wile blogggging ?
i know what a munch is... and i've been :)
la la la
have a great day y'all
oh my god, i just realised.
thank you for getting rid of word verification!
also? i think i grok what this post is about so a) congrats on the nice butt girl and b) *huggs*
days of tight skirts, murph... tight skirts
*tear of warmth and thanks*
and a BIG HUGE LAUGH! Dude, it's been one hell uva week so far... So I'm thinking I should totally go to the munch just so I can get an array of different ideas...
:) totally doing it!
Thom - No spelling worries...
Sug - what's debilitating? do you have your head up your ass too?
Oh, and Sass... you know that I know that Grok was not a typo :)
grok is NEVER a typo :)
you may not know what it means but it's never a typo *grin*
and yeah, i was pretty confident!
i thought grok was a muppet , or something like that ...
thom yeah but you probably don't know what a munch is either
hmmm, i knew a slut in high school with the last name of muensch or something like that ... we all called her 'munch'
bubbles: you can but i'm out of practise...
HA! I know both *pride*
So nice when we can all relate on such an intensely verbose level....
wow... so Sass, shall I put in a good word for the Canadian chapter?
I finally found out what a 'munch' is.
Damn foreign terms!!
Helskel really has a thing with skirts... HA!
k, you know helskel, you're just trying to make sure the HNT is successful this time no?
Alright, Ill do the skirt!
okay weird that my comment in response to you is above you.
strange flipping.
that's hot Sass, climb on top of me any time!
Dan, don't share! We'll cover that topic tomorrow!
tee hee "I've got the munchies!"
what up honkeys!
Em...Don't worry, I won't spoil your fun....you know, if I was to find something in my inbox......
Just kidding!
My day has been kinda crappy and I'm looking for a distraction but I must get back at it.
It's about skirting time, E!
Make it shine, and show me the lines.
What can I say, I'm all about those Hips and Makers.
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hips and makers? i don't get it... what's a maker?
I'm glad you asked, sass.
You gals ever listen to Kristin Hersh?
Kristin Hersh,
Hips and Makers is the title of one of her albums.
(I believe 'makers' is a reference to the womb/vagina.)
Go Helskel! We're all about the learning today now aren't we?
jesus people! stop friggin calling me!!!
Oh sorry, thinking outloud... I didn't mean you... or you... or you dan...
hell yeah i saw it emma. nothin' says sex appeal like a wedding party button. btw they are on sale fer free! getcha button today bitches! just e-mail cap'n scumbag. special thanks to emma fer helpin' our drunk asses in makin' 'em.
i'm a corporate whore.
holy shit, my equilibrium is all f-ed up !!! no post today !!!
you know sometimes people just need a day off
or she's working :)
*waves to em*
Holy shit. Women's Health got 100 today... I'm impressed as hell.
hmmmm...that sounds like it'd rock with a nice petite sirah
which is like my new alcoholic fascination lately!
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