Happy HNT, Right?
Shit I got a full plate people... Here's my task list:
1. Sex. Lots of sex. - I actually tried to just masturbate once today... My pussy twitched for like an hour after that. Yeah, she was fairly pissed. So I'm making it up to her tonight.
2. Articles - This is a must do. Preferably once I can concentrate.
3. Football - As if you thought I wasn't still enjoying this football season.. AS IF.
4. Funeral for a friend that passed away on Sunday. Hugs go out to my closest circle, you know who you are... I'll see you there.
5. Q & A - I have a few questions and answers I really, really need to address on here.
6. Email - very important. Still haven't done it. Apologies to those who think I forgot about them.
7. Enjoying your blogs - hee hee
8. Sex again. I think that's important.
9. Bondage and Discipline piece- *whip crack*
10. Life- self explanatory
If I disappear for a day or so, or only pop a picture up... Have no fear; I'm not going anywhere. I just have a lot of shit to do. If ever I were to walk away, believe me you'd know it. In my absence Sugar N Spice may pick up the slack, I'm not sure... Her work schedule is just as heavy as mine, since well, we write for a lot of the same venues...
we'll just have to see what happens :) Right.
I think I shocked some of you with my admission yesterday. Well, I guess it needed to be said really. It was my deepest secret, and now it isn't... Oh well. Ultimately I'm sure none of you were surprised.
How many times have you used that term lightheartedly not realizing that it does really afflict people... Normal people? Furthermore how do you understand and deal with it on a clinical serious level? Right.
Some of you did your research after my post, many asked questions. I liked that... It made me feel like you totally cared about my in's and out's... And wanted to understand it from a different perspective. I appreciate that, thanks guys and gals. Though one or two of you noticed the bi-polar connection and immediately (and quite cautiously) asked if I was bi-polar.
No folks, I'm not bi-polar... Hence the non-medication of my condition. Weird that it should be a condition; even more so one that is difficult to deal with. I'm open to those of you that want to talk about since well, I put it out there anyway. *guffaw*
I promised Helskel a skirt shot or two. And I'm keeping my promise... Couldn't decide which you'd like more so I'm posting them both (one is above)... In a I'm making it up to you sort of way. So Helskel baby, here ya go... Happy HNT people.

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
1. Sex. Lots of sex. - I actually tried to just masturbate once today... My pussy twitched for like an hour after that. Yeah, she was fairly pissed. So I'm making it up to her tonight.
2. Articles - This is a must do. Preferably once I can concentrate.
3. Football - As if you thought I wasn't still enjoying this football season.. AS IF.
4. Funeral for a friend that passed away on Sunday. Hugs go out to my closest circle, you know who you are... I'll see you there.
5. Q & A - I have a few questions and answers I really, really need to address on here.
6. Email - very important. Still haven't done it. Apologies to those who think I forgot about them.
7. Enjoying your blogs - hee hee
8. Sex again. I think that's important.
9. Bondage and Discipline piece- *whip crack*
10. Life- self explanatory
If I disappear for a day or so, or only pop a picture up... Have no fear; I'm not going anywhere. I just have a lot of shit to do. If ever I were to walk away, believe me you'd know it. In my absence Sugar N Spice may pick up the slack, I'm not sure... Her work schedule is just as heavy as mine, since well, we write for a lot of the same venues...
we'll just have to see what happens :) Right.

How many times have you used that term lightheartedly not realizing that it does really afflict people... Normal people? Furthermore how do you understand and deal with it on a clinical serious level? Right.
Some of you did your research after my post, many asked questions. I liked that... It made me feel like you totally cared about my in's and out's... And wanted to understand it from a different perspective. I appreciate that, thanks guys and gals. Though one or two of you noticed the bi-polar connection and immediately (and quite cautiously) asked if I was bi-polar.
No folks, I'm not bi-polar... Hence the non-medication of my condition. Weird that it should be a condition; even more so one that is difficult to deal with. I'm open to those of you that want to talk about since well, I put it out there anyway. *guffaw*

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Very sexy skirt pics!! I love garter belts & thigh highs - yum!
Been popping over here and reading and so want to comment and then chicken out - I'm sure I'll get over it.
Right now I'm actually upset - the place I buy my "toys" was torched to the ground the other night - I just don't get repressed types.
Happy HNT!!
i'm not shocked by ur admission by any stretch of the imagination. (i sometimes wonder if I am that myself.) i'd rather put my imagination & u towards other thoughts. but i do appreciate the issue for u & thnk u for sharing it. it does fill in another piece of everything V V nice.
i love that ur crackin' the whip today. go to it & when u get a chance pls read latest ramblings of urs truly & crack the whip on me. looking forward to ur eventual full analysis.
I'm going' quiet while I take a 17 hr flight. grrr.
o, almost forgot... now you'll really whip me! awesome pics as always. happy hnt
Holy Effin Balls Em.... okay... yesterday I volunteered to be your Fuck toy... now Im begging!!!
Great pics and once again we are on the same wave lenght!
It's getting spooky!
Woohoo...HNT just got better.. It is a two'fer HNT.
::Dances around the room::
Wow, two pics. I'll have to get helskel to request pics every week!!
Take care of yourself Em (litterally), you're worth it!
WOW Em! I love the pics! Can you get any sexier?
I've been outta the loop and feeling loopy these past few days, but I think I'm back. God, I hope I'm back!
it wasnt a secret to me and its a good thing you dont live near me we would fuck to death happy HNT you are gorgous
I'm stressed but you're freestyle
I'm overworked but I'm undersexed
I must be made of concrete
I sign my name across your chest
Give out the same old answers
I trot them out for the relatives
Company tried and tested
I use the ones that I love the best
Like an animal you're moving over me ....
When did I get perverted
I can't remember your name
I'm growing introverted
You touch my hand and it's not the same
This was so unexpected
I never thought I'd get caught
Play boomerang with your demons
Shoot to kill and you'll pop them off
Like an animal you're moving over me ....
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you're dreaming of
Nothing wrong with being a nympho....there should be more of you in the world...specifically in the Birmingham area of Alabama!!
Hot pics...I especially like the second one. VERY erotic!
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking...
You were mine for the taking when I walked in the room...
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking ...
Your eyes light up
When I walk in the room
(You can guess it sug, i know you can).
Em, I'm gonna have to read this post later. At the moment I can only focus on those hot shots. ;)
Color me satisfied.
E, you are "two" good to me!
A hammering in my head don't stop
From the bullet train
From Tokyo to Los Angeles...
I'm leaving you behind
A flash in the pan
A storm in a teacup
A needle in a haystack
A prize for the winning
A dead for the raising
A catch for the chasing
A jewel for the choosing
A man for the making in this blistering heat ..
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
With your bedroom eyes and your baby pouts ...
Sweat it all out
In our electric storms and our shifting sands
Our candy jars and our sticky hands ....
Don't forget what I wrote you then
And don't forget what I told you then .....
(yes Sug, you did... good girl... now if I could only explain why this song is infinite today... i would..)
"why this song is infinite today"
Sheer poetry there... Emma.
And don't forget I that meant to win
And don't forget your ventolin...
(thank you helskel, spoken with truly baited breath)
... So a hammering in my head don't stop ....
....In the bullet train from Tokyo to Los Angeles....
I hereby declare this song my propulsion until I can contain myself. Listen to it for yourself and see what you think.
Right now it's my fucking soundtrack.
"Hammering in my Head"
Garbage- Album 2.0
the song most in my head right now has a chorus like this:
why'd you have to be so cute?
why'd you have to make me laugh so much?
say good night and go
Good song Sass!!! Imogen Heap... NICE!
I feel it... I do.
Thanks Spicy... I'm trying to stay on track but today I'm sooo easily distracted as I have not been able to cure my affliction as of yet.
I'm trying to stick to song lyrics that may be able to possibly describe the way I feel more than pretending Im not bothered...
So.. with that I bring you #2.
I'm sweating,
and breathing
and staring and thinking
and sinking
It's almost like I'm swimming.
The sun is burning hot again
on the hunter
and the fisherman,
and he's trying to remember when,
but it makes him dizzy.
Yes, I know this. But, but... Christ I don't think I can work this shit out without... well.
em: i feel the WHOLE song though
if you get what i'm saying?
I do Sass, I do... That's a great song, and so 'IN' to what you must be feeling right now... The lyrics of that song soooo hit home.
so, you got what... a week? HA! I bet you feel butterflies...
Seems like I've been here before.
Seems so familiar.
Seems like I'm slipping
into a dream within a dream.
Must be the way you whisper.
dude i believe there was some misunderstanding on my part.
so no, not so much anymore. just sad.
Whoa... hold.
The sun is setting cool again.
I'm the thinker
and the fisherman
and I'm trying to remember when
but it makes me dizzy.
I'll take two of your fingers.
blondie: forward em the story i sent you in email yesterday. em... explain it to blondie and read the url i sent her (or em... go read the blog you think i'm talking about right now)
i gotta go teach.
blondie i want to know what you picked!
K, doing...
and I'm sweating,
and breathing,
and staring and thinking
and sinking
and it's almost like I'm swimming.
Tool? Sweat?
Interesting choice of song lyrics.
It's amazing how a song that someone else wrote, possibly about something entirely different at the time, can represent something else so clearly.
I sincerely hope you get better Em!
I had to use that line.
Hope you 'find' what you're hooking for today! ; )
I mean "Fishing"!
Seems like I've been here before.
Seems so familiar.
Seems like I'm slipping
into a dream within a dream.
It's the way you whisper.
It drags me under
and takes me home.
It so does Dan, it so Does... good job on the lyrics! Thank you muches for your well wishes.
Helskel - hooking!?!? *smirk*
Just my fantasies slipping I guess... hehhehe.
i'm your huckleberry ...
Artificial red, smoke, poison consumed
In the House of Ill Repute
Is this the way I spend my days
In recovery of a fatal disease?
Seriously Thom if you can play the riff, I can do the baseline...
Sing it: Oooh ooh...
whoa, that's kinda trippy that you are mentioning this song, i just picked that album up on tuesday.
On a cloud of pink has to grey
And I'm alone again, yeah
Someone to hold against my own
Alone, untouched is what I crave...
Oh the words are painful. and yet so true...
Grab your tam sug... grab it.
tis a good album Thom, I have sex to it often.... k, all the time.
...A swollen sun melting at the horizon
Between the sheets I wait for her to come
A living flame, impossible to resist
Burning me deep with every bite, kiss and lick...
Wait... you're not singing the "ooh, oooh's"?
holy shit, that song is easy! sliding barre power chords...
oooooh oooooohhh!
em: email
blondie: fair enough. if it wasn't calling you it wasn't right. right? :)
damm i need some chocolate.
Sug - that was some great tam playing honey!
Thom - yeah, do you feel it? I think this would sound fucking great!
Sass- got and responded... emphasis on CONFUSE. Could you agree with me?
Pearl - Honey have a wonderful time in Chicago... :) I'm sending you all my happy sexual thoughts.
apparently I wont be needing them.
K, Is jax still dying in a corner?
sass: not really... though i wish i could.
i think it's a back step and a big one.
real answer to email AFTER i go jam and AFTER i go for a drink with hcg (i know, i wasn't expecting that call tonight either)
K, atleast you have someone to drink your pain away with...
good luck honey and I hope to hear from you... I will respond with haste.
You hugg me and i'll hugg you back... and t too... t needs a hugg... just because
well damn, I think if I hugged T the whole world would be shiny happy!
em: cute how i responded to myself rather than you *g*
anyway i'm sad but i'm glad that it's coming to an end.
as for drink? no can do, i have an infection and the drugs are a massive alcohol conflict. can't drink til next friday
hugs are good though.
and weirder? seems like hcg is steppinng up. talk about out of left field.
When some body closes a door a window opens...
perhaps I'll have the same. ;)
Well, have water for me then. And yes, yes...
BIG HUGGS!!!!!!!
word ladybird
have a great night!
you too hot mama... you too.
I just love it when there are two (or three or X) pictures that a HNTer can't decide between. Double the Happy. Double the fun.
Happy HNT.
"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it and I promise you
I promise that I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you?
That I'm in love with you?"
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream...
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
OMG.. that totally was our song.
DUDE... wow, I think you knocked me back to 1991 on that one!!!
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