Aphro- Sheen

Okay people, you know I really can't commit to doing that... Why?
Because I'm a sex freak and thus doing that would be like energizing Superman with the golden rays of the sun.
Yeah. EN + Aphrodisiac Enhancers = Big Trouble in Little Woman
Not to say that there aren't times that I do use them, because to say that would be a lie. No, I save them for times when I want to feel overly sexual and attractive to my partner. Times when I want to feel a little more aroused... Times when I want my sexual prowess to shine a bit brighter.
I have an arsenal of products and methods I trust to 'enlighten' my libido. I suppose I could share them with you in lieu of a review. I would like to say that results and/or opinions differ per person since true aphrodisiacs work in conjunction with your own natural pheromones... And yes, like DNA structure, everyone's different.
So, umm, no matter how conventional the item... Please.. uhhh.. Enjoy?
Aphrodisiacs range in price anywhere from $5.99 to &199.99; and yes people do pay that amount apparently (god help them). I can't attest to the fact of the old adage "you get what you pay for" because I refuse to spend that much on getting me (or anybody else) in the mood.

But I digress, over the years I have dabbled a bit in different types and well, methods of opposite sex attractant... I have tried and trues that work for me so I thought I'd post them. Although some of these would be for your own enjoyment (and to smack that maudlin libido upside the ass). Others are attractants and enhancers for couples:
1. Crazy Girl pheromone shimmer lotion- This is scented. The only thing I can compare it to scent-wise would be the Victoria Secrets love spell lotion, so if you want to smell before you purchase to be sure it's not too strong or the scent (for you) is awful.. That would be to go to VS and sniff it.
At first it might bite your nose for a second, but it fades quickly into an almost oblivious scent (you can only smell it close up to the skin after about 30 minutes).
This lotion has a shimmer, not really a glitter... Don't let it fool you...
I get a LOT of compliments on this lotion... From women and men. It rocks.
2. Eating the strangest things - Edible.com. Any item on the aphrodisiac section has been tested THANKS SHAWN. They work. a lot.
After ordering your pearl lollipop to get your sex on, grab a scorpion toffee candy for afterwards too.. They're pretty tasty.
3. Flying Fox shower gel - Lush. Holy shit I recommend this product highly.
For those of you that do not like the scented products or the lotions... Or eating bugs...
I shouldn't even be telling you about this product... It's my secret. I'm doing this for you Sass because I think this is the one you want to go for. *tear* so special.
Flying Fox shower gel is the most wonderful concoction ever made. It has honey in it and some other shit.. Oh Jasmine..And umm... Just WOW. It doesn't take much but a small dime size amount and BAM... You're a goddess.
The scent carries with you all day, but its not flowery at all... It's rather clean smelling and feminine. Which is why I think it would rock for you Sass.
Honestly, after enduring a full days wrath of shit, sweat, and tears (thinking of you teaching and climbing)... I could smell my forearm and feel awesome all over again. The bottle is small, so you can carry it easily in a gym bag or carry on...
Blondie I will be bringing this to Vegas for you to try... But walk like 20 feet ahead or behind me at all times or I won't be held responsible for .... *sigh*
Flying Fox can also be added to a Lush bath-bomb to create a most holy-shit-this-is-so-fucking-awesome-my-toes-are-curling type of bath... Add a candle too.
Honestly after talking about this I think I need a shower.
In fact, while you're at Lush.com, shop around (but not you Blondie, I got you taken care of). Their stuff kicks and I swear by everything they sell... I'm a fan and only use their products for my bath/shower times.
4. Kharma Sutra Massage Oil (Pleasure garden) - This stuff should be used with a partner that can rub a mean back. It's not something you can wear that lasts through the day obviously, but it's something that works the aromatic sensory department... And your lovers hands kneading your skin are just addition.
It's not too Greasy.
It's not too sticky.
It doesn't linger.
It doesn't ruin the bedsheets.
If you're looking for a massage oil that doesn't wreak of patchouli and compliments the atmosphere, this is the one.
5. Aphrodite's Brew - They serve this stuff at my secret place... It's amazing and powerful stuff thanks in part to the Kava Kava in it. I decided that the cinnamon and vanilla compliment of the brew makes the bitterness not so bad. BUT, of course it depends on how steep you like it.
Normally Im not a tea person (please hold tea-bagging jokes for a moment). But this tea passes the test on soothing and abundantly necessary when I need some stimuli.
6. Chinese food. Am I the ONLY person that get's horny when I have Chinese? Seriously evil those Chinese people are for their food...

Sweet, salty. Sweet, salty.
Yeah, Im not talking about those times.
Proper chocolate administration is key when it comes to libido enhancement. No I'm not talking about stomach, nipple, thigh (which one do I pick)? I'm talking about consumptive timing.
I'm fairly certain you're aware that its a stimulant, it doesn't cause acne, and by itself in proper consumption ratio it's not fattening either...
But did you know that if you have one little hershey's bar before it date it can swing it to the positive? Maybe not in epic proportions, but it releases mesolimbic dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain. This same area is 'triggered' during orgasm.
Nuff said.
If you'd like to know more about mesolimbic dopamine and how it pertains to orgasm, here's some light reading for you. And yes, I read this shit.
8. Saffron - In rice normally, but there's been times I've treated myself to a Saffron candle that can only be found in a small cubby shop at "the market". Really it's expensive to buy and even harder to justify eating/burning.

I like it creamy and slow... Is that a bad thing?
10. Otis Redding, Nina Simone, and Billie Holiday - Flip on the Otis and I'm yours like a 50% of sale on the day after Christmas folks. Jazz/Blues is never a turn off people. Slow sweet and smooth... Especially when you have the vinyl copy and can experience the 'pops' of the needle. suh-weet!
How'd I do? Can I go have sex now?
okay hold on... I'm writing this shit down!
Now just to clarify... on point 7. The sweet/salty/sweet/salty
I get the chocolate sweet part... so whats the sal...
oh... nevermind
seriously... I don't have such troubles... I can get a bonner if the girl just smiles at me...
yeah like that em :)
Well Em, for once I have saved myself some money.
I'm like you, I don't need any of that stuff. My libido is way too high already. Just ask Alex. LOL.
Nina Simone and chocolate...it doesn't get better than that!
Nicely done EN!
Thanks ;;)
oh my god! my mom and dad religiously drink kava kava tea!
(go momma and poppa though!)
K, Kharma Sutra Massage Oil in the Pleasure Garden scent is the best! It's my favorite so far. I agree with all of your points. This stuff is the bomb! I have some at home... anyone wanna give me a massage???
I've heard about the Kava Kava thing... I need to test it!
Mmmmmm... Chocolate... *pouring chocolate all over body* Oh shit! I'm supposed to eat it! Got it!
Damn EM! All I had to do was read about the aphrodisiacs to get my groove on! Now if I only had someone to help me with this little problem...
Romey- :D
Alex, What do you think, does Suze need aphrodisiac enhancers?
Thanks Madame! I'm giving you purchase direction as we speak... *snicker*
Jay - Yeah, Nina is just HAWT when it comes to putting the shizzle in my nizzle... Add a hot sultry evening with the windows open and a soft breeze billowing the sheer curtains...
Buttah - EW. I'm hoping they're drinking it for the other 'plus' effects... but you know what? DAMN if they're still getting down then I give them MAD props!
TG- Yeah I luv me some of that massage oil.. the other scents aren't as wonderful I think. Chocolate, message oil, and a little Kava Kava... and a plane ticket *grin* to maybe a nice Northwest kinda place...
This is an awesome post, em! Wow!
Hmm, I guess WD-40 didn't make your list as an aphrodisiac.
No Thom, you're right it didn't... I save the WD-40 for getting out of my PVC jumpsuit.
And anyway, it would fall under the lubricant category, would'nt it?
i know my parents get down.
unfortunately, i have an open family...and everyones sex lives, except mine of course because my brother and father want to kill any guy that looks at me let alone defiles me, is pretty much dinner convo.
oh! and this flying fox stuff...how does it smell..like....is it sweet? or like musky?
'cause....i have scent thing...
Blondie - I AM your sugar momma. Pretty much got your bases covered on the foo-foo "touch me Im hot" stuff.
Just scream my name in the throws of passion and we'll be even.
Buttah, are you the only girl in your family? I'm assuming so.. and you know the only reason that happens is because your brothers KNOW what guys are all about :)
Flying Fox smells like Honey and Jasmine. It's a sweet smell.
No musk, thats why I'm impressed... of course depending on your own natural pheromones it may 'tint' a bit... but it's a subtle sweet smell and NOT overpowering at all. That's why I highly recommend it to those with 'smell issues'.
Its also good for the office place that doesn't allow perfumes or strong deoderants.
Murph - you know, yeah all those things are (of course) aphrodisiacs... well, because I'm Bi, but the ladies might not agree... of would they?
wind is also a big problem for me.
Say corduroys again and I'll mame you because YOU KNOW how I feel about guys working the cords!
and I hate the smell of Drakkar, it irritates my sinuses.
Stetson? not so sure.
Okay then dont scream... moan...
well, not until moaning my name unfortunately... but we can definetly discuss technique!
Yeah, I know Murphy.. no worries. We'll cover all of that in Vegas.
I can't wait til this weekend...
Jay - You know the buddists? If you rub their belly they do this silly little dance :)
Emma, no. Suze is an aphrodisiac.
Alex. Yes I absolutely agree with you... lucky bastard!
Thom - Well that's not why I rub and worship Buddha but I can see where you're going with that...
you are odd. but not for that reason :)
now, if you looked at all the sad pictures of Jesus on the cross, the sad face and all that. then look at buddha. fat, smiling, eating...
i think i would worship buddha too ...
or am i odd ?
So, you wanna go have drinks or what Jay? I mean, is that what you're saying? Yeah, I'll go but you buy.
Blondie - In lieu of mud wrestling I think we should get those big blow up sumo outfits and bounce off each other for awhile.
personal assistant - you are going to vegas with the expectations that you will not be highly intoxicated ? wow!
Blondie - ummm wtf?!?!? You and I both know we'll be consuming high amounts of alcohol... let's just try and be real about it.
no sex.
See, I'm trying!!!
Jay - out-cum... HAWT!
Thom - See, I know it... I think she knows we will but doesn't want to say anything because the chances all of ya'll will be buying air fare to Vegas for the weekend will increase per capita.
i have self control too!
i have the self-control of a catholic priest in a junior high school boys locker room ...
Em - i won't buy airfare, but i will subscribe to your webcam ... hehehe
Thom - If I had a web cam I'd prolly charge like pay-per-view to all of ya.
You have self control issues.
Blondie - No worries, you can be the designated walker then. Just know that if I touch you on accident, it prolly wasn't on accident. Best to take a LONG jacket.
I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......
How the HELL did he know what I was wearing today?
Nice. Very nice. The massage oil perked me up along with choclate. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm. Chocolate. Btw, I'm going to be wrapped up in a chocolate wrap due to a belated Xmas present. What do you think would complete the package even more while I lie there melting away? Thanks Dr. Em!
Ladies don't even BOTHER to try to buy and Crazy Girl Shimmer lotion!
I bought it all...in fact I loved it so much ...I bought the company!
the jig is up!
Madame, so I assume that link worked out for ya? hehehehehe.
That store is my wonderland.
Yeah, you know Jay between the hooded sweatshirt and the name, I too became a little more cautious when walking.... around.
Murph- Yeah, I figured since you kept setting it off I better just disconnect it completely.
Jax - did you say "chocolate wrap?" K, its settled... I'm coming to visit you and Blondie this summer... are you bi Jax? and if not... WHY??????
On St. Patricks day when I've had one too many guiness... I do a jig... only I go up
and down.
Like riverdance only really sloppy and the tops of tables.
Earn a good $120 that way
Wait, who said I didn't have the oiled chest?
Bitch I rock the oiled chest... and I can point my toes like a champ.
You better step the fuck off my riverdance lest ye be hammered in the ass by a leprechaun.
Just say NO to Irish Dancing...let's face it-It's an oxymoron
Unless they rock out with their cock out.
Em, you're more than welcome to come here anytime. I was telling T it would be fun to have a sleepover. HAHA. with chocolate....and about the bi thing, I'm curious but I dunno about full fledged. That's about as honest as I'll get for you. :)
<3 Jax
You forgot to put me on that list of yours...lol (wink,wink)
K, Jax... That's a good starting point, and far beit from me to convert you...
But if you ever find yourself teetering on way curious let me know... It's worth the airfare.
A sleepover sounds way fun! Will there be tape-lines on the bed or do I have to bring my sleeping bag?
Johannes - I didnt forget you... I was keeping you a secret... what, you think I want to share?
ummm. NO. You're my kind of chocolate...
Tape lines? Well we could always put tape all over ourselves as outfits...HAHA.
Oh trust me. You'll be the first to know!
OOO!...A secret!?....Strangely enough, that's a bit of a turn on...Secret buddies....I like that...You can be Calvin and I'll be Hobbes....lol
I loved that cartoon... okay that's a deal because well, you are taller than me and well... you have more body hair...
i think ;)
missed dancing with you at Christmas!
SO, when you say that Bill.. do you mean 'literally' going through my shit...
Because if something's up my ass it may be hard to get to.
If it's the other and you're going through my shit.. then well have at it since most of my shit was stolen in October anyway..
But you know, I'm better when I'm not unconcious... ask anyone.
The best aphrodisiac I know is reading your blog.
MMMM yes baby chocolate!
I concur Em baby!
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