Que it
*I need some sleep - by the Eels*
I'm having one of those quasi fucked-up weeks right now. I'm not sure if it's the inevitable Vegas withdrawal, or the fact that it's rained here for like two months without a break... It's wearing on me though that's for sure.
I feel the need to free write tonight for some reason, I guess to get some things off my chest :) In a good way people, no worries. I'm not depressed per se, or even overwhelmed, I think it's more like a venting-type thing... so hear me out.
I'm taking a few days off from blogging, hence my posting of the HNT picture on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I have loads of work I continue to 'put off' and hope I can catch up to it later but no go... and this is one of those situations where I say Stop the World I need to get off.
yes. literally... I'm a literal kind of girl... you gotta problem wit' dat?
I have bits and pieces of me strewn everywhere with no organization and I'm spread a bit thin. Imagine if you will, your life a bookshelf and your responsibilities as books. For every responsibility beit small and necessary (i.e brushing your teeth), or large and committed (like having a child)... k, thats more like 10 books actually...
There's less room for books when there's too many so you have to take one down.
wow. my brain just popped... didja hear it?
I experienced a spark with somebody, and it's bothersome because it's fairly distracting and ultimately unreachable without patience. It could be the kind of relationship that would be prosperous for both parties, but terribly inconvenient and akward... baby steps even.
Messy poo-poo baby steps.
But I can't stop thinking about it. And I can't deny the feeling. Until there's a clear path of acceptance and direction from both of us... I will ponder it, some days more than others.... But I'm not shaking it... I just wish it were a little easier to deal with and communicate it completely to the other party... Though I know they understand and most likely feel the same way. I hope.
Do I love this person? No no no people.. well yeah kinda, but not like leavemyhusbandandhappyhome, no way!
I think we would both agree that it's nothing like that. Besides, it just... no, no way. I only expect one person to ever love me, and that's my husband. And he feels the same for me. Love has different levels in my opinion, and nobody replaces that of my husbands.... nobody. ever.
Really it's been bothering me for a very long time, but only recently has it really truly surfaced. And though I can deny it til I'm blue in the face.... to everybody and anybody.... I can't deny it to myself so I feel this is a good time for introversion. And deep thinking.
Just not during work hours apparently. Which by the way are getting very long for me. Another good reason why a short break is essential :)
No worries though folks. I'm not depressed, not so into the deep thinking that I'll lose myself (i hope). I just need time for family, sex, mental exchange, and soul-piecing. Besides, my social calendar this week is a little pressing too. I'm sure all of you can understand that.
I wear Red for this HNT... this is the Lili coolmax wicking tank top I wore on the plane home. HOLLA Blondie for the cleavage! Red is the color of lust, love, desire, affection, and power. It's exactly how I feel right now...
I will try to peek in at my comments and your blogs as much as possible of course, and please leave me a comment or two dammit!!! Just because I'm not hanging out, *snicker* doesn't mean I don't wanna hear from you!
And in the meantime, Enjoy this link thats been lifting my spirits for the last couple of days... Really, you'll laugh like hell (I thought of you Helskel when i saw this *giggle for Jack Bauer*). Really I had tears coming out of my eyes and I spit Coke once or twice.
Chuck Norris does not tea bag the ladies, he potato-sacks them.
Oh, and if that doesn't make you feel better, I threw in a cleavage shot for ya (In other words a top shot of the shirt).
See? I told you this shirt kicked ass. THIS is the one I should have worn to the club!!!! *sigh* k, maybe not.
Happy HNT Everybody... See ya real soon!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
I'm having one of those quasi fucked-up weeks right now. I'm not sure if it's the inevitable Vegas withdrawal, or the fact that it's rained here for like two months without a break... It's wearing on me though that's for sure.
I feel the need to free write tonight for some reason, I guess to get some things off my chest :) In a good way people, no worries. I'm not depressed per se, or even overwhelmed, I think it's more like a venting-type thing... so hear me out.
I'm taking a few days off from blogging, hence my posting of the HNT picture on Wednesday instead of Thursday. I have loads of work I continue to 'put off' and hope I can catch up to it later but no go... and this is one of those situations where I say Stop the World I need to get off.
yes. literally... I'm a literal kind of girl... you gotta problem wit' dat?
I have bits and pieces of me strewn everywhere with no organization and I'm spread a bit thin. Imagine if you will, your life a bookshelf and your responsibilities as books. For every responsibility beit small and necessary (i.e brushing your teeth), or large and committed (like having a child)... k, thats more like 10 books actually...
There's less room for books when there's too many so you have to take one down.
wow. my brain just popped... didja hear it?
I experienced a spark with somebody, and it's bothersome because it's fairly distracting and ultimately unreachable without patience. It could be the kind of relationship that would be prosperous for both parties, but terribly inconvenient and akward... baby steps even.
Messy poo-poo baby steps.
But I can't stop thinking about it. And I can't deny the feeling. Until there's a clear path of acceptance and direction from both of us... I will ponder it, some days more than others.... But I'm not shaking it... I just wish it were a little easier to deal with and communicate it completely to the other party... Though I know they understand and most likely feel the same way. I hope.
Do I love this person? No no no people.. well yeah kinda, but not like leavemyhusbandandhappyhome, no way!
I think we would both agree that it's nothing like that. Besides, it just... no, no way. I only expect one person to ever love me, and that's my husband. And he feels the same for me. Love has different levels in my opinion, and nobody replaces that of my husbands.... nobody. ever.
Really it's been bothering me for a very long time, but only recently has it really truly surfaced. And though I can deny it til I'm blue in the face.... to everybody and anybody.... I can't deny it to myself so I feel this is a good time for introversion. And deep thinking.
Just not during work hours apparently. Which by the way are getting very long for me. Another good reason why a short break is essential :)
No worries though folks. I'm not depressed, not so into the deep thinking that I'll lose myself (i hope). I just need time for family, sex, mental exchange, and soul-piecing. Besides, my social calendar this week is a little pressing too. I'm sure all of you can understand that.

I will try to peek in at my comments and your blogs as much as possible of course, and please leave me a comment or two dammit!!! Just because I'm not hanging out, *snicker* doesn't mean I don't wanna hear from you!
And in the meantime, Enjoy this link thats been lifting my spirits for the last couple of days... Really, you'll laugh like hell (I thought of you Helskel when i saw this *giggle for Jack Bauer*). Really I had tears coming out of my eyes and I spit Coke once or twice.
Chuck Norris does not tea bag the ladies, he potato-sacks them.

See? I told you this shirt kicked ass. THIS is the one I should have worn to the club!!!! *sigh* k, maybe not.
Happy HNT Everybody... See ya real soon!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Nice cleavage! Keep wearing it proudly, girl! ;)
Enjoy the brief (please make it brief) time off. By the way I so love the top and, WOW, what cleavage. I hope you bought more tops like that. Hubba, hubba. That is, nice HNT.
dude you totally stole the chuck norris shit from us. you're gettin' a spankin' fer bein' naughty and shit. and fer bein a whore or somethin'. i made a lot of that up. i'm awesome. bitch.
Tara - Thanks :)
Barman - Yeah, you should see the other one!!! HA!
Sumbag - What, we can't share Chuck Norris?!?!?! Bitch I'll kick your ass over him... swear it.. bring on the mud pit!
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian.
Jesus that shit is funny...
As always you look maahvelust dawling... enjoy your downtime...
... a spark with someone? whoosh, LUCKY someone!
Come back soon and when you can please answer my last comment! ;)
damn... now thats cleveage :)
em Im writing you an email
Please read when you can
work, work, work, work.....
Hello girls!
That is a nice way to start a Wednesday.
Happy HNT (on Wednesday)
you have some pretty big jugs.
Chuck Rules!
Though Jack Bauer is the more modern smooth killer,
with a heart!
Thanks for the pics!
(what is it about that certain curved shape of a woman's cleavage?
It just makes the mind go "dahhhhh".)
hmmm...Now who's burning up the HNT?
I can't compete with that.
I am cancelling my HNT's.
OK not really but T still can't compete with those babies!
That would I
I can't compete
T however can compete
wow...what shapely stuff u got there...nice!
Sug - I know huh? Lots of mmmmmm's is good! And strangely I think I missed Scumbag...
Shy - In answer to your last comment... I opt for something that incorporates a little bit of everything in that list... I LOVE BBQ... especially Ribs :)
Romey - email received and answered :) and thanks hun I appreciate it! *blush*
Professor - I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! Hahaha! Okay, I didn't get a harumph outta that guy...
give the governor a harumph...
harumph, harumph!!
Sexxysmiles - thank you :)
Jay - I just didn't want to overload you on mental stimuli is all LOL... Im so proud of you, I cant begin to express it. I'm bursting at the seams even!!!
Yeah, that might be a striped polo shirt next to me :D
Murph - Noted, thanks... its only really when I bend over. Perhaps I should bend if I get lost instead. Then maybe I'll find my head too.
Scum - Better than Emmet Otters Jugband Christmas?
Helskel - The same thing happens to me all the time. Hence my frustration this last weekend with Blondie. DURRRRRRRR.
Madame!!! LOL Stop that! K, look back in time to your HNT comments and my HNT comments... and let's take a tally of how many each of us have (minus our own comments)
nuff said.
I can't even begin to compete with T's boobs.... not even. And if you stopped your HNT, who would I pine over?!?!?
Sid *blush again* Thanks :)
Sug - what is cowbell?
and what's chuckness?
happy HNT , or HNW ... or whatever it is ...
lovely top. but it's the girl that makes the shirt. not the shirt that makes the girl ...
goodness. hnt from you is like my birthday! like the bell that rang for pavlov's dog (but we men respond with so much more than simply salivating!)
hope your time off is restful... do come back to us soon...
you make me wish i didn't look horrible in red...
had to unlurk and holla for that cleavage...HAWT!!!
get rested and back here soon, k.
Emma... so you want "all of the above?" i.e. have your cake and eat it, too?
HOOOOLLLEEEE SHeeeeIT Em with the cleavage LOL
and man LMFAO on the chuck page hehehehe
what the fuck do you "think you missed scumbag"!?! yer about 1 step from goin' on the shitlist!!!!!
Thats it Capn, we're throwing DOWN.
Bitch you best break out your speedo because the mud is warm.
Happy HNT!
enjoy the hiatus babe.
Honey, it is NOT the shirt! I think you'd probably be just as hawt in a XXL t-shirt.
If you ever need any help getting something off your chest and you can't find a fireman ... I'm there for you babe. Yow-Effin-Za! That is just, er ... um ... yeah spectacular. HHNT
Workin' that tank top, ain't ya? Looks hot!
Happy HNT! :)
Red suits you! Happy HNT--
Man, I need me a shirt like that... *blush* and the assets that go with it... ;)
you can wear red proudly...
happy hnt!!!
Nice :) Happy HNT!
*Im so proud*
Thank you to all the nice men and women that have complimented my HNT!!! AWWWWW!
(did TommyGunn say he was a fireman?)
*reading again*
Wow! That is an eye-popping top...
God, where in the world can I get a top like that!??!?!?
Damn girl!!! You look...um... great in red!! Happy HNT!!
Soccer Mom, actually my husband and I have an open relationship which dictates that we can 'play'.
Please everybody understand that we are swingers, we do share our sexual escapades with not only each other but others... yes, we share. But we do it openly.
no lies,
no deciept
no secrecy.
It keeps us stable.
I am not IN LOVE and leaving my husband for the person I speak of in my blog.
My marriage is not troubled, it is better than it ever ever has been. I am happy to say that it is possible to conduct an open relationship without fear, anger, or jealousy.
I think it's hard for a lot of people to comprehend this ideal so perhaps I will go more into depth about it later as it seems people keep thinking im going to have some kind of mischevious affair thing.
*shaking head*
My heart dictates I am with my husband forever... my pussy dictates that I need to wrap my thighs around this persons shoulders.
and my husband knows this... he just wants pictures. and live webcam.
nuff said.
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dude, emma totally wants to fuck my brains out.
I second that emotion shane... what time do you arrive.
Now I know why I like red so much. hehe.
<3 Jax
Very nice :) Looks lovely on you :) My ittie-bitties need a shirt like that!
this is like a 2 day long HNT! i love it !! woohoo!
seriously can i order me one of those from somewhere?
Nice rack!
a connection is a connection..Fuck him
Hope it all works out. HHNT!
you know what? my tits look totally fake in that picture.
they actually look like different boobs one pic to the next.
at first i thought in pic 2 it was blondie. who i miss already.
Oh if only to be on that plane to see that outfit...
Lookin' good, happy HNT
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