Follow up Post to follow up Blondies follow up... Post.
**to read blondies assessment, please click here and see my OC Hottie.
So yeah... Vegas.
What is it about that place that makes your body just go "what the fuck?"
Okay, okay it was probably the inordinate amount of alcohol consumed or the fluffy french pastries we dined on for breakfast. Cheese Danish any body? Raspberry turnover?
yikes on the cholesterol count. But holla for the idontgiveafuckthisisvegasattitude!
Dig the packed mini (honor) bar... It sported chocolate flavored condoms and lube... plus a lovers game all wrapped up in an Eiffel tower... It was soo cool.... $49.00.
not talkin.
Yes definitley holla for the idontgiveafuckthisisvegasattitude!
That exact same attitude found me in my pajamas and sunglasses roaming aimlessly around the casino Sunday morning with a smoke hanging out of my mouth and a constitution to lay waste to my vanitorial needs and sport the dark circles because my hangover was kickin'...
and fuck the no-coffee-maker-in-the-room bullshit.
no, not waiting for room service... High maintenance alcohol poisoned coffeeneeder. If I'm gonna suffer... All ya'll are going to suffer. Thanks for that nice man that wore the WHOLE BOTTLE of Cool Water in the elevator and helped me to polish my "choking it back" skills.
WOOT to the hangover queen! My left kidney hates me and wants me to die.
Let's go down the list of drinks, shall we? I'll try to put them in order until I can't remember.
Blondie - 1 shot pineapple tequila, long island ice tea, 1 duck fart, (uh), K there was something between the duck fart and the red headed slut... jesus, you had a lot of those that night... wait, was it a washington apple too? and another duck fart. K obviously I lost count after MY fourth.
Em - 1 shot pineapple tequila, rum and coke, 1 duck fart, cosmopolitan, washington apple x 2 (shot and drink), duck fart from the mini-bar HA, uh...uhh... OH Hypnotiq and Cran, 2 more duck farts, two more washington apples.
K... nuff said about that. HENCE the audioblogs that will come back to haunt us one day.
But seriously, really, what's up with the striped polo shirts with the white collars? And is blue the 'staple' color for those shirts....Or what? The last time I saw polo shirts that popular was in the early 90's, and even then they were played. I was surprised to see they're back in style because they never did anything for me. Any ladies out there willing to admit to BIG ASS Polo Stripes?
Random observation: Men aren't always pretty when they get closer. Or, you sober up. Or they open their mouth.
Second Random observation: Don't worry about your wedding ring- nobody cares. In fact I think they find it a challenge and place odds for completion of passes.
Paris was a beautiful casino and had most of the amenities you would need at a good resort. I say most because the bed was rock hard and neither of us slept well. ALTHOUGH it had a padded leather headboard.... *Stifle*
We had the water show outside our bedroom window every 10 minutes, and a large movie board that sported Wayne Newton playing a fiddle every 5 minutes... Did you know that you haven't really experienced Vegas unless you've seen Wayne in action. I've seen Wang in action... Does that count?
We went shopping at Bally's and some other places... Bought shoes. What? They're Vegas shoes damnit! Amongst the other things purchased by me:
1. Victoria Secrets black bustier-type top - Which I wore to go dancing in Saturday Evening. And I wonder why the hard-ons were abundant? Well shit it didn't help that Blondie was wearing the same top she is in her profile picture!!!
2. Paris carry-on bag - Which actually turned out to be an awesome purchase as it held my shoes and all the rest of my shit when I couldn't stuff anymore into my seam-busted suitcase (poor thing). Shit people I had 6 pairs of shoes and a suitcase so small it would qualify for carry-on size. I don't wear many clothes.
3. One Mimi Mango Lili coolmax 'wicking' tank - DUDE. Blondie, that rocked not only the airport cleavage but damn it was so nice to NOT share my alcohol perspiratied 'state' with everyone on that flight. I love that top, Im wearing it all the time... I can wear it without a bra and my husband can't believe I made it home safe with it on. HA.
Blondie won capitol on the slots. I fucking didn't. God damnit every time we sat down she'd plop in a $5, hit 2 credits and BLAM; she's a winner... First win was $138.00, second was $60.00...
I sat drinking and cursing her and her god damn machine, every once in awhile I flipped off the guys sitting behind the security cameras for kicks... I know that didn't help, but I wasn't winning shit anyway. I went home a lot poorer needless to say... although in hindsight I spent more on the alcohol then I ever did gambling (which was new for me).
Let's NOT talk about the club that night. In fact let's not talk about anything that happened after, say, 4pm on either night. Let's just smile and say "glad you had a nice time girls, so happy you're back safe and sound..."

What is it about that place that makes your body just go "what the fuck?"
Okay, okay it was probably the inordinate amount of alcohol consumed or the fluffy french pastries we dined on for breakfast. Cheese Danish any body? Raspberry turnover?
yikes on the cholesterol count. But holla for the idontgiveafuckthisisvegasattitude!

not talkin.
Yes definitley holla for the idontgiveafuckthisisvegasattitude!
That exact same attitude found me in my pajamas and sunglasses roaming aimlessly around the casino Sunday morning with a smoke hanging out of my mouth and a constitution to lay waste to my vanitorial needs and sport the dark circles because my hangover was kickin'...
and fuck the no-coffee-maker-in-the-room bullshit.
no, not waiting for room service... High maintenance alcohol poisoned coffeeneeder. If I'm gonna suffer... All ya'll are going to suffer. Thanks for that nice man that wore the WHOLE BOTTLE of Cool Water in the elevator and helped me to polish my "choking it back" skills.
WOOT to the hangover queen! My left kidney hates me and wants me to die.
Let's go down the list of drinks, shall we? I'll try to put them in order until I can't remember.

Em - 1 shot pineapple tequila, rum and coke, 1 duck fart, cosmopolitan, washington apple x 2 (shot and drink), duck fart from the mini-bar HA, uh...uhh... OH Hypnotiq and Cran, 2 more duck farts, two more washington apples.
K... nuff said about that. HENCE the audioblogs that will come back to haunt us one day.
But seriously, really, what's up with the striped polo shirts with the white collars? And is blue the 'staple' color for those shirts....Or what? The last time I saw polo shirts that popular was in the early 90's, and even then they were played. I was surprised to see they're back in style because they never did anything for me. Any ladies out there willing to admit to BIG ASS Polo Stripes?
Random observation: Men aren't always pretty when they get closer. Or, you sober up. Or they open their mouth.
Second Random observation: Don't worry about your wedding ring- nobody cares. In fact I think they find it a challenge and place odds for completion of passes.
Paris was a beautiful casino and had most of the amenities you would need at a good resort. I say most because the bed was rock hard and neither of us slept well. ALTHOUGH it had a padded leather headboard.... *Stifle*

We went shopping at Bally's and some other places... Bought shoes. What? They're Vegas shoes damnit! Amongst the other things purchased by me:
1. Victoria Secrets black bustier-type top - Which I wore to go dancing in Saturday Evening. And I wonder why the hard-ons were abundant? Well shit it didn't help that Blondie was wearing the same top she is in her profile picture!!!
2. Paris carry-on bag - Which actually turned out to be an awesome purchase as it held my shoes and all the rest of my shit when I couldn't stuff anymore into my seam-busted suitcase (poor thing). Shit people I had 6 pairs of shoes and a suitcase so small it would qualify for carry-on size. I don't wear many clothes.
3. One Mimi Mango Lili coolmax 'wicking' tank - DUDE. Blondie, that rocked not only the airport cleavage but damn it was so nice to NOT share my alcohol perspiratied 'state' with everyone on that flight. I love that top, Im wearing it all the time... I can wear it without a bra and my husband can't believe I made it home safe with it on. HA.

I sat drinking and cursing her and her god damn machine, every once in awhile I flipped off the guys sitting behind the security cameras for kicks... I know that didn't help, but I wasn't winning shit anyway. I went home a lot poorer needless to say... although in hindsight I spent more on the alcohol then I ever did gambling (which was new for me).
Let's NOT talk about the club that night. In fact let's not talk about anything that happened after, say, 4pm on either night. Let's just smile and say "glad you had a nice time girls, so happy you're back safe and sound..."
not workin for ya? k, too bad. What happens in Vegas......

K, we wanna roll with next time. ;)
Matt - Holla! You buy the first round ;)
I'll save my polos for the indian casinos
I totally am rockin' the long sleeve polo stripes baby...
as they say... don't judge a book...
but then again... I wouldn't be poppin' that out to wear in vegas... there it's all blue pinstripe suit
Em, good to hear you had such a great time.
Looking forward to the HNT wearing that new top. ;)
I think the Vegas Therapy was good for everyone. Well done... and yes, we want to see that polo or some of the VS stuff in the next HNT pic.
So where's the next party?
A dusk fart? Learn something new every day. I guess I lead a sheltered life.
Glad to see you had such a grand eventure in Vegas. Makes me long for Vegas but then would it be the same place with you and Blondie? I hope you are all rejuvinated.
Finally I can not believe you posted that last picture. OMG. You would have thought you would have saved that for HNT or something...
damnit!! i always do miss all the fun!
I agree with Jay....the two of you look H O T!
And back in the early 90's I had a polo shirt but it was red and white. Who the hell wears blue and white? Everyone knows it's only red and white. That's it.
And I looked fucking hot in that shirt!
Now? No polo shirts....but I still look hot damnit!
Next time the two of you head to Vegas you can pay for my trip and I'll act as your bodyguard.
Then you can molest me in the hotel room. What happens in Vegas...
Blondie - I'm still too sore for the high kick! But I can give you a lil *pom pom* and an ouch for my poor forearm! *sigh*
Yeah but Dom- I've seen you in a striped Polo shirt.... s'ok you can pull it off because there's history there. k?
Sug - NAW. It'd take more than that.... though, well.... yeah it would take more than that! lol
Suze - Thanks :) Alright I guess I just have to decide which one is more HNT worthy...
any one wanna do a vote on which top I should be wearing for my HNT?
Shy - Next party is at your place... *snicker*
Barman - THANKS! How can you be a barman and not know what a duckfart is? S'ok actually... I had to teach the bartenders in Vegas. I thought that shot was more popular than that for some reason.
No, vegas would not be the same without us.... HA.
Jay - I left my glasses in Blondies car actually... and *blush* thanks!!! Blondie did look hot didn't she?
Buttah - Next time you're coming with us... we're all getting matching tattoos and going mud wrestling.
Dan - Roaring round of applause for your awesome self-esteem!!! I'm sure you rocked the polo shirt most definetly...
bodyguard? we coulda used one of those actually.
okay, you're in :)
Murph - figures.
Be careful what you wish for... I might just call your bluff.
Be careful what you wish for... I might just call your bluff.
call it shy... call it loud and clear :)
"yeah we uhhh... we uh caddy here in Vegas, we're from Colorado and uhhh well we thought that we would uhhhh....."
.."So, where you girls from?"
Jesus dude, take OFF the hooded sweatshirt already... and the beenie...
I'm still laughing my ass off about you ducking behind the sign to hide from them Blondie LOL.
yeah. oy.
what's wrong with a hooded sweatshirt ? and i wear my beanie under my hood..
K Thom that's fine... but it's like 40 degrees where you live...
It was like 70 in the casino.. and dudes from Colorado... so wtf?
Why am I so picky about guy's attire? Jesus... ya'll just don't wear anything and Emma will be satisfied....
I dunno Sug, there's something really sexy about the hiding behind the hooded sweatshirt look actually...
Dang... comment queen you are!
Welcome back girl!
jay - I like the birthday suit much better... no getting with the times... and thanks for the sponsorship yesterday :)
Helskel- Big cheesy grins for you!!!
Jack Bauer likes Mint Ice Cream?
You seducing celebrity secret agents now too?
i wonder if i could confuse you all by buying a hooded striped Polo shirt ...
and no pants ?
K, actually Thom, THAT's HOT.
Murph, I did not buy a belt this weekend... just shoes and shirts.
Jay - LOL... No don't buy the shirt... I like the birthday suit look. Actually a man in any suit is hot as hell.
Helskel- I've been known to 'have' one or two... which I can't go into here since one reads this poor thing... erg. HA.
Em...why wear a shirt at all in your HNT?
Because I think Ive had one too many shirtless HNT's and the natives are getting restless?
shit, i dunno.
en - how about a striped polo shirt ?
or would that diffuse your theory on the inability to get laid while adorning white collared striped polo shirts ?
I have no idea Thom... I don't think I even own a striped polo shirt....
hehehe - i know! sugar, it must be nice to be a chick!
Hmmm...why do I think that when Murph said "give a girl a belt" he wasn't talking about the kind of belt that you wear?
Am I that much of a cynical bitch?
Wait...don't answer that.
Shirt or no shirt your HNT will be hot.
Alright Sug, Ill wear the one I wore home on the flight then... I think that will be justifiable actually...
* I love that shirt *
Thom - It is good to be a chick, unless you're PMSing or overly emotional about something extremely stupid which then... it sucks and you don't get laid.
Madame - Yeah, I still have that bruise actually. K, just kidding... does he seem like the woman beater type? I mean, he said belt and I thought about the snap of the leather on my ass cheek...
Im not answering, and no I dont sense hostility either... um maybe.
Now about the HNT pic? Wow, thanks for the compliment... but as it's been proven week after week, yours will always be more popular and much more intense in the hotness factor than mine :)
OMG pictures of T....haha. You don't know the shit I got to go thru to get her to take's a rare thing...really. Btw, you girls look smokin...
Em, can you please check if you can access our site.
We are currently being hacked.
Jax - Thanks!! Im tellin ya! Next time you're going :D
Im surprised she didn't get on me yet about the photos :)
Suze - I couldn't access it honey!!! It just kicks me back to my site..... trouble.
EN!!! WTF are you talking about???
Mine hotter than yours?
I don't think so!
Murph doesn't STRIKE me as a chick beater BUT he would say something asshole-ish like that just to get your goat...or ass...or whatever
Em, there are currently at least 10 servers hitting our site trying to bring it down.
The Bastards.
We are going to bring the site down and we will keep in touch and let you know what happens.
Thanks everyone.
Aww Suze honey, im sooo sorry!
hmmm, it seems the the IT guys here at work don't appreciate that I have this blog as my home page ... what is wrong with them?
thomcat, we won't have anything said against IT guys honey, they seem to know exactly where our attack is coming from.
glad you had a nice time girls, so happy you're back safe and sound..."
damn... all that hawtieness in two tiny little female bodies!!!
pom pom kicks my ass... thats the whole dance line worth of high kicks... feather boa and all
seriously... I am happy you both had a rocking time and very very thankful you're both home safe
so did you chicks do it or what? oh, and i'm back in town.
Ok, you guys are CUTE. :)
Okay... what classification would you like the next event to fall into...
1: Internet Family BBQ
2: Rockin' Wild Party
3: A Night To Remember
4: Falls under the "Bound In Secrecy Act"
5: Other _____?
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