Crazy Eights (HNT)
So before I could even take a deep breath and a shower I'm tagged again by Sugarpunk!
I like to think it was a DP kind of deal but Sassinak had tagged me a while back so really she was there first.
Sug get's sloppy seconds... but I swear I'm worth it ;)
As a victim of tag the rules stated that i list the gender of said partner and list 8 different points of the perfect partner... Though I think this is a bit flawed since mainly I believe men are highly compartmental and cannot provide perfection... but instead, perfect situations.
I can't even imagine trying to encompass what a perfect guy could be *shaking head*
That enigma is beyond comprehension even to imagine with the most open of minds.
I'm not knocking you guys... I'm just saying that well, ya'll have qwerks and it freaks me out how well you hide them. As I've stated before I love all men no matter what, and I accept you for who you are. Basically said, most times I find your qwerks endearing and annoying... which goes without saying.
C'mon admit it.. each and everyone of you has something 'not perfect'.
ahh, denial.
It's not just a river in egypt.
K, and now for my crazy 8 perfect man challenge from Sugarpunk :)
Gender: Male mostly, but can apply to both
1: He needs to laugh a lot (with me and sometimes at me)
2: A warm true smile
3: Know the difference between casual sex, making love and fucking
(there's a time and a place for each one... I would be overstepping my boundaries to ask him to know which one at which times.. so we'll just leave it at knowing their differences).
4: Put his hand in the small of my back when we're walking together.
5: Be honest from the beginning (even about the stupid shit)... if that dress looked like shit at the store? Just tell me and let me pout instead of letting me wear it out and hear from my best friend that it looks like shit and you prolly lied to save my feelings.
6: He would never mind the little things.
7: If I cried he would hold me and not question.
8: The perfect man would not be better than me, or less than me; he would be my exact equal.
8 tagged people: ... Blondie, Sass, Snavvlyn, Madame, Tequila Girl, Buttah, Murphy, Johannes
K. Now a couple of random thoughts:
-- How shitty is it that my favorite AC/DC song is now a Nike commercial? I mean, it gets right to the best part of the song and then ends abruptly like that?!?!? TEASE!!!
-- Ummm... one more day and I'm Vegas bound... and that shit rocks.
-- I'm really having difficulty trying to find PJ's to wear to this weekend because I don't own any.. so the sleeping arrangements may get dicey. BATHTUB!
-- Kashmir by Led Zepplin tops my sex song list
-- Ryan Reynolds is still smokin' *scrolling back to yesterday*
Happy HNT people, Big Smooches to all of ya... sexy fuckers.
If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
I like to think it was a DP kind of deal but Sassinak had tagged me a while back so really she was there first.
Sug get's sloppy seconds... but I swear I'm worth it ;)
As a victim of tag the rules stated that i list the gender of said partner and list 8 different points of the perfect partner... Though I think this is a bit flawed since mainly I believe men are highly compartmental and cannot provide perfection... but instead, perfect situations.
I can't even imagine trying to encompass what a perfect guy could be *shaking head*
That enigma is beyond comprehension even to imagine with the most open of minds.
I'm not knocking you guys... I'm just saying that well, ya'll have qwerks and it freaks me out how well you hide them. As I've stated before I love all men no matter what, and I accept you for who you are. Basically said, most times I find your qwerks endearing and annoying... which goes without saying.
C'mon admit it.. each and everyone of you has something 'not perfect'.
ahh, denial.
It's not just a river in egypt.
K, and now for my crazy 8 perfect man challenge from Sugarpunk :)
Gender: Male mostly, but can apply to both
1: He needs to laugh a lot (with me and sometimes at me)
2: A warm true smile
3: Know the difference between casual sex, making love and fucking
(there's a time and a place for each one... I would be overstepping my boundaries to ask him to know which one at which times.. so we'll just leave it at knowing their differences).
4: Put his hand in the small of my back when we're walking together.
5: Be honest from the beginning (even about the stupid shit)... if that dress looked like shit at the store? Just tell me and let me pout instead of letting me wear it out and hear from my best friend that it looks like shit and you prolly lied to save my feelings.
6: He would never mind the little things.
7: If I cried he would hold me and not question.
8: The perfect man would not be better than me, or less than me; he would be my exact equal.
8 tagged people: ... Blondie, Sass, Snavvlyn, Madame, Tequila Girl, Buttah, Murphy, Johannes
K. Now a couple of random thoughts:
-- How shitty is it that my favorite AC/DC song is now a Nike commercial? I mean, it gets right to the best part of the song and then ends abruptly like that?!?!? TEASE!!!
-- Ummm... one more day and I'm Vegas bound... and that shit rocks.
-- I'm really having difficulty trying to find PJ's to wear to this weekend because I don't own any.. so the sleeping arrangements may get dicey. BATHTUB!
-- Kashmir by Led Zepplin tops my sex song list
-- Ryan Reynolds is still smokin' *scrolling back to yesterday*
Happy HNT people, Big Smooches to all of ya... sexy fuckers.
If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
I loved the 8 things you picked.
Happy HNT
As always, love your HNT.
No listening to Kashmir while sleeping without PJ's, unless your roommates understand the sounds coming from you in the tub are 'happy sounds'.
I could probably stare at that all day!!
Hot stockings! Love them!
As for about a big t-shirt?
I read this on my Blackberry. I was just about to think, "Emma wears pj's? WTF?" when I then saw your next line.. "Ah ok, that makes sense." R u gonna blog from Vegas so we can all get play-by-play reports?
I like your list of items... quite poignant, Emma! And as for your HNT pic, well, heavy sigh... you are just too breathtaking for words. .. I think you might fall into the Beth category from one of my recent blogs... "History told me that girls like that meant I didn't stand a chance until..."
Enuf for now
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Rereading the list of eight....I am perfect! Oh well we all know that is BS, just leave me in the corner for now revelling in my moment of self-indulgence.
I agree to the shittyness of great songs being used in 30 sec commercials! I am forever stuck with the song in my head until i give in and play it (not a bad thing really).
::Puts on Kashmir, and enjoys the pic::
As always, very nice
I got tagged???!!!
Can I just write
He wants to fuck me
Eight times and call it done?
All right,tomorrow.
hey..i blog during class....but i do anything but listen to legalese during suck in general! tagged me?
(i've been awake since 6am..doesn't mean i've been cognizant)
WOO! i never get tagged! THANKS!!
Pretty interesting list of 8 there Emma girl. Most of those are pretty standard for what a woman wants though aren't they? I could be wrong. I don't understand women all that much anyway...I just know what to do with them. Heh
Love the pic. As always...
I think you're right's somewhere in the back...near the end.
That also explains why Noah built the ark, and not his wife....
First... fuck you Murph...
K, feel better.
That pic makes me want to bite something... :)
The list... it's great! The honesty thing is the best one. I kinda have a special place for it in my heart.
Happy HNT!
Oh! Sug, what about the Pizza Place? That came first! Hehe!
*licking pizza sauce off of Ryan*
Okay, I'm distracted by the visual of licking pizza sauce off of Ryan....
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Help me Emma! You lick one side and I'll lick the other. We'll meet in the middle.
Sug - k, email! yes thanks for the tag!!! I love it and soooo easy!
k. 2guysandagirl. ryan. mmmm.
*capturing and coveting visual*
Thanks Jon- HHHNT to ya!
Plano *giggle* Believe it or not I only play that song when I KNOW im gonna have sex. If I play it at any other time anybody better understand that well, I'll be compelled to uhhh.... *SMIRK*
Osbasso!!! Feel free to stare honey, just don't forget to blink...dry eyes and all that.
SxulyYrs- Big T-shirt? Can I do the mens dress shirt big shirt? I like the whole 'swimming in it' breast just peeking out from behind the open buttons sipping evening nightcap look... what do you think?
Shy - You think I would go to Vegas with a beautiful woman and NOT blog? wtf? OF COURSE I WILL!!
wait. *pause* I fell into the Beth category?!?! *blush*
awwww..... you make me swoon :)
Silent - I'm only leaving you in the corner until I'm ready for you... so would that be leather or velvet honey? Yeah you know I LOVE rock and roll aint noise pollution... and I think it's perfect for the commercial but...
It makes me wanna drive east and go fishing every time I hear it.. and then I get sad because it's fucking 30 degrees outside and the only fish around here are at the market. *sigh*
Madam - yes, that would work! I mean, if that's the perfect man then have at tit errr I mean IT!!!
and thanks! *blush*
Jay - No, I blog at work ;) And I'm fairly certain I teeter on perfect... we'd make a cute blog couple... don't tell your wife.
Buttah - the fact that you suck is enough motivation to see you in Vegas you sexy bitch you. Seriously, I would give my left breast to tag you in person.
Dan - Thanks for the compliment on the pic! I think sure in a way we all have the same wants and needs... it's how we deal with 'not getting it from ya' that sets us apart.
I mean, reality dictates that no man posseses these qualities...
Furthermore, if Noah was in charge of the Ark, who the FUCK do you think cooked the food and fed the animals?
That kinda pisses me off that you made that dig guys, seriously.. . HENCE your ego issues make you non-perfect.
Murphy - I've changed my mind. I'm not sticking a finger up your ass... I'm using the whole fist.
bend over and wink at me fucker.
TG - RIGHT ON! I can't tell him fuck you.. he always thinks it's a subtle offer.. so I stifle :)
Seriously, I tagged ya honey... (yeah he he he he I wish!)
Let's see what you can do. And thanks for the compliment honey :)
Happy HNT!!!
Gorgeous ass! Happy HNT!
*handing whip to Emma*
Punish me for deleting the comment... Please...
damn I want to bury my face there Happy HNT sexy Lady
K murphy, so you think since you gave up a rib you're better?
I think stating the obvious by saying that action was your first declaration of imperfection...?
would be appropriate.
Jeff - Thanks HHNT!!!
Jay - grrrrrrr... I'm all over that idea actually, let's do it :) Happy HNT :D
VEGAS!! Dude, one more day...
*tick tock tick tock*
So apparently I have to work tomorrow morning.. so I'll be all pimped when you pick me up.. try to control yourself Blondie..
I'll let you dress me down when we get to the hotel.
holiday inn.
said if that bitch starts acting up.. I just fuck her freeiiinnddd.
damn im excited.
great 8's! great pic! great post! and i totally agree about that nike commercial ... talk about anti-climatic.
Thanks Thom.. I could say the same for yours *blush*
Thanks for the tag. When I crawl out of the fetid pit that is my life, I will get right on it.
Ooooo - Kashmir!!! Yes, yes, yes - something about that song has always been great for sex. And, I mean the "I am in charge here" kind. TMI?? (I actually don't think there is any such thing as tmi over here & that's a good thing)
Great pic, so damn sexy!! Happy HNT & have a good trip!!
Jeeezus! Such an erotic pic hon! Beautiful.
HHNT! :-)
You know, when I see a hiney like that... I just want to take a nice big bite out of it.
You could serve a tray of cookies on that rear ;)
"I can't even imagine trying to encompass what a perfect guy could be...."
Sure you can....(wink,wink)....But I must admit, you are right...Even I am not perfect, and I'm ok with that...I'm not sure being perfect all the time would be that much fun anyway...There wouldn't be any challenges...And you do know how much I LOVE a good challenge(smirking)...I guess the world will just have to deal with me only being 90% perfect....Which reminds me....I'm gonna get those panties even if I have to come over there and pull 'em off of you myself!...
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any of you chicks like skynyrd?
Sug-Watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High again.
When Rat takes Stef out on a date...that's Kasmir.
I need a life...can I borrow somebodies?
Damn woman...I've said it many are HOT!! I'd love to have that ass in my face.
LMAO @ Scumbag!
Great Crazy 8 list... and I just want to nibble your cute little ass~!
Congratulations!! I am your perfect man. :) And being your perfect man let me say, "GREAT PICTURE!!!"
Happy HNT.
Enjoyed the tag and the pic.
Happy HNT.
BTW, top of my sex song list is Voodoo Chile, the slow version.
If you cried I would hold you and try to go through your pockets.
It's been awhile since I've been here, but I couldn't resist commenting on your awesome HNT!
Have a great weekend.
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