I make good on this shit, K?!?! (HNT)
There is an HNT here, if you can get through the story...
So even though I'm freaking tired as hell and wearisome from my lack of good sleep. YES, since my husbands been sick I sleep on the couch to allow him room to spread out, sweat, adjust, toss and turn... etc. Well that and I try to molest him if I get too close no matter the situation... sooo.
Couch for me people, lumpy.ass.couch.suks.ass.hole. BUT, It reclines so we cant get rid of it until we replace it.. how about them cookies.
Speaking of cookies... as some of you may, or may not know- I was looking to place some bets on the Superbowl (nobody would bet me, I kept winning)... so Romey and Capn Scumbag stepped up to the plate and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Well mostly Romey since really Capn just wants me for my body and can have me any time...
I'm convinced Romeo likes me for my mind. *BURP*
K here's the equation: Romey (East coast/ Pittsburgh) + Emma (Seahawks/West Coast) = The Bet that almost made me not want to bet... A full frontal shot for HNT *gasp*
I was bold, thinking that Pittsbarph had run outta steam, but alas my ass... they invited the refs to the after-party orgy with a promise to get them laid... sooooooo.
Nothing Seattle could do. Roethlisberger setting the ball just over the goal line during that tackle though? Suh-weet and made it incredible obvious there were gonna be some special kind of women around 10pm with their names all over it.
But I digress, like every body up there in Seattle mourned the shut down and defeat of the bowl, I perplexed a way to get over my fear (and my thirty year old breasts), and just fucking do it.
I lost. I follow through. I'm like that.
FIRST though, I had to fly to the Pitts to figure out what the fuck really happened last Sunday before I could justify a fair deal on this bet. I mean, if the game was swayed... there's no way to convince my boys (breasts) that they would be public.
So I hopped my boss's jet and plummeted into all that was the Burgh.
Once arriving I met with Art Rooney, who looked like he'd break into pieces if I sat on his lap for the ol' let me dial your phone for you routine...
Well, that and has any body noticed, he looks like Jon big boote from Buckaroo Bonzai?!!??!
We talked, I offered him geritol and pepto... it was cool like that. We were off to the stadium where the Steelers gang were still doing interviews and cleaning up their shit for the season. Rothlisberger was out on the field running in circles... I figured I'd better start there.
So, in major fashion I slipped out of my business skirt, chucked my glasses, and sported my crop top and sweats to join him.
I did. we ran. he got dizzy. We stood for awhile and talked.
I always wanted to know why the Steelers were called the Steelers, I mean.. ummm. Well, actually I know why but playing ditzy around football players is great fun. Soo.. the conversation went a little something like this:
ME: You feeling better now?
ROETH: Yes thanks, I appreciate the pillow too.
ME: No problem, but don't sweat on my breasts... and what's with the beard?
ROETH: Oh, it's good luck
ME: No, it's hideous.. shave it.
ROETH: So, why are you here anyway?
ME: Oh, well you see I bet if I lost the bowl I would give a full frontal HNT for my friend Romeo and well, Im kinda disturbed that the Hawks didn't win? Got anything on that? I mean, you have to admit that you didnt really make that touch down.
ROETH: Yeah, well...
*Flash a bit of tits and swipe on the forehead, it's like truth serum*
ROETH: I, I, I ... jesus fine fine... Actually that Jensen guy called me and told me I had to come through, and then he sent me your blog link and I, I... well, we had to bribe the refs.
ME: That's what I thought! So you just want my tits then too, eh?
ROETH: Yeah, sorry Emma... We had to take one for the team and do it to win it.
So I get up, and help him up.. and go to leave:
ME: K buddy, I don't know if I can do the full frontal since you cheated... but, I'll see what I can do. And well, as far as Romeo calling you, I'll deal with him in my own way.
As I was leaving Roethlisberger prayed silently to the gods that I would fulfill my full frontal agenda, and that Romeo wouldn't get in too much trouble.
And that HE wouldn't get an ass whoopin' for narc-ing Romey and the refs out too.
I blew him a kiss or two on the way out... and then ran into Bettis.
BETTIS: Hey pretty lady.
ME: Hey you big sexual chocolate mother fucker, what's up?
BETTIS: Just about to catch some lunch, want to join me? I could use some arm candy.
ME: Shit Bettis, to you I'd be a bracelet. And you eat women like me whole, for snack, jesus what do you weigh now?
BETTIS: *laughing* I'm thinking that was a no, but you'd make a pretty bracelet. Are you sure you won't reconsider?
ME: Absolutely, it would be too easy for you to hide my body. Thanks any way. Can you point me towards the exit?
Again, ditzy... I know where the exit is. He did after the boob glance and the smirk... and I was off to fly back home. Until I ran into Reed and Polamalu. Of course they hit on me, but I kept a strong defense by questioning why one of Reed's legs are bigger than the other, and why Polamalu insists on still believing 'hair is power'... shhesh.
So here I sit, wondering if I really, really should just throw my boys out there to the world for and be the good loser I am. And I think NO...
But then I think of Romey's puppy dog face and his jibes aboout me not following through, I cringe like well.. jesus. I just can't justify going through with a bet on a crooked game!!! Especially when Romeo was behind it all along!!! And why did he want to see MY tits in particular? They're nothing compared to those hotties he dates.
But then I realize that a bet, is a bet. And I lose well. Always have.... So.. I decided I would just... well do... the thing... I ... promised?
WITH CONTIGENCIES!!! Yea, yea. I know those Steelers like looking at themselves just as much as they like looking at my tits... so I did a double whammy for em.. and you Romey. You pittsburgh fuck ;) God damn Johansen men and their connections.
I should kick his ass right now.

Okay Romeo, and every body else who didn't think the Em-meister was Everything Nice when it came to losing.. Here's my end of the bargain. Full frontal on the crooked side since really and admittantly, Seattle got the shaft.
I will miss the football season, because really I love the game. Well, and the way they pat each others asses all the time... HOT!
*sniff* good-bye 2005-06 football season... I *sniff* will miss you.
And holy shit Roethlisberger... SHAVE.
Happy HNT Everyone, hope you enjoyed!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
So even though I'm freaking tired as hell and wearisome from my lack of good sleep. YES, since my husbands been sick I sleep on the couch to allow him room to spread out, sweat, adjust, toss and turn... etc. Well that and I try to molest him if I get too close no matter the situation... sooo.
Couch for me people, lumpy.ass.couch.suks.ass.hole. BUT, It reclines so we cant get rid of it until we replace it.. how about them cookies.
Speaking of cookies... as some of you may, or may not know- I was looking to place some bets on the Superbowl (nobody would bet me, I kept winning)... so Romey and Capn Scumbag stepped up to the plate and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Well mostly Romey since really Capn just wants me for my body and can have me any time...
I'm convinced Romeo likes me for my mind. *BURP*
K here's the equation: Romey (East coast/ Pittsburgh) + Emma (Seahawks/West Coast) = The Bet that almost made me not want to bet... A full frontal shot for HNT *gasp*
I was bold, thinking that Pittsbarph had run outta steam, but alas my ass... they invited the refs to the after-party orgy with a promise to get them laid... sooooooo.
Nothing Seattle could do. Roethlisberger setting the ball just over the goal line during that tackle though? Suh-weet and made it incredible obvious there were gonna be some special kind of women around 10pm with their names all over it.
But I digress, like every body up there in Seattle mourned the shut down and defeat of the bowl, I perplexed a way to get over my fear (and my thirty year old breasts), and just fucking do it.
I lost. I follow through. I'm like that.
FIRST though, I had to fly to the Pitts to figure out what the fuck really happened last Sunday before I could justify a fair deal on this bet. I mean, if the game was swayed... there's no way to convince my boys (breasts) that they would be public.
So I hopped my boss's jet and plummeted into all that was the Burgh.
Once arriving I met with Art Rooney, who looked like he'd break into pieces if I sat on his lap for the ol' let me dial your phone for you routine...

We talked, I offered him geritol and pepto... it was cool like that. We were off to the stadium where the Steelers gang were still doing interviews and cleaning up their shit for the season. Rothlisberger was out on the field running in circles... I figured I'd better start there.
So, in major fashion I slipped out of my business skirt, chucked my glasses, and sported my crop top and sweats to join him.
I did. we ran. he got dizzy. We stood for awhile and talked.
I always wanted to know why the Steelers were called the Steelers, I mean.. ummm. Well, actually I know why but playing ditzy around football players is great fun. Soo.. the conversation went a little something like this:
ME: You feeling better now?
ROETH: Yes thanks, I appreciate the pillow too.
ME: No problem, but don't sweat on my breasts... and what's with the beard?
ROETH: Oh, it's good luck
ME: No, it's hideous.. shave it.
ROETH: So, why are you here anyway?
ME: Oh, well you see I bet if I lost the bowl I would give a full frontal HNT for my friend Romeo and well, Im kinda disturbed that the Hawks didn't win? Got anything on that? I mean, you have to admit that you didnt really make that touch down.
ROETH: Yeah, well...
*Flash a bit of tits and swipe on the forehead, it's like truth serum*
ROETH: I, I, I ... jesus fine fine... Actually that Jensen guy called me and told me I had to come through, and then he sent me your blog link and I, I... well, we had to bribe the refs.
ME: That's what I thought! So you just want my tits then too, eh?
ROETH: Yeah, sorry Emma... We had to take one for the team and do it to win it.
So I get up, and help him up.. and go to leave:
ME: K buddy, I don't know if I can do the full frontal since you cheated... but, I'll see what I can do. And well, as far as Romeo calling you, I'll deal with him in my own way.

And that HE wouldn't get an ass whoopin' for narc-ing Romey and the refs out too.
I blew him a kiss or two on the way out... and then ran into Bettis.
BETTIS: Hey pretty lady.
ME: Hey you big sexual chocolate mother fucker, what's up?
BETTIS: Just about to catch some lunch, want to join me? I could use some arm candy.
ME: Shit Bettis, to you I'd be a bracelet. And you eat women like me whole, for snack, jesus what do you weigh now?
BETTIS: *laughing* I'm thinking that was a no, but you'd make a pretty bracelet. Are you sure you won't reconsider?
ME: Absolutely, it would be too easy for you to hide my body. Thanks any way. Can you point me towards the exit?
Again, ditzy... I know where the exit is. He did after the boob glance and the smirk... and I was off to fly back home. Until I ran into Reed and Polamalu. Of course they hit on me, but I kept a strong defense by questioning why one of Reed's legs are bigger than the other, and why Polamalu insists on still believing 'hair is power'... shhesh.
So here I sit, wondering if I really, really should just throw my boys out there to the world for and be the good loser I am. And I think NO...
But then I think of Romey's puppy dog face and his jibes aboout me not following through, I cringe like well.. jesus. I just can't justify going through with a bet on a crooked game!!! Especially when Romeo was behind it all along!!! And why did he want to see MY tits in particular? They're nothing compared to those hotties he dates.
But then I realize that a bet, is a bet. And I lose well. Always have.... So.. I decided I would just... well do... the thing... I ... promised?

I should kick his ass right now.

Okay Romeo, and every body else who didn't think the Em-meister was Everything Nice when it came to losing.. Here's my end of the bargain. Full frontal on the crooked side since really and admittantly, Seattle got the shaft.
I will miss the football season, because really I love the game. Well, and the way they pat each others asses all the time... HOT!
*sniff* good-bye 2005-06 football season... I *sniff* will miss you.
And holy shit Roethlisberger... SHAVE.
Happy HNT Everyone, hope you enjoyed!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
My time to be first has arrived -- finally!
Nice Bus!
K, Dom.. before I go to bed.. tell me where the HELL you see a bus?
If you can answer that, I'll massage your kidneys.
Oh and then I'll let you massage mine.. say, that picture you sent me looks like my ex-husband...
dude was hung like a clydesdale.
Mini.. are you submitting dirty pictures of yourself????
jesus. That's NAUGHTY!
uhh... Bettis' nick name is "Bus"
I guess I shoulda said "buses"
If you could take a clydesdale, I know somewhere you could hostess in SE KC
and whatre you doin up so late (for you)?
Not full frontal, but definitely fully yummy. Thanks EN
this is effin christmas morning
they are effin spectacular
effin gravity my ass... effin spectacular
OMGoooooooo steelers
Oh and R Dawg shaved on national TV
2nd... thank gawd u didnt bet me on the steelers cause the fact of the matter is I actually do know mario... well I mean he actually knows me... my name and all cause he took a liking to me when I was little and I have this weird ass name so he and his wife Nathalie used to let me sit with them up in the press box and shit... if you actually do fly your ass over here I'll intro you
they really are spectacular!!!!!
see... I got all excited... I meant its a good thing u didnt bet and lose on the penguins (my dad is a former penguin... thats how I met lemieux)
can I touch them?
I could fucking eat off those abbs of your
ok sexy Thats not quite full frontal BUT IM NOT COMPLAINING you are sexy and I want you. this is the best thing the steelers ever did for me. happy HNT
Lovely as always!
Excuse Miss, your breasts have faces.
Happy HNT
Wow. Now I'm really glad that the Steelers won.
Great shot, and awesome figure.
Happy HNT!
LMAO -- you rock!!! Great...just great!!
And, LOL at Romey ... I think he's happy!!
Happy HNT!!
Something tells me you wrote most of this post before the game....then just filled in a few details.
In other words, you had no intention of following through on the bet....but you're a chick so I guess it's ok.
By the way, the best part of the two pictures for me? The turned down head with the smile in the first pic. (not that your tits aren't nice 'cause they are...)
I'm not kidding....
those are the weirdest fucking nipples i've ever seen in my life.
Beautiful Em!
Happy HNT!
Whoosh, Em, that was quite the story. Does your boss know you took the plane, or did you use the gardener's?
I'm not sure this is full frontal either. You're not in denial are you? But alas, like the others I won't complain. The faces are a bit surreal - like something out of a Woody Allen movie! Definitely makes the Mariner's defeat more palatable.
So, what do we have to do to (1) get you to remove the mugs and/or (2) get you to remove everything else, or... ummm.... nice? On the other hand, I'm quite familiar with the concept of something being in the way... like hearts, or dogs, or Bugs! So, maybe the bet would go both ways...
UH! Dom, I was taking care of hub and doing my chores like a good girl!!!
To all of you that said it wasn't full frontal, well you're right... but the game wasn't FULLY FAIR either so... you get what you get. It takes something spectacular to get nipple around here! BUT, thanks for the compliments and well... *blush*
My thirty year old boys (breasts) thank you most gratefully and are glad they could have easily had their feelings hurt and ran away to the small of my back for a quick vacation and mourning period.
Dan - Ummm, actually, see the paragraph above because I did follow through on the bet. I always do. Had it been a fairly called game I most certainly would have gone 100% buck, and I'm trying not to take offense to that comment.
Anybody that would like some Bettis or Roethlisberger pasties can feel free to email me and I will send them... I'm thinking of wearing them to amatuer night at the ol strip club, no?
i'll send you somethin'.
my inbox is waaaay open for you Scumbag.
well, i'm torn about this.
sucks that the seahawks lost. sucks you lost that bet. sucks that you found out it was fixed.
but the pics are sweet sweet sweet
kinda like a bittersweet symphony. hmmm wasn't that the song that the seahawks came out to during the superbowl? another coincidence ? hmmmm
See Thom, everybody knew it alllll along!!!! From the beginning!!!
I dunno about about the first 10 minutes of the quarter... I was absentee at the time.
Shyrocket - I tell ya what. I like you, and I owe ya. We can work something out about the faces on my nips. And I think all the guys would love for you to be their advocate to convince me.
Shall we session and talk about it?
tee hee.
Emma......sheesh....see the 'LOL' in my comment?
Damnit Dan, I just want to wrestle with you...
you didn't get that?
Come on boy, let's go...
*wrestling stance*
Of course you can steal - I did - lol!!
I can just imagine it over here - THAT will be GOOD!!
Snav - I think so too!!! I can't wait to see what happens with that, should be hilarious!!!
I hope everyone participates, I'm gonna use it tomorrow for sure so I have a good laugh over the weekend!
You got 81 comments on that one!! It must be fun!
Ok E, I see how it is. You throw around nice compliments on my blog just so I'll come here and check out your breasts.
works for me... ; )
LMAO! Jesus okay Helskel, you caught me.
No actually I was just trying to catch up on all the blogging of others I'd missed.
ask anyone, I've popped up all over the place. But, if you want to assume its for some breast action.. I'll be ditzy and say 'sure'!
I always assume it's for some breast action. Heck I assume the resurrection of Christ...was for some breast action!
And you know Helskel, i flashed my tits at him too!
I didn't know any better.. apparently.
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I wasn't yelling, I was being stern... HUGE DIFFERENCE.
Actually Pearl, it was to get Scumbag back over here for some action.
I got a new karate' move I gotta try on him...
*big sloppy boobie kisses for pearl*
I got it....I just wanted to fire you up! I like my women fiesty!!!
Now theres' that wresting position where you start on your hands and knees and I mount you from behind, lean over top and wrap my arm around you. Let's start with that one and see what happens!
em,....if ever i were to go lesbian, and gwen stefani wouldn't have me..you'd so be next
Well lookit you, you siren you. LOL. Looking good.
Dan - What the Fuck? I was doing that, where the hell were you?
Wait, you never told me I had to be naked!!!!
Pearl - yeah, ass kickins are my specialty... next to ass kissin!
Buttah - It's on honey... oh, It's soooooooooooo on!
JAX CALLED ME A SIREN! Woo wooo woo woo woo
*running in circles with ma fingers in the air*
Thanks honey!
Em, I can't seem to move those pics.
You look pretty foxy, especially with the flame coloured hair. ;)
Happy HNT temptress.
hey those are beautiful breasts, don't apologize for the 30 year olds or i'll feel i have to apologize for the 34 year olds and i'm damm proud of my girls.
hell they still pass the PENCIL TEST!
your "boys" should meet my "boys" some time ....
Naked or not I'd still mount you....
You would enjoy it more if you were nake though.
See? I was so excited my 'd' exploded!
karate is worthless. luche libre wrestling, now that's a fucking martial art!
You are the first girl I've ever seen refer to her breasts as "the boys" - I always thought they were female!!
Go figure.
Nice Ink and um...I still say the Hawks were robbed
Suze! Teach me how to the do interactive photos and I'll make one with movable parts!!
Holy shit Sass! You pass the pencil test!?!?! All that goes the way of the dodo when ya breastfeed. Damn glands and their issues... sheesh.
<---- jealous, kinda :)
together my boys are 60..HA!
Thom - we do poker on Thursdays... hey! that's tonight!!!
Dan - *giggle* I made your 'D' explode... NICE! Wow... but you shoulda made it a big D, not a little d. Give yourself some credit!!! smoochies!
Scumbag - you+me= cooking oil.
Snav - do you know why I call them boys and not girls? I'll tell ya...
1.They don't whine about things or nag, they just sit there and take my abuse, but make me feel like shit for it later..
2.They're round about the mid section.
3.They perk up when they see hot women, sometimes even jumping out of my blouse on their own. This is not so with men. Usually that reaction happens downstairs.
4.They don't like being cornered or restrained.. they dig their independance, unlike some women who like to cling. No, they are definitely not clingy...
5.They get a little annoyed at the other when it comes to being paid attention to.
(I know, this could be a girls thing)... BUT. Girls get jealous and competitive, boys just get annoyed an ignore you. It's fact that when just one is getting sucked and played with the other will just be all pissed off about it and not get hard or responsive... until you give it some love; then it's like awww, thanks, you fucking remembered me! BITCH!!!
Oh, and they HATE shopping for ANYTHING except electronics or car parts.
So that is why they are absolutely boys and not girls!!!
Even though they're not female I'd still like to lap at them with my tongue!
And I didn't want to brag about my big 'D'. But now that you mention it...
see Dan... I knew you had a big D. It's on the front of your name!!
D + an! You totally didn't need to tell me... I got you all figured out.
Hha. Take a pic of you walking around with your fingers making circles in the air. That would be HAWT
LOL - ty for explaination!!
#3 - I hear ya - mine have minds of their own. Embarassing me at times with the "hey look at us over here" - like there needs to be any greater reason to stare at my chest.
#5 - Exactly!!
Tee hee - you are fun!!!
Oh ... I forgot ... may I see the tattoo???
Jax- LMAO!!! That sounds more like an audio or video blog!!!
holy fuck, what at great idea!
Snav - You know what? I like you too... I think I'll get a snap of that tat for ya!
Ok, I'm confused. You call 'em your boys but they've got so much girlish charm.
Seriously, I can think of all kinds of reasons not to show 'em off, including sour grapes at the Tragic Opera Bowl, but...
Crikies, Emma, what are you worrying about? They're just like the rest of you: everything nice.
Take care,
Absolutely lovely! HHNT Sugar!
Em, here's the deal... Shy likes action. So honey, I love the platitudes - really I do, get little tingles and all - but Em, don't TELL me that you like me... SHOW me that you like me. Since you owe me, ball back in your court to set-up the session and talk about it.
And I DO have an offer...
Ummm. tee hee.. what's the offer Shy? I'm all about the blushing this morning!
The offer is on my site...
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