HNT TIME!! I'm spent... lemme sleep.
Hurt No one's Testicles.
See, I'm trying to come up with creative ackronym's for HNT, which is actually half-nekkid Thursdays for those of you that aren't aware.
Soooo... yeah, I'm half-nekkid while writing this and I have no intention on hurting anybody's testicles either... yet.
I see a lot of new people commenting on my blog, and I have to wonder if they need an introduction. I think this HNT is a good way to welcome the new 'students' and re-cap on who I am and what I do... before Shawn gets to it first (fucker, i shoulda never gave you my blog link)... I see your IP.... lurkin'.
--pulling out cue-cards--
The name's Everything Nice.
But those of you that email me and know me can call me Emma... if I've slept with you or have discussed sleeping with you then you can call me Em. If I've let you dominate me and work me like a rubics cube... then you can call me whatever you want.
(girls gotta have her standards)
**I have two boys, well, 3 counting husband.
**I'm a blatent bi-sexual with no regard for manners, so If I hit on you... then well.. there's nothing I can do about it.
**I'm a nympho and I love men which is not healthy nor is it acceptable to me to torture myself by staring at your asses and wondering what you smell like EVERY DAY. That goes for you too girls, only you let me smell you. Well, unless you're Jax... and then you're too far away.. so Blondie needs to smell you and report to me... and then let's see your bedroom (for the DECOR people).
**My husband and I are swingers... so yes we do the couples and/or group thing, don't let it shock you... really... lots of couples out there are the exact. same. way. Right now, I just want to say hi to J and his hot wife... and Alex the lucky bastard and his gorgeous wife Suze... two swingin' couples that like to... umm. Swing.
** I have a few close friends in my immediate err vicinity/history... Dominator and Johannes. Dom and I have well err... we go WAY back... Johannes is my sexual chocolate and we'll be attending the 2006 Pimp and Ho ball together... If you see either of these two, say HI please. They sneak.
**I am an author when not at my day job, first and foremost I think i am a writer though (this is why Sassinak likes me, I'm sure for my mind). I write erotica short stories, and poetry... umm, I do articles for online venues and magazines such as; Sexual self-help colums, Porn review, Editorials... etc. All sex and relationship related...
** I found Jesus recently, and haven't been the same since.
** Tequila Girl and I will be doing a Saturday Night Rumble this Saturday, complete with Mud wrestling... That should be FUN. Perhaps KB can ref that... I bet she looks HOT in a striped bikini... hmmm.
** Dan will be dry humping my leg for a Martini and an honorable mention... Any body else want to hump my leg? I'm wearing a skirt today so that might get kinda messy... Horsn maybe? No? Dammit.
**I do not compete with Murphy for chicks, they normally just get sick of men coincidentally and -pop- on over here. And that's cool... girls, I would never ask you for pictures of your breasts.. but if you want to send them.. It's cool.. no, really... especially you Buttah.
**I secretly want to sleep with all of you... Especially you Scumbag.. you make my g-spot pilot light flicker.
Umm.. shit. See, just thinking about my g-spot pilot light distracted me from this list... errr.
For more information and insight on Emma, go here now.
K, Seriously
I want to welcome my new friends to the Bubblegum Fold (so welcome really), and I want to give a shout out to the friends and readers that have been here from day 1.. you rock. As you will notice I've been updating my sidebar, so there are new occupants in the links area... as well as my playlist (which has been updated once a week)... which I will keep on task about.
So, it's all good..
There are some of you out living life right now, busy as hell and not blogging... you know I totally understand that shit... I, myself, may be taking a disappearing hiatus if I can't expound this book in a 6 month time frame (I've never had a book deal, HUGE responsibility I'm learning)...
Blondie. Castu. Sugarpunk. Jay. Chuck.
I miss you. I hope you're doing your thing... feelin' the flow... doin' the bull dance... workin' it.
Jesus, I loved that movie. K.
Blondie call me... I want to have phone sex with you. lol.. umm.. HA.
For this HNT I decided to pull a pic from the archives. Snavvlyn had mentioned she wanted to see more of my tat... ShyRocket wanted me to pull my pants down a spec... I even got some bottom tit in that shot if you look closely... and I'm sure somebody else wanted to see the tank.. *pom poms*
Romey, are you still all about the full frontal? Call Roethlisberger and see what you can do. You know, you're still my favorite manwhore...
I'm losing inspiration on my HNT's folks... So, I'm thinking of either pulling from the archives and reposting, giving you less HNT's or err... ummm, taking. requests?
No, scary. Bad Emma.. bad bad Emma *spank*
I know figleaf could think of something creative and interesting though!
Helskel, I want you to know I am all about the skirts for you this weekend baby... I don't know why you spin me right round... baby, right round like a record baby right round, round round.
OH! And Happy Birthday Madame... sexy bed-robics bitch you.
I just want to say that I'll be watching you 'green readers' like a hawk.. you hear me? HAWK. And if you're not on my side bar, you're more than likely teetering... but I see you workin' and will update daily depending on whether I'm pissy or not.
I'm rambling... I need a Calzone. Or Thom could follow through on my Mongolian Beef.
If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
See, I'm trying to come up with creative ackronym's for HNT, which is actually half-nekkid Thursdays for those of you that aren't aware.
Soooo... yeah, I'm half-nekkid while writing this and I have no intention on hurting anybody's testicles either... yet.
I see a lot of new people commenting on my blog, and I have to wonder if they need an introduction. I think this HNT is a good way to welcome the new 'students' and re-cap on who I am and what I do... before Shawn gets to it first (fucker, i shoulda never gave you my blog link)... I see your IP.... lurkin'.
--pulling out cue-cards--
The name's Everything Nice.
But those of you that email me and know me can call me Emma... if I've slept with you or have discussed sleeping with you then you can call me Em. If I've let you dominate me and work me like a rubics cube... then you can call me whatever you want.
(girls gotta have her standards)
**I have two boys, well, 3 counting husband.
**I'm a blatent bi-sexual with no regard for manners, so If I hit on you... then well.. there's nothing I can do about it.
**I'm a nympho and I love men which is not healthy nor is it acceptable to me to torture myself by staring at your asses and wondering what you smell like EVERY DAY. That goes for you too girls, only you let me smell you. Well, unless you're Jax... and then you're too far away.. so Blondie needs to smell you and report to me... and then let's see your bedroom (for the DECOR people).
**My husband and I are swingers... so yes we do the couples and/or group thing, don't let it shock you... really... lots of couples out there are the exact. same. way. Right now, I just want to say hi to J and his hot wife... and Alex the lucky bastard and his gorgeous wife Suze... two swingin' couples that like to... umm. Swing.
** I have a few close friends in my immediate err vicinity/history... Dominator and Johannes. Dom and I have well err... we go WAY back... Johannes is my sexual chocolate and we'll be attending the 2006 Pimp and Ho ball together... If you see either of these two, say HI please. They sneak.
**I am an author when not at my day job, first and foremost I think i am a writer though (this is why Sassinak likes me, I'm sure for my mind). I write erotica short stories, and poetry... umm, I do articles for online venues and magazines such as; Sexual self-help colums, Porn review, Editorials... etc. All sex and relationship related...
** I found Jesus recently, and haven't been the same since.
** Tequila Girl and I will be doing a Saturday Night Rumble this Saturday, complete with Mud wrestling... That should be FUN. Perhaps KB can ref that... I bet she looks HOT in a striped bikini... hmmm.
** Dan will be dry humping my leg for a Martini and an honorable mention... Any body else want to hump my leg? I'm wearing a skirt today so that might get kinda messy... Horsn maybe? No? Dammit.
**I do not compete with Murphy for chicks, they normally just get sick of men coincidentally and -pop- on over here. And that's cool... girls, I would never ask you for pictures of your breasts.. but if you want to send them.. It's cool.. no, really... especially you Buttah.
**I secretly want to sleep with all of you... Especially you Scumbag.. you make my g-spot pilot light flicker.
Umm.. shit. See, just thinking about my g-spot pilot light distracted me from this list... errr.
For more information and insight on Emma, go here now.
K, Seriously
I want to welcome my new friends to the Bubblegum Fold (so welcome really), and I want to give a shout out to the friends and readers that have been here from day 1.. you rock. As you will notice I've been updating my sidebar, so there are new occupants in the links area... as well as my playlist (which has been updated once a week)... which I will keep on task about.
So, it's all good..
There are some of you out living life right now, busy as hell and not blogging... you know I totally understand that shit... I, myself, may be taking a disappearing hiatus if I can't expound this book in a 6 month time frame (I've never had a book deal, HUGE responsibility I'm learning)...
Blondie. Castu. Sugarpunk. Jay. Chuck.
I miss you. I hope you're doing your thing... feelin' the flow... doin' the bull dance... workin' it.
Jesus, I loved that movie. K.
Blondie call me... I want to have phone sex with you. lol.. umm.. HA.

Romey, are you still all about the full frontal? Call Roethlisberger and see what you can do. You know, you're still my favorite manwhore...
I'm losing inspiration on my HNT's folks... So, I'm thinking of either pulling from the archives and reposting, giving you less HNT's or err... ummm, taking. requests?
No, scary. Bad Emma.. bad bad Emma *spank*
I know figleaf could think of something creative and interesting though!
Helskel, I want you to know I am all about the skirts for you this weekend baby... I don't know why you spin me right round... baby, right round like a record baby right round, round round.
OH! And Happy Birthday Madame... sexy bed-robics bitch you.
I just want to say that I'll be watching you 'green readers' like a hawk.. you hear me? HAWK. And if you're not on my side bar, you're more than likely teetering... but I see you workin' and will update daily depending on whether I'm pissy or not.
I'm rambling... I need a Calzone. Or Thom could follow through on my Mongolian Beef.

Such a cool HNT - not only the seldom-seen but often-sought-after under-tit (is that a word?) but with the lighting, it looks like you have sunshine coming from your ass :)
i like the flash and the flesh. hhnt
Don't you like me? ;-)
Did you notice your contribution to my "valentine"?
Wanna swing Em? Anytime sweetie. Come and look us up when you are in the UK.
Love the sneaky peaky flash of boob. ;)
Nice shot. HAppy HNT.
Awwww, thanks!
Had just HAD to work on the crop duster last night!
*kissing those sexy abs*
i've denied murph the boobie shots
but for you darling?! anything!
hot hnt! mind if i lick some chocolate sauce off that tat?!
Damnit! I post, I flirt, I...well...I'd do anything to you. I meam, FOR you.
I'm still on the sidebar but I wasn't mentioned in your post. Hmmmm....
Who's leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?
Sorry, random Family Guy thought...
I guess I'll have to secretly send you emails and shit huh? Hell, you even mentioned Murphy.
And to think I rewrote that Christmas carol for you...
Alright, I'm done my friendly bitching now.... ;-}
Mad love and passionate pounding to you! I'll try and stop by more often and not let life get in the way!
P.S. Great HNT (hiding nice tits)!!
for starters thank you i want you too. second I love the photo. third I can give you some ideas if you want.
Beautiful shot - and I love the lighting. Your abs are to die for and as I told Little Miss, I'm a sucker for girls with tattoos ;)
Great pic baby - you're smokin! *drool*
Happy HNT!
**sniff sniff**
After I post those pics JUST for you... I'm nnnnoot even mmmmmmentioned...
IIIIII ththththought thththtaaattt IIII wawawawas spspspspeeecccialllll!!!
**sniff sniff**
Very cute pic! *wink* I love the tank top! :)
Happy HNT!!!
Beautiful as always...
(crap... I halfway talked you out of showing what you're looking at in that pic? Damn I'm dumb.)
Thanks for the morning 'lift', Emma!
Plano - I do have sunshine coming from my ass... doesn't everybody?
Randi - Thanks hun!
Osbasso - HOLY SHIT I'm FLATTERED!! Osbasso honey, any time you want me to play YOUR instrument, you just lemme know honey :D
Suze -, lemme think... YES I DO!!! Kiss Alex for me wouldja?
Professor - Happy HNT honey!
Madame - Did you swoop in low and lift off in all the right places? he he... ab-a-thon!
Buttah, If you're serious... I'll send you mine! And ummm honey honestly? Lick away... I got chocolate... lots of chocolate!
Dan - Mello honey, you have now been linked out... so, let's talk about you humping my leg....
Jay - Hit me with some ideas, seriously, Im all over pleasing you.
Sullen Girl - Thanks :) I'm glad you liked it... should we have lunch now or later? You buy to make up for the Mongolian Beef you had yesterday...
Murphy - I was looking for my inverted penis.. .so you could suck it...
Tequila Girl - K, well honey not only were you mentioned umm yesterday or the day before but you'll be spotlighted on Saturday!! Jesus people might start to think we're a couple!!
and, umm that's okay with ME!
Helskel - You can talk me back into it... really, if anyone can you can.
Jesus, is there anybody I DIDN't call honey above?
thats's apparently the word of the day... things could get sticky.
haha!! she wants to ESPECIALLY sleep with me bitches!!!
Scum - Yeah, g-spot pilot light and all... it was the vacuum cleaner thing.. it got me... right
<------ here.
Thom - Send me a picture with you and a vacuum cleaner, we can talk.
I feel used - she only wants me for my mongolian beef ... i'm not mongolian!
happy hnt dudette.
speakin' of vacuum cleaners, you haven't shrunken that pic for me yet have ya?
Umm Scum, that picture was freaking tiny, and it was only 5kb!!! If I shrunk it any smaller I could use it for decoration on my thong.
LOL....I'm mellow!
They call me mellow yellow....
I guess I could start with humping your leg but there are much more interesting body parts I'd like to hump too!!
Umm.. DAN, Hump away baby...
Can I call you The Streak? Aww you know what Dan? I missed YOU!
Tequila GUY !!! Are we composing?
i want my EmTV .....
LMAO! Thom... do you have 'extended cable?'
i remember when EmTV played Emma, not this other reality show crap ... sigh
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You missed me? Why Emma, I had no idea!
Just knowing there is a woman of your beauty and passion out there thinking of me makes me all tingly and hard.
Today is a good day...
Jay Jay Jay... really do miss you a lot in fact.. you're blog always makes me laugh like hell.
Thanks for the compliment on the shot baby.. big long distance kisses.
Thom- actually, I have a reality show too... but, it SUCKS.
K, Jay... I'm on top of you...
wow - all the comments got jostled ... that's a real nut scratcher ...
'nut scratching'
'suck my inverted penis'
K, thanks guys... talk dirty to me wouldja? Now Im fucking HORNY.
That email not dirty enough for ya?
i have my reality tv show
i should send the pilot for EmTV - it's called - Mongolian Beef Delivery Boy
ummm Helskel, the email.. well let's just say that was lip-biting material... wait, which one.. the animal sex or the PVC pussy play?
k, both worked for me.. I still wanna have Rhino Sex with you.
Thom - LMAO!!!! Do it!! It can be like Punkd!
yeah... but what about that one animal that stepped on his huge member, and it turned purple then black, fell off, then he ate it!
no, I was thinking PVC pussy play was the LIP biting material...
See now Helskel, I think that ...
I have no words... I need to stop laughing first.
I see that I'm late to this chat but I have to get this out of the way.......
Damn Emma, you're freakin' hot!!!
Whew, I feel better now that I said it.
Kristen, it's never really 'late' here...
7 days a week, 24 hours... I'm open like 7-11....
Helskel - I could fuck you and love you.. I think that's the problem.
If I step on your member, bruising it, please don't eat it.
Yeah, I feel better now too...
Mongoose, you know... you almost had me last night...
OOO, now do I have to compete with the Goose??
Emma, I like problems.
I think you're smart, wise and witty... and I want to leave you spent on the floor... as well.
I will make you the one promise though.
I promise not to eat my dick.
As for you stepping on it... if the heels are just right... I could be game.
kristen - just say doc holliday quotes, bring mongolian beef, whisper DP, and say that you are 'curious' to emma.
you'll win. guaranteed.
Kristen *blush* seriously... as if... I'm sure the goose is no match for your ....
Seriously, I share... let's have a threesome.
oh .... you are in
you are money!
I am curious.........
(Thom, you think that worked?)
THOM!!! God damnit. Ever thought of writing the freaking manual?
"101 ways to excite poor Emma?"
oh, and Helskel... You have the uncanny knack for saying all the right things...
Watch out for Helkel people, he's got me nailed...errr I love the heel comment. NICE. Lemme eat your member though.. preferably after stepping while you lick my heel... naughty fucker. SEXY.
whoo! it's hot in herre
gee emma - i thought you would be thanking me, not spanking me...
Kids, it's cool to stay in school.
oh I gotcha... even made you typo my name.
Where's the scoreboard?
Woo hoo - I got me some total request live!!
Thank you Emma - may I have another???
I'm curious about a lot of things & I love to learn!!!
Do you tutor?? Or is work-study better for you?? Hands on is soooo much more .. um .. educational.
Thom - I thought you liked them both, together even...
"thank you Emma, may I have another"
"thank you Emma, may I have another"
"thank you Emma..."
Helskel, I did... the scoreboard stands at Helskel - 3, Emma - 1...
Snavvlyn - I private tutor.. and yes, always a hands on event! He he he he he
Yeah Thom, just like what Snavvlyn said.
where's lunch?
i am not buying yet another mongolian beef platter only to have you come up with some lame ass excuse to withdraw ... such as your latest one, your boss is really riding you ... whatever the hell that means.
sheesh - i'm already out $62.45 for all the times i bought mongolian beef.
I really can't compete with Kristen, but if it is eroticism you desire, I am more than game...I look forward to having you at some point.
Sign me up for night classes - ok??
Thom - Emma is hungry - get your tight little ass in gear and bring the woman what she wants!!!!
Umm *sniff* thanks Thom... jesus... some of us work...
Well, of course Mongoose there doesn't need to be any kind of attachment or competition... there's plenty of Emma to go around.
Snavv, he's obviously not interested in carring for his posse.
I'll sign you up for LATE night classes (so we wont be disturbed).
Damn! What's with the scoreboard... is this golf?
Or do I get the reward of punishement for having the lowest score?
oh crap
those were hyphens, not minus signs, weren't they?
See, now I've blown my cool.
You're still cool baby...
still very very cool.
mmm almost lunch time
fuck you thom.
that made me smile
glad i could do somethin' for you ass.
keep talking, i'll do a summary on how this mongolian beef tastes today.
Fine.. fine... Thom...
Jesus, if you get it from King Wha's Ill consider going to the park...
any thing else is just not acceptable...
oh, is that all I have to do?
sheesh , sounds so simple now.
See Thom, i knew we could count on Murphy to give us all the good hiding spots....
and since when the hell did you care about jism stains?
christ, you certainly don't have the same respect for my clothing!
gawd , that reminds me of the morning i was hungover (rare morning, i know) and i had to go to the store...when i got there, i realized that the t shirt i was wearing was one that i used was my money rag from previous night ...
Why as a matter of fact I *could* think of something creative and interesting. For instance get out a camera -- you'll have to take these -- and start taking pictures. Take as many as you like but try to get a) thirteen photos that prove you're a man and b) thirteen photos that prove you're a woman. Perverse tip: While you can post any of the 26 (and I'd love to see them, especially the ones with your pretty booty in 'em) you'll find a bunch of perfect HNT photos, ones that'll really show who you are, among the others. We always look the coolest when we're in the middle of working something out. Of course if that doesn't work for you I could come up with a *good* idea. :-)
Awesome lighting in today's photo. Sweet hipbones, cool biceps, the rest goes without saying.
Take care,
Thom - You're so money... where do you shop at?
FINALLY! A man thats willing to use his shirt!!!
Good job Thom, gold star!
Figleaf - I can do that... still not sure how to take a pic of my penis though...
Jay - I admire Clinton for being a freak... even if he thinks oral isn't sexual relations.
HAHA. T tellin you how I smell. Well I guess that's fair since you got to smell her already. How DO YOU smell like?
"...still not sure how to take a pic of my penis though..." Now *that* I could answer a couple of ways but that would be cheating. I promise trying to figure it out will be fun. And might feel wonderful too. And any photos you take while trying to work it out will be good HNT material. Just don't think first. Start taking pictures first instead and you'll get something postable.
*perk* Oral isn't cheating?
See, I feel the exact same way... whatcha doin for lunch Jay?
Jax - I'll smell like whatever you want me to smell like honey... Wait, T should know what I smell like!!! Ask her!!
Murphy - no jism is worthy of my VS velour pants... they would get all crusty and gross...
although, if I get hungry I could just suck on them and....
k, another conversation for another time.
Figleaf... my penis is blue.
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I like it dirrrrtyyyy and sloowwww.... that way it's memorable and not rushed.
I take my time, I'm that kinda girl...
sticky, muddy, and well oiled...
Hey, EN, thanks for the position at the table. I guess I will have to come around just to smack your ass once in a while. Ooooh, the thought. So, until I stop by again... *SMACK* Tell Goosey how you like it...
See, now you got me all fucked up guys... sheesh.
Emma sammich alert!
Don't mess with my game Murphy... I'm WORKING HERE!!
Jesus, what's wrong with a little DP amongst friends?
And, FYI, it didn't... I'm still trying to pick it out of the fiber.
See... SEE..?!?!?
There's my humps right there :)
Holla sweetness... How about this:
Happy Naughty T.
Well, they have strict emissions laws there... what the fuck did you expect?
She's a good outstanding citizen.
Come to KY!
Right now!
I have mongolian beef, poker, and some other stuff we can get into...
Preferably while naked!
mmm - you were right emma, king wha's was delish!
Thom- NEENER.. Miss Innocent has something all ready for me there...
and she's NAKED.
Jay - I got your box lunch right here baby... right here.
i wasn't talking about mongolian beef, i was talking about the hot little waitress...
afternoon bitches!!!!
scumbag- afternoon slut!!! You drinking yet?
Thom - err, there are no hot little waitresses there... unless you're into the way older ladies......
umm, are you?
well, ok ... the gig is up.
i thought she was a waitress...we got it on. then she charged me for the monkey swinging sex.
very cool post.
Ok here's my plan..
Thom, Goose, Scumbag, Murph, Romey, tequila Guy and whoever else.
Along with...
Myself, Kristen, Tequila Girl, Snav, Sullen Girl and whoever else.
We can play poker, eat Mongolian Beef and fuck til we are all blue!
Anybody game?!
And in case anyone assumes I left out the hot piece of ass's here freakin' blog, of course she will be there!
(Taking charge I am sure...)
don't worry murph we can keep you busy and food won't be an issue for you doll!
Hey, Em. About the "crop duster" thing...
I haven't done that, but I've had the "crop circle" which is a lot like what you described but the only difference is the chick sticks her other hand up the ol' pooper ala "E.T." and then after you cum you wake up three days later in the middle of a two-lane country road naked, cold, dazed, and covered in only what could best be described as expired tartar sauce.
Just kiddin'... about the tartar suace part.
to quote (or paraphrase) South Park
"Damn Mon-GO-Ree-ans!"
Thom - Have you ever seen a monkey beat off... it's always a bad thing and happens at the most in-appropriate times.
Jay - Tell me what a pound sounds like... whisper it.
Lance - THANKS! Happy HNT to you... hey, he's sexy btw.. check him out.
Bigd - Why do they call you Bigd if you have a little d?
Little Miss - Now that's an orgy I would have to attend... and I get to blow the whistle during musical partners...k? K???
Murphy - eat the beef.. EAT IT.
Dom- Umm, honey. Something just not right about that... was that the last time we were together?
i am not sure what to say, emma.
dude of course i like you for your mind. that you're hot is just a bonus... but as you know i don't eat with my eyes :)
*huggs* you smokin' hottie you
Jesus Emma, you're a hot spicey bitch and I would do anything for you-- just say the word.
And then say:
I wanna pinwheel you like a... pinwheel...
The kind with the graham and marshmellow... because I'm all about the soft center.
WHOA. Sass just set me back a step...
did you hear that?
"but as you know i don't eat with my eyes :)"
NICE Sass!!! Wow, you've got my full attention--intellectually of course..
*cough* bullshit *cough*
nah, i thought about saying that, but the moment just wasn't right ...
Lil Miss ... count me IN.
Emma: I'm crude, uneducated, lack vocabulary, write run-on sentences, and have no imagination. Can you help?
Thom, you rock!
bubbles: come on now, you know i wasn't referring to you :)
you eat with your eyes sure but you a) don't claim not to and b) see past them when need be :)
OH I know what you meant honey... :) I would eat you though, with anything you wanted me to... yes, even chocolate.. and yes, bring it.
Bigd - well, you know, thats what I figured but wasn't sure... Welcome to my happy happy joy joy... I like your dog. :)
Tequila Guy - We could play teacher and student... I rock the glasses and ruler.
Awesome, I've never done a teacher ... I don't think.
Hey, I saw this awesome looking chick today at the 7-11. Man, she was hot - I ran up to get in line behind her, and I'm standing there, smelling her, thinking, 'I bet Emma would like this!'
wtf ???
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Jesus Emma, you're a hot spicey bitch and I would do anything for you-- just say the word.
I wanna pinwheel you like a... pinwheel...
The kind with the graham and marshmellow... because I'm all about the soft center.
em: *lmao*
good one. no, seriously.
i wish to attend one of your parties. and i do not say that lightly
OK - Blogger sucks ass and I do NOT mean in a good way. Ggggrrrrr!!!!
Yes Emma - LATE night classes would be amazing!!
And, I , unlike some people, would bring you what you want, when you want it, however you would like it. $62.45 is mere pocket change when something really matters. Right??? :P
Tequila Guy - Did you get her number at least? And don't wtf it, just goooo with it...
if you fight it, it will never feel right.
Thom - Gold star Mr... nice. Now rub my back.
Sass - I wish to take you. I'm certain you would be a welcome addition. ;) he he, you can sleep in my bed too.
Snav - psha.. yes $62.45 is chump change absolutely. You're absolutely observant and attentive to my needs.
You're a keeper Snav.. I dig you.
More than words dear mistress....more than words....A shout out like that definitely deserves a reward...possibly some syrup on your strawberry?....(Smirking)...I always look forward to puttin' some fruit on your pancakes (wink, wink)...You're still my favorite....
i want my EmTV ....
"I have not yet begun to defile myself"
Little Miss... COUNT ME IN! I've got the body butter and nothing but my smile on ;)
Em... sorry about missing lunch today... soon though??
em: i do love your neck of the woods and may be south of you one of these labour day weekends. there's an event i love that i miss over that way.
there's no reason i can't fly out of your 'hood and drive there...
since you keep teasing about coming here i thought i'd pass it back :P
YOU. TART. *giggling and biting lip* holy smokes, did you see my tank top?
Johannes - You know I have a special place in my heart for you always... and that hat you always wore... smokin'. Do you still wear that? I'll put on my black tube dress to see it again.
NO, Not the big foam cowboy one.
Thom - I said RUB!!! RUB!!! Jesus, I give up... okay okay.
Sullen Girl - Lessay we skip the beef and eat each other... I need to check out your blog.
Sass- You said HOOD!! Dammit. k. enough with the sexual refrences...! Err. I would love to have you here for a visit... I'm curious as to what event that could be... hmmm... I'm thinking it's in the O state, am I wrong?
Skipping the beef is fine with me!
Good, cause I left a love note on your comments section and now I'm linking your ass....
oh, and I do love the color of your hair too. :)
Huh... guess I shouldn't be callng you 'Em'
Shy.. I think we've designated that it's safe for you to call me that honey. I'm a sucker for zero-gravity fornication.
Sullen - *blush back and a peck on the cheek*
Tanks Tank...
Don't lurk, you make yourself known... oh, and I've travelled down that road too.
I'm dying everyday.
Thanks for the compliments.. :)
A little lower, please! Great HNT!
Doh! A better idea. Bring your camera to work. Set it in the open on your desk. Say there's a 50/50 chance you'll take your next HNT candidates while you're there. The third or fourth time someone comes by and eyes it maybe to see if you've moved it, pick up the camera and take a picture of your shit-eating gotcha grin and post that. :-)
By the way, it's hard to imagine your penis staying blue for long.
Why don't you just publish the one that was taken at the Solstic Parade last year?
Oops I suppose I was probably not to say that either.
Now that you've told every one I live with my mom I'm getting hit on twice as much. I want to thank you for that.
I would thank you just as much for finding me a new place to hang out on Thursdays-- right here EM.
* Solstice
there i feel better, strangely.
Great pic--and nice tat. Thanks for the recap to help a new reader like me catch up...
Happy HNT!
shawn: i feel that way about spelling myself.
em: yeah it's there. i can be more specific in email?
also.... HOOD!
Um. Wow.
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