Triple FFF and a baby face.. gawd.
It's Friday, and you know what that means... don't you?
Triple FFF! Another fantastic fucking Friday is upon us and I bet that all of you are going to have a wonderful weekend, while I obsess about this book and write up the short story about John's party for all of you.
There will be a Saturday Night Rumble tomorrow.. might wanna check it out. I hyper-linked the last one so those not familiar with it can ketchup. Honestly, this one oughta be good since it's myself competing against Tequila Girl... so really, you need to buy tickets people.
If it's not posted tomorrow it's because I'm having SEX, so you'll have to wait til Sunday morning.
On Fridays I kinda throw stuff together or do a tag. I don't have a tag so I stole something kinda fun from Sullen Girls blog... Hope you enjoy.
Happy FFF, and have a funfuckingtastic weekend ya'll.
1 MINUTE AGO: Requesting naked photos
1 HOUR AGO: Taking off my work clothes
1 DAY AGO: at this time? most likely masturbation.
First piercing: My ears at 7
First credit card: SCARY
First musician you remember hearing: Doobie Brothers
First REAL kiss: OH jesus.. wow, his name was Chuck and he was a sk8tr boy. HA. He had red hair, freckles... little irish boy... nice.
First broken heart: Sophomore year, by a girl
First movie you remember seeing in a theater: Star Wars, at the drive in.
First celebrity crush: Han Solo (who is NOT harrison ford, Han Solo was a man in himself).
First best friend's name: Teresa
First alcoholic drink you tried: Orange juice and vodka, left in the van cupholder by mom... thanks mom.
First vacation you took: Mt. Saint Helens, when the fucker blew. Good Timing.
First music video you ever saw: Video Killed the Radio Star by the Bugles, when MTV clicked on for the very first time...
Last long car ride: East to go fishing, love long drives... and yes, I can piss in a Coke can WHILE driving.. screw the rest stops.
Last movie seen in theaters: I don't really remember... actually. sad.
Last food consumed: Fruit Snacks HOLLA!
Last person you called: Teresa
Last CD played: 40 oz. to Freedom by Sublime
Last drink you drank: Coke
Last item purchased: flowers for somebody... for Valentines Day.
I HATE: Mens slacks (it's short answer or I'd expound)
I FEEL: Horny, wanna fuck?
I HIDE: In the bushes when you stalk me
I MISS: My virginity sometimes... okay, never.
I NEED: Orgasm, preferably given not worked for.
I FEEL: I'm actually STILL horny... imagine that.
I KNOW: A lot actually
I THINK: Therefore, I am
I AM: Thinking... and horny.
I HAVE: Hard nipples right now.
I LIKE: Men. still. and porn. and fishing... and..
I WISH: He didn't just say that.
I WONDER: If I should...
I SING: Dan Dan Lavatory Man- like a champ.
I CRY: Your name... and i bite my pillow.
I AM ALWAYS: getting into trouble, it makes for great writing
I WON'T: Give in.. I'm stubborn.
Open the 6th email in your inbox and read the 3rd sentence.
"A bit of fetish play, like waxing a beautiful, expensive car."
Open the 3rd email in your sent items and read the 4th sentence.
"And it looked like there was a party in the making, so I thought I'd offer to bring the appetizers...heh...yeah."
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can and see what you touch.
The side arm of the couch. If I were on extasy it would feel fucking awesome im certain.
What is the last thing you watched on TV?
ON the TV, or a show on tv? The Daily Show, followed by the Colbert Report.
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The creak of the chair, the dog licking his balls... always lovely.
When did you last step outside?
an hour ago.
What were you doing?
uhhhh. I plead the fifth on that actually.
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
NICE pictures.. NICE.
What is on the walls of the room you are in?
It's dark in here, and I'm stoned... I could really give a fuck what's on my walls. And besides I don't think I ever really noticed.
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
A bass boat, airfare to see all of you (seriously), bring you back for a party and fishing.
Tell me something about you that I don't know...
NO, that would be frightening and I'm shy.
And last but not least... I promised a baby photo. Yes, I know every body want's to see lil' Emma... awwwww. Well here I am.
Dig the yellow gingham dress with the white apron?
Jesus, I was a pudge.. lookit those cheeks!!!
friggin chipmunk.
Oh, and to go with the photo I'll give you one unique thing about my baby-ness--
I didn't suck my thumb, I sucked my middle and index finger.. yeah both... so you know that gag reflex never really had the chance to develop correctly...
Sure, I had braces.. but I can deep throat fuckers, so how about that?!?!?!
Triple FFF! Another fantastic fucking Friday is upon us and I bet that all of you are going to have a wonderful weekend, while I obsess about this book and write up the short story about John's party for all of you.
There will be a Saturday Night Rumble tomorrow.. might wanna check it out. I hyper-linked the last one so those not familiar with it can ketchup. Honestly, this one oughta be good since it's myself competing against Tequila Girl... so really, you need to buy tickets people.
If it's not posted tomorrow it's because I'm having SEX, so you'll have to wait til Sunday morning.
On Fridays I kinda throw stuff together or do a tag. I don't have a tag so I stole something kinda fun from Sullen Girls blog... Hope you enjoy.
Happy FFF, and have a funfuckingtastic weekend ya'll.
1 MINUTE AGO: Requesting naked photos
1 HOUR AGO: Taking off my work clothes
1 DAY AGO: at this time? most likely masturbation.
First piercing: My ears at 7
First credit card: SCARY
First musician you remember hearing: Doobie Brothers
First REAL kiss: OH jesus.. wow, his name was Chuck and he was a sk8tr boy. HA. He had red hair, freckles... little irish boy... nice.
First broken heart: Sophomore year, by a girl
First movie you remember seeing in a theater: Star Wars, at the drive in.
First celebrity crush: Han Solo (who is NOT harrison ford, Han Solo was a man in himself).
First best friend's name: Teresa
First alcoholic drink you tried: Orange juice and vodka, left in the van cupholder by mom... thanks mom.
First vacation you took: Mt. Saint Helens, when the fucker blew. Good Timing.
First music video you ever saw: Video Killed the Radio Star by the Bugles, when MTV clicked on for the very first time...
Last long car ride: East to go fishing, love long drives... and yes, I can piss in a Coke can WHILE driving.. screw the rest stops.
Last movie seen in theaters: I don't really remember... actually. sad.
Last food consumed: Fruit Snacks HOLLA!
Last person you called: Teresa
Last CD played: 40 oz. to Freedom by Sublime
Last drink you drank: Coke
Last item purchased: flowers for somebody... for Valentines Day.
I HATE: Mens slacks (it's short answer or I'd expound)
I FEEL: Horny, wanna fuck?
I HIDE: In the bushes when you stalk me
I MISS: My virginity sometimes... okay, never.
I NEED: Orgasm, preferably given not worked for.
I FEEL: I'm actually STILL horny... imagine that.
I KNOW: A lot actually
I THINK: Therefore, I am
I AM: Thinking... and horny.
I HAVE: Hard nipples right now.
I LIKE: Men. still. and porn. and fishing... and..
I WISH: He didn't just say that.
I WONDER: If I should...
I SING: Dan Dan Lavatory Man- like a champ.
I CRY: Your name... and i bite my pillow.
I AM ALWAYS: getting into trouble, it makes for great writing
I WON'T: Give in.. I'm stubborn.
Open the 6th email in your inbox and read the 3rd sentence.
"A bit of fetish play, like waxing a beautiful, expensive car."
Open the 3rd email in your sent items and read the 4th sentence.
"And it looked like there was a party in the making, so I thought I'd offer to bring the appetizers...heh...yeah."
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can and see what you touch.
The side arm of the couch. If I were on extasy it would feel fucking awesome im certain.
What is the last thing you watched on TV?
ON the TV, or a show on tv? The Daily Show, followed by the Colbert Report.
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The creak of the chair, the dog licking his balls... always lovely.
When did you last step outside?
an hour ago.
What were you doing?
uhhhh. I plead the fifth on that actually.
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
NICE pictures.. NICE.
What is on the walls of the room you are in?
It's dark in here, and I'm stoned... I could really give a fuck what's on my walls. And besides I don't think I ever really noticed.
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
A bass boat, airfare to see all of you (seriously), bring you back for a party and fishing.
Tell me something about you that I don't know...
NO, that would be frightening and I'm shy.

Dig the yellow gingham dress with the white apron?
Jesus, I was a pudge.. lookit those cheeks!!!
friggin chipmunk.
Oh, and to go with the photo I'll give you one unique thing about my baby-ness--
I didn't suck my thumb, I sucked my middle and index finger.. yeah both... so you know that gag reflex never really had the chance to develop correctly...
Sure, I had braces.. but I can deep throat fuckers, so how about that?!?!?!
my brother crossed his index and middle finger, and sucked them upside down. not sure about his deepthroating skillz
I love me a sk8tr boy... *sigh HUGE weakness of mine ;)
And if you become a multi-millionaire, count me in for the party and fishing. I don't fish myself - but I'll bait your hook girlfriend ;)
Thanx for the love note on my blog - and feel free to steal anything anytime ;) Have a funfuckingtastic weekend yourself! *Mwah!
I don't fish but I'll bring beer and a that good enough???
I cry your name and i bite the pillow...
Poetry, sheer fucking poetry.
baby emma! CYUUUUUTTEEE!!!
Ditto on the I FEEL, I NEED, I AM, and I want the I HAVE ...
Thank you Emma.
Have a great weekend, Emma!
See if you can get hubby to "wax the car."
Sent you an email...
I won't be back until next Thursday or Friday...
I can't wait for the Saturday Night Rumble!!! I remember the first one now and it kicked ass!!!
Cute little Emma pic! It made me smile. :)
I'm wearing ruffles now! No one tells me what to do!
K, I'll be there!
Thanks sweetie!
Slyght - Really? How odd... I'm assuming though that he doesn't anymore? See, I still suck on my fingers whenever possible... preferably during sloppy sex.
Sullen Girs - I could use a baiter... Yeah, it would be good! We'd specialize you in lures and the works. That way, you could be the MASTER BAITER... HA!
I'm on a roll here people..
Kristen - YES. Enough with the distractionary tactics!!! How the hell am I gonna fish with you in a bikini?!?
Madame- About as good as this, ready?
I'll eat you like a pomegranate... slow and messy. Bite the pillow for me...
Buttah - See? The big fucking huge chipmunk cheeks? I'd so wear that little yellow dress for ya.
Tequila Guy - You're welcome... What are you doing tonight? Wanaa FEEL and WANT and HAVE?
Bigd - *blush* small mouth? errr... how about we just play pretend... I'll reel, you bite.
Grrr.. you know bigd... you're *sigh*
Helskel - A beautiful, expensive one even. You know, just the way you described that whole scenario got me thinking about... well, lets just say I read that THREE times, and definitely the third was the CHARM. Wax on, wax off.
TG - No worries love, just got your email... I send with you my love and biggest hugs I can muster, see you tomorrow night at the showdown, k?
Murphy - If we want to wear ruffles, we will wear ruffles... Now shut up and get naked.
"Paint the fence!
Up! Down! Up! Down!"
Yes again Murphy, you know once isn't enough.. .and the fact you have to work is no excuse!
Scumbag- Hi sweetie... bye sweetie... *blush*
Jesus, he always just CUMS and GOES doesn't he?
Eat me like a pomegranate?
aww, come on out of the bushes
Hmmm... it all sounds very promising.
Helskel- Paint the fence LOL!!! Baby we'll paint it red... RED!
Madame - Yeah... I'm not kidding.. hows about that for sweet.
Shyrocket... I keep promises
paint the house... side to side :)
up and down, side to side... it's all very inductive to what I am hoping my weekend will be like.
and im not talking about painting my house either.
You may even have to try the Crane Maneuver!
Perched a top a little boat on the lake.
*spits coffee*
Hehe ;) I'm the Master Baiter ;)
Wait, Crane manuever?!?!?!
Helskel, how the hell did you know about that? Where you there?
ah HAH, you were snorkeling, weren't you?
Sullen *giggle*, can you help Thom with the hole in his lip?
I may have had my mouth on a tube...
I don't remember much after that.
UMMM.. me... tooo?
LOL Christ I'm horny.
Anyone ever read:
Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho ?
Emma, question:
Now be honest... what is your favorite part of the human body (male or female cause we know how you roll) you like to put your mouth on?
*sigh* indeed...
oof, it's gonna be a long day.
Murphy - who the FUCK are you talking to? that wasn't very nice.
Alright Joe - Well, you know I do that... put it all out there... for you ;) I knew you'd show up any day and well... I wanted it to be special for you.
Helskel - really curious are you?
Alright, the soft spot just inside the hip (like where my tat is)... soft skin, sensitive area... *sigh*
Blondie - If I changed... you would run away like a deer in the wild.
last thing you drank was a coke ? hmm i was thinking you were drinking haterade ...
my wildest fantasy was just realized.
Now what do I do with the rest of my life?
You deserve the top spot sweetness.
Thom, kiss my ass hole. fucker.
awww - you still want a kiss from me ?
Helskel - I've got the cherry for the top of that... sending
Thom - yeah, lemme bend over for access purposes.. fucker.
Austin- you know, I'm going to say that backwards for ya... Wow.
I didn't know I could log into yahoo/mail so fast.
sweet lord,
I'll respond as soon as I clean this up.
hehehe ... aww come on, say it....
he he he... I got your cherry RIGHT HERE!!!
Jesus, you know what... it's good to see you round these here parts Blondie.
Thom - quit laughing or I'll chop your block... I know where you live and work and drive and.... and...
Helskel - LMAO don't you just love frantic frenzied email checking? especially when the server is slow...
That was awesome. Esp the whole reading what was in your e-mail thing. Btw, i'm hungry. Where's breakfast?
well ill tell ya what Jax, you gimme more email dips and I'll give you more insight...
tee hee.
HAHAHAA. It's on then!
breakfast ? it's lunch time almost. I got the MB dish and i'm driving my SUV. you ready?
whatever THom... SERIOUSLY.
Did anybody notice I was drinking a Rum and Coke in that picture?
such a lush...
Hahaha. Obviously a lot of lunches! I just want breakfast.....sheeeeeeeeeeesh. C'mon Em.
wow i just can't keep up over here!
and of course all i can think now?
'wax on, wax off...'
hehehhe, sass...
Let's drink one tonight for Pat Morita.
helskel: deal. that guy rocked
thank everything i care about that it's friday
I second that emotion entirely.
The Motion has been seconded.
Let's call a vote:
All those for abbreviating the remainder of this Friday, and jumping our butts straight into the weekend, say AYE!
Em, who were your requesting naked pics from? ;)
Suze - I can't tell you... it would piss them off entirely.
But, if you want to send one, I won't complain ;)
except i love my last client and i need the money!
SUG! How the HELL!?!?!? You feelin' okay? I was all worried about you.
Thom, Thom... *sigh* lol.
Sass- is he/she hot? oh wait, who am I kidding... I am your last client!
*i wish*
Emma, Emma ... *double sigh*
Thom infinity- *sighing a lot*
Emma, infinity + 1 *sigh*
hi again. see ya tuesday.
K, shane... pick me up at the airport.. i hate taxi's.
Sug - okay, but it would have to be later... i'm folding!
Thom - stop sighing... you'll hyperventilate!
No disenting votes?
The Ayes carry!
Everyone go home and get drunk.
*catches breath*
Got you cute lil kids a room - have fun!!
Play nice!!
Thanks Snavv- Now if I were only in Seattle it's be all good!
Can you go in my absence? Perhaps as a sponsor?
You misunderstand - It's any Marriott - anywhere (my hubby works for them) and of course I meant with your hubby - sheesh!!!
Silly girl....
OH! Well rightthefuckonthen!!!
So, you and the hub are coming as well, no?
em: she's hot in fact and a lovely little asian lady with a perfect bum and gorgeous light brown eyes.
and she's funny and sweet.
i cannot comment on her smell :)
So, no solstice photos then Em?
Don't be evasive little girl- I will see you Monday.
isn't everyone high when they blog?
God, you WERE stoned when you wrote this!
Nah - he can stay home - I just use him for his discount.
Sass- *sigh* I love smells, but damn i would have rather been your client.
Shawn - Alright, you know what? You suck ass for having a big mouth. *sigh* Sometimes we make bad decisions... posting that picture would not be one of them because well, it's never making it here!!!
306g! Holy shit I can't believe you made it my way after all this time LOL!!! Yeah, I was... really really stoned...
Snavv- I love your style girl, we can party anytime!
Emma - check your e-mail... the eagle has landed.
Emma ... so here I am talking to a woman I've know several years (professionally, seriously) - she never did anything for me, you know? Then, I notice she has a new set of braces wrapped around her teeth and I start getting turned on ... wtf?
Shy- *running to email*
Tequila Guy- You're a stud, willing to take on a woman with braces... JESUS. You're in it to win it baabyy...
em: me too
EN, great post. I'm back in the blog hizzy, but just coming back to reality. Look forward to readin' more. I was doing fine till the braces thought and then thinking about you in braces and deep throating has got my eyes rolling back in my skull. Ay, aye, aye...You sexy fuckin freak. Peace out.
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