Aggravation Gestation
Alright you poor, poor men. *shaking head*
I feel your pain... and I don't know how you do it.
Really, enlighten me on how to get through the fucking bullshit fact that I have to be Dom all the fucking time lately?
I mean, statistics show that you guys lead 84% of the time in the bedroom. Soooo... There must be a time when you're sick of being the instigator.... AM I WRONG?
How do you cope with that shit? !?!? Does it get you as fucked up in the head as I am right now? Or is this just a woman thing....
Ever just want to be submissed? Of course ya fucking do!!! So wtf? Educate me on the ways of dealing with this fucked up scenario in my life because the road doesn't look any better in the ways of Emma getting pinned and pumped. God fucking damnit, I'm downright livid about it.
I'm tired of fucking god damnit, somebody fuck me... it's an issue, and it's growing to a massive proportion of bottled up psycho-nympho submissive turmoil rage.
I'm sick of the sick husband... and the need for all the pussy I've had in the last week to be submissive.... Seriously.
Christ I just want somebody to wrap their fucking hands around my arms and push me onto the bed...
be rough, really, I could give a fuck right now.
And call me names, tell me what you want to do to me, have your way with my body and leave me in a sweaty heaving mess on the floor.
Or spank my ass, spread my cheeks apart and finger me... Anything you do after that of course won't matter because, well... I just won't give a fuck if it means I'm caving to ya.
Call me dirty bitch, tie me up and tease me with heat and ice.... rip off my clothes and make me serve 'it' to you... Fuck that, I really don't fucking care as long as it means I'm getting bruised in the process.
is that too fucking much to ask?!?!?! Jesus...
No more of this "take me Emma" or "You want it, work for it" bullshit. I want it served to me bitches.
K. So I'm on a mission from God to be Dominated.
I don't care if you're a man or woman, better if both at the same time but *shrug* I'll take what I can get. I'm accepting applications for somebody to thrash and use me... This could work well for two reasons:
1. Just listening to you mother fuckers talk dirty to me will inspire me to pummel my husband again(or some innocent bystander).
2. I will show up at your door and not leave until you drive it deep and pull my hair... especially you saucy women god damnit.
I consider this a plea for help, a sick sick sick one... But I can't go on trying to hurt myself here people... just something humilating about throwing yourself against the wall, you see.... and... God damnit I just want fucked... that's all... just fucked.
K, thank you.
**This has been a special service announcement by Everything Nice... This woman will self-destruct in 24 hours if not disabled.**
I feel your pain... and I don't know how you do it.
Really, enlighten me on how to get through the fucking bullshit fact that I have to be Dom all the fucking time lately?
I mean, statistics show that you guys lead 84% of the time in the bedroom. Soooo... There must be a time when you're sick of being the instigator.... AM I WRONG?
How do you cope with that shit? !?!? Does it get you as fucked up in the head as I am right now? Or is this just a woman thing....
Ever just want to be submissed? Of course ya fucking do!!! So wtf? Educate me on the ways of dealing with this fucked up scenario in my life because the road doesn't look any better in the ways of Emma getting pinned and pumped. God fucking damnit, I'm downright livid about it.
I'm tired of fucking god damnit, somebody fuck me... it's an issue, and it's growing to a massive proportion of bottled up psycho-nympho submissive turmoil rage.
I'm sick of the sick husband... and the need for all the pussy I've had in the last week to be submissive.... Seriously.

be rough, really, I could give a fuck right now.
And call me names, tell me what you want to do to me, have your way with my body and leave me in a sweaty heaving mess on the floor.
Or spank my ass, spread my cheeks apart and finger me... Anything you do after that of course won't matter because, well... I just won't give a fuck if it means I'm caving to ya.
Call me dirty bitch, tie me up and tease me with heat and ice.... rip off my clothes and make me serve 'it' to you... Fuck that, I really don't fucking care as long as it means I'm getting bruised in the process.
is that too fucking much to ask?!?!?! Jesus...
No more of this "take me Emma" or "You want it, work for it" bullshit. I want it served to me bitches.
K. So I'm on a mission from God to be Dominated.
I don't care if you're a man or woman, better if both at the same time but *shrug* I'll take what I can get. I'm accepting applications for somebody to thrash and use me... This could work well for two reasons:
1. Just listening to you mother fuckers talk dirty to me will inspire me to pummel my husband again(or some innocent bystander).
2. I will show up at your door and not leave until you drive it deep and pull my hair... especially you saucy women god damnit.
I consider this a plea for help, a sick sick sick one... But I can't go on trying to hurt myself here people... just something humilating about throwing yourself against the wall, you see.... and... God damnit I just want fucked... that's all... just fucked.
K, thank you.
**This has been a special service announcement by Everything Nice... This woman will self-destruct in 24 hours if not disabled.**
this post rocks.
dude i'm not a domme and i want to toss you into walls. and then refuse to do it again
K, you know what Sass, I could think of nobody better for that job.
thanks for reminding me just how much i want you.
You dirty girl...I'll throw it to you...No, you know what?
I'll wait till you think you are alone, and just watch you...Watch and wait...Watch you unpack the groceries, throw the mail on the counter, take your jacket off. What was that noise?
"Hello? Somebody here?" You ask.
You flip through the mail while walking back to the family room and that is when I walk in behind you. And then just as you feel the presence of someone, I pull your hair back and cover your mouth as you scream (not so much out of fear, but utter excitement). "Don't move," I would breathe into your ear before biting your neck. I would then force you over the side of the couch, still never allowing you to turn around...Unbuckle those tight, tight jeans...Oooooo, no panties today? I think you've been wanting something, because you are already wet....I can smell your scent envelope the room....Then I enter you and force your head into the cushions of the couch.
I dig my nails into your ass as you squeal with delight. One *SMACK* Two *SMACK*, Three *SMACK*! I ram into you with all of the might built up over a five hour car drive thinking about your body and this moment. Just as our bodies break into full sweat, I pull your hair to draw your head to me and kiss you full on the mouth as we climax together, still not allowing you to see me...
I tell you not to move, I adjust then leave as silently as I entered...
Just a thought though...
OMG. Sugar.. MIKE.
Murphy, you sexy bitch.. Im utterly speechless and yours...
for atleast an hour.
em: i always try to oblige?
be well lady!
Ummm.. Blondie... I uhhh. HOLY FUCK.
Alright dammit, gimme a toss or two wouldja?
Sug- call the fucker and wake him UP!
Id like to choke on that mongoose.. he better hook me the FUCK UP with cyber sex or I'll be all over his shit whether he likes it or not!!!
Christ, I'm reading that shit 5 times and bending over for him right the fuck NOW. And I'm even on the couch, who knew?
damn mr. mongoose.. just... damn.
Sass- *blushing* wow.
Glad I could help out. Let me know how I can be of assistance.
K, with the vision of Sass throwing me, Blondies beautiful breasts, Sug and Mike, Murphy cornering me in a room and telling me to take my clothes off, and goose taking me on the couch...
i think i need my masturbation station... thanks for the blogger orgy... keep this shit up and I may just be right by morning...
jesus. wow.
do me fuckers.
I'd have you pulling pieces of flannel out of your teeth for a week.
NIN says it best, Em.
you let me violate you you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you you let me complicate you
help me i broke apart my insides help me i've got no soul to sell
help me the only thing that works for me help me get away from myself
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
you can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex i can smell
help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
through every forest, above the trees
within my stomach, scraped off my knees
i drink the honey inside your hive
you are the reason i stay alive
Em, you know what I would do to you if you came over. Buy that ticket now you bitch.
How's that?
*spanks your ass*
God Bless you Emma for writing that.......I've been trying to put that need into words and finally you did it for me!!!! I think I'll print that out and just hand it out and see who thinks they can handle that request!!!
lets just say if you show up here I am going to beat the shit out of you with my cock.
Can't help ya out here Em,
I'm too busy having NICE sex...
I shouldn't complain, I know I shouldn't complain and yet...
It's too eary, I need coffee.
Someone bring me a NICE cup of coffee.
see, now i feel bad for being all submissive in the bedroom. but c''s just hot as hell when a guy just makes you his own personal sex toy
god. i love it.
uch. i hate being single!!
Em, Em, Em,
Why are you hiding behind the elloquence of your words and just tell us how you are really feeling today?
I'm not sure I needed to read this post this morning...What's the deal with women who actually want...nay...crave sex? Where do you come from?
My wife's sex drive is in park lately and I need my release too damnit!
I'm so pent up I'd give you the fucking you deserve Emma! I'm sure I'd cum so hard inside you that you'd taste it...
I'm not going to describe exactly what I'd do with you because damnit, you'd get your release and I'd be even more frustrated....
for a second there it sounded like you wanted to be beaten down and raped. that shit is totally hot!
elle: fucking word
em: feeling better yet?
Morning Bitches!!! Who's first?
Tequila Guy - Yes?
Dom- OMG at flannel... Memories *sigh* do you still have those sheets? I'll bring the NIN if you do... just spread it out in an uncomfortable place, like the back of a Volkswagen.
Suze - Not sure what turns me on more, you just saying that... or that hot fucking english accent when saying it.... I'm COMING!!!
Jay - *giggle* so, bondage? I've got big balls, and any hot nut in my mouth is welcome, but only if face fucking....
Kristen- Yes, use it... like a flyer... post the fucker, then sit on my face and tell me that you love me.
Other Jay - oh man, you got my heart-on... beat me blue you sexy fucker... beat me blue.
Madame - Nothing wrong with NICE sex, but I'm tired of NICE... I want NAUGHTY!!!! DIRTY ROUGH MESSY SLOPPY DOWNRIGHT DIRTY FUCKING. Coffee?
Buttah - Yeah, you see... I've been initiating for so long that now I'm just like... on the edge of beating the shit outta myself here. I get tired of being the Dom after awhile... just can't exert the effort at ALL.
And you know, if you ever want to be sub or dom for me... I'll compromise... and I'm serious. very.
Silent Man- You know, I think I have trouble expressing myself.
Dammit Dan- quit being a fucknut and let it go... I don't give a rats ass how frustrated you are, can't you see I NEED you? Sorry to hear about the wife... I'll be your wife for an evening... but only if I can taste it from the inside.
Scumbag - Yeah, SO?!?!? Is concentual rape still rape? K, that's a sensitive subject... let's call it objectional fornication... and yes you sexy white trash fucker... it's your fault... it was those fucking pictures of you in TN!!!! dammit.
Sass - LOL.. dammit no, but that could change by the end of the day... depending on how fired up I am by 5. Oh, and werd too!
Miss Emma - (raises hand)
Will there be a pop quiz??
Well, I'm taking notes anyway.
Couple things:
1. What are your thoughts on bondage?
2. I know you like the hair pulling from behind - but will it work in other directions?
3. When you yell "Oh God, please stop!! - Don't make me cum again!!" - are you just looking for more??
4. What are your thoughts on sex swings?? (When done right, you'd have no control of situation. And, hell - swinging while swinging - that's just fun!!)
I'm good at the writing part but I think I would excell in both the oral and practical areas.
Snav - good, take notes... I'm coming for you.
1. bondage welcome, the tighter the more acceptable.
2. Yes, and if there's pigtails involved, pull them either direction, like handle bars even
3. Of course I fucking am!! Unless I use my safe word, then you really need to stop.
4. I own one, had a hard time convincing the parents why there were hooks in the ceiling, industrial ones even... HA.
Sug - LOL, now all we need is Mike...
well ... dammit. I could've saved a few bucks!
*throws away flowers and mongolian beef*
I know somewhere in your mind you can talk dirty to me Thom fucker.
Why don't you whip my ass with the flowers and smother me in the beef?
jesus, softy.
Ummm, Jelly donuts and latte's... this is a long long way from what I'm needing...
Did everybody go soft on me? Christ, okay then...
fine, nobody wants me hot and needy... you want to basket weave or talk about flowers or some shit.
what is your kind of potpourri emma ?
Forget the jelly donuts. I have handcuffs Em and I know how to use them. Just fuckin' take your clothes off, lay down, shut up, let me handcuff you and........
and wtf is up with the potpourri? oh, I get it... Thoms soft. Thom, go away until you can make me cream my pants.
Kristen - I don't do the cuffs... I like the leather velcro wrist straps or the plastic zip ties they use for criminals... that way I don't need to worry about a key.
will that work for you?
err, I can work the PVC cop uniform sexy fucker.
my ass is yours for the taking.
I'm not pinning you though god DAMMIT we did that last time, it's all about me. ME.
Yes the elusive naughty,dirty fuck!
Very rare in these parts.
hehehe, parts!
Thanks for the coffe, how about a little sugar?
someone say PVC?
Needing abuse Emma?
Needing forceful attention?
You poor poor nymph, bitch, slut.
Needing the trick?
Alright can be my wife for a night and I'll use you up baby!!
I have a sinus infection myself right now but I'm taking cold medicine so I'm ready to go. Course, even if I could only breath out of one nostril and barely hold my head up I'd still pound you for a night.
I really should get more action...
sorry about bringing up a sensitive subject (consentual rape). let's instead talk about how i hate everyone that isn't a white u.s. citizen..........
Madame - Sure, Ill share my sugar... but you have to make me.
Ummm, anybody remember that song 'sugar walls' by sheena easton?
banned from radio, beautiful.
Blondie - Again, we can't be having the responsibility of a key, you gotta know this.
God, I adore you... like nothing I've ever adored before.
Helskel - *choke* err.. you... See fucker, you had me at that. The trick? The trick? oh my god, gimme you.
Dan- noted, double the cold meds so you're extra jumpy and irritated, then slap my ass as hard as you can... you'll feel better.
Scum- I think you even hate some white people actually, can I interest you in an ice pack? I bought a costco size box of them just for this occasion.
blondie...I'd prefer to know if your tits have a little release button.....
'course, that's just me.
Now time to slap Emma's ass.....
K, little release button works. And I'll answer out of sheer courtesy for blondie...
all women have a little release button but it's not on our tits, it's between our fucking legs.
slap it.
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I can tell you want me - my sugar walls -
it's impossible to hide.
Your body's on fire
admit it! Come inside.
My sugar walls
my sugar walls.
Come inside my sugar walls
my sugar walls
my sugar walls.
Come spend the night inside my sugar walls
Unfortunately I do remember, child of the '80's!
Totally hot song, so much better than "Naughty girls need love" by Samantha Fox... THOUGH!!!!
Touch me, by Samantha Fox still rocks the amatuer night. K, that's nice, now we have hot music for atmosphere...
children of the 80's unite... we call all sing Erotic City.
I should totally post my strip-set.
I'll only slap it if you let me kiss it better after....and lick it, then nibble it, then suck it, then lick it some more....
Of course I was only a child when that song was released!
i don't need no damn ice pack!! a cold beezo and some hot pussy will do me just fine.
i said "do me".
Okay, well the Scumbag can I have the ice pack? I'm not doing you fucker... Im not...
You have to do me. but there could be beer involved absolutely.
Murphy, you can slap my pussy if it suits you, just no spitting!!!
That goes for you too Jay and Dan... no SPITTING!
I don't spit during sex....I spurt at the end though....
errr... ummmm... I feel tag teamed, AWESOME!
Anybody down for DP?
So much for standing up and walking around the office for a while. Thanks Sass... :P
Hmmm, very high voltage over here today... watch for lightening strikes.
Blondie - You mean you never saw a spitter? I totally shoulda showed you that porno.... eductional and gross all at the same time.
Jay- finish the girl you knew.... and oh! hee hee photos?!?!? *blushing*
You have to send one first fucker.
Shy- It's your fault... pin me.
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I would love to take the blame... strike you like lightening... spin you like a tornado and thunder you like a storm... buuuut, I seem to recall that Shy's not that assertive.
ummm.. yes you are, you're just not extroverted. I can recall a couple of times you climaxed the hot talk.
don't deny your need to abuse me... hotel room and all, beautiful.
satisfying yes... so why not think 'out of the box' and be assertive?
i need you in the box shy... just not yours.... MINE
hmmm... (strumming fingers on desk)... I NEVER denied my need to abuse you... banish the thought! even more satisfying, perhaps, would be fulfilling your need to be abused.
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Something's wrong with my cock errr or clock on my computer.
huh... we seem to be in a time warp!
Shy- I dare you to say something that sets me back a step or three... make me blank stare... c'mon, you can do it.
say it, just say it. In a public forum is even better, therapeutical even....
come on...
If the Goose can't handle you I'll e more than happy to fulfill exactly what it seems you want!!
You gotta love it when she dares you...
*tapping fingers*
Magnum - wow, I can't say as I've ever seen you in this neck of the woods... welcum... I'll have you in as a double that way you guys can tag team me.
Helskel- Notice I never have to dare you? You melt me.
*tapping fingers and raising Shy a stern stare*
Tag team hell we'll take you at the same time and you may never be the same again.....
I do DP just fine you fucker.
I would be the same, over and over and over and over again.
lemme moan for ya.
I think shy ran away... DAMMIT.
Honestly Magnum... lick your palm before you do that... it will burn a little more.
Sounds like fun! Would love to hear you moan and scream over and over and over again!!! Pull you hair and smack that ass!!
You nasty boy... alright, you're up to the challenge... let's go then.
I'll lick more than just my palm...
see. im all over you already!
Name it!!
Okay, mud pit in 5 minutes... I'll be all soft and pliable... just for the wrestling and all.. no monkey business in the pit.
after we'll shower each other off
Then you can push down on my head, stick your dick in my mouth and MAKE me take it from soft to hard in under ten seconds without the use of hands.
face fuck me even, then blow it down my throat. Anything that spurts out the sides of my mouth should wash away with the mud.
Ah fuck... I just got hit on the back of the head with the Canadarm. BRB... "asshole fucking be careful" (making sign language beside helmut)
okay where were we?
You can't be all over me I have you tied to a bed!!
look up....
I like mirrors on the ceiling and you look great from this position....
You really want to be owned today, don't ya E?
Yes Helskel - leash and all. How about we break open the x-bar?
oooh, now you're talking.
Beg for permission to submit?
I'd lead you around on a leash...
after ordering you to put on the appropriate costume while I watch of course.
Sug- That was a box of trix. LOL. The picture you sent didn't help tho, thanks!!! Jesus.
Helskel - You know what? You're really not that far away. Fucker, Im utterly speechless.
utterly. *sigh* dammit, you know... all this domination makes me want to tour.
Helskel - I would beg for you.
*eats mongolian beef while watching the show*
It's true, just a divide away.
hmmmm, yes, if you're up to it someday.
I do have a mind to play.
(ah fuck, now you got me rhyming)
Shy looks up... SMACK... Canadarm again... thus describing my life of the last seven days. WTF?
Okay Em, dares shmares... honey, in answer to YOUR wish, when we do meet face to face... I will say it ALL to you face to face and then some. You can be climactically assured of that sexual fact. And as an end game you will be a lot more than damp. (That's a lite adjective.) To hell with extroversion! Our introverted, fire side chats will pin you and exploit you - like the very leashes and collars you desire - without laying a single, wet-licked finger, bitten lip or talented soft tongue. You will be begging for the abuse to stop. And everything up to this deep and smouldering point is testimony to that aroused fact and you seductively but secretly know it. Don't worry, you'll get over the shock after a while.
Us meet? Yeah, we should probably order up some riot police to keep us apart. But then again, who would want to do that?
In the meantime, get back in the game and print me up some fresh smut. NOW!
Murphy - nobody's fucked me yet... you game? We've been close though...
Jay - Hey, one can never have too many pics, but send one of your face baby.
Helskel - You said ''divide' like i'll do to my thighs welcoming your hot tongue to my pink folds.
Sug - Seriously, that one pic was good, good.. keep looking at that one... if you have any more of that guy, yes pls feel free and forward... so I can drool accordingly.
Shy - *blank stare*
fuck the coffee fucker... i'll schedule for the riot police... cause yeah, we may not need it at first for each other, but for the crowd that's going to gather to enjoy such a spectacle.
look here sugartits, no one takes that tone with the scumbag.
Let's leave the dividing to the x-bar.
The more toys the better.
The more toyish you act, the more fun you'll receive.
So you into hot wax and all....
Be careful what you wish for... there's more where that came from. Okay I really need to go fix this fucking Canadarm, or beat the operator, so I'll catch ya later.
And like I said... "stay wet"...
Just like a hot man to cum and go so quickly. I'll miss you SHy, and I'll be ready for the next dose... tee hee.
K, Helskel.. yeah, bind me and hang me... and I know you know what that means.... Watch the whip slaps on the sensitive backs of my thighs, wouldja?
Jay - any shot of you is my money shot.
Magnum - yes, but isn't evey lady?
Only the truly hot let me get this straight...bound, gagged, spanked, dripping hot wax, with moans and may very will be the perfect women!!
Haahahhahah! That's a goood one.
I love you PBC, that was a precious story of romance, endurance, and tragedy.
and you too Magnum.. thanks for sticking it out.... So, do you just compete with the goose or do you guys team it up?
The Goose and I are a team in some places and compete in others but through it all we are the best of friends!
So when is clitoris appreciation week?
(and don't say "every week you chauvenist fucker!")
I like ice and its many uses and pleasures!!
Sug - yes call...
Magnum - Friends? *perk* I do the friend thing!!!! You guys have to share appropriately... no jealousy.
Helskel - How about I host you a private clitoris appreciation week, I'm not sure I could find enough female participants to pull that off... honestly.
Sullen - HOLLA!
"Call me dirty bitch, tie me up and tease me with heat and ice.... rip off my clothes and make me serve 'it' to you... Fuck that, I really don't fucking care as long as it means I'm getting bruised in the process."
i think a lot of our blogs need a disclaimer sayin':
caution - pbc may post a comment here.
k... I will post the disclaimer.. thanks scum... now, we're fucking, right?
Sug - email checking now!
this blog is the smuttiest thing i've ever seen. all you people ever talking about is fornication. now you have some you gentleman talking about masturbating barnyard animals!?! where will it stop?
handcuffs and other restraining aids are for weaklings who can't hold down their prey ... just do it with brute strength ...
Jeesus woman!
I know i'm not suppose to say anything , but for a petite little thing, you sure can pack away the Mongolian Beef!
Sug - k, i see you workin' my email honey... gimme time
Leather back- R U New? Wanna teach me something?!?!? Come one baby... whisper... whisper.
God DAMN you Sugarpunk!! Hot fucker in my mailbox AGAIN...
will you please forward my IM to him with a request for location so I can add that fine ness to my social calendar?
Ummm.... PLEASE?!?!?
Pearl - did you leave this message here? You mean your tits were offering their services and I missed it?!?!?!?
baby, bend me over and spank my ass with that pizza cutter... HOT. Really, you know you're a fine looking chick.
I cannot disclose the name of hot email guy on my comments... errr, but ID LIKE TO.
yeah , its ok ladies ...
anybody want to send more hotness to emma?
I'll do a slide show and then masturbate on web cam like that 9 1/2 weeks scene...
even get the slide projector working....
k, send me your email... we'll make it a daisy chain... tee hee.
Sug - you'd make a great assistant honey.. and well, *blush* you're not so bad yourself...errrr.
wow, i feel like a rock star - all these women sending my pics of their panties ... woohoo!
Sooo.. Thom, you take pics of panties... or you wear them... I'm confused.
Yes Sug - literally.
K, Murphy... seriously, everyone knows your topiary is not an arrow... it's a ...a.....errrr.
nice... NICE!
sorry to inform you all, i went into the men's room / shower facilities here at work, and it was too occupied for me to snap a few pics of me .... maybe later.
pearl, i emailed you a shot of murphy's asshole.
Planning and all.
seriously... im not sure about the wax though... I think Murphy's ass may be smooth...
It's the epilator I got him for Xmas, it's workin' for him.
ahhh ... now is a good time to plant my ass here and kill the comments section.
need an epilator thom? it hurts at first... but then... it's all good.
lemme do it for you.
um ... no thanks .... *gulp*
i better skidaddle before you do something else to me!
So, sug... tell me why Thom doesn't talk nasty to me.
Im shakin' somethin alright... *sigh*
So all the hot mother fuckers apparently put their two cents in and bolted.
nice to leave a perty lady hanging like that... perhaps I should just not post an HNT and make em all suffer....
errrr... hmmmmmmm.
i'm your huckleberry
Just listen to me cum and moan sug... I'll try to work in a giggle for ya too.
Thom- come on, just do it already, we all know you're not as shy as you think you are... sheesh!
Shit, i got double dog dared twice today! Once now, and once earlier at lunch with you!
Jesus woman!
Didn't you get enough of this?
Fine, let's do this again. This time, I'll make sure you won't be begging for more today.
yeah, do it fucker... DO IT.
I walk into your office, the look of raw lust in your eyes. You stand up to meet me. I grab you and turn you around, with unmatched force. My hands clasp at your wrists, Bending you over, forcing you face first on your desk. I breathe harshly into your ear, "I know how bad you want it, fucker. Here it comes." A moan of delight escapes you, as I release your arms, but yet you remain prone and vulnerable to me, as I quickly lift your skirt up past your hips. You hear my unzip my pants ...
k, now talk about something we haven't done.
No fuck that, it's a fond memory... keep going.......
...You turn your head to see what I'm about to do to you. "Turn around, bitch," I order you and slap your firm ass sharply. You obey me and rest your head back on the desk, wiggling your hips, ready for entry. "Where is your fucking dildos?" I ask you. You point to the bottom drawer by your left leg. I kneel down, you can feel my breath on your leg as I open the drawer. I find what I am looking for and closed the drawer. "You ready for this double penetration?" Your head nods vigorously as you await impatiently for penetration...
tee hee... k, i remember that HA.
...I play with your pussy, using the dildo, while my cock drags on your ass. "Don't tease me," you beg. "Shut up!" I start fingering your ass, while I shoved your dildo into you forcefully. A load groan escaped you as I continually assaulted your pussy with your dildo. I removed my fingers, and placed the head of my cock between your cheeks. Ready to shove it in...
See, now that part.. .that was good right there.. I remember that too.
before the teeth clenching no?
...I put my hand on your back, to hold you steady. I pushed it into you, and fuck, it must have hurt. It was so tight! A loud moan, close to a scream came through your clenched teeth. I pushed deeper into you, pushing your body down forcefully aginst your desk. Your muscles tensing and your legs shake with the pressure of my cock and your dildo buried deep inside of you. I start pulling the dildo out as I push my cock in. Then I'd retract my cock a bit to shove the dildo back deep into you. I grab your hair with my free hand, and pull your head back...
umygod. so..... see, now Im thinking that was the teeth clencher right there...
was it a moan? Like OH YEAH... or what it like URmmm YERmmmm.....
lol @Sug!!!
So, i think i closed my eyes when you did the hair pulling actually....
... My pace quickens on you, not caring if it is hurting you or pleasing you. All I care is that I get to cum all over you. Cum all over that pretty face of yours. "Masturbate for me," I whispered in your ear. Your hand slides down to your pussy, as you vigorously rub your throbbing clit. "You dirty whore, you like it rough, don't ya." I whispered harshly into your ear. A pathetic moan is your only response...
...I feel my impending orgasm building up, as I continue to penetrate your ass. A moan accidentally escaped my lips, which caused a frenzy of sensations in your body. I could feel and hear that you are about to cum, but I don't care about that right now. I pull harder on your hair, as I move closer to my orgasm. My muscles tense, my thrusting quickens. Your moans grow into broken gasps, as you reached your climax. I'm am about to cum, so close! I slide my cock out of you. "On your knees," I commanded you as I rub my cock. You kneel down under my pulsating hardness, your mouth opens. My hand holds your head steady as I am about to cum. Hot liquid shoots through my body, out my cock, into your mouth. "Ahhh." I keep rubbing my cock, and shooting cum all over your face, your hair. Your tongue licks up my juices, as I rub my distended cock against your wet cheek. "That was nice," I muttered as I zipped up my pants. "I gotta go..."
errrr... ummmmm. oh. my.
Oh my, my, my... Thommy boy always blows my mind. :) Sigh... I need to go take care of myself now....
*twitching and throbbing... sweating behind the knees...*
come here, i'll take care of ya (wink wink)
*bending over for the thomcat*
hold on sullen - when i'm done with emma, your next...maybe she can kiss you meanwhile.
purrrrrrrrrfect ;9
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