Saturday Night Rumble II
Howdy Ho there sportsfans, and welcome to the second in the series of Saturday Night Rumble in the bedroom!
(crowd cheers)
If you remember correctly, at the last SN Rumble sparks flew when the very oral-attentive Everything Naughty took on the cunning and classy Everything Nice. Boy that was something to remember, wasn't it Jim?
Absolutely Al... But tonight's face off may be the first of it's kind in Rumble history, and the best yet!
Tell us why that is Jim .
Well Al, for years this competition entailed a mud-wrestling venue for the girl on girl face off... instead of the traditional bed-pen of the male/female rivalry. Two weeks ago when this tournament was originally planned and then subsequently cancelled, the mud pit was rearin' to go for the event.
However, since then plans for the mud pit have changed and the sponsors decided to go with chocolate pudding instead of mud.
What was that Jim? Did you say chocolate pudding?
I sure did Al, and a fine batch of chocolate pudding too.
To make the event tonight even more special they offered cans of whip cream as a promotion for the front row ticket buyers! It should be more than action-packed... Not only in the pudding pit tonight, but on the side lines as well!
Is it warm chocolate pudding Jim?
No, no Al. In fact, I'm dipping my finger in it at this very moment and noticing it's quite chilled. I think the athletes like it that way... For nipple effect Al. Hard nipple effect gives them an advantage.
Right. So, I suppose on that note we should introduce our contestants!!!! (crowd cheers)
In the first corner, a fresh challenger from the deep South East... A belle with boom that keeps men and women salivating like idiot dogs every Thursday without fail. Yes you may remember her as the artist formerly known as, but we adore her no matter what her name.
Let's give her the Saturday Night Rumble welcome---
Tequila Girl!!!
(crowd cheers are deafening)
From the floor here, I can see that Tequila Girl came prepared for the fight tonight by the shot glass clenched in her right hand and that lime tucked in her cleavage. You should see the gleam in her eye Al! Looks like she's definitely due for some down and dirty time!
That's good Jim, because that's exactly what she's gonna get too!
A fair rival but a down and dirty player, there was some concern around the league over whether we'd ever see this contestant in the ring again!
But, just like a bad social disease... Nothing can keep this one down.
She's back in almost mint condition, and shows no sign of backing away from this battle.
The one, the only, the double jointed and virtually indispensable Swiss-army fuck of the North West corridor...
Everything Nice!!!
(crowd goes wild)
Yes Al, you make a good point. I mean, considering the last few weeks... I can see why the league dubbed her the nick-name "the comeback kid."
Actually Jim, that was a double entendre kind of thing. *ahem*
But there's the first bell and the contestants are prepping for the showdown.... They seem very focused and ready to go head-to-head in the pudding mess... Look at the way they circle the pit, staring each other down like a homeless man to a breakfast sandwich! Wow, they the suspense at who is going to make the first move here is virtually unbearable....
but wait! Tequila Girl moves in for a shoulder push and down goes Everything Nice back first into the pudding!!! Wow, that made an unbelievable mess but she doesn't look phased..
No Al, she's trying to catch her bearings and get back up. But as you know that pudding is extremely sticky and it must be very difficult to regain footing once you're down! WHOA WHOA!!!
(crowd cheers loudly)
Everything Nice did the leg swing trip down and Tequila Girl is now face down in the pudding as well!!! Everything Nice climbs on top of Tequila Girl, straddling her back in a forceful show of domination.... And she undoes her bikini snap!!! (crowd goes wild)
Jim I wondered what this competition would be like, I mean Tequila Girl is bigger than Everything Nice, but at the same time Everything Nice has the manuerverablitiy advantage of a ferret!
Yes Al good thing she doesn't smell like one, that would be... HOLY MOLY Tequila Girl shifts up the defense and it appears that she has enabled a good flipping position, only to roll Everything Nice over and rip her bikini top off as well! What a GREAT play!!!
Unbelievable people, five minutes into the first round and already we have topless action happening here! And she's added a nipple suck!!! Everything Nice is in trouble here folks, (crowd cheers) as Tequila Girl has her down in the pudding and is licking the chocolate goo from her breasts!!!
It doesn't seem as if Everything Nice minds that much though Jim, could this be an offense thing for her? I mean, we saw something similar at the last rumble when Everything Naughty had her pinned, did we not?
Yes absolutely, but truly Tequila Girl has her body weight pretty fairly distributed and is apparently really hungry for the taste of chocolate pudding as she is now working her way down the Everything Nice's navel and even lower to her bikini line!!!!
I like the way you can see the contrast of everything underneath the chocolate as she licks and sucks the hell outta... BUT IT'S A Spectator!!! At the ring sidelines!!! And he's got his whip cream can!!! I don't think the ref's see him..... (crowd stifles for a moment) He's shooting whip cream onto Tequila Girl and she looks pretty distracted now Jim!!! This could be a perfect entry into a tactical ..... And it is!!! It is!!!
Everything Nice has managed to squirm outta the pin-lock and is pushing on Tequila Girl who has now plunged deep into the pudding! And I see the Everything Nice is doing the arm twist, face down, ass up maneuver on Tequila Girl who is truly stunned by the defensive strength of her competitor!!!
There's the knee to knee force down, and some wrestling happening!!! Jim, they're rolling around so quickly it's hard to tell from here who has the advantage... What can you see?
Well Al it's certainly close, but from the sidelines it looks like Everything Nice definitely has this advantage.... She's working the limb block and has the nipple pinch going strong!!! But Tequila Girl works fast and throws Everything Nice.... Grabbing a fistfull of hair, she turns Everything Nice on all fours and proceeds with the foreplay of caressing her body down her back and tugs tight at Everything Nice's bikini bottoms!!! (crowd cheers)
And there they go!!! As Tequila Girl sling shots them into the audience!!!! Some lucky spectator is going to have a delicious treat tonight that's for certain!
I hope they can borrow the whip cream from a some one in the front row!!! Yum!!!
Holy smokes Jim, is that Everything Nice's leg wrapping around Tequila Girls? It is!! It is!! And she pulls tight as Tequila Girl goes down once again and Everything Nice takes the lead.... This battle is truly a tense fight to the finish!!!
Frankly, I'm surprised a whistle hasn't been blown yet!!!
Well Al, I did see that the contestants here are becoming a bit labored and there really is no dominant or submissive role in this battle. I mean, it appears as though these rivals are fairly equal in training and tactic so the anticipation over who will take this title is absolutely a suspenseful one! But wait a moment Al! Everything Nice is.... is..... She's tonguing Tequila Girls nipples in a frenzy as she thrusts her hand down the front of Tequila Girls bikini bottom!!! Tequila Girl is not fighting it Al... She's rather just letting it happen!!!
(crowd goes fucking crazy)
Look at the way Everything Nice works those fingers! It's only a matter of time before she does her incredibly impressive penetration play.... Will it happen? I don't know for sure but I do see that Tequila Girl is smiling a bit and has the head-tilt back curvature working for her....
And is she going?
I can see the play from here Jim, and she's working it like a champ! I do believe Everything Nice will take this all the way to the finish.... She's just working Tequila Girl over slowly and surely, not missing any 'gaps' or 'flaws' in her offense. And there it is... The finger plunge! Wow, you could hear that gasp all the way up here in the booth Jim! Impressive play by Everything Nice!
Yes Al, and all it seems Tequila Girl can do to counter Everything Nice's finger fight is to hair grab... But again, as we all know this is something Everything Nice welcomes! We could be witnessing a win right here folks... It could all be over..... And it's....
The first half of the rumble is over and the contestants must return to their corners for a recouping, but they're not stopping!!!
Nope Jim, they're not... I don't think they even care at this point. And here come the ref's to part the two girls..... Oooh, I don't think Everything Nice appreciates being disturbed at this point... But it seems the referees have managed to pull them away from each other for the moment.... So, that must mean it's halftime...
Whoa Al WHOA!!! Everything Nice is pissed that the bell rang in the middle of her strong offensive play and she's screaming at the ref! The ref's not having it Al, not at all.... They're face to face! (crowd cheers loudly)
Tequila Girl hangs back in her corner, looking a little bewildered by the previous quarters' plays... But Everything Nice keeps on the ref's....
And the ref is down!!! Everything Nice has jumped on the shoulders of the referee and is now pinning the poor ref to the pudding filled floor of the pit!!! She may get thrown out and disqualified for that Al, but I'd have to say it was totally worth it! What an awesome display of technique from Everything Nice!!!
Well, she might Jim.... But she's not wearing any underwear and that ref doesn't really seem to mind that she's sitting on his face....
Do we have to go to a half-time break Al?
We sure do Jim, but believe me.... We'll keep the camera's rolling and come back to this action after the plethora of commercials.... No worries folks, you won't miss a thing... The Saturday Night Rumble will be back after a short word from our sponsors.
(crowd cheers like crazy )
Did you see that Al? Tequila Girl has joined the tossle!!! Amazing!!!!
(crowd cheers)
If you remember correctly, at the last SN Rumble sparks flew when the very oral-attentive Everything Naughty took on the cunning and classy Everything Nice. Boy that was something to remember, wasn't it Jim?
Absolutely Al... But tonight's face off may be the first of it's kind in Rumble history, and the best yet!
Tell us why that is Jim .
Well Al, for years this competition entailed a mud-wrestling venue for the girl on girl face off... instead of the traditional bed-pen of the male/female rivalry. Two weeks ago when this tournament was originally planned and then subsequently cancelled, the mud pit was rearin' to go for the event.
However, since then plans for the mud pit have changed and the sponsors decided to go with chocolate pudding instead of mud.
What was that Jim? Did you say chocolate pudding?
I sure did Al, and a fine batch of chocolate pudding too.
To make the event tonight even more special they offered cans of whip cream as a promotion for the front row ticket buyers! It should be more than action-packed... Not only in the pudding pit tonight, but on the side lines as well!
Is it warm chocolate pudding Jim?
No, no Al. In fact, I'm dipping my finger in it at this very moment and noticing it's quite chilled. I think the athletes like it that way... For nipple effect Al. Hard nipple effect gives them an advantage.
Right. So, I suppose on that note we should introduce our contestants!!!! (crowd cheers)

Let's give her the Saturday Night Rumble welcome---
Tequila Girl!!!
(crowd cheers are deafening)
From the floor here, I can see that Tequila Girl came prepared for the fight tonight by the shot glass clenched in her right hand and that lime tucked in her cleavage. You should see the gleam in her eye Al! Looks like she's definitely due for some down and dirty time!
That's good Jim, because that's exactly what she's gonna get too!

But, just like a bad social disease... Nothing can keep this one down.
She's back in almost mint condition, and shows no sign of backing away from this battle.
The one, the only, the double jointed and virtually indispensable Swiss-army fuck of the North West corridor...
Everything Nice!!!
(crowd goes wild)
Yes Al, you make a good point. I mean, considering the last few weeks... I can see why the league dubbed her the nick-name "the comeback kid."
Actually Jim, that was a double entendre kind of thing. *ahem*
But there's the first bell and the contestants are prepping for the showdown.... They seem very focused and ready to go head-to-head in the pudding mess... Look at the way they circle the pit, staring each other down like a homeless man to a breakfast sandwich! Wow, they the suspense at who is going to make the first move here is virtually unbearable....
but wait! Tequila Girl moves in for a shoulder push and down goes Everything Nice back first into the pudding!!! Wow, that made an unbelievable mess but she doesn't look phased..
No Al, she's trying to catch her bearings and get back up. But as you know that pudding is extremely sticky and it must be very difficult to regain footing once you're down! WHOA WHOA!!!
(crowd cheers loudly)
Everything Nice did the leg swing trip down and Tequila Girl is now face down in the pudding as well!!! Everything Nice climbs on top of Tequila Girl, straddling her back in a forceful show of domination.... And she undoes her bikini snap!!! (crowd goes wild)
Jim I wondered what this competition would be like, I mean Tequila Girl is bigger than Everything Nice, but at the same time Everything Nice has the manuerverablitiy advantage of a ferret!
Yes Al good thing she doesn't smell like one, that would be... HOLY MOLY Tequila Girl shifts up the defense and it appears that she has enabled a good flipping position, only to roll Everything Nice over and rip her bikini top off as well! What a GREAT play!!!
Unbelievable people, five minutes into the first round and already we have topless action happening here! And she's added a nipple suck!!! Everything Nice is in trouble here folks, (crowd cheers) as Tequila Girl has her down in the pudding and is licking the chocolate goo from her breasts!!!
It doesn't seem as if Everything Nice minds that much though Jim, could this be an offense thing for her? I mean, we saw something similar at the last rumble when Everything Naughty had her pinned, did we not?
Yes absolutely, but truly Tequila Girl has her body weight pretty fairly distributed and is apparently really hungry for the taste of chocolate pudding as she is now working her way down the Everything Nice's navel and even lower to her bikini line!!!!
I like the way you can see the contrast of everything underneath the chocolate as she licks and sucks the hell outta... BUT IT'S A Spectator!!! At the ring sidelines!!! And he's got his whip cream can!!! I don't think the ref's see him..... (crowd stifles for a moment) He's shooting whip cream onto Tequila Girl and she looks pretty distracted now Jim!!! This could be a perfect entry into a tactical ..... And it is!!! It is!!!
Everything Nice has managed to squirm outta the pin-lock and is pushing on Tequila Girl who has now plunged deep into the pudding! And I see the Everything Nice is doing the arm twist, face down, ass up maneuver on Tequila Girl who is truly stunned by the defensive strength of her competitor!!!
There's the knee to knee force down, and some wrestling happening!!! Jim, they're rolling around so quickly it's hard to tell from here who has the advantage... What can you see?
Well Al it's certainly close, but from the sidelines it looks like Everything Nice definitely has this advantage.... She's working the limb block and has the nipple pinch going strong!!! But Tequila Girl works fast and throws Everything Nice.... Grabbing a fistfull of hair, she turns Everything Nice on all fours and proceeds with the foreplay of caressing her body down her back and tugs tight at Everything Nice's bikini bottoms!!! (crowd cheers)
And there they go!!! As Tequila Girl sling shots them into the audience!!!! Some lucky spectator is going to have a delicious treat tonight that's for certain!
I hope they can borrow the whip cream from a some one in the front row!!! Yum!!!
Holy smokes Jim, is that Everything Nice's leg wrapping around Tequila Girls? It is!! It is!! And she pulls tight as Tequila Girl goes down once again and Everything Nice takes the lead.... This battle is truly a tense fight to the finish!!!
Frankly, I'm surprised a whistle hasn't been blown yet!!!
Well Al, I did see that the contestants here are becoming a bit labored and there really is no dominant or submissive role in this battle. I mean, it appears as though these rivals are fairly equal in training and tactic so the anticipation over who will take this title is absolutely a suspenseful one! But wait a moment Al! Everything Nice is.... is..... She's tonguing Tequila Girls nipples in a frenzy as she thrusts her hand down the front of Tequila Girls bikini bottom!!! Tequila Girl is not fighting it Al... She's rather just letting it happen!!!
(crowd goes fucking crazy)
Look at the way Everything Nice works those fingers! It's only a matter of time before she does her incredibly impressive penetration play.... Will it happen? I don't know for sure but I do see that Tequila Girl is smiling a bit and has the head-tilt back curvature working for her....
And is she going?
I can see the play from here Jim, and she's working it like a champ! I do believe Everything Nice will take this all the way to the finish.... She's just working Tequila Girl over slowly and surely, not missing any 'gaps' or 'flaws' in her offense. And there it is... The finger plunge! Wow, you could hear that gasp all the way up here in the booth Jim! Impressive play by Everything Nice!
Yes Al, and all it seems Tequila Girl can do to counter Everything Nice's finger fight is to hair grab... But again, as we all know this is something Everything Nice welcomes! We could be witnessing a win right here folks... It could all be over..... And it's....
The first half of the rumble is over and the contestants must return to their corners for a recouping, but they're not stopping!!!
Nope Jim, they're not... I don't think they even care at this point. And here come the ref's to part the two girls..... Oooh, I don't think Everything Nice appreciates being disturbed at this point... But it seems the referees have managed to pull them away from each other for the moment.... So, that must mean it's halftime...
Whoa Al WHOA!!! Everything Nice is pissed that the bell rang in the middle of her strong offensive play and she's screaming at the ref! The ref's not having it Al, not at all.... They're face to face! (crowd cheers loudly)
Tequila Girl hangs back in her corner, looking a little bewildered by the previous quarters' plays... But Everything Nice keeps on the ref's....
And the ref is down!!! Everything Nice has jumped on the shoulders of the referee and is now pinning the poor ref to the pudding filled floor of the pit!!! She may get thrown out and disqualified for that Al, but I'd have to say it was totally worth it! What an awesome display of technique from Everything Nice!!!
Well, she might Jim.... But she's not wearing any underwear and that ref doesn't really seem to mind that she's sitting on his face....
Do we have to go to a half-time break Al?
We sure do Jim, but believe me.... We'll keep the camera's rolling and come back to this action after the plethora of commercials.... No worries folks, you won't miss a thing... The Saturday Night Rumble will be back after a short word from our sponsors.
(crowd cheers like crazy )
Did you see that Al? Tequila Girl has joined the tossle!!! Amazing!!!!
nice one ladies!
Do you have a webcam going of all this??
Wow and all I did Saturday night is organize my sock drawer.
I need to get a life.
*licking pudding off of...*
Oh, hi, sorry I was a little busy there. Great first half Em! I love the feeling of pudding on my body and yours too! ;)
Emma, you are the best!
While I am waiting for the second half, I'm going to go enjoy a little private time.
Grreat, now chocolate pudding make me horny!
Can't imagine why...;)
Bring on Round 2 already!!!!
What a lucky ref....
*eagerly waiting for round two with my whipped cream can cocked and loaded*
dude i'm having some mad problems accessing some people's blogs yo.
I'm with Sullen Girl....Can't wait to hear about round two
Murphy, I always have that song in my head
Did you make that pudding or open a thousand of those puding packs?
Murph, you wore a dry clean only outfit to ref a pudding wrestling match?
Is it time to come out of the closet?
(wearing the pin stripes)
(ooops, i was, er... distracted *slurp*... i meant zebra stripes)
" that's the way we like to fu*k..." Does that answer your question Murph?!
And Sullen Girl, I cannot access your blog (along with a host of others) I am "not authorized." Anyone else having this problem besides Scumbag?
Thom dear, step away from the pudding slooowly before you get hurt! ;)
WHOOO HOOOO!!! Where's the Party at?
i am too at elle's
There's a party in my pants... and you're all invited.
Absofuckinglutely Magnum :)
You know you're always welcome... slide right in!
Blondie, so would you say you're a deisel pusher? or just a double intake?
Snug for certain... I'm a tight bitch!
Btw, LOVE your barrel honey... whatcha packin?
gently as ever, absolutely!
But dammit Magnum, don't go off too soon... gimme time to play!!!
he he he. Would hate for you shoot off at the hip!
How's it Magnum?
or shoot your own foot ... yuck
HEY. Thom... errr. YUCK!
Blondie - Perhaps you're a '4 on the floor'....? Better?
Magnum - I could take you on baby... all of ya... lock, stock and barrel.
the word
Wow. He just called me a tease....
k. Now I have a notion to redeem and/or prove myself.
Any takers?
who flung goo on magnum's shoe ?
Thom, you never answered that email by the way.
Somebody make somebody laugh please.
I'm late as usual...what are you offering EN?
i did, it said, you're the boss
Madame, I'm in a bit of a predicament here...
Magnum called me a tease.
Blondie won't smile.
Thom won't answer my email.
And I'm horny.
Em - you should, uh check your box, more often ... hehe
I'll let you check my box Thom.
Sure Magnum, hurt a ladies feelings and run away.... so typical
He called me a tease!
Well...I brushed my teeth!
should i keep pushing into your box?
Madame - good girl!! Now kiss me!! Pink Fuzzy slippers and all!
Thom - push, deep... yea right there.
Magnum- No worries love! No worries... I'm all about the flip-flop. Make me snarly first.. then love me.
Blondie - You're right... now do that pouty thing for me... with the bottom lip. :)
with tongue?!!
I'm in...waaaaaaay in!
Murphy - If she wants to wear a turtleneck, you have to let her...
stop being such a control freak!
Madame - always a good tonguing to bring you around... or tonguing around or... tonguing in a circlular motion around.... or
Blondie - lip biting? you know, you have been different lately.... don't make me come down there and,
Hey Em! How's it going?
Magnum - Asking is the same thing as accusing...
HI TG!!!! How are ya honey?!?!?
I still have pudding stuck in weird places....
Magnum - (it's on)
oooo I'll that pudding!
Bend over!
LOL!!! So, I'm bending and you're.....
Seriously, am I the only one that feels like ten dollars around here?
wrestling in pudding ... what a concept!
i'm not sure that my idea of mongolian beef wrestling will work though ...
I have been sitting at this design table for the last week and I noticed a gap between the fashion section and the I saw you's.
I emailed you, you didn't reply.
But I see you're getting licked right now. So email me when you have a chance. I need your piece.
I know what you mean about that pudding! Gig... give me a few licks too! Please!
Thom - What about the Sweet and Sour sauce?
TG-How can I refuse?!?!?!
Anyone else?
*note to self, wassabe not good for wrestling in, burns the eyes ...
I'm a taker Madame!
Just how much can you take, Shawn?
No Madame, the question is how much can you take?
I'll put 7 1/2 inches on it.
Don't forget your piercing Shawn!!!
So, even with my down time I need to write a piece!?!?!?!?
Thom - Wassabe chaps my ass too. Not good...
But TG has a great idea... I like the sticky sweet and sour!!!
Blondie - different like quiet.
I'll put the hot pockets in the microwave...
how about sticky white rice with sweet n sour sauce ... ...
OH Shit Shawn.. she said Hot pockets.
Thom - I like rice.
btw - i stuffed your box again emma.
K, Thom as long as it's white rice.
TG - are you a rice biggot ? no brown rice ? no wild rice ? no rice pilaf ? sweet rice ? no thai jasmine rice or indian basmati rice ? no arborio rice ?
only white rice ?
Hmmmm, Rice pudding perhaps?
Just no raisins, I fucking hate raisins.
that is friggin hilarious. great stuff. i don't think i ever got a woodie listening to an announcer describing a match before though. ;) roflmao. very funny. thanks for the monday laugh.
yer guys' asses are about as luscious as mine.
Oh Thom, I'm not a rice bigot, but none of those other types of rice go very well with sweet and sour. That's all I'm saying...
Rice pudding? Yeah, keep the raisins out. I'd hate to get one of those stuck in my...
Wow. Thom knows a lot about rice.
TG - say pussy.
Scumbag - Nobody's ass is as luscious as yours. Have pearl take a picture and post it up on yer blog thar for me.
sweet n sour, on fried rice is ok ...
hmmm - girls tag team wrestling match in special cream of sum yung gey vs. big hung low and little wang dang
Better EM?
LMAO Thom! I wanna be in that one!
I am glad to see everyone is back in fine form, including our fearless leader, EN!
TG must be reading my mind....
What's up with TG?
She got Pussy on the brain?
Pussy is better in your mouth.
Hehehehe So I have heard!
I am dying to find out if this is true!
*checking flights east*
Do Not tease me EM~
Damn, lately that's all I can think about!
Pussy, Pussy , Pussy.
It's a burden
Not teasing *shaking head* I'm ready for some womanly attention myself!
It's been *checking calendar* at least 3 weeks!!!
It's a blessing if you actually get some!!!!!
If your forever fantasizing then it's a burden.
This is my year I know it!
So, are you telling me that you don't have a woman locally in mind?
Honestly, I'd fly there and impress you with my skilled oral...
but you'd be de-virgined by a master :)
tee hee.
Three weeks for me, too... darn... it will take a sex marathon before I'll be able to get even close to my 2006 sex goals. Grrrr...
A woman?
In this town?
You make me laugh!
And I am SURE you would impress me with your skills BUT I want to be the one going down!!!!!
Hmmm... You need a personal trainer Shy.
Yes I am a weee bit stoned
Yes, I do need a personal trainer... in more ways than one. That or a sex slave who will be at my every call and cum!
Did someone say "Personal Trainer"?
Okay, see now this would be an interesting venture.
How about I PT both of you? Wait, no... Yeah, good idea!
I would sooooooooo be your sex slave Shy!
Wait, Madame, you want to be the one going down?
K, im going home to reflect on this with my vibrator....
Bet I'd be reeeeeeally good at it too!
sex slave
bubblelicious as a sex slave
the mind boggles
and slavers
Well, Lady Em, you want me to be your boss? I think you know I'd give you the job in a moment!
psst em... i made pics for you... they're kinda shitty but...
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