
Back in the Saddle so to speak (HNT)

Howdy Y'all.

Everything Nice here. Thought I'd fill you in on all the confusius crappius that's been in the background with me lately. Oh, and of course wish you a very merry HNT!

I'll keep it short. k? I know you wanna get to the friggin' picture.


Last Thursday after showing everyone my tits (at the last HNT on a dare and begging basis)... I fell very ill and had some medical issues to deal with. So it goes without saying that I will not be showing you my tits again in the near future *ahem*

Anyway, the experience was jarring and unexpected... And unfair. BUT. We endure and survive these things and hopefully I will too. Plans of course are set in motion for my speedy recovery, and I thank Dr. H for that. Sincerely. Seriously.

** I thank oh Spicey Hotness for taking on the blog and the updates on me. She will get lickings in her tickly places for that.

** I thank Shawn for keeping in touch with you as you needed. I'm not sure if he met any hot women or not, he wouldn't share that with me outright. OR a picture of his dick piercing... Sorry ladies.


I feel better in my body and soul everyday and have practiced a bit of my own wisdom as I've been healing. I'll share it with you....

"If you have a moment in life that throws you sideways in sadness... Don't dwell on it continuously. Instead take time to reflect and be constructive with it (i.e. mourn, or spite or deal)... And move on. Doesn't matter if that time to reflect is for days or mere moments... You HAVE to cease it and let it go. "

People, honestly if you don't follow this motto in life it drags ya down.
Case in point, I dare you to engage in a very happy conversation with a friend or significant other and get to a point where you're really enjoying yourself. Then think of something really sad. really sad.

see what i mean? same thing, only bigger. way, way bigger.

K. Moving on.

(for your bacteria, watch me sponge) :

Since now I have no immune system (go me!) I get to endure the wrath of bacteria and viruses abundant!!!! WHOO HOO!
So now I have a cold... AND an eye infection! No people no joke.

I woke up this morning with my eyelids stuck shut and I was convinced my husband shot his load on my face in the middle of the night. I even gave him shit for not waking me up so I could hold my mouth open...

To which he said "your mouth was open."

go ahead fuckers, laugh. I'm taking fucking sleeping pills these days... I'm a money shot waiting to happen. I know this.

So yeah, not cum... Eye infection. I'm fucked.
Really, so glad this is cyber-space because... Well because!


In closing, I just want to say that I got all the emails and support (I'm still replying to them)! And I am grateful for all the kindness and closeness and looking out for me you've all done.

It's kinda cool to know I have friends all over our great world and that you understand that I'm a freak on wheels but you want to fuck me anyway, anywhere, anytime and the drop of a dime.

THAT was a run-on sentence and it rhymed at the end.... HOT!

I love you folks and life wouldn't be the same without you. Seriously.


Somebody mentioned that I should do a post on Emma-ism's.
Actually, I got two requests... lol.

So, I guess I'll do it but I need your assistance with it, so help me out. An Emmaism is a unique saying or action that has made you go "what the fuck did she say?" or, "wow only Emma would say something like that".

Sooo, like hmm... the word "seriously."
I say it all the time.
"Sucks high ass" how many of you have heard that one? K, tha's an Emmaism.
"Flip-flopper" again, Emmaism.
Actions are also included, but it must be unique to me... so scumbag no, pussy is not an Emmaism... But Vagitarian is.


I'm thinking two kleenex's stuffed up my nose and a hot pink eye patch would really do it for ya. But I'm not about getting you all turned on at work, really.
So I thought I'd do something to keep you outta trouble in the janitorial closets, or NCC cages, or empty US Immigration buses, or well, wherever you work.

I stuggled with justifying HNT this week because the last thing I want to do is take pics of myself. Really. SOoo... I dug into the archives and found this pic. No worries people, you'll live :)

This picture well.. It's bizarre and it bothers me kinda but, artistically it kinda rocks.

Everybody drop your socks and grab yer cocks.... It's HNT ! Happy Happy!

Happy HNT!!!


If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!


Blogger TequilaGuy said...

Your run on sentences are the best, Emma-isms too. Glad you're back - now I can go around thinking WWED, WWET, WWES, IEW????

8:59 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger Osbasso said...

Hardly needed to do this, but glad that you did. I owe you an email--this totally blew me away! Glad to see you're back! Now take real good care of yourself (I don't think it had anything to do with the booby shot)!

9:58 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger figleaf said...

Emma, you might have terminal pinkeye (I know, bad immune system = that's-not-funny) but you've got the cutest lower lip in the region. And yes, that lower lip is cute too but I meant the one just above your chin.

Good luck getting straightened out, pumpkin. If you need anything (childcare, hot soup, Babeland special order) you know you can holler and I'll provide.


10:28 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger ShyRocket said...

Great post, Emma, and I am a big fan and follower of Emma-ism's. Hmmm... lots of food for thought there.

11:16 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger decker said...

very nice pic! HHNT!

11:45 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger Christa said...

Neat shot :D

1:13 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...

Cock sock again?!?!?
Do I need to go back to kniting?
You know I have a sex realted elbow injury that prevents me from knitting to often but if cock socks are what the men folk need I am willing to provide.

That is one seriously sexy HNT, I keep waiting for you to flash me!
mmm thinking of just slipping inside that coat with you, we both could fit but wait PINK EYE COOTIES!!


Wanna know what sucks HIGH ASS?
My kids home for another snow day and there is NO FUCKING SNOW?!?!?

Going back to bed, see you all later!

3:33 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Jody said...

very nice pic baby. I do hope you get well soon. And yes I would fuck you anywhere, anytime, at the drop of a dime. And we have missed you.

4:23 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger KJ said...

So glad you're back and that is one hot picture.

4:51 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Beautiful pic - as all of them are :)

You've been in my thoughts... and NOT just the kinky ones that get me in all my tickly places ;) I wish you the best regarding your health and recovery. When you're back up to speed I'll take you up on that lunch I owe ya ;)

(Even with pink eye and tissues up your nose - you're still the sexiest fucker I know!)

*kisses and endless love...


5:45 AM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy hot erotic pic baby....cudos to you!! on to more serious topics...have your reserched the use of transfer factor to boost your weakened immunological status. Additionally, i might suggest looking into the potential use of the bdellovibrio bacterivorus as an anti bacterial agent against those bad pathogens out to get you....sorry guys but the science geek in me just had to com out for a minute.....transfere factor is basically cow colustrium but will do a great job in boosting you t-cell and b-cell response and may give you a nice shot in the arm energy wise. Just a thought.....still the hottest blog on the web get well soon!!

6:05 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

i thought about doing something similiar to the emma-isms. it was gonna be a feature called "pbc vernacular". but instead i got drunk and wrote something about getting drunk.

6:29 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Brian McNealson said...

Hats off to Emma (no pun intended).

N if you wanna take ur coat off, no one will be complaining. And i really dont think you should stop pics of ur boobs just coz u fell sick once. You got to try it again, over a period of time, from different angles. That way we can see if it was a one off incident or not. Im sure no one here will say no to that :-)

Sugar - Im hoping I was responsible for that comment you made during CAW ;-)

6:43 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Ahhh yes...the 'Prelude to a Flash' pose. Love it! Simply love it!

Welcome back Emma! Cybersex...er...Cyberspace wasn't the same without you!

6:44 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

oh yeah, and i made a wedding party camisole fer ya.

7:06 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Emma darling...

I AM SUPPOSED TO BE ON HIATU!!!! How the Hell can I be on hiatus if you keep posting sexy ass pics--hmmm?!

(ok, fuck hiatus! Give me MORE!!)

Glad you are back chica, You are the bestest!

7:08 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Helskel said...

The hottest sick chick around...

7:12 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...


8:19 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Scumbag said...

all you fuckers go pay your respects to pbc!! it's his last day of bloggin'. kinda. sorry for the shameless plug

9:59 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Hey Emma! K, I'm not sure why you said that pic is bizarre... It ROCKS!

Happy HNT!

*putting warm rag on your eyes to get rid of crusties*


10:12 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Madame X said...


Your boys watch Kids Nextdoor?

Some day I'll tell you about the pink eye episode.

It'll cheer you up for sure!

10:36 AM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see everyone has mad it in today. Having a good day....and again way to f*&%in sexy pic next time just pull the coat ooohhh so very little off the shoulders!!

11:25 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

drop your socks and grab yer cocks...
you see a fox with curly locks...
i'd trade some stocks to see your box...

lookie ... more dr. suess!!

that's a great pic ... what are you talking about!!

kisses in naughty places!!


11:33 AM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll kiss those naughty places and lick them and nibble on them and .....

11:44 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Speaking of me...

Emma, did you happen to get my email requesting some advice on good porn to buy/rent? The wife and I don't like the really cheesy crap either. Good quality, no-nonsense stuff is better.

Everyone else can chime in with their favorites too. Just no sick stuff ok?

1:01 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger ShyRocket said...

Speaking of Dr. Suess, has anyone seen Sullen Girl's Dr. Suess Purity Test? V v clever... I scored 46%. I guess one could swing both ways on whether or not that's good or bad!

Emma-ism: "Holla!"

Orbiting Australia right now and heading home soon... see you in about 24 hours. Keep the bar open!

1:35 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Leesa said...

Very nice shot :) HHNT

1:45 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Thanx for the shout-out Shy ;)

Yeah.... I'm so NOT pure ;) It will be interesting to see how Em scores :D

1:46 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Thomcat said...

"Pure as the driven snow, I'm sure"

2:06 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

I still find it hard to believe that Thom scored 70% pure. WHATEVER! If he truly is THAT pure, he needs to let us girls get our hands on him... we can change that dilema in no time ;)

2:31 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger sassinak said...

i respectfully submit that holla is not an emmaism

although there are a lot of them :)

beautiful pic ladybird, don't know why you think it's weird... my brain is still on slowmo or i'd think of something better to say :)

3:14 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

Great shot. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Happy (and happier) HNT

3:57 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger section306g said...

Emma, So glad you're back and doing better. Get well soon and come to NYC and join us New Yawkers in some revelry.

Love, Hugs, Tickles and Kisses in all the right places!


4:10 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger barman said...

Great picture. I hope that cold and the eye infection clear up real soon. I have not been reading you long enough to know your Emmaisms but I love the Vagitarian word. I did find a few blogs that used that word but very few. Anyway, happy HNT.

9:09 PM, March 02, 2006  

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