Rhinoplastered... HNT.
So, yesterday I thought about Helskel all day. Yes, even when Shawn played his prank... I thought of Helskel. And why did I think of Helskel?
Because somebody said "Rhino fucking."
So, let's put to rest the rumors of Helskel and I sticking together during intercourse shall we? Although the visual of Helskel and I fucking like Rhinos ranks right up there in my list of things to do.
I like Helskel, he's a freak on wheels... like me.
Anyway, here is why Rhino Sex makes me think of Helskel. This is an actual article he sent me a while ago regarding the annual Valentine's Day sex tour at the San Francisco Zoo...
Gotta love California.. they have sex tours!!!!!
It was time for the annual Valentine's Day sex tour at the San Francisco Zoo, but none of the permanent residents got the memo. As human voyeurs learned about the torrid world of amorous beasts, most of the animals barely glanced at each other.
"The wind seems to unnerve them," said Jane Tollini, inventor of the tour that has been copied by zoos throughout North America. "And they had a busy weekend."
They did indeed. Tollini, former penguin keeper at the zoo, led excursions Saturday and Sunday and will do the same this weekend. She came up with the idea 17 years ago.
"I like to watch," Tollini said.
Even though there wasn't much to see on Tuesday, there was plenty to hear about.
"This is the most tacky, tasteless, smutty, down-in-the-gutter tour ever created," Tollini told the 80 or so adults who piled onto two trams and devoted three hours to tales of fornicating felines and hermaphrodite ostriches.
"Animals do everything we do, but they do it a little differently," said Tollini, draped in a pink boa with pink hearts. "The only thing I couldn't find was cross-dressing."
Tollini spent 24 years in the zoo before retiring last year. She's seen bondage, polygamy, group sex, homosexuality, sex with inanimate objects and pedophilia.
Starting off with penises, Tollini moved on to vaginas, including ones "so large you could lose your family and your SUV in them," and to cloacas, those "multipurpose holes" useful for urination, defecation, egg-laying and sex.
Tollini said that cassowaries are the most dangerous animals at the zoo but have "fabulous" sex. The crowd had to take it on faith -- its resident birds, Slash and Hazard, were keeping a low profile.
The black rhinos were similarly uninclined.
"Rhino sex is always violent. It looks like two Jeeps having an argument," she said. "Once copulation begins, they're locked together for well over an hour."
Male rhino Gene has started to favor logs over the aging Miss Elly.
"He takes that big unit out and humps those logs," Tollini said. "But if you get a splinter in there, you'll find out who your friends are."
Former zoo resident Tinkerbelle the elephant had a penchant for 18-wheeler truck tires, and a zebra in the African Savanna is infatuated with Samson the giraffe. Cobby the chimp, meanwhile, is fond of keepers' rubber boots.
"It's his special fetish," Tollini said. "He'll put his finger out and touch the shoe. ... Then he'll play with his nipples, eat bananas and masturbate."
The tram stopped to see Tunya, a lion who can have sex 50 times within 24 hours, in 30-second bouts.
"That's why he's called king of the jungle," Tollini said.
When the tram visited Penguin Island, it seemed particularly timely. The seabirds' month of foreplay usually begins on Valentine's Day.
To share in the thrill of parenthood, Tollini said, male and female same-sex couples were given eggs to foster.
"The gay penguins had the most well-appointed burrows," Tollini recalled. "There were even peacock feathers."
She said tapirs are among the zoo's most well-endowed residents. One who answered to Jack once injured himself by stepping on his member.
"We soaked it in a tub of betadine for a couple of weeks," Tollini said. "It turned purple, then black, then it atrophied. Then it fell off, and he ate it."
When the tourgoers got off the tram and went into the Education Building, they met other creatures. They learned that hedgehogs have incredible libidos, that female porcupines have "Southern girl charm" by necessity -- they're in season only four hours a year -- and that girl opossums have double wombs.
"She can get pregnant when she is pregnant," Tollini said. "It's every woman's nightmare."
Neil Larson of Berkeley took the tour eight years ago and returned with his fiancee, Judi Cole, for Valentine's Day.
"It's an eye-opener," he said. "I could do this every year."
Even Tollini can't remember everything in the tour. On Tuesday morning, she lost her notes about alligator sex and searched for the term on the Internet. Instead, she found "Sex with an Alligator," a drink that mixes Jägermeister with raspberry and melon liqueurs.
"Now I've learned how to make this cocktail," Tollini said.
Here is my contribution to HNT.

Kinda sucks, I was tired and well.. .just needed to chill out in bed a bit. Thinking about Rhino sex all damn day will do that to ya you know.
Happy HNT y'all.!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Because somebody said "Rhino fucking."
So, let's put to rest the rumors of Helskel and I sticking together during intercourse shall we? Although the visual of Helskel and I fucking like Rhinos ranks right up there in my list of things to do.
I like Helskel, he's a freak on wheels... like me.
Anyway, here is why Rhino Sex makes me think of Helskel. This is an actual article he sent me a while ago regarding the annual Valentine's Day sex tour at the San Francisco Zoo...
Gotta love California.. they have sex tours!!!!!
It was time for the annual Valentine's Day sex tour at the San Francisco Zoo, but none of the permanent residents got the memo. As human voyeurs learned about the torrid world of amorous beasts, most of the animals barely glanced at each other.
"The wind seems to unnerve them," said Jane Tollini, inventor of the tour that has been copied by zoos throughout North America. "And they had a busy weekend."
They did indeed. Tollini, former penguin keeper at the zoo, led excursions Saturday and Sunday and will do the same this weekend. She came up with the idea 17 years ago.
"I like to watch," Tollini said.
Even though there wasn't much to see on Tuesday, there was plenty to hear about.
"This is the most tacky, tasteless, smutty, down-in-the-gutter tour ever created," Tollini told the 80 or so adults who piled onto two trams and devoted three hours to tales of fornicating felines and hermaphrodite ostriches.
"Animals do everything we do, but they do it a little differently," said Tollini, draped in a pink boa with pink hearts. "The only thing I couldn't find was cross-dressing."
Tollini spent 24 years in the zoo before retiring last year. She's seen bondage, polygamy, group sex, homosexuality, sex with inanimate objects and pedophilia.
Starting off with penises, Tollini moved on to vaginas, including ones "so large you could lose your family and your SUV in them," and to cloacas, those "multipurpose holes" useful for urination, defecation, egg-laying and sex.
Tollini said that cassowaries are the most dangerous animals at the zoo but have "fabulous" sex. The crowd had to take it on faith -- its resident birds, Slash and Hazard, were keeping a low profile.
The black rhinos were similarly uninclined.
"Rhino sex is always violent. It looks like two Jeeps having an argument," she said. "Once copulation begins, they're locked together for well over an hour."
Male rhino Gene has started to favor logs over the aging Miss Elly.
"He takes that big unit out and humps those logs," Tollini said. "But if you get a splinter in there, you'll find out who your friends are."
Former zoo resident Tinkerbelle the elephant had a penchant for 18-wheeler truck tires, and a zebra in the African Savanna is infatuated with Samson the giraffe. Cobby the chimp, meanwhile, is fond of keepers' rubber boots.
"It's his special fetish," Tollini said. "He'll put his finger out and touch the shoe. ... Then he'll play with his nipples, eat bananas and masturbate."
The tram stopped to see Tunya, a lion who can have sex 50 times within 24 hours, in 30-second bouts.
"That's why he's called king of the jungle," Tollini said.
When the tram visited Penguin Island, it seemed particularly timely. The seabirds' month of foreplay usually begins on Valentine's Day.
To share in the thrill of parenthood, Tollini said, male and female same-sex couples were given eggs to foster.
"The gay penguins had the most well-appointed burrows," Tollini recalled. "There were even peacock feathers."
She said tapirs are among the zoo's most well-endowed residents. One who answered to Jack once injured himself by stepping on his member.
"We soaked it in a tub of betadine for a couple of weeks," Tollini said. "It turned purple, then black, then it atrophied. Then it fell off, and he ate it."
When the tourgoers got off the tram and went into the Education Building, they met other creatures. They learned that hedgehogs have incredible libidos, that female porcupines have "Southern girl charm" by necessity -- they're in season only four hours a year -- and that girl opossums have double wombs.
"She can get pregnant when she is pregnant," Tollini said. "It's every woman's nightmare."
Neil Larson of Berkeley took the tour eight years ago and returned with his fiancee, Judi Cole, for Valentine's Day.
"It's an eye-opener," he said. "I could do this every year."
Even Tollini can't remember everything in the tour. On Tuesday morning, she lost her notes about alligator sex and searched for the term on the Internet. Instead, she found "Sex with an Alligator," a drink that mixes Jägermeister with raspberry and melon liqueurs.
"Now I've learned how to make this cocktail," Tollini said.
Here is my contribution to HNT.

Kinda sucks, I was tired and well.. .just needed to chill out in bed a bit. Thinking about Rhino sex all damn day will do that to ya you know.
Happy HNT y'all.!!!

If you want to learn more about HNT, click on the rolling box and talk to my big sweet HNT daddy, Osbasso!
Well don't you look just good enough to eat.
Happy HNT
Could you just scooch over a tad...
I'd like to try something....
Wow Emma... just yummy!!!
btw - where is Shawn & the hot pocket???
Just so you know, Emma, your ass is just fine (ok, *very* fine) but your legs? Mmmm, mmm, mmm, I'm *ruined!* For instance before photo: "Gracious, Emma, what lovely legs you have! May I stroke you from the insteps on up?" After photo: "Pretty, pretty, me want now!"
very nice can I climb in there with you
"stuck together for more than an hour..."
I kinda passed out after that!
Lovely HNT, EM doesn't sucks at all...wanna see sucky?
Kisses gorgeuos!
Hot picture Em....very sexy
sorry about putting Rhino sex in your head....that's my fault :)
beautiful shot, love the glow, happy HNT
That's an excellent HNT Emma! I would love to roll over some morning and see that!
Happy HNT!
You can tell it is HNT because....
1. I am horny
2. Blogworld is horny
3. Emma is half-nekkid and looking tasty as ever!
(ok, so #1-3 also happen on any day that ends in "Y", what's your point?!)
NIIICE HNT Emma! You are truly gorgeous, very erotic, and oh-so fuckable!
(This is better than "Rhino Fucking" anyday!)
*sluuurp, and kisses!
VERY NICE!! Girl you're soooo damn sexy!! ;)
Professor - Thanks! Eatme.
Callie - Shawn and I had a little chat about the picture thing. tee hee, it may arise in the near future... we'll see.
i said 'arise' *ahem*
Oh, and Callie, there's plenty of room in this Queen size for ya.
Sug - Speaking of crack, you shoulda seen the one I chose NOT to post LOL!
Fig- I'd give my left.... leg... just to ruin you for an afternoon.
Jay - Of course you can! What a silly question!
Madame - No, I want to see you sucky... right there on my hip.
Other Jay - Bring the joint and we'll smoke in bed. Seriously.
Magnum - Did you say 'slid snugly?' Jesus, I'm going to have to rub one off at lunch for certain now!
Kristen - NO GUILT! Really it's OKAY!!! It is a nice visual though, no? Atleast you didn't say Rubber boot... that coulda been a problem!
Mg - Thanks :) and welcome :)
Pearl - I'm a giver for you today ;) iffin' ya know what i mean. *ahem*
Dan - So what's stopping you?
Miss - *snicker* Clothes are overrated and should be outlawed in the summer months. In the winter we should only wear spiked heel boots, maybe a scarf, and gloves! Thanks sweetie!! *blush*
CHUCK! Thank you, now put down the camera and lay next to me.
Murphy - Err.. DID YOU TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT? You humping a tire might have set the mood for the day... Did you talk dirty to it? And the log... did you get a splinter? Wanna find out who your friends are!?!? I got my tweezers!
LMAO @ madame, jay and sug!
Magnum - WOWWWWED. Stop talking dirty to me... Okay, don't... gives me something to think about.
You're not a drive-by shooter, are you?
Pearl - I can provide!!! And I will!!!
Gawd En........I can't quit staring at that pic.....you're beautiful
Jesus I'm fucking horny.. I gues 45 minutes of masturbation just wasn't enough!!
Poor iegg... poor poor iegg. I'm getting my money's worth out of that bitch I tell ya.
This is gonna be another great day in Blogworld ain't it?!
Not even 11am and the panties had to go already. Jeezus people I am working here, cut me some fucking slack already! It is highly unprofessional to do taxes while playing with myself--what would my clients say?!
However, if I could just find someone willing to fuck me hard and fast; and leave right after so I can finish my work...Then I wouldn't be in such a tizzy, now would I?
(Don't worry Emma, while getting pounded hard from behind I'll be sure to press my face up against the monitor and imagine I am licking that lovely thigh of yours....)
YOU are so.fucking.hot!
It IS a bullet Magnum.. with a remote. I'll blow the barrel alright, but I'm doing it afterwards.. that way I get mine... sick and tired of you men cumming from me blowin' ya BEFORE you fuck me... I'm not a good patient 'waiting' type when it comes to getting what I want.
So, im thinking on reposting that product review.
Okay so the iegg was not in my ass Sug, but rather right up in my clit.. then sliding down the length of my swollen lips, and then.. and then...
Miss Innocent - just be careful licking the monitor babe... static gets the best of me sometime... i think i have an issue with my fabric softener.
I'd love to be there to watch you get pounded if onle to be the one your face is planting into.
You are such an eeeevil bitch, but you know that! If someone gets audited because I was thinking about you and that damn iegg of yours....
Sugar was right though, I DO need one of 'em for myself...the turbo bullet has crashed and burned!
*saluting the turbo, wiping away a tear....
Hey Frankfort crew...road trip to Hustler this weekend?!!!
Beautiful pic darlin' ;) That's a visual I'll be holding onto for a long time...
Sug- Lost your train of thought eh? I love that shit. Sorry bout that... NOT.
Little Miss - I will re-post my review of the iegg tonight and then you can decide whether you want to purchase... It's worth it though... WORTH IT.
My favorite toy, and I have a LOT of them. Too many to be legal.
So, Miss, does that mean you're all about the threesomes? I am ALL OVER THAT! Little F/M/F action would suit me just fine...
whatcha think Magnum?
K, sullen.. I pale in comparison to you.. and you know this. But, thanks sweetie :)
Unbelievably sensual.... unbelievably beautiful!!
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Sullen - *blush back* and a peck on the cheek.
Snav - Thanks!!!! Happy HNT!
Magnum - I'll 'see' your personal time and up the ante to a double shot... in my mouth. thanks!
Trust me--that doesn't suck at all!
But I do Osbasso... but I do.
Nice curves, hawt one.
Face it, you just want to do it like they do it on the discovery channel.
Grunts, roars, drawing blood...all of it.
You ever seen how lions do it?
K, first... Helskel... Carnal manipulation is my specialty. I say we dig claws and grunt a lot.
Seriously, I'm all over you submitting to me.
Magnum - drop the hammer, hard.
Thom - hi.
i have handcuffs.
i dunno what that has to do with anything cuz i haven't read any of the comments.
or the post.
E, submitting to you would be delicious, delicate danger.
...as long as you're in uniform,
I'll obey.
Make me give you a smile, mistress.
Sug - I already have that one!! LOL
K, ditch the train of thought, how about just a train?
Capn, can I call you capn? Cuff me but put the key some place safe... Give it to Pearl!!
H, really did think about ya yesterday... would love to make you do anything to me. I mean anything. As long as it's rough and there's leather involved.
Magnum, I can handle anything you offer...
of course you can call me capn'. that's why i hooked it up wit dem digits yo!
that didn't make any sense.
I have pink fuzzy handcuffs
Capn... you got great digits too.
ANNA!!! Smack you back honey :) Thanks!!!
Kristen - errr... NICE! Do you know where the key is? I'm not having another bad morning after experience!
hehe, so glad sugar told me where to find you. great blog and what a sexy hnt pic. can't wait to read more of your blog. :)
hi sugar, thanks for the tip hon.
and it's only really fun if we switch roles sometimes too...
But really, you folks ever see how Lions do it?
The Male, from behind of course, holds the scruff of the Female's neck in his teeth, holding her down while committing the Act. Then as he finishes, he must release her and jump away quick! before she swipes at him with those razor claws.
Ahhhh, love.
Emma...did I hear you say "threesome"?!
Why stop at 3...the more the merrier right?!
Can I pick the other "interested parties"?!
*loong, wet kisses to you
ok i got work and shit to do, so i'm out. btw, thanks fer the company yesterday emma.
Sug - If you can't pick up your shoes... borrow mine honey! Emotions suck... ignore them :)
JD - Welcome :) Stay as long as you like... and Thanks! Sugar is my best advocate of course, love that girl.
Helskel - Stop it dude, I'm going on an early lunch if you don't stop!!!
Miss - Pick at will, id be interested in seeing your list! Now hows about that tat?
*blush* um Capn... LOL
See, now that just sounds like we uhhhh... like you and I uhhhh...
fuck em. give em something to talk about.
Yes, yes.....got key
Kristen good! We'll be needing that!!! Lemme cuff you first though... show you how it's done the bi-way.
Who are we missing?
Ok, i'm back, got pepsi, got cheetos, got kleenex ... what did i miss ?
All this sex talk and innuendo and double entendres makes me sick people just sick!!
Sorry, I'm hopped up on caffine and it's only 1:30!!
Whooo Hooo!
oh man
that ones a gonna stay with me for a while
lol... stuck together for an hour... sounds good to me...
also? nice pic
Pearl - You have been properly e'd.
Thom - Nothing so far.
Madame - For some strange reason (k, not strange), I'm loving you today.
Sass - You're supposed to be apartment hunting!! Even in the rain! K, so there's this apartment complex in the building I work in, whatd'ya say you be here... and we can see each other every day!!
Thanks honey :) wanna share a bed and chocolate? I MEAN IT.
Emma - you are telling me, that nobody has taken you up on your dares for rocking your world ?
Just today?
I am lovable EVERYDAY!
and the hits keep coming!
Darling come here... fuck me up the...
Sit on your face... I wanna sit on your face (darling)... sit on your face... I wanna sit on your face... (darling)
Good enough for ya Murphy? I do what I can.
Sooo... uh... I will upload it on the pod incase I see you on Fremont then fucker.
And I will call you Thor, and bitch, and then Thor again.
Madame - LOL! I really do!
Sug - He's in turmoil, he'll get over it... I promise... i'll call him. Loooonnnggg story.
Helskel - stand up honey, lemme see.
Thom - No, nobody has... are you a giver?
Emma, lovely HNT pic. Seriously
And you do look good in blue too.
good one!
Well, if everyone else is to chickenshit to rock your world, i guess i will do it to you ...
Thom - Are you still on about that picture that Shawn put up? Yeah, I think people just think that I'm all talk.
We'll just see about that.
Thanks for the compliment Thom... really.
Sug - You tell him... email him! WAIT. how come nobody takes my ass to Canlis!!!
Well Madame, I guess it's different for everybody... I once had a friend with benefits that wanted me to call him 'Junior' in bed... and he wasn't a junior.
Emma - I was talking about the blue robe you wore last night.
i hate you all. except maybe thomcat. he seems like a pretty ok guy.
emma's alright too i suppose.
Fuck me Thor! Fuck me my Norse God of Lighting! Yes! Yes ! OH YES!
I think I wet myself
Thom - Ummm, you shouldn't be stalking me in the middle of a major storm!!! So thats how the lean-to broke last night LOL!
Honey it just wasn't safe outside last night... hope a tree didn't hit you!
Thanks, my robe rocks though huh?
Murphy - No. LOL. Nice try, I don't think anybody saved it...
Thats not what you said yesterday Capn!
wow, scum ... i'm touched!
oh, nm that's just emma under my desk
i was drunk.
I'm 100!!!
K, i like the idea of you drunk capn...
Thom. ummm. errrr. wow.
Madame - please tell me you changed and came back to us!!! Hmmm... you know what?
Didn't pee myself...turns out that I was sooooooo turned on I came and didn't even realize it!
*emails murph a picture of the blue man group*
kinda looked like that, except tied up.
I hear you Murphy. I hear you. Don't have your email though so not much I can do from here.
Hi Sugar punk.
Swear to God you people shold not be left unsupervised...!!!
Emma, get out from under Thom's desk and draw my damn tattoo...ok?!
"Norse God of Lightning?!!!" Madame, he already thinks too highly of himself, don't encourage him for cryin' out loud!
Emma (again) I think I'd have to add Thom, Magnum, Murph, Sugar, Sullen Girl and Madame to the list...can I bring them all? Promise I will let you be in charge!
*hands tissue to Madame--
Wipe up and get back to work you hussy! lol!!
I'm good Sugar! How are you?
LOL No Blue Man Group! NO!
i'll show you soft you son of bitch. fuck you too sugartits!
Can we see the piercing if I beg?!
'Cause I will you know, I have no shame at all!
Fuck!!! What did I miss???
Heya Shawn - waiting on your cock pics - you have a blog now... post it!!
If you're shy just send it to : callievil@gmail.com
Hey Shawn.....I got a freezer full of hot pockets!!!
It's been a long time sicne I had some cock in my mail box!
thanks for the sweet welcome. with a friend like Sugar, it's easy to feel welcome. damn this place moves fast. i gotta learn to keep up. fucking newbie. :)
no it isn't.
So I suppose I'm not going to hear the end of it until I post a picture of my dick then huh?
I'll play if all you fine ladies send me pictures of your pussies then.
roflmao. scumbag's pic cracks me up.
Sug, gotta agree with you, and so is your house. they're both up there at the top.
Emma, great blog. just started reading the early stuff, it'll take a long time, but it's a great read.
K Wow.. thanks Sug for brining JD on board... and JD thanks for coming!!
I'm sure I'll know when you get to the stories, eh JD? LOL
Capn - be nice to me or I'm calling your ass.
Thanks Andi!!! HHNT!
Well gee Shawn...I don't know...I'm kinda shy...I
Emma, i usually leave a comment on everything i read. hope you don't mind me starting at the beginning in the archives. but like Sugar, i love your sense of humor and the way you describe stuff. it's great reading and right up my alley. :)
thanks to you both for making me feel so welcome.
are you threatening me? lucky fer you we ain't got the shit list anymore. i had to change it to something else.
I'm just saying Murphy that I need some compensation for my hard work man.
So, Emma in a bag or not? You let me know.
*scrambling for camera...
I am on it Shawn...are you thinking more "Playboy" or "Hustler"?
*setting self timer...
Where should I send this?!
JD, Hell no I don't mind if you comment! Really! Enjoy me!!!
err... LOL and thanks so much for the compliments! I'm flattered!
Murphy - Don't start fucker... I'm a reciprocating bitch I am.
Shawn - better not.
Capn - Is it your fuckable list I'm on now?!? Say it's so baby, say it.....
LMAO at all the fine ladies working Shawn over!!
umm, where do i sign up for that distro list? ;)
The bag is blue Murphy, I need an email address or she'll kick my ass.
I can't put the post up.
I'm quite serious about this ladies... let the emails roll in!
we don't have no goddamn fuckable list. yer on my drunk dial list and shit though.
shawn send me that picture please.
emma, i'm certainly enjoying you alright. :) love the way that sounds... what you said, not what i said, lol.
You want a picture of my dick too Scum bag?
Thanks Murphy, I'll send it.
oh wait nevermind. maybe i should find out the product before making a request.
Shawn you know... I'm not disturbed by this as much as you think I am. I'm all over forgiving you and thankful that the other one didn't go up.
Go ahead and repost it if you want... it's not like it's a hot picture. sheesh.
JD - AWWW You earn you're own place at the poker table if you keep up with the flattery!
Did I miss something?
I Shawn sending Murph pictures of his dick?
How did Murph luck out?
that's what i thought we were getting. not a pierced cock.
(wonders where his seat went at the poker table)
Aaawwwww Shawn...
No email yet... sigh...
Um... since when is dropping your pants and clicking a pic hard man work???
My twin and I posted HNT's (yes, plural) do you still need additional shots?
K, since Emma said it was okay I just reposted it.
I'm lazy like that.
Callie said twin, I'm outta here.
No guys no, I'm not sending a picture of my cock. I'm waiting for pussy shots.
em: just so long as you aren't leading me on :)
well but you're allowed to tease...
and yes.
no flattery at all, just calling them as i see em. ;) i'm happing standing at the side of the poker table behind the ladies, trying to get a glimpse down their blouses. ;) then again, i think Green Eyes dropped something, let me under that table and pick it up for her. if i don't come back after 20 minutes, get her a cold drink, hopefully she'll be needing it by then... :)
oh yes, i perform duties like that for any of the ladies, if you read the profile on my blog, you'll understand why. :D
blue balls, maybe
She looks great in bondage. Blue balls, yes.
emma scares the hell outta me. and i'm not afraid of anything.
A lovely shade of blue...
I have some questions...
(btw - poor, sheltered, naive lil me is learning new things everyday over here & we haven't even started our night classes yet)
*struggling back into jeans
Where do I send this fuckin' pic Shawn?!!!
Details people, details!!!
(Ladies, you KNOW I'll share with you! ;) )
I know Scumbag, she looks so innocent and shit in person. But then, initiate the alter ego and WHAMMO!! She's a fire cracker.
Murphy I would not consider that crass. I would consider that common sense.
Snavvlyn has questions, are they for me? I wonder.
I got a marketing idea for you emma!
It's called a Tie-me-Up Emma doll.
(play off of tickle me elmo...) (get it? no ?)
Murph..I won't consider it crass as long as you don't bitch when I say that some of the hottest guys I have ever knwn were the best when they WEREN"T TALKING!!!
(That's right, you know who you are...shut up already and fuck me...sheesh!)
WOW. Look at you people go!! I get distracted for a moment and you're all over the place!!
Clean yourselves up people!!! Jesus!
Snav honey, how can I help you?
Anna - thank you, my point exactly!!
Thom - Very FUNNY!
Miss - LMAO
Sug - I think he's just trying to be the mack honey.. no problem.. just sing it with me...
"I'm not a playa I just crush alot."
Okay Shawn, take down the pretty picture please... :D
Murphy - No gag ball for you, just a sock...
that's a nice shot.
SEX TOUR? I wonder how that'd be...
i'm not even sure anymore anna.
COME ON SCUM!! Shheeeessshhh!!!
Relax, it's not like I'm gonna wear it for ya or nothin!
Thnks Shawn for scaring my friends like that!!!
Now I have to put up a shot of my tits to reel em back!!!
psst em you missed my last comment
No Sass, no I would not tease you honey... no no.
I would really really share my bed and feed you chocolate.. and if I say that shit I totally mean it.
I do.
You've been with me from the beginning, and I consider you a true friend... without a doubt very important to me...
i would buy the best chocolate... and put my special high-thread count sheets... and sleep in them with you.
Christ Im sorry I missed that Sass... shoulda seen my frantic about it too!
anyone know the words to the Smurf's song ?
i'm gonna have nightmares and shit now.
PBC gives Shane a woody?
Do tell Pearl!
Thom - You know what? that was rude and pissed me off.
i thought you would want to see that one.
no apologies necessary darlin' this unwieldly mess is over 200 already. we should go be dirty on my blog, more room *grin*
i didn't think you would tease me about that sweetie, i'm giving you permission to be the other kind of tease... you know the kind with follow through and agonising sweet torture?
hell em i'll bring the chocolate :)
and i feel the exact same way about you
shut up pearl.
you wish whore.
i'm sorry
roflmao. this is like watching a tennis match on acid...
no shit JD.
Let's get this bitch to 200.
lol. i just call em like i see em. :)
scumback, that profile pic cracks me up.
sug, i'm basking in it. ;)
scumback? wtf is that some kinda brokeback mountain jab?
roflmao. oops, sorry, typo, i swear. brokedick mountain, too funny.
where'd emma go?
It's like the anticipation right before climax... i swear!
there. it's done. i'm out.
wurd, 200 plus missives
I'm out too.
Sleep hard, Emmma.
omg, i hope it was as good for ya'll as it was for me. ;)
pearl, hehe. glad you liked. nice profile pic. :)
Yeah, I'm sleeping well honies.. thanks for the errr... Sex on parade today!
Emma out for 30 minutes to shower, smoke, email sass, and refresh before more... more... yeah more...
Note to self - stop leaving computer...
pearl, nice. so i guess he's not as worthless as everyone says he is. just kidding Scumbag. :D props on the pic.
ciao for now, ya'll. :) had a blast today.
<<< blows kisses to all the ladies and waves ^5s to the gents
can i come out of the corner now ?
Jeezus Emma...I go and do important world saving type shit and cum back to this..???
Umm, ok so I can fuck around here since the frenzy has died down...sweeeet!
Thom, re: Smurf's Theme...no words you smartass, but I have been known to hum it while deepthroating! ;)
Emma, the pic is still stunning girl, you really are a work of art! Speaking of which my tattoo will make a grrreat HNT, yes?!
Now I am impatient and shit...draw for me doll, draw like you mean it!
OMG - you really are a comment killer!!!!
For that --- stay in the corner!!!
*pouts in the corner*
Not you Missy - was talking to the bad little kitty...
That picture is just flat out sexy!
You are most definitely a MILF!
liar i have no email!
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