Nips and Tucks
*Grabbing Ipod*
K so you ever tried to compile a play-list for a trip some where, or for fucking and just, like, find yourself maneuvering the songs to compliment the flow of your activities, or worse... Swaying from the formula on accident?!?!
I hate that! Because then I have to delete the whole fucking playlist and start over... Damn ipod. Seriously, Im not putting DMB in with Tool and Lords of Acid... Even if I like the song, it's just not appropriate for the venue.
I'm an Ipod geek. And I'm eclectic when it comes to music so I get ADD about it sometimes.
I'm REALLY horny right now and I REALLY need to fuck somebody. Like, right now... No like 10 minutes ago. Now will do. Thanks Sass for sending that sex-drive over from your place!! Appreciate it!! :) (huggs)
Grey-haired temple man approached me today to ask for directions to the fishing supply place (which incidentally is right across the street with the big FISHING SUPPLY sign). I think he did it on purpose to completely annihilate me and take my sexual needs to 2500 psi, I think he thought I needed that.
Thank you Mr. Grey-haired temple man. Thank you. And thank you to whoever sent him to the sidewalk I was standing at... It's much appreciated.
Why can't a girl just eat a banana in public by the way? I mean, what you want us to have potassium but we can't enjoy it in a public place? How fucked up is that? It's not my fault you're watching me, and no I'm not at all to blame for any traffic accidents that may occur. I call it an act of God.
Hump day is a day for fun. I like Hump day. Hump day should be literally 'hump day' and we should all hump each other at will... Like rabbits.
And yes, you know it's spring around where I live when rabbits fucking in our parks is front page news. Never mind the traffic issues and the clean up from numerous weather ridden locations...NO! They want to make rabbit fornication front page news here.
I love this place.
Jesus, and they are saying they need to get rid of the rabbits because they are jumping out in front of the park-goers to fuck and offending people.
Shit, I do that all the time.. I call it exhibitionism. (watch your bushes folks, I may be lurking).
PLUS they're multiplying the amount of rodent population in our public places. It could be a manifestation problem... I say, so the fuck what?!!?!
Let the rabbits fornicate! I think it's great!
God damn prudes, Your kid will get over it!!! Let them snicker, or even worse ask you!!
Jesus eventually they're gonna have to learn that we mate for fuckkssaaakkkee. Why not do it there, at the park... with the birds and bees... fluffy rabbits fucking in the spring sunshine.
The world is a happy happy place.
And it makes those lunch time park walks really 'neat'.
ummm. fluffy. bunnies. er. wow. I miss Blondie.
*checking calendar*
Soooo... enough with that...we still doing the calendar ladies?
K so you ever tried to compile a play-list for a trip some where, or for fucking and just, like, find yourself maneuvering the songs to compliment the flow of your activities, or worse... Swaying from the formula on accident?!?!

I'm an Ipod geek. And I'm eclectic when it comes to music so I get ADD about it sometimes.
I'm REALLY horny right now and I REALLY need to fuck somebody. Like, right now... No like 10 minutes ago. Now will do. Thanks Sass for sending that sex-drive over from your place!! Appreciate it!! :) (huggs)
Grey-haired temple man approached me today to ask for directions to the fishing supply place (which incidentally is right across the street with the big FISHING SUPPLY sign). I think he did it on purpose to completely annihilate me and take my sexual needs to 2500 psi, I think he thought I needed that.
Thank you Mr. Grey-haired temple man. Thank you. And thank you to whoever sent him to the sidewalk I was standing at... It's much appreciated.
Why can't a girl just eat a banana in public by the way? I mean, what you want us to have potassium but we can't enjoy it in a public place? How fucked up is that? It's not my fault you're watching me, and no I'm not at all to blame for any traffic accidents that may occur. I call it an act of God.
Hump day is a day for fun. I like Hump day. Hump day should be literally 'hump day' and we should all hump each other at will... Like rabbits.
And yes, you know it's spring around where I live when rabbits fucking in our parks is front page news. Never mind the traffic issues and the clean up from numerous weather ridden locations...NO! They want to make rabbit fornication front page news here.
I love this place.
Jesus, and they are saying they need to get rid of the rabbits because they are jumping out in front of the park-goers to fuck and offending people.
Shit, I do that all the time.. I call it exhibitionism. (watch your bushes folks, I may be lurking).
PLUS they're multiplying the amount of rodent population in our public places. It could be a manifestation problem... I say, so the fuck what?!!?!
Let the rabbits fornicate! I think it's great!

Jesus eventually they're gonna have to learn that we mate for fuckkssaaakkkee. Why not do it there, at the park... with the birds and bees... fluffy rabbits fucking in the spring sunshine.
The world is a happy happy place.
And it makes those lunch time park walks really 'neat'.
ummm. fluffy. bunnies. er. wow. I miss Blondie.
*checking calendar*
Soooo... enough with that...we still doing the calendar ladies?
I have plenty of banannas, if you should ever have the urge. My bananna supply is unlimited. I'll never stop you from eating one in public. Never.
I got pics Emma!!!!!
They turned out so good.....I can't believe it's me in the pics.
Glad you are so thrilled are soooo easy to photograph that it's insane!
Emma...for real girl, these pics will make your blood boil! I advise not looking directly at them as it may result in blindness....
And as long as I am still "April" I am all about a calendar!
Is Keeneland here yet?!
*Sending hot naked men and women your way to do with what you please...*wink!
Miss has tons of talent with a camera, they wouldn't have turned out so well without her!!!
You can lurk in my bush any time!!!
Hello people! She sent you all up and no went for it?! Jeesh!
I've got a pic or two squirrelled away...
HA, lurkining in the bush.....I get it!!!
hatas wanna hate
lovers wanna love
i don't wanna do
none of the above
i wanna piss on you.......
Madame said "squirrel"...AND "bush"
Today is gonna be a great day!
Thanks know how great I think YOU are! BTW...which pic for tomo? Let me know by the #, ok?
Emma, Where the fuck are you?! Get up what if it's not even 6:30 where you are?!
This calendar is sounding better and better all the time....
Let's see a preview!
Hey Magnum...Just wondering how many spent shells you have....
I am so jealous of your good time you fuck!
*sticks out tongue and makes a face
I have nothing interesting to say, just wanted to try to be comment #13
Afsheen - I love me some BANANAS!
Sug - Anything I can do to brighten your day honey, shall we walk?
Kristen, Miss, and Madame - SOOOO Deadline, well that depends, we have a lot of months still open so I need to recruit some hot bodies. Will somebody please contact Sullen and Snav for their participation? I think Sass and Buttah should be in on this too.
SEND ME THE KRISTEN PICS :) please? Share Share Share!
Magnum - You're welcome sweetness, sorry I couldn't be there to drive you.
he he drive you.
Thom - Good job! you made it to thirteen!!!
Dan - you need to buy the calendar. And I need to send you a porn list. Haven't forgotten, just extrememly stuffed with shit to do!
I'm sending and please be brutally honest
*jaw dropped*
WOW holy fucknuts.
*looking smug and proud of Kris' pics!
Damn, I do good work don't I?! Not that it was hard...she is bee-yoo-tiful!
And Em, I will let Sullen know we want her for the calendar...ok?
Okay Miss, yea tell her... oh, and nice work!
*preening's been a long time since I had a camera and a willing subject! I forgot how much I love it!
How's my tat coming, any progress?
yes progress. of course!
Isn't it amazing how all of the bunnies just kind of make your day? That's why I walk around the lake first thing.
How ya doin' Emma, I left a message for you on your phone regarding the conversation we had a few minutes ago...
you need to call me.
why do i feel this way today ?
Sure thing honey... sure thing. Gimme a minute though, my garter just popped and I need to correct it.
What way Thom?
Garter popping fucks me up about as much as fucking rabbits.
Fuck Emma, thanks for sharing.
Well you're fucking welcome Shawn, anything else I can fucking do for you?
Sharing is caring!
You can fucking let me bite the garter that just fucking popped.
Wait, is that the garter from the fucking photo shoot on Monday?
Tell me it's not the same fucking garter or I'm sure I'll die I slow painful death from fucking blue balls. don't have to feel that way~ I recommend vigorous massage, that should fix what ails you!
Emma...send me a sneak peek? Or are you still scannerless?
*biting finger and fucking giggling like a catholic school girl on the monkey bars with no panties on*
It feels good under this fucking skirt, what can fucking I say?
Something about silk on lace that just fucking ROCKS.
You wanna bite it fucker?
Yeah Miss, HP replacement is supposed to be here today... i hope.
No worries, I think it's worth waiting for :)
Yes. I would fucking bite that shit.
Fuck you for making me think about it, and fuck you even more for making me hard as a fucking rock before this meeting.
See, now I love it when you call me bitch....
Lemme sit under the the project table and play with myself while I blow ya too.
think you can work while while do that?
Oh shit, I was supposed to call you.. my bad. my bad.
What's wrong with Thom?
AND EN (hehehe)
I think that as calendar girls we should SHARE and SHARE alike!!!
THOM, SHAWN feel free to send some too
Kris...nothing a nice hand job can't cure!
Hey Emma, take him out for MOngolian Beef and show him how the bunnies do it would ya'?!
Madame - The pictures will make you humble... FYI.
At least they did me!! I think I'm laying down my HNT camera now!!
Madame, another pic on my bloggy blog ....
And, oh mr. thomcat is ok, just ... um , er kinda in the mood.
Sweetie...everything makes me humble
I have to leave with feelings of inadequacies every day...I am soooo used to it
Agreed Madame, agreed. LOL.
i heart you for joining the insecurity fight with me :)
we be soldiers.
Wanna fuck?
Can I be on top?
Alright Emma.........there's no way I can even come close to competing with your HNT pics....NEVER.
*lightbulb* Let's do HNT together?
HNT ? Half Naked Thom ?
Ummm. Kristen honey, there's a reason Thom's distracted you know.
In fact, there's a reason every man in blog land is distracted.
If they have your pics, they're hovering in the men's restrooms instead of working.
and some women too.
Now, Madame, yes you can be on top... SHIT of course you can be on top.
Only a select few got to see them.......Madame....I'll send them to you if you want to view?
Alright Madame...I took pity on you, pics are in your email--Same goes for you Emma!
Now don't say I don't love you...k?
I want pics!!!!
Kristen AH YEAH of course I will be reduced to tears by your breasts but so are many men so WTF
send me pics!!!
EN-mail check
wow. Ill never get any work done today... and really, that's just fine with me.
Madame.........just sent you the pics
Miss & Kristen!!!!
If I didn't like ya both so much I'd hate ya!!
OK so It's back to therapy now...
I have enough!
I am enough!
I have enough!
I am enough!
LMAO! I feel totally the fucking same... *loooking in mirror*
I feel ugly, somebody hit me.
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
Hey, Fucker!
We are officially fighting!
Bring it.
Alright guys gave me the confidence to do that.....I think you all are totally sexy and hot!!!!
Ask any man/woman, all my blogger ladies are sexy.........
Not right now Goose, I have absolutely ZERO self confidence...
Thanks though :)
and we're not fighting you fool, it's a dynamics shift is all. Jesus LOL
Kristen - ummm. im glad we could help you with the if only we could get ours back!
Sugar, I would soo take your pics and make you look HAWT...not that that would be a challenge!
I have a new post, so tomo's pics is gonna be "reader chosen" provided you all play along!
Madame and are hawt! WHO the fuck do you guys think inspired Kris and I?!
Fuck dynamics, I just want to get to the makeup part.
I know........I'm never going to show pics again if they don't snap out of this mood..... :(
I'm cool! Really Im totally totally cool....
really. I'm convinced even. :D
jesus - because of all y'all women, i will have to take up one handed typing classes soon!
Im not upset. From a bi-sexual perspective I'd tap that ass.
From a narcissistic perspective, I'll be fine once I just remember that "I am a beautiful and sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
"I am a beautiful sexual creature."
I'm not upset Kristen. Im generally horny and glad you shared.
You too Miss
You too Madame.
Jesus, I have no pics to share today.. I'm fucked.
And yeah Sug, I don't let it bother me... I'm very very cool. Though, I think you should get your pic ready for the calendar!
Who's upset?
I was busy errrrr...ummmmmm having special time!
how horny I am right now?
It's not just me , right?
Nope, not just you... shit I can't find that picture in the archives, maybe I deleted it.
Sug, there's no deadline until I can find other ladies to fill the gaps on the open months!
No, it's not just you.....I stay horny
I'll fill the gap in your open mouth!
OOooOoooO month!
EN, men are very visual. and yes, you eating a banana in public will certainly cause accidents, we can't help it, we're just wired that way. if we weren't, homo sapiens may have never survived, LOL.
and i can vouch for bunny sex, it certainly was great this morning....
Sug! I had the same idea!
A month with all of us...though my idea was to photograph us having an orgy...Ya I know you're all "STICKLY DICKLY"!
I like the idea of us all together
You mean like "TOGETHER" or together...'cause I'm in either way!
Well you know.........for the sake of selling calendars....whichever way is best
Of course! What ever is for the best!!
my mail box ya pervs!!!
K. Sug, great pics... loved the pearls. I know photoshopping so no problem, just have to find time.
I may have some while on my trip so forward what you want shopped and I'll see what I can do for ya.
Uh Madame ;) Im not strictly dickly.
JD - LMAO.. love me some bananas!
Kristen - snicker 'together' HOT
Who let the DAWG in?
errrr. Don't you get enough naked chick pictures fucker?
Crap, I thought Murphy was gone for a few days........who opened the basement door?
He must have chewed his way out
Yeah, I know....that's me...a sweet ass
Yes Kristen your ass is very sweet!
Murphy - You're right, there is never ever enough.
I agree EN...Send me more!
Ever tried to work with a hard on? Not so easy ...
I'd have to say "no" to that one Thom!
Can't say that I have.......I've worked wet before....does that count?
I don't have any here Madame! And I'm still looking for that 'one'.
Did I really do a full frontal nudity shot on this thing?
I totally don't fucking remember that...
Thom, is seriously like yes?
K, if you find it, link it to me so I can re-use it for HNT tomorrow since I'll be in the air.
Errr sort were lying on your side and there was nippleage...
Hell, just send me every pic ya got and I'll chose!
And don't link it in the comments so it will be a surprise.
only the pic that madame mentioned, i believe ...
i was say seriously in response to my earlier comment.
Thom remembers the pic?
It was HAWT!
but Dork-doo me didn't save it!
let me check my hottie folder ... yep, i got it
LMAO Madame, tha's right!! Okay, Ill repost that one...
I'm running out of steam on HNT anyway so wtf.
HNT is supposed to be green themed with shamrocks and stuff...
Why do I ever leave the computer???
I think I'm reposting an oldie but goodie from the -licious days...
I don't do green well. Unless it's in my purse.
I am out of here!
Thanks for making this the
Fuckin' Bunnies ~ Love it!
Count me in for the calendar!
Can I be July?
I love bunnies!
What pic should i use for the calendar Emma? Should I use one that I already have or do a new one?
Bye Madame!!!
Sug - I WISH!
Robyn, we'd love to have you for the calendar but sugarpunk is July... hmmm. I'll break down which months are open.
January is open
Feb - Madame X
March - Kristen
April - Miss Innocent
May - Me
June is open
July - Sugarpunk
August - Tequila Girl
September is open
October is open
November is open
December - group shot if possible.
Tequila Girl - I'm SO teetering on that birthday shot you did because I love it... but a new one would be great too!! How are you honey?!?!?
can i be january ?
I might go with the birthday shot. It's hard to round up someone to help me and I haven't been feeling all that creative lately.
I'm doing alright. How are you? Good? When are you leaving?
yeah - snavylyn should be january !
Thom - you cannot be January... make your own calendar :) I'll buy it.
TG - I love that shot. I saved it :D No creativity? Are you sure you're okay?
I'm leaving tomorrow morning. But I'll always have my phone and lap top with me if you need me ;)
AWESOME! Snav is January!! I can't think of anyone better for it :)
Now we just need to hear from Robyn,
and Callie... if she wants.
and where the hell is Sullen?!?!?!
sullen bday is september -
Sullen went on hiatus
Why does everybody know this shit but me?
K. that pisses me off.
I have a headache right now. seriously people... huge migraine comin' on.
somebody rub it.
*rubs, kisses and fondles
*rubs it*
*jerking off*
LMAO! Fuck the calendar Emma and organize an orgy already!
I think we could all benefit from that...and we could donate the money raised from THOSE shots to a charity!
Hi Sullen, miss you babygirl! Did you get the pics I sent?
calendar? can i have one?
Thanks Little Miss ;) LOVE the pics!!! *WHOO HOO!! No way I can compete with that!
pic? what the hell!?! i wanna see 'em. e-mail me pictures goddammit!!!!!!!
What up, Bloggin ADDICTS! Goosey here to scratch your backsides and tickle your undersides!
i don't give a fuck, someone has pics and i wanna goddamn see 'em.
Government is slow and inefficient...But, who the fuck cares? I get a check every two weeks and today is f'n pay day!
Take me to dinner.
Hi scummy!!!
Hi Sug!!!
We had a bit of an emergency here so I'm eating lunch while I'm fixing the all in one.
andyeah, it's a banana
emma!!!! you e-mail me!!!!
umm shane okay, ill do that but you gotta wait until i re-install these print heads.
Sug - yea, just a banana...
(gee, i wonder why she's so thin)
yeah yeah blah blah blah... there are cookies too!!!
I'll take you to dinner...Ruth's Criss?
Sweet n sour pork?
a,strlg fyuil Fp97P3F6T_&(wtyPG!
No, Ping, comeback...
Me love you long time!!!!
shut up ping or i'll smoke your ass like my daddy did back in nam!!!!!!!
he he, you said dome.
Hi Will, I love your hat. Can I wear it?
Way to kill a comment way am I gonna send you the pics until you apologize for insultin Ping and his family...And take some thorazine while you're at it!
Hey Goose...did you say Ruth's Cris...?
Best damn steaks around! Maybe you should have one for St Longhorn Day! Bring me any leftovers...I have to go to the strip club tonight for Ray's birthday.
Nearly naked women, cigars and beer...SCORE!!!
Ping...Fi dolla, no holla.....C'mon buddy, I'll change from the Goose...Ready..Ready? To the Peking DUCK!
sugartits is cool though.
Really I love you all.
No Ruth Cris. Canlis.
Lemme wear my strappy heels.
I love you Scumbag, Im not afraid :)
Dude, seriously...Are you really John McCain?
i have a real presence about me don't i?
I love republicans and democrats. But they eat pussy differently I've noticed.
holy fuck
170 and i just got here
sorry em, i didn't know my sex drive would find the first available horndog to piggy back on :)
i need an ipid, it's clear...
now that wasn't very nice.
Fuck, I'm a registered Democrat that voted for Bush....Ha, shit that was a good one...True though. What does that make me? Good eater or bad eater?
er ipod
and what's this about a calendar?
S'ok Sass, I knocked it the fuck outta here when I crammed my finger in the all in one.
You know, one handed typing sucks ass when you're not masturbating with the unavailable hand!
HI SASS! I got your email and will thus respond appropriately! :D
i hate everyone that's not american. except emma. i forgive her for being from indonesian.
Sass, we're doing a hot blogger calendar and I think you should be in it.... scroll above for the open months (though January is now taken).
No, you don't have to be naked or anything... sheesh.
Goose - neither is bad. I could educate you on the difference.
Emma is indonesian...Shit! That is how she can do everything one-handed...
I love you shane, even if you are part of the Earth liberation front and a spokesperson for the aryan nation.
em: i await with baited breath... or is it bated?
anyway i'm glad you chucked it back where it came from... rabble rouser it was...
also? begs the question... what WERE you doing with that hand?
You freakin commie bastard! So uncool that you ran of Ping...I hear he is great at video games. Especially pong. I love to watch Ping Pong.
What, in the all in one Sass? Fixing it, somebody jarred the carriage and made it stall...
what the hell sense did that make?
WTF? Shane you have lost your f'n mind...I can't stop freakin laughing.
i guess it was that rick james sketch on chappelle show.
oh yeah.
Im worried about you shane... take your prozac honey. check your email.
And, I may be a nympho, but you know I've NEVER been fisted. EVER!
And Im not indonesian, Im norwegian indian...
not much difference though
I'm Rick James, Bitch!
Norwegian Indian? Does that mean you are blonde on top or bottom?
then why'd you say that thing about nam earlier?
LIBARY! HA! Shane you are so fucked up, dude.
i dunno.
Will - I'll wear nothing else.
whoa scum bum ... you ok dude ?
Is this Good Shane or Scumbag we are seeing? Did that f'n tornado smack your noggin, dude?
you don't have a bomb dumbass, that's your wallet.
Thom! Thank God you are here. You distract the psycho and I'll find the bomb!
I'm not blonde in either place... I'm just busty Goose.
Remember, 32 C, 32 C.
Bring lingerie with dinner baby.
Shane - we really REALLY need some quiet time.
what's this calendar business anyway?
Oh, and I look cute in a viking helmet.
Err *shouting to Sass*
I'll email you!! It's above in the comments if you scroll! LOL!!!
uh - fuck that shit goose, i'm just gonna run and hide!
Fuck that then men jesus... I'll find the fucking bomb
shesh, have to do it myself.
Don't run, Dude! That is just what he wants! Freakin psycho already scared off PING PONG! Damn you! There's you Chinaman!
Ok, blog fuckers, I am out...Catch y'all on the flip side...
CRACKA? Did he say CRACKA?
by talking weasel.
Good luck goosey. *yank at the tie and big kiss*
i mean bye. sorry, it's the gown.
you look hot in that gown too... damn.
it wasn't that hot. a little drafty actually....
well guys, glad i could contribute to today's topic. later honkies.
later shit head.
i'm gonna miss ya tomorrow, fucker.
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