Okay, I'm laughing out loud even WRITING this. But I needed a little humor today and by god I think I got it...
I went to the 'toy store' today, to pick up my product for a monthly review. I didn't have as much time to spend as I wanted (I'm a window shopper), but some things caught my eye... And I had to stop dead in my tracks and say... "wtf? You've GOT to be kidding me."
Like this... The Accomodator
I stopped cold and thought to myself immediately "I could see where this would be handy, but... I'd look like an idiot. Umm, okay, bad visual for me... Really. Just no, no woman is that special for me to strap this to my face."
But really, if I it was the heat of the moment and I wanted to give her a good jolt, I suppose... hmmm.
k, just no.
Nevermind, moving on.
So, I'm out of the dong section and into the anal plugs (always right beside each other). And I'm heading for the check out, when I happen to see this umm bizarre new item they're stocking... I had to look twice AND look at the box. Total double take:
The Derriere de Plume.

What the FUCK?!?!
Do I want to walk around looking like a freaking ostrich?
Do you?
I couldn't keep a straight face, seriously.. I just, no. I can't.
Y'all formulate your own opinion on this one.
I mean, what's the purpose? Tickling your partner? Noooo.. sooo.. It just makes no sense to me. I suppose you could tickle then stick? But still, would be kinda strange to be giggling one minute and ass pummelled the next.
I dunno... Seriously... just dunno. BUT... MOVING ON. I had to keep my mind focused on what I needed and get out of there, because for some reason the sex toy shop was a little outer limits for me today. I just couldn't help but think I had to spend some money...
But not on either of the above products!! JESUS!!!
This is a pre-product review. I never mention a product until after I've tried it, but I feel compelled to talk about this one before proceeding. Why? Because it's phenomenally weird and unexplainable as to it's construction... It's a curiosity perker.
Umm. This product so far... fucks me up. LMAO.
The Magnetic Attractor (cue big "duh-duh-duhhhhh").
This handy dong is made out of cyber skin.
Ever heard of cyber skin?
Ever touched cyber skin?
Well me neither until today.
First, a little background for ya... These dongs only come in big sizes, so ladies if you fit anything smaller than a 7.0, you're going to have to wait for the smaller, more compact versions.
Inside this little lovely are carefully placed magnets. Magnets yes (hence magnetic attractor), which are said to be good for blood flow circulation for specific areas. Meaning to somebody that may believe this is true, it would intensify erection in men and sensitivity in women.
Aha. So I purchase, take it home, hide it until my little men are asleep or doing other things... bust open the packaging and carry it to be washed.
Can't stress that enough!
As I'm washing it I'm noticing how real it feels. Not just like real... But, REAL.
Like, for example: when you're giving a hand job- and the core of the penis is hard, but the skin kinda gives around it? Allowing stroking? K, you can stroke this. Yes, the skin moves but the inside stays firm. And yet, it bends easily... for manipulation. Hmmmm.
Or another example: the way the head of a cock gets extremely bulbous right before ejaculation? Prominent curvature of the ridge around the head? *sigh* It had that too.
So I wash it. Stoke it. Wash it and giggle at its likeness to the real thing. Shake it (because yes, it's compliant), pat it dry. Stare at it mystified.. run my fingers down it's pseudo-vessels. LOL. In comprehensible to the mind how to describe the similarity and well... jesus, its like holding one....
Smitten. K. Anyway.
SO, as I'm really taking in the fact that this is as close as it gets in my bedroom tonight to feeling somebody elses dick that's really not there but is there kinda but not because it's a fake dick... *shew*
*blink on the lightbulb*
And then my tongue twitched.
Ummm. So, I hate it when my tongue twitches because I can't just say no to my tongue and I find that I have to just let it do what it wants.
So I did it. I licked the fucker. Closed my eyes and said "I wonder if it feels as realistic on the tongue as it does in the hand?"
I'm a sick bitch people, somebody stop me.
*little smirk*.. Sorry, had to wax on about the dong.
On another note, somebody buy me this shirt... Well shit, the whole outfit. Hell, while you're at it buy me the freakin' girl!!! *wow*
If you do, I'll send you a picture of me licking the dong. I'll even autograph it for ya.
K, back to work!
******** For Madame X********
I took the slut quiz. I think I passed... but, I put in there that I never slept with my teacher!!!! I think that sould have made me a good slut, not a super slut!!!! Oh well, maybe it was the anal sex thing that pushed it over the top. Really people, I "board" nobody, but hey I always find myself asking (in my head) "have I done you yet?"
I went to the 'toy store' today, to pick up my product for a monthly review. I didn't have as much time to spend as I wanted (I'm a window shopper), but some things caught my eye... And I had to stop dead in my tracks and say... "wtf? You've GOT to be kidding me."
Like this... The Accomodator

But really, if I it was the heat of the moment and I wanted to give her a good jolt, I suppose... hmmm.
k, just no.
Nevermind, moving on.
So, I'm out of the dong section and into the anal plugs (always right beside each other). And I'm heading for the check out, when I happen to see this umm bizarre new item they're stocking... I had to look twice AND look at the box. Total double take:
The Derriere de Plume.

What the FUCK?!?!
Do I want to walk around looking like a freaking ostrich?
Do you?
I couldn't keep a straight face, seriously.. I just, no. I can't.
Y'all formulate your own opinion on this one.
I mean, what's the purpose? Tickling your partner? Noooo.. sooo.. It just makes no sense to me. I suppose you could tickle then stick? But still, would be kinda strange to be giggling one minute and ass pummelled the next.
I dunno... Seriously... just dunno. BUT... MOVING ON. I had to keep my mind focused on what I needed and get out of there, because for some reason the sex toy shop was a little outer limits for me today. I just couldn't help but think I had to spend some money...
But not on either of the above products!! JESUS!!!
This is a pre-product review. I never mention a product until after I've tried it, but I feel compelled to talk about this one before proceeding. Why? Because it's phenomenally weird and unexplainable as to it's construction... It's a curiosity perker.
Umm. This product so far... fucks me up. LMAO.
The Magnetic Attractor (cue big "duh-duh-duhhhhh").

Ever heard of cyber skin?
Ever touched cyber skin?
Well me neither until today.
First, a little background for ya... These dongs only come in big sizes, so ladies if you fit anything smaller than a 7.0, you're going to have to wait for the smaller, more compact versions.
Inside this little lovely are carefully placed magnets. Magnets yes (hence magnetic attractor), which are said to be good for blood flow circulation for specific areas. Meaning to somebody that may believe this is true, it would intensify erection in men and sensitivity in women.
Aha. So I purchase, take it home, hide it until my little men are asleep or doing other things... bust open the packaging and carry it to be washed.
Can't stress that enough!
As I'm washing it I'm noticing how real it feels. Not just like real... But, REAL.
Like, for example: when you're giving a hand job- and the core of the penis is hard, but the skin kinda gives around it? Allowing stroking? K, you can stroke this. Yes, the skin moves but the inside stays firm. And yet, it bends easily... for manipulation. Hmmmm.
Or another example: the way the head of a cock gets extremely bulbous right before ejaculation? Prominent curvature of the ridge around the head? *sigh* It had that too.
So I wash it. Stoke it. Wash it and giggle at its likeness to the real thing. Shake it (because yes, it's compliant), pat it dry. Stare at it mystified.. run my fingers down it's pseudo-vessels. LOL. In comprehensible to the mind how to describe the similarity and well... jesus, its like holding one....
Smitten. K. Anyway.
SO, as I'm really taking in the fact that this is as close as it gets in my bedroom tonight to feeling somebody elses dick that's really not there but is there kinda but not because it's a fake dick... *shew*
*blink on the lightbulb*
And then my tongue twitched.
Ummm. So, I hate it when my tongue twitches because I can't just say no to my tongue and I find that I have to just let it do what it wants.
So I did it. I licked the fucker. Closed my eyes and said "I wonder if it feels as realistic on the tongue as it does in the hand?"
I'm a sick bitch people, somebody stop me.

On another note, somebody buy me this shirt... Well shit, the whole outfit. Hell, while you're at it buy me the freakin' girl!!! *wow*
If you do, I'll send you a picture of me licking the dong. I'll even autograph it for ya.
K, back to work!
******** For Madame X********
I took the slut quiz. I think I passed... but, I put in there that I never slept with my teacher!!!! I think that sould have made me a good slut, not a super slut!!!! Oh well, maybe it was the anal sex thing that pushed it over the top. Really people, I "board" nobody, but hey I always find myself asking (in my head) "have I done you yet?"
![]() Congratulations your a SUPER SLUT! You get around! and Around! and Around! When you wake up in the morning, your not likely to be in your own bed! Oh what is that I see are those stretch marks around your mouth! Your Motto: "Have I done you yet?" Your Sign: "Now Boarding!" * Don't forget to pratice SAFE SEX! Better stock up on condoms and lube! And at your rate I am sure you can get volume discounts! Take The Slut Quiz Now! |
"Slut Quiz - Female" is available here ***starXtest v2.0*** |
Sass - Because of my health, no strenuous activities blah blah blah...shit, i didn't spell check.
Holy crap, girl, you have me in stitches! I saw one of those suckers in church the other day. Don't ask ...
Hallelujha (69x)
Praiz The Lawd
What, the feathers? I thought it was a penance type thing in the house of the holy?
Perhaps its better than speaking in tongues?
amen father. I am going to sin.
Sin with me child, you need a religious experience. Hallelujah (69x)
Oh father, shall I hang the rosary and assume the position?
'hail mary'
I've heard about those beads!
Hallelujah (69x)
I'll let you administer, and I'll just sacrifice myself to you (for the love of god).
Now, show me how it's done.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah ...
I was hoping you'd show me. I'm on my knees, submitting ...
Praiz The Lawd
Oh God. I hope it isn't bad kharma to take rosary beads up the ass.
I'll have to pre-confess again.
I need to go play with my dong now. It's staring at me.
ROTFLMFAO, what happened to all your bitches? Turned in for the night? Hell, I'm glad!!! Got you all to myself ... finally! Hallelujah (69x) AMEN
Bring the picture to church, k?
Hallelujah (69x) AMEN
Praiz The Lawd
"Licking the Dong"
after we make "The Converter"
That's out next film!!!!!
Cyber skin freaks me out a little but I didn't try...Licking the Dong!
Next time I'm at the sex shop!
You should have licked it Madame!!! Okay, I've decided we'll go to the toy store together before the film shoot :)
What hell you doing up so early?
And had I known there was a party in the lounge last night I would have showed...all liquored up but I would have been there!
Sex shop least you'd be buying lube too!
I always get up this early on the weekends! It's Murphy's Law that I could sleep in on the weekends, but choose to wake up early, while during the week DAYS I'm all tired and cranky and telling myself that I'll sleep in on the weekend.
I will buy, the toys and the lube. And hey, I took that slut test... I think I bombed though.
Think I should add it to the post?
YOu bombed? What exactly does that mean?
YOu are a slut or you're not?
See I ReEEEEEEEALY wanted to be a slut!
Well then have mine!!! LMAO
Morning, ladies.
Ahh, Emma, you left me with beads in hand and standing all alone last night. What's a Rev to do?
Hallelujah (69x)
Rev - I'm terribly sorry... I had to play with my dong and stuff.
It's hard being a super slut..
*tucking cape back in*
Morning Rev....I'm ready for my spanking now!
This is lucky? I'll have you know i do NOT have stretch marks around my mouth!!! Those are laugh lines!
Well, hell, as long as you had fun. I knew there was something super about you. Hallelujah (69x) btw, pleeeeeez go look at the pic I posted for you today. Praiz The Lawd, AMEN
Morning, Madame ... got you licked, er, ah, linked. You're hot! Hallelujah (69x) AMEN
That pic is HAWT!!!
Ema and I will re-enact it!
PRAIZ THE LAWD, I'm in heaven now. Hallelujah (69x) AMEN
I love the licking~!
K, I had to put my tongue on it...
Madame, let's do the naughty nunnery thing.
Which reminds me, my favorite porn.... sigh.
ty, Madame, wouldn't be the same without you. Hallelujah (9x)
LMAO, you have it next to you as you Blog ... is that a blogjob? Hallelujah (69x)
Love the rosary beads!
Seriously Madame - I'm telling you.
K Rev, my favorite porn of all time is called the 'preachers daughter' its swedish.
THe first 25 minutes got me. Wish I could post it.... *sigh*
I'll have to check that one it available?
OH and I have these GINORMOUS rosary beads!
Madame, may I suggest that we partake of that porn together as we get to know each other better?
Hallelujah (69x)
Ummm.. you know what Madame, lemme check and see which site it may be for sale on. I got it as a promo for some international work.
he he "international work"
*perk* GINORMOUS rosary beads?
HEY REV, Don't be picking chicks up on my blog and then not including me. I'll spank your ass.
what a way to wake up on a sunday morning ...
LMAO, just tryin' to get a rise outa ya. I would never leave you out!!!! Hallelujah (69x)
Jesus hung over Thom... GREAT!
Dude, you fell asleep at like 7pm... wtf?!?
You're a bad drunk Thom. I should spank your ass too.
Can't we all just get on our knees and worship please!!!!!!
I appreciate that Rev, but you see... It's all about me getting a rise out of you!!
And then licking it.
ROTFLMFAO, morning thom. These two are *spunky* after the service. Hallelujah (9x)
I'm covered with cyber skin from head to toe, just for you Emma. Hallelujah (69x)
Em, you lick the rev I'll lick you!
jesus! no i not hungover, just hung ...
plus, i was doing other DILF-y things last night ...
K, that makes me all naughty and shit.
The only problem with the cyber skin is the way it smells...
Like a condom. A non-lubricated condom at that.
I like the smell of dick...
I love the smell of dick in the morning!
UMMM, unless you used it all night... then its all about the shower.
Thom, the drunk DILF... news at 11.
One cyber dick coming up! Hallelujah (69x)
Emma, Emma, Emma
Apocolypse Now?
I love the smell of Nepalm in the morning...
ROFLMAO! That was a fucking great movie!!!!!
REV - DP Service this morning? Don't forget the sermon! *sigh*
See, Thom is puking between comments... I just know it!!!
wtf type of sermon is this ?!?
and where are the welcome cards for us newbies ?
Ditz alert!!
Did I say sermon... I mean semen...
Madame, wanna wear my cape?
Poor Thom, he needs religion ... stay away from the booze!!!
Hallelujah (69x)
Double penetration Madame.
One in the ass, one in the pussy at the same time...
Hallelujah, that sermon is being preached as we speak!!!! Get in line ladies. Hallelujah (69x)
ohh ... so DP isn't for Donkey Punch ?
I didn't know we had to abbreveate it!
Yeah DP now is that only with REAL penis' or peni?
No, and not Donkey Penis either.
I take either Madame...
And ummm.. I forgot what we were talking about because my husband just said "temperature probe"
NICE! Honey Honey!! Take my temperature!!!
Is that a rectal thermometer in his hand? This is Sunday, for Kryst sake! Hallelujah (69x)
SHit I gotta go...
Mr.#6 wants to have "THE TALK"
I just got nauseaous!
But in a good way...I think
Fuck ya all later!
i still giggle when i am cooking, and wife says to pull out the 'meat thermometer' ...
Ohhh "the Talk" Everytime I have that, I get a spanking.
Rev - LOL.. it's best Sunday Mornings when I'm easy.
Thom - errr... are you sure you're cooking when she says that?
errr something like that
meat stick?
i think it's just an excuse for her to check the meat
Well, hell, child, I need an idea for next Sunday's service ... got any? Hallelujah (69x)
your wife or me Thom?
Rev - How about rectal tearing?
OMG, child, that's hawt. Gonna work on it with me? Hallelujah (69x)
rev - how bout giving until it hurts ?
emma - uh ...
Umm, sure! Just kiss it and make it better after it tears, please.
Thom, are you flinching?
Seriously Rev, I think we should definitely do a spanking post. I need some spankings.
Temperature probe
Meat stick
Meat thermometer
Thom! That's awesome, fits right in with Emma's idea. Keep the ideas flowing ... I've been dealing with these traditional services way to long. Gotta have sumthin' new. Hallelujah (9x)
"fits right in"
Child, did you read my "Fuckin' Like Dogs post from a couple of days ago? Hallelujah (69x)
err ... i think i'll stick with lurking now
K, i have to jet. My three year old just said
"Momma.. it's my way of the highway."
I'm all about the Sunday morning playdoh people.
Praiz the Lawd, nothin' like playin with the kids on a Sunday mornin'! Have fun. Hallelujah (69x) AMEN
Leave you people for an hour and there's a comment orgy!
I wanna be a Super Slut!!!
excuse me but um how is it that you aren't supposed to have sex for two weeks? like what is up with that?
also? that thing looks sorta... intriguing, i look forward to the full review...
Sass - I answered your question above, (in the first comment in this post).
I have no idea why sex should be over-exertion?!? I suppose they think I get over-excited easily. How are you Sassinak doll?
Sug - we need to work on that... seriously.
Madame - It's never an orgy without you.
My motto - Maybe baby
My sign - Curves ahead
I guess that's a nice way of saying i'm a prude
No Thom, you're just hung over.
Does Jack still respect you?
i'm not hung over!
i'm just hung!
Jack left town!
comment killer strikes again!!!
Ive try that contraption and it works great she love it but I felt stupid so never used it again.
Which one, jay?
Hmmm I am 'Sluttier than average'
Yaay? LOL
Em...I took the slut quiz and I got "You're such a slut, your crabs should have herpes"!
Just kidding... that's one I made up. I tell that one to my friend all the time.
roflmao. the feather thing is really funny. i'll have to take the slut quiz soon, but i'm afraid i'm such a slut, i'll break it before anyone else can use it. jk. :)
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